...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 3 December 2013

3rd December 2013 New Moon in Sagittarius


Hi everyone! 
This week, out of the forest of confusion!  Hoping so!
With a New Moon in Sagittarius, we’re out of the energies of the New Moon in Scorpio lunar eclipse of last month.  On top of that, like the icing on the cake, Mercury moves out of Scorpio!!!

What’s been happening:  Strobe lighting?
It’s been an interesting week of change, a little bit like the picture at the top of my last update, sunlight shining in rays through the branches onto an open road.  I don’t know about anyone else, but it sure felt like that to me.  Sun, then no sun, a little bit like strobe lighting.  Between bliss and despair!
Now if you’re out on that open road, in clear sunlight, all good and well.  Many of our number are experiencing joy, love and fulfilment with the opening of new windows, new doors.  For those of us waiting for the new doorway to emerge, hold to the rainbow light of faith and trust that all is well.
Scorpio energies still with us:   Doors still closing!
Last week it felt like many of us were processing residue from all the Scorpio life and death energies of these past months.
We’ve been working through the Scorpio eclipse energies of 3 weeks ago, 3rd November.  Yes, it’s been life and death stuff!
Walking through the Scorpio graveyard:    About to exit this week! 
Last Monday’s meeting with Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio last week seemed to bring karmic closure with feelings of grief and loss to a head just before Mercury moved out of its retrograde shadow, but still in Scorpio. 
Astrologically, the planets are having their way with us as we walk through the Scorpio graveyard of the past, releasing unresolved energies particularly in relation to grief and loss, death and resurrection. 
We’re about to exit from the depths of the graveyard in this coming week. But as we know, death and life walk hand in hand.
Scorpio energies are still with us, as Saturn and the North Node of our evolutionary direction are still travelling in this life and death sign.  The North Node moves out of Scorpio in February 2014, so we’ll experience some further alleviation of the dark change process.
However, the intensity of the past couple of months is definitely moving on!
 What happened last week: True or not is what rings true for you!

In the esoteric community there was talk of the Aion Portal opening and bringing a download of light energy from 23rd to 28th as well as talk of Comet Ison carrying new information codes to our Sun. Like others, I tend to trust the informants who have passed my ‘road test’ over time.  So, I am hesitant in saying that the past week has been down to the Aion Portal and/or Comet Ison.  

Then again, it felt like big downloads and dollops of light energy coming through.
I have a degree of scepticism in me which questions information as I have the view that life is a learning experience, an experiment in discovery and that information and truth is a personal experience, a construct of our reality. 
I do know that last week was a bit up and down and in and out of the light for me and for a few others as we cleared up residue energies from the past. 
Comet Ison:
Comet Ison went into closest contact with the Sun on 28th/29th November as it completed its journey through Scorpio, sign of death, rebirth and resurrection! And wasn’t that exactly what happened as the scientific sources were convinced it had melted in the heat of the Sun.  Then lo and behold, a bright flash as it emerged from the Sun heralding its demise and disintegration into cosmic dust.
Did Comet Ison lift some karmic burdens from our shoulders?  Did it download new codes to the Sun?  Six people in my immediate circle lost their dogs in the past few weeks.  Did Sedna call the puppies home?  It’s a stretch in our thinking but I did wonder. 
Who knows the answers to these questions!  Some people say so.  I like to think so.  We are all interconnected with the cosmos and the cosmic field of energy. 
I used to say to my pupils ‘Life is a mystery and sometimes we don’t know the answers.  We’re still exploring and discovering.  Just accept the mystery which is magical in itself.’
I was watching Comet Ison’s progress enthusiastically and decided to include these snippets as they seemed to relate to our world.  If you know the movie ‘The Piano’ you will recognise elements of the myth of Sedna.
Comet ISON is thought to come from far outside the known Solar System where a planetoid called Sedna lives and it will be tinged with her meaning. We discovered her in 2003 and you can read about her elsewhere on this web site, but briefly she heralds climate change and melting polar ice.


The Inuit Sedna

Sedna resides in the icy depths of Adlivun, the Arctic underworld beneath the sea. There she rules all marine life, and controls the fate of humans by releasing her bounty to respectful hunters and withholding it from the careless. Disregard for the sacredness of life is the worst offence. When this happens, her long hair tangles with filth and requires a shaman’s journey to appease her rage.
The legends vary, though in most Sedna was once a beautiful girl. Many suitors came to ask for her hand in marriage yet she rejected them all, often to her father’s anguish. When one wealthy hunter was refused, he gave her his dog, saying it was all she deserved. She then marries the dog and gives birth to pups and babes alike.
Ironically, a dog to the Inuit symbolizes faithfulness to one’s own spirit, making this union a mark of individuation, completion. The hunter and her father, however, are appalled. When the dog-husband carries food to his banished offspring, Sedna’s father places stones in his pack so he drowns.

What’s coming in:
The rainbow calls:    New Moon in Sagittarius
The buoyant energies of Sagittarius beckon us on towards the rainbow!  Expect to feel an upsurge of energy this week as the New Moon in Sagittarius lifts us out of the lunar Scorpio energies the graveyard of the unconscious!
We’ve been puddling around in that graveyard of the unconscious with the spectres of the past for quite a while now.   It’s been a little like Halloween!  Time to move on!
Our treats are coming along with the Sagittarian New Moon!
On the rainbow road:     
It’s hasn’t felt entirely like a Sagittarian rainbow cocktail yet!  But we’re getting there!  The universe is pouring our cocktails in readiness for us!
As we finish peeling away the disturbing and disruptive energies of theScorpio Moon of last month and the eclipse passage of change, the rainbow bartender is preparing our banquet!  Get the horses ready!
Things should really be picking up by the end of this week!
 3rd December:    
New Moon in Sagittarius at 11.22 am at 10 degrees 59 Sagittarius...allowing the idealism to emerge!
New beginnings:    Focus on positive expansion into the world!
New Moons signify a new lunar month.  The Sun’s already travelling through this optimistic sign and now we have the energy of the New Moon uniting with the Sun on the same degree.
A month of Sagittarian lunar energy:    The energy of the New Moon lends weight to the sign in which it occurs.  It indicates the energies we’re working with over the next month from this date until the New Moon in Capricorn at the New Year. Make the most of this vibrant energy for the next four weeks, building ideas, networking, learning, preparing for the New Moon in Capricorn on 1st!

Areas which may get a boost in this next month:  
Allow your curiosity to lead the way!
Sagittarius rules higher education, teaching/learning, writing/publication, spirituality, religion and philosophy.  The book of knowledge and wisdom calls us to expand our thinking and learn from the rich sources of information in our world.  Look to foreign places, people and cultures as well as more evolved sources of knowledge.

Joy and optimism returning: 
Allow yourself to hope for the best!  
The best is yet to come!
The New Moon in Sagittarius opens the door of restoration of hope and optimism, a reconnection and renewal of our child like selves.  Expect to feel a renewed faith in the joy and fun of life!  Mind you, we need to remain attentive to keeping our eyes on the rainbow, maintaining intent on divine abundance on all levels of our being.
Travel and movement:   We just want to get going!!!
Under a Sagittarian Sun, with a New Moon in Sagittarius, the desire for movement and travel is strong. We just want to hit the open road!  Now, how that plays out depends on you and your current situation.  The key will be curiosity, the child like desire for stimulation of the mind and heart.  Travel, people and new learning offer this nourishment.

Meeting like-minded others:   Gathering your soul tribe! 
There’s a very strong urge coming in at this time as Sagittarius likes to meet, talk and discuss with others in a stimulating exchange of ideas.  Through such exchanges, new possibilities emerge and expand thinking. 

At this New Moon:
There’s a lot happening at this New Moon.
Chiron squares off to the Sun and New Moon!  
Let the balloons lift your heart and spirit!   
Restoring optimism and buoyancy to the spirit!:    
Allow the wounds of the past to heal with the joy of the present!
We have within us the elements of the whole zodiac, of every sign and every planet.  When the planets move through different parts of the zodiac, the different signs, they awaken that part within each of us.  With this energy we’re healing/restoring our joy of life!
This particular aspect is opening up healing of the buoyant Sagittarian optimist inside us all with a reinvigoration of an interest in having some fun.  If you’ve felt flattened by the intense inner exploration demanded by the Scorpio energies, this aspect is just the right ‘medicine’ to bring you back to life.  Sagittarius is so ‘out there’ it’s like a little child begging us to come out and play.  Sag’s strong faith in life offers us the chance to recommit to living ‘the ideal’.
 The crusader hears the cry for help from the world!
Calling the crusader into action:   
Alleviating the suffering and ‘wounds’ of others!  
Our St Bernard dog is ready to take to the alps!
Sagittarius energy is the knight in shining armour who wants to ‘save the world’, or at least save those in distress and in harm’s way.  With Chiron in Pisces squaring off to the New Moon and the Sun, we’re likely to feel the ‘call to arms’ which could be provoke us to take action in any manner of ways to alleviate the suffering in our world.
Sagittarius has a strong spiritual and religious leaning with a missionary zeal to assist those in difficult circumstances in other parts of the world.  This is the kind of energy that will open our hearts and minds and yes, pockets to assist those in need.  After this energy, we’re just as likely to see friends, family or acquaintances suddenly decide to go to a third world country to help out. 
Uranus in Aries will be in a positive flowing connection with New Moon/Sun:    Re-igniting fiery passion and passionate fire!   
Expect the unexpected in the best possible way!
This New Moon is going to be kickstarted by Uranus in Aries which is likely to offer sudden innovative solutions, sudden insights and the likelihood of passions being reignited and reinvigorated.  Those passions are likely to be about you and your place in the wider world, about you and your future direction in the wider world.  It’s about reigniting YOU (Aries) and your TRUTH (Sagittarius).
Just remain open to these insights for the week following the New Moon as the energy of the New Moon is setting the tone for the next month.
This next week offers new doors...and yes, new windows!!!
Jupiter in Cancer opposing/challenging Venus in Capricorn:  
 Balancing home and family with society and work
Oppositions are always about a balancing act between two opposing forces both by planet and by sign.  It’s offers up a challenge to work with both energies by maintaining the ambivalence of the middle ground.  It needs to be a win/win for both energies.
With these two signs, we have the balance of the home/family in Cancer and work/success in Capricorn pulling on each other.  One energy without the other creates an imbalance. When we love our place in the world and we are feeling optimistic and positive at home, all is right with the world.
Expanding the vision of home:   Keep it positive!
Jupiter in Cancer calls us to expand our home, our sense of home, our experience of home, our abundance of home whilst Venus in Capricorn calls us to love our work, to be in a loving space at work and to fulfil our highest ideals in our work. 
Loving your place in the wider world of work:  
From treadmill to creative growth and joyful contribution!

Capricorn is where we find respect, reputation and success in our work in the wider world.  Venus in Capricorn, long term, is giving us a very strong message about the importance of love when we seek success in the world of work.  It’s very much ‘do what you love and the money will follow’!
This aspect is a reality check of how well you’re balancing the two ‘worlds’ in your life. 
Mars in Virgo and Mercury in Scorpio will be positively supporting each other in a sextile:    Body and mind coming together!  

Out of the body wash!
Body and mind come together in a culmination of months of cleansing and purification of cell memories in our physical being along with the transformation of our mindsets. This connection happens at the New Moon and sets the tone for the coming lunar month.  We won’t really get the full impact of this until Mars moves out of Virgo on 5th December.
In a few days time, on the 5th December, Mars moves into Libra and we’ll really find how far we’ve come in this cleansing/purification of our masculine energies and physical bodies. That’s when we’ll find out what kind of balanced masculine/feminine shield we have created. 
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon:   
I think both of these symbols carry relevance to the planetary energies at this time which is why I have included both here.
The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 11* Sagittarius is: 
In the left section of an archaic temple, a lamp burns in a container shaped like a human body. 
 This symbol calls us to reclaim the ‘wisdom of the body’, the spiritual energy and purpose that being
embodied entails.  To do this, we have to integrate the (left) feminine dimensions of life—our right
brain vision, our feeling imagination, our creative capacity to incarnate spirit.  It is time to light the
lamps of Lady Wisdom’s imagination and consciousness within oneself and in the world
Linda Hill takes a different approach to the degree of this New Moon:   
From Linda Hill:    http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/
Occuring at 10.59 Sagittarius, the new moon falls on the very last minute of Sagittarius 11, which means that the actual degree is truly energetically Sagittarius 12 
Sagittarius 12: 
A Flag Turns into an Eagle; the Eagle into a Chanticleer Saluting the Dawn.

This is a time when our highest ideals can be felt deeply and proudly and as an expression of spiritual purity all the way to pride in our selves and our nation. You may find that you are moved to burst forth with expressions or declarations of your higher self. Any issue that is really worthwhile and “centered” will be seen and heard in the clear light of day. However, you may need to be wary of forcing your opinions on others, especially on those who disagree or have a different view of things. Although it may be difficult to restrain the forward momentum contained here, there’s a need to be cautious of going overboard with enthusiasm in the company of others. This can alienate people and cause distrust. Having said that, if there has been something you’ve wanted to do or say but have felt held back, now is probably the time to go for it. The ‘Dawn’ reveals that a new day and the possibility of a new life is coming, and with it ideals that have to be allowed to be spoken and expressed in life.
5th December:    Mercury moves into Sagittarius at 1.42 pm AEDT...’happy talkin’, talkin’, happy talk’ 
Mercury moves out of Scorpio into Sagittarius...the veil falls away!  

Clarity emerges!
We’re out of the Scorpio cave!  The world is calling us back to reunion and celebration! 

Let’s talk!
Yes!  It’s another road! 

An open road of communication and reconnection to each other!

‘I can see clearly now, the rain has gone’:    
 Clarity of mind returning! 
During an extended period of Mercury in Scorpio, our mind and communication manager has been lost in a mist of confusion caught up in cross purposes as Mercury was forced to let go of the mind control of our world.  We have been travelling without a mind manager and activating our heart manager. Clarity will return with this planetary change and hopefully our mind will be happy to work in balance with our heart.

Truth is revealed:  Out of the cone of silence!  Expect revelations!
We’ve been travelling in the fog and confusion of the mysterious forces of Mercury in Scorpio for so long, it’s likely to feel surprisingly refreshing to find that the communication channels are once again open to us.  This is in all areas of our lives...personal, professional, political and public. 
On the move:    Mercury in Sagittarius...magic happens!
Mercury likes movement and speed and in Sagittarius, is doubly fired and energised!  In fiery Sagittarius, Mercury’s quicksilver nature will be charismatically demonstrating his magical qualities of manifestation and entrepreneurial temperament. 
Big ideas, big talk:    Mercury is a communicator and a networker.  Sagittarius carries the big ideas and ideals.  Expect to talk things up to idealistic if not delusional proportions.  Group think tanks and creative collaborations will benefit at this time as new ideas develop and expand.  The urge to bring these into reality comes at the New Moon in Capricorn on 1st January when the planetary forces will support the beginning of a new stability in our lives.

Golden oldies:
‘I can see clearly now’   Jimmy Cliff  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSuB4t3q_dA
‘Life is a Cabaret’  Liza Minelli  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QS1l1mSDSo
Upcoming Dates:
8th December:    Mars moves into Libra until July 2014
That’s it folks!
As always, love and blessings to all of us pilgrims on the open road to adventure and to expanding the vision!
Let’s build the dream for the next few weeks! 
Time to get out there and circulate! Calling soul tribes and light families!
 Happy travelling!
from the chair

It’s all about love

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