...for the children of the earth

Sunday 8 December 2013


Hi everyone!  

‘All my bags are packed I’m ready to go’!  
Well, just about...

We’ve  got a couple of weeks with the Sagittarian Sun pushing us along so make the most of it.

What’s been happening:
Leaving the dampish Scorpio cave:    shaking off the water!
We’re travelling under a Sagittarian Sun until 22nd December, the solstice, when the Sun moves into Capricorn. We need to make the most of these energetic fiery optimistic energetic energies of Sagittarius! 
We’re  just pulling out of the watery caves of Scorpio, shaking off and squeezing out our spongy emotional beings from all the deep letting go/death energies. We’ve been held in these caves until we were emptied of so much ‘old’ energy.  Now it’s time to dry off under the Sagittarian Sun! 
5th December:    Mercury moved from Scorpio into Sagittarius!
Going from ‘everybody’s talking at me, I can’t hear a word they’re saying’ to ‘Happy talkin’, talkin’, talk about things you like to do’.  Everyone’s ready to ‘spill the beans’! Whistleblowers Inc. is growing bigger by the minute as so many bottled up ‘secrets’ are released in both the personal and global spheres.    Mercury moving out of Scorpio last week provided another opportunity to shake off our soggy coats! 

The past couple of months:    
Release, death, dying and rebirth!  
The phoenix is now rising!
We’ve been gradually moving through many barriers of resistance, as we have taken ourselves through layers of emotion, of memory, of darkness, of loss of all kinds.  The deep transformation life/death process is not over yet, with Saturn (karmic forces) still trekking through Scorpio until the end of 2014.  However, the North Node of the Moon in Scorpio (our joint evolutionary direction on the earth). will be shifting in early February 2014...to Libra, sign of justice, equity and love!

2014:     ‘SHINE’   
Nevertheless, there has been a gradual alleviation of the dark times as we move back into our true light, the light of a new day.  The theme word for Sydney’s New Year fireworks display is ‘SHINE’!  Yes!
Allow yourself to stretch and shift into a new gear, ready for the upcoming solstice when the Sun moves into Capricorn signifying in many ways the beginning of our New Year.  Yes, I know these days we celebrate New Year on 1st January. Just think of this as another ‘New’ year.  Seasonally, it is a new year!  So start shining!
Comet Ison and Nelson Mandela:

From Stephanie Azaria:    www.stephanieazaria.com

The other thing about Nelson Mandela that I wanted to put forth here actually came from my friend and mentor Michael Lutin, who said referring to the recent comet Ison:
”Post from nov 17:
A huge star is passing
Nelson Mandela
And ”Because the comet was seen the whole world over
It had to be a global icon
Just couldn’t figure out who
Until it happened.
That’ so Astrology!”
A lot of people asked me what I thought that comet meant. It had such a close association with the Sun, so I thought it had to do with our new consciousness, and I guess it does. But comets often portend the birth and/or death of a great soul. That is something Michael Lutin used to talk about all the time. If you want to read more about what Michael has to say on this and many other very profound topics, visit his web site at www.MichaelLutin.com … It’s always worth a visit….
PHOTO: Comet Ison at dawn in November
From Ed Tamplin on Mandela’s astrology:    http://www.edtamplin.com/weekly%20horoscopes.htm plus horoscopes for this week
What’s coming in:
A whole new ball game:    New game, new balls!  Is it cricket? baseball? An individual or team sport?
We’re gradually moving into a whole new ball game, a whole new set of energies guaranteed to help us ‘get real’ in terms of our earthly lives.  The game plan’s changing yet again with significant and possibly turbulent planetary shifts taking us into the end of 2013. 
Mars into Libra:    From singles to doubles! 
Starting with Mars moving into Libra for the next 7 months, an extended stay, which puts the focus on relationship/s, love, balance and justice.    

Planets moving into Capricorn ready for a Capricorn New Moon, New Year party!:    We’re on team ‘planet earth’!
We’re heading for ‘them thar hills’, or rather....mountains!   After the 17th December, things could get a bit tricky leading up to Christmas with some unexpected challenges...opportunities, if we are prepared to see the positive, in the last week leading up to New Year.  Just pretend you’re on a skateboard, shifting and turning as the road demands.  More on this at next update for the Full Moon on 17th where we’ll be picking up some info on our GPS guidance!
8th December:    Mars moves into Libra at 7.41 am AEDT for an extended stay until July next year! 
Mars is looking for a ‘mate’!

What’s been happening to Mars?  
Since mid October, Mars has been in Virgo.

Bodily challenges/changes:
We’ve been experiencing a purification and cleansing process which has been impacting our physical bodies and our masculine psyche.  The cell memories in our physical beings have been clearing and releasing under the influence of the Virgo healing power.  Nothing less than purity!  Whew!  You may have experienced all manner of strange physical aches, pains, twinges and weird experiences which seemingly moved through your body. 

Maybe you went to the GP to get a check up...and nothing was wrong? When we’re clearing the emotional, mental and spiritual wounds from the body, the clearing can manifest as physical pain which moves on once the memory is released.  All that ‘held in’ energy which has been suppressed for so long, has been releasing. 
Our active driving ambition of our masculine energy has been held steady:
Maybe you’ve been putting your energies into cleaning, sorting, tidying, analysing and researching since mid October.  Virgo has kept Mars focussed on these tasks in relation to the everyday, mundane world, our working life, physical health and pets.  

So you may have felt bursts of energy then a sudden lethargy which forced you to be still in order to allow stuck energies to release. 
Work, regular income, health, pets:
Many have experienced shifts in their regular work and in their attitudes and values in relation to their regular work. This may have been brought on by health issues, insufficient income and/or the ending of work situations. 
With so much Scorpio energy, we’re been experiencing many endings/’deaths’ in our lives as energies of the past are released in order that we may go on with our new directions.  People and pets passing over has been part of this experience as Mars moved through Virgo with many people coming to healing resolution and peace with their lives. 

Passing over of pets:    As pets complete their journey with us, they move on as their work is complete too.  As with the passing over of people, their deaths open us up to release locked in energies of grief and loss from time immemorial.  

Their passing is an acknowledgement that we are able to go on without them carrying the karmic burdens of our pain.   

It is an acknowledgement of our capacity to now carry on with the responsibility for our lives.  It is in many ways an acknowledgement that we are ready to graduate into a new way of being. 
Choosing ease and grace over pain and struggle:
Karmically, much has been lifting from us as we continue to choose the path of ease of grace and let go of the path of pain, suffering and struggle which has been the dominant belief system on our planet for so long. Our ‘road test’ for checking our capacity to let go of the hard work, struggle and downtrodden workaholic is just ahead as planets start moving into Capricorn from 22nd December.  Have we learnt to pace ourselves with a steady approach to fulfilling our hopes and dreams.  It will slow and steady with a powerful capacity for manifesting on the earthly plane.
What’s happening with Mars from today until July next year:   Mars is looking for LOVE and partnership!
On vacation after his hospitalisation and convalescence!    
He’s looking for love, beauty, harmony!  Check mate!  Done and dusted!
Now, with Mars, our driving active masculine energy, moving into Libra, the focus is balance, justice, harmony, peace. beauty and love working through the energy of partnership.  Our masculine energy is coming home to us after a long day’s journey into night.
Love and marriage:    With a lineup of planetary energy in Capricorn, the sign of commitment,  at the New Moon in Capricorn on 1st January 2014, expect loving partnerships to be translated into commitment for the long term.  Libra rules partnerships and marriage. 
Equity and justice:    I’d expect same sex marriage to come front and centre around the world as more people seek loving partnerships in a committed marriage ceremony.  Remember, Libra rules justice and equity, so this applies to a whole lot of areas of inequity. 
Singles or doubles?:    Learning to ‘pair’ and share!  Mixed doubles!!!
Mars is very much the individualist, the competitor with incredible ambition and drive that demands him being No.1, the winner.  So what happens when our ‘singles’ player, our ‘bachelor boy’ finds himself in Libra, sign of equality and partnership????  It could be a slippery ride!  But if we’ve done the cleansing and purifying work of the past couple of months, we’ll find that Mars will be happy to ‘play ball’ with his feminine counterpart.  For us on the personal level, that means balancing both the active with the passive principle. 
Road testing our masculine energies:  
Is Mars ready to ‘play nice’????
Mars will now be ‘tested’ in the world as these healing energies move us into a different state of being called RELATIONSHIP!  If you’ve got a strong active masculine power within you, prepared to feel the tempering of your drive and ambition as you learn to work one-on-one with others in a whole new way.

This is Mars in all his innate competitive masculine self:    
My way or the highway!  ‘I did it my way’!
Mars, the proud individualist loves competition and winning.  It’s all a power trip with fast cars, fast living and action, action, action!
Mars in his most pure state is the original action man who acts on life as a call to war, rather than peace. 
Excitement, daring, adventure, speed and action is Mars’ motto!   Mars is the god of war, after all. 
We  absolutely need our Mars energy as the driving force in our lives.  Without Mars working with us, we can’t get anything done!
Mars, the God of war, seeking peace in Libra:  For the next 8 months!  Looking for love!  Love heals all!
So what happens when Mars finds himself in his opposite sign of Libra which is all about peace, harmony, love and justice????

This is Mars in Libra:   
Diplomacy, conciliation, peace and harmony!  
A little challenging for our ‘bachelor boy’! 
Mars may feel a little stymied by Libra’s demand for balance, harmony, justice and peace. Mars wants to win, not conciliate!  He will learn...eventually.  We’ve got 8 months to get this right!
United we stand, divided we fall:
Mars in Libra will be learning that positive and rewarding relationships are built on understanding, diplomacy and conciliation.
Our inner Mars/masculine energy will be learning to sing ‘United we stand, divided we fall’!
Road trip for two:    Mars is on a different kind of road trip, learning to kick back and relax, satisfying the desire for action and movement as well as soaking up the experience of pleasure and harmony.  Mars will be seeking the joy of partnership, shared experiences in the joy of love!

The urge to merge will be strong:    Don’t fight it!  
Partnerships built on values of peace, equity and love will thrive!
We’re likely to seek partnerships of all kinds including business connections which are built upon common values.  

Any partnerships not built on equity, justice, peace, love and harmony, could well be challenged by Mars in Libra.  It’s a call to sort things out which is what Libra desires and she will get her way!
Learning to be fair and harmonious:    Love rules!  
The bull in the china shop finds love!!!
In Libra, our fiery, competitive Mars energy is seeking peace and the beauty and harmony that comes from love and a balanced life.  For Mars, this is new, unfamiliar territory where he doesn’t know the ground rules.  He’s not used to playing ‘partnership’.  So we’ll need to be aware that interactions with others will be coloured by this new kid on the block approach which may feel clumsy at times.
Politically:    Interesting times to say the least!  Long term changes continue as we transform the way we live!
With the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square coming and going in strength until March 2015, we’re in times of radical rebellion of the masses with sudden government, bureaucratic and financial changes.  Leaders, governments and businesses will come and go seemingly at the drop of a hat.  There’s big Capricorn energy coming in from 22nd December right through into January, with  a New Moon in Capricorn on New Year’s Day.  The Capricorn energy will form a significant theme in 2014.  Capricorn rules government, systems, multinationals, big money, financial institutions.  Say no more.  More on this with next update.

Mars in Libra:    Diplomacy, justice and equity rules!  
It’s the time for win/win!
Governments, big multinationals and leaders who pursue power over at the expense of equity for the masses will bring about their eventual downfall.
Similarly, if they ride roughshod over people and/or nations with their heavy duty hobnailed boots, they will invite karmic justice to come down on their heads.  Remember, we’re in a long term process, but Mars must learn the way of peace!
Golden Oldies:
‘Bright Side of the Road’   Van Morrison    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64b9RHeJPyw with lyrics
‘You can sleep while I drive’   Melissa Etheridge  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMdruvn_i18
 Upcoming Dates:
17th December:    Full Moon in Gemini
18th December:    Uranus moves direct in Aries
That’s all folks!
We’re out on the open road, feeling the breeze in our hair and the sun on our face!!!!  Time to kick back and enjoy the ride!
Love and blessings to all my fellow travellers heading ‘out of town’!
from the chair...believing in love!
It’s all about love

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