...for the children of the earth

Sunday 3 February 2013

Week beginning 2nd February 2013 Mars, Venus and Mercury change signs

Hi everyone!
How was your Full Moon experience?
I thought this photo was quite magical and very apt for all the Aquarian energies with us now as well as with Jupiter in the dual sign of Gemini, now moving direct, as of 30th January.
Dual rainbows! Very earthly and heavenly at the same time!
This photo was taken in the time of the Full Moon on 26th January, 2013.
FULL MOONDOGS: It's winter, the air is filled with ice, and the Moon is waxing full--perfect conditions for a moondog. Sebastian Saarloos photographed a pair of them flanking the Moon over Lower Miller Creek, Alaska:
"Paraselene is the scientific name for a moondog," says Saarloos. "The phenomenon is caused by moonlight shining through ice crystals in the air." Hexagonal plate-shaped crystals, fluttering down from the clouds like leaves from trees, refract moonbeams into rainbow-colored splashes of light 22o to the right and left of the Moon, as shown above.
Moondogs are most often seen on the nights around a full Moon. The Moon is 100% illuminated.
What’s been happening:
Been feeling ‘stuck’? Have you had the feeling that you’re stuck with nothing happening? Well, that’s pretty much where we’ve been hanging, sweating it out, chilling out, integrating all the energy downloads, the purifying forces within our beings. We’ve been forced to stay off ‘the treadmill’ of activity and have been learning to rest and relax. Stagnant energies are being released from our emotional, mental, astral and physical bodies. 
Anxious? The enforced rest and regeneration may have been bringing up feelings of anxiety and tension, with the desire to get moving! You may have felt a nervous tension which needs releasing and knowing how to release it has been a problem.
As of 30th/31st January, all the planets now in direct motion!!!!
...at least until 19th February when Saturn goes retrograde.
Yes! Things are getting moving!
Jupiter retrograde since early October last year, has been keeping our expansion internally focussed on the unconscious and unseen energetic forces, helping us shift all the subconscious ‘blocks’, lost aspects, karmic burdens. This energy has been forcing us to contain all that expansive energy and
Even with Saturn turning retrograde, we’ve got the optimism, expansion, positive big picture perspective of Jupiter expanding our outer world on the physical plane, right through to the end of first week of November.
What’s coming in:
We’re likely to notice a difference this week with all the planets are moving forward as of 2 days ago with Jupiter shifting from retrograde.
Body, heart and mind get a shift in perspective...be adaptable!: As well, this week the three ‘personal’ planets change signs, so there’s a whole shift in perspective, in working with different forces and energies. The personal planets rule body (Mars), heart (Venus) mind (Mercury).
Body and mind coming into more balance in the watery emotional energy of Pisces: tune in to the dreams!
Mars(the body) and Mercury (the mind/thinking) are both moving within the week into Pisces. This will help us free up quite a bit. Mars is the heat ‘stuff’ and Mercury is the restless mind/nerves which is one of the energies that has been keeping us awake/restless/irritable etc.
Lightening the physical and heavy heart: Venus moving into Aquarius out of Capricorn is going to lift some of the heavy body stuff that’s been happening since November last year. 
2nd February: Mars moves into Pisces at 12.53 pm AEDT until 22nd March
...the fiery masculine tamed by the waters of the great ocean of emotions!
Mars is all masculine fire and physical action. Our Mars energy wants to control the world through physical action, so when he gets into the emotional waters of the masses, of the great ocean of the collective emotional energy, he needs to apply a whole new way of being and living in the world.
Surfers ‘read’ the waves to ride the waves: Pisces asks us to ‘go with the flow’, ride the waves of emotion and negotiate life by working with the emotional energies within as well as ‘without’ in relation to immediate family, friends, colleagues and the greater emotional energies of ‘the masses’, society.
Tempering the masculine fire with the feminine water energies:
Mars wants to push through obstacles with fiery determination but as we all know this isn’t always in our own best interests and not always successful. There is no way fire can win against the energy of water. The fire is dampened, ardour and anger is cooled by the Pisces energy. 
The next two weeks:   
Mars meets with Neptune, Mercury and Chiron, all in Pisces! 
Go with the ocean current! Trust your lifeguard!
All this watery energy offers us the opportunity to uplifting, evolve and heal the masculine consciousness on the planet. There’s no way Mars/the masculine can overwhelm the waves of Pisces. If you try to fight it, you’ll feel like you’re being taken out to see by a ‘rip’ and as we know, when in a ‘rip’/strong current being washed out to sea, we need to swim WITH the water and allow ourselves to be taken where we need to go. At the same time, trusting that the lifeguards will bring you back to shore. This energy is taking the pressure off the masculine drive to win in a competitive sense and fighting mode.  It harnesses the masculine energy emotionally.
Mars meets Neptune 2nd to 4th...fire and drive brought to the higher vision, ‘the dream’, the ideal.
Mars is joined by Mercury 6th to 10th...mind and fiery drive united emotionally in the big picture...accessing the vision!
In Pisces, Mars may feel as though he’s floundering. However, with Mercury joining him within 4 days, he’s really going to feel he has some direction for his energies,provided we harness these fire and air signs within the water element.
Mars meets with Chiron, exact by 13th/14th February...the warrior’s battle comes to healing and resolution
... ‘masculine’ wounds are healed and memories healed and released!
Chiron is related to the physical body, so I imagine there is likely to be a release around our masculine drive which for so long has been tempered and transformed by the influx of planetary energies and the feminine rebalancing.
Trusting that this is likely to give us some alleviation from the overheating of body, mind, heart as the masculine energy aligns with the water energy of the divine feminine, the energy of divine love and finds a more balanced expression in the world. Remember, we are working with planetary, ancestral and tribal memory, even if we’re not aware of these energies in our conscious mind.
We need our Mars energy working for us not against our own best interests, aligning with the higher heart energies of destiny and with the water energies of the divine feminine. We need both the masculine fiery power and the feminine watery love working in partnership and evolving our consciousness, in order to access our dreams.
2nd February: Venus moves into Aquarius 1.46 pm AEDT until 26th February
...liberating our hearts...breathing space!
...uplifted hearts igniting the divine mind!
Lifting off and staying open to change of heart: As Venus moves out of Capricorn, we’re likely to feel some alleviation from the earthbound energies of Capricorn which have been weighing us down since mid November. Aquarius energy is air and is ruled by Uranus, the radical innovator, brings surprises, the unexpected and insights.
Uniting hearts and minds, the desires and the intellect! It’s been an age old problem for us humans, how we can get our mind, our ego to work with our heart. If it was already happening, we’d have more people happy in their daily employment, marriages and lives.
Soul connections...finding your ‘tribe’:   
Friendship and community comes to the fore in our heart space. 
We’ll be looking for connection, for common values in relation to how we see the world. This is a time when we could well make ‘soul’ links with our own particular soul family.
6th February:
Mercury moves into Pisces at 1.55 am AEDT until 14th April
...including a Mercury retrograde period.
Nothing like a nifty little sailboat to clear the head, clear the mind...on the move as Mercury likes to be but at the same time supported by the water element and driven along by the Gemini energy of the wind! The mind will be supported by the emotions, if we let it!
If we can think of ourselves in this context for the next few weeks, about 9 weeks, we’ll find the ‘water’ challenge of Mars in Pisces not quite as stressful. It’s only stressful if you go into fight mode which is Mars preferred operating system.
The mind is inspired by artistry and awash with ideas!
Are you ready to let your mind be uplifted by the emotions, the fluidity and inspiration of art forms of all kinds.
You may feel all ‘at sea’ for a while, but trust this energy is stirring the mind around and giving new perceptions:
In Pisces, the mind has the opportunity to release the boundaries which keep it confined in limitation, in fixed ideology and in the thought processes of the rational mind. Mercury is all air and mind communication, so how does it communicate in water?
Pisces is joyful with the language of music, poetry, the lyrical, the fluid form of art. It offers the mind release of the collective emotions.
This channel from John Smallman captures the essence of what’s been happening these past few weeks:
Quote of first few lines: You, all of humanity, are very close to an important boundary, and when you cross it, as you most surely will, an abrupt intensification of the divine energies enveloping each one of you, and of course the planet herself, will occur. It is the next step in God’s plan for your awakening, and it will uplift and inspire you. You have been very busy these last few weeks releasing monumental amounts of “stuff” – psychological, emotional, psychic, cultural, and karmic – that was impeding your progress, and you have been clearing the debris or residue from it that was making it difficult for you to access either the divine flame within or the intuitive guidance for which you have been calling so resolutely.
It has been hard work for you on inner levels, which is why so many of you have felt so tired, but I assure you that it will prove to have been well worth the anxiety, stress, and discomfort that you have been experiencing. A lot of this “stuff” was spiritual energy work that you had agreed to carry out in order to help others who were themselves horribly overburdened.
Upcoming Dates:
10th February: New Moon in Aquarius
10th February: Chinese New Year - year of the Water Snake
That’s it folks, for now...big New Moon coming up! And although it’s in Aquarius, an air sign, there’ll be big emotional energies!
Love and blessings to us all, as always
from the chair
...floating with the waves
It’s all about love

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