...for the children of the earth

Saturday 21 December 2013


Hi everyone!  I’m mad with mountains! 
Sun into Capricorn, December Solstice, new doorway, new year!
Hope you’ve got your climbing gear at the ready!  
It’s a Capricorn affair, so we’ll be scaling the heights!!! 
Ready or not!   
Of course we’re ready...divine timing, divine order, divine will!
Better still, just call forth the inner goat!  Just kidding!  Sure footed and relishing the heights, the Capricorn goat won’t take any nonsense from anyone as life is a serious business.  That’s down to its ruler Saturn who is a bit of a sober sides as well as offering resolve, dedication and focus!
Called to the heights:
The planets are leading us towards the heights of our own destiny and ambition for fulfilment in the world. We’ve been stretched, dragged, pulled and pushed out of our comfort zones over this past year and particularly over the past couple of months.  The status quo has shifted so that we are ready to extend ourselves into a more expanded state of our being.
Reaching for the sky and keeping feet on the ground is the catchcry for the next 4 to 6 weeks.  In fact, it will be setting the tone for 2014! 
What’s been happening:

The Gemini Full Moon:   
Neverland called us in!  
The Galaxy called us to expand and accept ourselves as cosmic citizens!
Dreams and fantasies awakened:
The moon rules the unconscious and the Full Moon is a powerful light for bringing the unconscious to consciousness.  Peter Pan encapsulates the energy of Gemini, drawing us into the dreams and fantasies we’ve put aside for so long.  They might feel like childhood fantasies which have been activated.  Go with them!  The upcoming Capricorn energies will be helping us ground these dreams! 

Memories resurfacing:   
Reclaiming the past and releasing the past...all at the same time!
A multitude of memories emerged at this full moon, brought forth from the full moon’s close connection to the Galactic Centre.  With Mercury within a few degrees of the full moon, the messages coming through our unconscious were directly related to our connection to the wider knowledge of the galaxy and cosmos. 
We were being reconnected to deep soul knowledge of our place in the scheme of life.
Painful memories releasing from our karmic imprints: 
At the same time, memories which needed moving on to resolution of the past were shifted out of our cell memories.  You may not even be aware of these memories surfacing yet.  The evidence of their emergence  will play out as we take steps in surprisingly new directions following on from this Full Moon.
Time will tell over the next few months building to the March equinox:
We’ll feel the flow on from this process when we have the sudden insights and feel the motivation to take steps into a life that seemed just out of reach over these past years.  Just trust the step by step process we’ll be going through with the upcoming stimulus of the Solstice and the powerful Capricorn energies supporting our every move on earth. 
Uranus moving direct:  

Came in with a whoosh of chain-breaking freedom hot on the heels of the full moon!

Uranus is freedom and radical rebellion.  Its retrograde journey for the past 5 months has kept us in an internal freedom fighting mode as we were pushed to confront and release beliefs, values and attitudes which have kept us confined in past realities and paradigms.   
Uranus back in the world looking for action:    Now, the work of this internal process is emerging into the light of our outer world, our physical reality.  We’ll feel the urge to get going like roadrunner as Uranus is impulsive and urgent in his insistence for movement and breaking the chains of resistance. 
Continuing his journey in Aries, we experience the radical rule-breaker acting out in a worldly sense, especially in the upcoming energies from the solstice through New Year into January.  Hopefully, the sensible Capricorn energies will help to keep Uranus on a more even keel.
What’s coming in:
We’re moving into so much Capricorn energy as we move towards New Year 2014, there is no choice but to embrace the heights of our own evolution. 
This next week from 21st/22nd,  we have Venus retrograding in Capricorn, the Sun moving into Capricorn and Mercury moving into Capricorn. 
The new paradigm:  
Fulfilment of our personal potential!  
Being a Sun on the earth! 
We’re getting ready for a Capricorn New Year Party which is more likely to be a sensible evening with a few giggling goats rather than an all out extravaganza.  We will be having a good time because our impulses are fixated on setting up secure foundations aligned with our deepest yearnings and divine gifts.

This is our new joy! We won’t feel the same need for escaping from the challenges of earthly existence as we create our joy and fulfilment on earth. 
21st December:    
 Venus retrograde in Capricorn at 28 degrees Capricorn 59 at 8.53 am AEDT...aligning our heart with the Earth!

Listening to the voice of the heart:    

Heart healing births a calm heart rooted in ‘knowing’! 
Retrograde planets call us to move into the inner domain of our being, to withdraw energies from outer action and tune in to the inner voice.  This time, the voice is the voice of Venus, our heart energy, which is asking us to spend the next 5 weeks being mindful of our deepest heart’s desires.  ‘Knowing’ our deepest desires demands purity of heart! 
Karmic healing for the heart:  
Healing heart pains and clarifying our hearts desires! 
Venus in Capricorn is healing heart pain from the past.  We’re reclaiming aspects which split off when our hearts were ‘wounded’ in this or other lives. As we clear these wounded aspects, our heart clears and hears its own voice with clarity and purity.  There is no second guessing with a pure heart! 
Retrograde periods offer risk management:    
 Slow down, tune in and be sure-footed!
There’s more information coming to inform our movement in the outer world of physicality.  Retrogrades can slow us down and in this respect Venus retrograde is no different.  But we need to remember that the slowing down is in our heart energy which will be handling risk management in relation to putting our feet in a direction aligned with the heart’s message. 
Take your time with the climb:  
Good climbing boots and aware impulses! 
We really need to take time out to listen to what our heart is saying during this time as other aspects of our being will be urging us to take action.  If you’re wavering, feeling ambivalent, then there’s something to clear/heal in the heart or mind, for that matter.

Okay! Taking action will be fine providing you consider at all times where the heart is leading as the full picture will not be revealed until after 1st February.  By then, hopefully, unresolved issues of heart pain, clearing projections and wounds held in the heart will be revealed and released as Venus’ retrograde journey completes. 
Capricorn is sure-footed and unhesitating as Capricorn takes its time and focuses on security.  Slow and steady is the way to go. 
 22nd December:    Sun moves into Capricorn 4.11 am AEDT

Come on up!  The view is fabulous!  Absolutely fabulous!

Time to shine...right through from the inside out!:
The Sun is shining his light on that part of us that seeks fulfilment and success in the physical world.  Yes, in 3D astrology, it’s about fame and fortune, attaining respect and reputation through expressing your strengths, your gifts and talents in the world.  The Capricorn Sun shines a light on you practising your own particular brand of your highest ideals as a physical being on planet earth. 
As above, so below:    Bringing heaven to earth!
The Sun moving into Capricorn calls us to reach for the heights while keeping our feet firmly planted on the earth. We’re bridging heaven and earth with the Capricorn line-up.  If ever there was a time to move on earthly ventures, we’re coming into that time as we build to the New Year and into January.  
Focus on security and stability: 
Putting down some solid foundations!
Capricorn is very much concerned with the everyday world, the earthly concerns of the mundane as well as bringing in the energies of driving ambition in manifesting our desires in the physical world.
Form, structure, commitment and resolution:  Capricorn’s gifts!  
Never, ever give up!  
Just surrender to your destined fulfilment!
Capricorn begins from a solid base and builds upon that with a dedication, commitment and resolution that guarantees final success.  Capricorn does not let doubts and insecurities undermine the solid foundation that is in place.  The key of course, is beginning with the solid foundation.  More will be revealed and released as we move through into the New Year.  By New Year, we are likely to have a clearer idea of where we headed as the disruptive forces of change clear the decks between now and the New Moon in Capricorn on New Year’s Day.
Make sure your hopes and dreams are in your backpack:    
Makes for an easy climb!
Capricorn’s high minded idealism in the physical domain needs to be tempered by the spiritual idealism of attaining the peaks through an authoritative stance with our particular and unique gifts and talents.  Own your particular gifts and talents and love and nurture these gifts as the climbing tackle of your ascension.
Say ‘no’ to the treadmill mentality:     
 Releasing slavery to the work ethic!
Capricorn’s materialist focus can keep us grounded in the belief system that ‘hard work’ brings success and the misapplied notion that dedication and steady progress means working ourselves into the ground.  The energy of Capricorn can take us into workaholic mentality.  Beware! Be aware!

Balancing the spiritual and physical:    Maintain a balanced medicine shield!  Work and play in equal measure!
Willingness to do whatever is required on the physical dimension, needs to be counterbalanced by time out for reflection and re-energising of our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical beings.
Remembering how to play:    
Write it into the diary, into the timetable if necessary!!!
Goats are playful!  Just check out ‘Giggle with the goats’! at Golden Oldies.  

Taking time out from the serious business of life is particularly important at this time with so many planets in Capricorn, an energy which is fired with the passionate work ethic!  

Taking time to play is imperative if we don’t want to end up at Workaholics Anonymous!!!  That’s how the Capricorn energy can fire you or burn you out! 
One of my Capricorn friends told me she’d joined Workaholics Anonymous.  ‘How did it go?’ I enquired.  ‘We haven’t had a meeting yet.  We’re all too busy’!  Say no more!!!
Capricorn is an earth energy ruled by the goat:
You may ask, why all the mountain images at this time?  Capricorn is one of the three earth energies and for me, each one carries a slightly different message about the landscape.  With the goat as the symbol of Capricorn, I always see Capricorn as the high mountains and big rocky features. 
Ambition and drive for success is Capricorn’s focus:
Capricorn is the ruler of the 10th house in Astrology, the house that rules respect, reputation, ambition, success, fame and fortune and is very much with to do with attaining the heights of success in the world by fulfilling our highest potential.  It is an energy which governs our working life and the most expanded version of ourselves in the world of work and contribution. 
Capricorn calls us to the heights through taking responsibility and expressing our purest authority and knowledge in the wider world. Take the high road!
We’re on the mountain top, working with our mastery of heights! 
22nd December:   
Solstice, a New year, a new doorway!  It’s all about the Sun!!!

Summer for the Southern Hemisphere
Winter for the Northern Hemisphere

The December solstice is a doorway into the New Year.  It is one of two major midpoints in our solar year. I just love how astrology and planetary energies offer so many doorways into new energy. 
The solstices, June and December are demarcations, turning points in the year which come from the movement of the sun through our skies.
The Southern Hemisphere December Solstice comes in Summer and marks the longest day of the year.
The Northern hemisphere December solstice comes in Winter and marks the shortest day of the year. 
Astronomy: the solstice
What’s happening at this solstice?    
An influx of light energy offering upliftment and transformation!

 Peeling off the burdens as we choose the higher path: 
Unplugging from the matrix and the genetically embedded karmic codes in our being!

From the Solstice we enter a big doorway of change leading to a fork in the road just before Christmas, a crossroads in the last few days of 2013 when we’ll be in the releasing energies of the dark of the moon before a rebirth on New Year’s Day with a New Moon in Capricorn!
A portal of light:     It’s all about light!    
An influx of light energy releasing patterning and embedded beliefs and memories is likely to shift so many people out of the comfort zone of oppression and into the light of a new day, a new start.  This may not be immediately evident as we know how light downloads can impact the body.  

However, the light download will kickstart us into a new gear, another upgrade of our lightbodies. The more light we hold, the more we can actualise our higher path, maintaining the bigger picture, the more evolved consciousness.
Goodbye to HARD WORK!  Welcome to living joyfully on earth!
The new consciousness birthing at this solstice asks us to stay conscious of releasing all past burdens, heavy duty backpacks, struggle, suffering and the whole paradigm and belief system that life on earth is hard work.
Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn:
Known as the Lord of Karma and the ruler of the Earth!
We need to remember that karma is what our soul has chosen to work with this lifetime and it’s all about evolution of consciousness.  Saturn helps us lift our game and keeps us on track with our evolution.  Yes, sometimes it’s hard yards as we learn to evolve into love, trust, freedom, forgiveness, joy and passion.  We’re learning to live in our highest esteem and in respect for ourselves and others.  Nothing less. 
Just like ‘Groundhog Day’, the movie:   
 A good time to revisit this gem of the cinema!
Just think of evolving consciousness and karmic redemption as we see it in the movie ‘Groundhog Day’! We just keep doing it over and over again until we can hold love, acceptance and unity within ourselves and in the world.  It is then we can live passionately in our highest truth!
Resolution and redemption:    So, Capricorn energies when present, as now, offer the opportunity for resolution and redemption.  The karmic patterns embedded in us have the opportunity for great release and resolution, particularly at this December solstice when the Sun enters Capricorn and with extra assistance from Mercury and Venus.
It’s a whole earth experience:    
Saturn is the ruler of the earth. 
In the Tarot, the final major card, The World/Universe card, is ruled by Saturn.  Whatever we do, everyone will experience either now or at some future time, so keeping the focus on love and acceptance is key.  No judgemental energies, no prisoners!

At this Solstice, Christmas, New Year:    
Capricorn power!  Go with it!  
There’s a big lineup of planetary forces in Capricorn with Mercury, the mind and Venus, the heart, both assisting the Sun in our everyday transition to higher states of being. 
At the Solstice:  Planetary energies!
A doorway of light and a fork in the road!  

Planetary energies support the ‘charge of the light brigade’!
Mars moving into challenge to Uranus both squaring/challenging Pluto:    
A T-square, a fork in the road! 
Be calm, be steady, be open and be ready!  

Peeling off from 3 dimensional reality:
As we approach the Solstice, we’re moving towards a fork in a road, a parting of the ways. While we always have a door of opportunity at the solstices and equinoxes, we also have the planetary energies working with us, aligning us for growth, expansion and upliftment to a more evolved consciousness.
Chains of oppression breaking and falling apart: 
Uranus opposite Mars bringing a jailbreak, a release from the old mindset!
The planetary energies are shifting into a strong message of potential freedom as Mars in Libra moves gradually into an opposition with Uranus, the free radical, which of course continues to challenge Pluto in an ongoing square. 
24th to 26th December:    Mars moves into opposition to Uranus...fire and lightning change!
Mars will be moving into an exact opposition with Uranus on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day/Boxing Day when our shift at this solstice will come into evidence.  The chains are breaking with each shift of the planets working with the opening of the solar energy at the solstice.
24th to 1st January:    
Explosive shifts as Mars conflicts with Uranus and then Pluto!
Big energies will provide lightning strike insights and events have the power to shock and shift us all.
Mars will be a strong influence from 24th to 1st January so it’s important to stay aware of his fiery presence in relation to radical Uranus who is lightning like in his reactions and Pluto who is dredging up and transforming the old outdated status quo energies. 
Leading into New Year:    The beginning of a Grand Cardinal Cross... bringing a powerful crossroads of active change!  
Cardinal planets initiate ACTION!
At the New Year, the T-square starts morphing into a Grand Cardinal Cross with Mars, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter.  However, Jupiter isn’t fully in play until the end of the first week of January when it squares/challenges Mars in Libra. More on this with the next update.
Fired up and ready for action:    
Channel any anger, irritation, frustration into positive actions for change!  Bombs turned into fireworks!
This cross has the potential to make a lot of people feel CROSS!  The frustration, irritation, locked in anger/resentment is likely to blow out of proportion as so many people celebrating Christmas and New Year are likely to break through inhibitions and suppressed energies.  
Take care and stay aware:    
It’s not just about you!  Choose peace not war!
It’s important to take care of ourselves from the Equinox right through New Year and into mid January as so many people will be hustling and bustling, huffing and puffing.  Don’t let your ‘house’ be blown down! 
24th December:    
Mercury moves into Capricorn at 9.12 pm AEDT until 12th January...enjoy the leaping mind, trust the earth!

Mercury learning to work with the heart and Mother Earth:  

As above, so below!

Mercury’s the messenger of the zodiac, a fleet footed mercurial energy which is quick to act and respond. Mercury is our mind energy and is, in itself, fast thinking and adaptable.  Capricorn is a slow moving earth energy which likes security and a solid investment in success.  Venus, our heart energy, will be working with our Mercury mind, ensuring mind and heart are aligned and beating in time with the earth herself!
Minds learning to be slow, sure and steady:
In Capricorn, which is a powerful slow moving earth energy, Mercury may feel pulled back to a slower pace, as Capricorn teaches our mind to be slow and sure and steady.  There’s no ‘wrong’ footing with Capricorn running the show!
Allow ideas, impulses to emerge and take form:
Capricorn energy will offer the opportunity to give form and substance to ideas and possibilities that have been presenting over the past weeks of Mercury in Sagittarius.  More ideas than time to develop them has been pretty much the case as Mercury was scattering and expanding in all directions. 
Building ideas, systems and structures mentally:
Now, Capricorn is offering our minds the right energy for choosing one of these ideas and allowing it to take form and build into a new direction.  It’s interesting that this energy is taking us through the New Moon in Capricorn on New Year’s Day.  A solid start to the New Year!

From 24th December to 12th January:    
Allow ideas to take form and develop slowly, like a tree growing!
It’s important to allow this energy to support you as we move into the New Year.  It doesn’t support hasty action.  There’s plenty of time after 12th January when Mercury moves into Aquarius which is an air/mental sign like Mercury.  That’s when we’ll feel some acceleration of our mind power again. However, with the benefit of the stabilising forces of Mercury in Capricorn, hopefully we’ll have a greater sense of form and direction.  That means, where we’re headed. 

Just remember, to lighten up from time to time so the mind doesn’t feel burdened by the Capricorn seriousness.  Have another look at these pictures of the goats and remember, we’re just a bunch of kids getting together and having some fun! 
25th December:    Christmas Day!  
It may be a little challenging with the planetary forces in play!
With many families gathering for Christmas, the potential for emotions to erupt is always there, especially if fuelled by alcohol or drugs.  

This year is particularly volatile with Mars the god of war in Libra challenging Uranus and Pluto.  The desire to break the bonds of convention, to break with the status quo will be stronger than usual.  These emotions are likely to erupt seemingly out of the blue with a suddenness that will shock.

Anger is tested:     Be pink, think pink, feel pink, invoke pink!         Unconditional love will win!  
Accidents, road rage, street violence are potentials which may be deflected when we access peace, harmony and balance.  This is a practice run of our Mars/masculine energies in Libra. Think pink, send pink, invoke pink as the light of unconditional love.  It does work with calming disturbances and disturbed people.  
Believe!  Santa’s on the way carrying the hopes and dreams of so many little kids in the world.  Are you ready to be that little kid? 
Are you ready to dream big hopes, scale big heights, fulfil big potential? 
“Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.” 
Terry Pratchett 'Hogfather'
For Christmas:    Happy Xmas (War is Over)  Sarah McLachlan  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJxgqRoU0ew
This seems a good time to send out this reminder of possible symptoms we’re experiencing as we reach for an evolution of consciousness and experience the challenges of the light clearing the physical, mental, emotional and astral bodies. 
Golden Oldies:
‘Go up to the mountain’ Patty Griffin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3_UaW7TFZQ with lyrics
‘Awakening’ Deva Premal,  Miten and friends http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSZzzLFECzE
‘A Jingle Bells Holiday Performance’  Giggle with the Goats      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4_EdJ-XkUA
Upcoming Dates:
1st January:    New Moon in Capricorn  
‘Love me, love the world!’  I’m a gorgeous little earthling!  What’s your story???
If this little darling doesn’t melt your heart, I don’t know what would!  It’s calling us all to play and it’s very ‘tricksy’ as goats can be!
16th January:    Full Moon in Cancer 

That’s it folks!
Are you open to embracing the earth as never before? 
As always, I send you love and blessings for the Solstice, the Christmas Season and all other celebrations at this time.  We have good reason to celebrate and hopefully we’ll all feel that, even if it doesn’t feel like just yet!
Remember to rest:    Like the otter, go with the flow!  

I know this is a long update but trust the words I write are necessary as this is such a powerful time of change.  I feel the energy happening now is what we expected at the end of 2012, which was in fact the beginning of our major transformation. 
2013 has been a challenging year for so many as the energies impacted our lives whether in the body, mind, spirit, whether in loss of loved ones, jobs, homes, finances and in the grief of letting go of what we once thought was destined to continue ‘forever’. 
I trust that our evolution at this time is imperative and that we hold the light within us like beacons of light, lighthouses for friends, family and community. 
We are the world, we are the children!  
We’re all in this, even the unawakened.  
They are waking!

Just remember to take time out through this time with so much planetary volatility and so much light pouring in releasing the memory banks.
Much love and many blessings dear friends!  I hold you all in the light of a new day, a new year, a new era!  May we all find our mountaintop!
from the chair...ready to leap!!!
Ho! Ho! Ho!

It’s all about love


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