...for the children of the earth

Friday 14 February 2014

15th February 2014 Full Moon in Leo

Photo by Richardsen:    Norway 8th February 2014 
Hi everyone!  As above, so below!
The magnificent aurora from this week offers us a vision to uplift hearts and minds to the etheric realms. 
What’s been happening:

Ongoing solar activity and geomagnetic disturbances:

Up and down energetically!   Like yo-yos!!!
More auroras this last week as a result of ongoing solar activity, geomagnetic disturbance and a minor geomagnetic storm on 8th February.
What with Mercury retrograde and solar activity, we are being shifted daily into aligning with the cosmic forces of change.

A reminder:  Physical realignment and recalibration!
Solar activity can impact on our physical bodies in relation to sleep patterns and energy as well as strange, fleeting symptoms in the body.   
From 7th to 13th February:    
Mercury was retrograding in Pisces!
Where do I begin and end
...awash in the sea of Mercury retrograde in Pisces!  No boundaries!!!
With Mercury retrograde in Pisces, it’s been difficult to know where the ocean of humanity ands and where we begin.  This photo seems to capture just that feeling of no boundaries, no beginning and no ending. 
Looking for that elusive clarity:   But...good for meditation and artistry!
You may not have been able to think as clearly this past week as the water energies flooded the mind capacity.  Maybe you felt like your head was empty, water on the brain and difficulty in focussing mentally.  Emotions were flooding our cerebral pathways with altered perceptions of reality emerging from past experiences.
Re-experiencing and clearing emotionally:   
Old experiences, people, situations returning for resolution!
Mercury in Pisces has taken us into some deep emotional water calling us to clear and release old issues, problems, emotional reactions, people, situations.  Mercury brings back something from the past for resolution.
What’s happening:  
13th February:    Mercury moved back into Aquarius (retrograde) 2.30 pm AEDT
13th until 28th:    
Mercury retrograde in Aquarius expands the mind and possibilities!
Mercury retrograding in Aquarius takes our retrograde travels into the sphere of the mind as Aquarius is an air sign associated with the mind and Mercury, a ‘mind’ energy can really have his head! With this energy, expect messages and new ideas to come through.
Everything old is new again:  It’s old territory with a new twist!
Mercury in Aquarius takes us to what feels like the uncharted realms of space, where there are no limits or restrictions in our thoughts and ideas.  It feels like we’re in a completely new environment as novel ideas seem to pop up out of nowhere. 
Reviewing, rewiring mentally:  
It’s old ‘stuff’ resolving in the light of a different perspective!
We’re likely to feel that everything being offered up for our consideration, is fresh and new.  With Mercury retrograde, the ideas may be ghosts, wisps of possibility from the past taking form and substance, morphing into something which feels new and exciting.
Aquarian energy:    
Expect the unexpected!  Surprise insights, messages and understanding!
Uranus rules Aquarius and Uranus offers sudden and unexpected energies.  With Mercury the messenger in Aquarius, we’re likely to receive some insights and messages which may come out of nowhere and often seemingly incredible resolution of old mindsets and beliefs which have been blocking forward movement.
Mercury retrograde in Aquarius:   
Possible glitches with technology, phones, communication, lightning strikes  
It won’t necessarily mean back to the old typewriter but Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is associated with electricity, anything electronic and in association with Mercury, could affect communications related to such electronic influences.  This includes satellite connections too.
In Aquarius air travel could be affected. Communication of thoughts could be confused, misunderstood, misinterpreted. 
 Until 19th February:    Sun in Aquarius...freedom beckons!  Humanity calls!  Time to join the happy throng!

Art: ‘Born Free’  Rassouli  
The Aquarian Sun calls us to keep taking the path to freedom, shining on our ‘prison walls’ of any limited, resistant thinking and belief systems until 19th February!
We are progressing on the road to freedom:
If you haven’t already been making progress under the influence of this Sun, I’d be amazed!  Maybe you don’t yet know what progress you’ve made.  But trust that all will be revealed at the right time, possibly around the Full Moon in Leo this week...3 days either side of its fullness which is on 15th at 6.53 pm.

Keep cutting free from the karmic ties:
Make the most of these days of movement in the etheric realm of idealism motivating our desire for freedom!  Keep cutting ‘the ties that bind’ on all levels.  Just remember that the karmic ties release the bonds of the past which do not serve our interests this lifetime.  To be who we are this lifetime, we need to be free of karmic overlays which are informing our thinking, feeling and actions. 
14th February:    Valentine’s Day!  
Fantasy and magic calls us to a world of imagination and creativity!
 Valentine’s Day is not related to any astrological event.  However, it is significant that it falls within the light of the Leo Full Moon which rules romance, love, creativity and children.
Romantic love is a relatively new concept in the history of time having only come to be idealised a couple of hundred years ago.
Magic and fantasy:    If we think of romance beyond its limited definition as only about romantic love between people, we can expand the parameters of its concept to the understanding that romance applies to all facets of life, resonating with the magic and fantasy of life.  
Soul Mates and Twin Flames:    What’s the difference?
There’s many different explanations of these energies.  This is just my take on it and you may have your own view of how it all works.
Soul Mates often come in to wake us up, get us on track, realign us with our life’s purpose.  There’s an intense pull when we recognise each other and an overwhelming need to be together all the time. 
However, sometimes these connections are short lived as they are fulfilling contracts to help each other through spiritually.  When this happens, these relationships can turn our lives upside down as we taste the sweetness of divine love with the other but are not aligned to go on together this lifetime.  

They help us through to get on track with our divinity.
Of course, some soul mate connections continue this lifetime as the destiny is aligned.
Twin Flames carry a different energy as we meet our ‘twin’, someone who reflects who we are, the divine self.  With twin flames, there are no ‘missing pieces’ which need attention as the two energies are aligned and attuned to the same path.  Whether or not they become ‘lovers’ in the traditional sense of the word, is irrelevant.  The pull to be together is likely to be lasting.
I am not an authority on this, but put forward my learning from life experience and reading explanations from others.   But, of course, it’s very personal and completely up to each of us to interpret the knowledge we gain from experience and learning from others.
15th February:    Full Moon in Leo at 26 degrees 13 Leo at 10.53 am AEDT...let the child play!

Leo is a fiery, passionate, open-hearted loving full moon. 
Leo says ‘love and the world loves with you’!
It’s open heart time, time to break through those barriers around our hearts that keep us from the full experience of a loving life and keep us from shining our personal light in the world for fear of rejection, of not being worthy of love.

Leo rules love, romance, creativity and children.

Romance and love:
With the Full Moon in this sign, the fullness of emotional expression and desire for love and connection will arise, especially with all the hype of Valentine’s Day.
Are we ready to answer the call to experience the fun and frivolity of romantic love.  Leo energy asks us to have some fun with love and isn’t necessarily about commitment.  Doesn’t mean commitment doesn’t come.  It means to stay light and child like in your pleasure.

Romance is magic and fantasy: 
Embrace the magic, mystery and excitement!
  1. Romance isn’t just about what we understand as romantic relationships.  It’s about our relationship to life and our willingness to enjoy the magic and mystery of ‘out of world’ experiences. 
  3. This is the stuff that excites, delights and thrills us at all level of our beings.  It’s up to us to seek this mystery of life, to create the magic ourselves and to recognise when mystery beckons. Romance takes our breath away and can bring us to the joy of laughter and joy in our hearts.

 Let the child play and let the creative energies come forth!
Sing, sing a song, paint a picture, pen a line or two:  
Make it personal and unique!
This is a perfect time to get in touch with our natural creative abilities and urges.  We’re being pushed along by the Aquarian Sun which is urging us to be our unique selves and to express that self in the world.  There is no-one else quite like us.

Creative power within:    Creating the life you want!  
Divine power within accesses the divine life!
Most people reading this know the divine power is within us all and that the capacities of that divine power are tapped when we manifest what seems a magical reality arising from the depths of our being.

Healing broken hearts: It’s time! 
Open hearts and minds to the golden Leo healing power!  
This Leo Full Moon energy is perfect for us to access the healing powers of the Leo heart energy shining through the Full Moon. 
This is the purity of the Sun clearing painful memories held within our hearts.

 Healer heal thyself!

Have fun:  Dance and Sing! 
A good time to celebrate and party and shine your light!
Leo is dramatic, theatrical and loves the glitter and glam of life!  This Full Moon will light up that part of us which loves being out there in life and shining as our true selves. 
 It’s an Aquarian Chorus Line:  United we stand/dance, divided we fall! 

Under the Aquarian Sun, our individual Leo desire to shine finds its expression in a chorus line! 
This Full Moon period is likely to draw us together with others who have similar desires and creative expression.  Be aware of soul connections who appear around this time where there is a mutual exchange and an awakening in each other of unique gifts and talents.

At this Full Moon:

 Saturn squares off to the Full moon and the Sun:  

It’s another jail break!  The baby’s escaped!!!
It’s ‘breaking chains’ time with the Aquarian Sun urging us on to break free of the status quo/Saturn whilst it faces off to the Leo Full Moon which is calling us to the path of selfhood and shining our own particular light!
Healing/clearing childhood wounds/karma:  Let the child OUT!!! 
Leo is the child energy, so there’s the opportunity for healing childhood/baby wounds and memories.  
How do we do that?  Empowering the child’s nature through the creativity, play and FUN as well as acknowledging the inner wisdom of that little child.
 Saturn in Scorpio challenges the Full Moon and the Sun:  
A crossroads of change!  Choose freedom!  
Take your authority!
Saturn is pushing us to break free of limited conditioning, taking our authority, cutting free of karmic ties by connecting with our fiery Leo heart energy, our personal Sun energy and by expressing this personal self to humanity. 

Mother Earth calls us:    
Taurus is the missing leg of this T-square
...grounding fears and insecurities!
Our inner children will find great solace in these next few days by ‘playing’ with friends, being out with Mother Earth in nature.  Let your child eat what it likes these next few days and as much as possible, do what brings it pleasure. 
Remember to listen to your inner child,  ‘Little.....’!
Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon:    
26-27 deg Leo  The Luminescence Of Dawn In The Eastern Sky

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 27* Leo is: The luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky.  The light of dawn offers us new opportunities and new challenges each day.  We can meet them with lightness of spirit if we allow ourselves to be filled with the new light and hope each sunrise inspires in us.  We are at the dawning of a new age this year.  
Sabian Symbol for the Sun opposite the Full Moon:  
26-27 deg Aquarius An Ancient Pottery Bowl Filled With Fresh Violets
The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 27* Aquarius is: An ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets.  The pottery bowl is a symbol of a feminine container, as all bowls and vessels are.  Ancient beliefs about the power of our feelings, instincts and intuitions are still valid today, despite patriarchy’s rejection of them.  Violets are harbingers of spring and rebirth.  These dainty purple flowers come back year after year, continually adding new growth to old.  So keep adding and growing this month.  Violets are traditional symbols of simplicity and modesty.  They are an occult symbol of twilight, the magical transition of light to dark.  Violets open us to the other worlds, aiding us in dreaming and connecting us to the faerie realms of nature.   Become a container for the beauty, simplicity and power of new life.
Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:
Breaking FREE:   the call of destiny http://thinkwithyourheart.com/12186/breaking-free-the-call-of-destiny/   

Golden oldies:
‘Born Free’ John Barry  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhGeH07lo5M  - beautiful images/instrumental
‘Born Free’ Matt Monro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb2Awn_dYTs song from the movie ‘Born Free’
 ‘Colour my world’ Petula Clark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhmoi590M1Q
‘Over the Valley’ Pink Martini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8BZuAyoNYk&list=RD9VXjZu_9KmY  Fun paintings and song
‘Endless Love’ Lionel Ritchie and Dianna Ross http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM_R1R28kLM  Good visuals
Upcoming Dates:
19th February:    Sun moves into Pisces
North Node moves from Scorpio into Libra
That’s it folks, kiddiewinkies, lovers, dreamers and magical magicians and healers!
Light heals:    Just to share with you.  I’ve had an amazing breakthrough in the recovery of my physical health this week and am now able to put aside two very damaging medications I’ve been taking for some years.  I believe in the power of light and love and continue to work with meditational and healing practices which are delivering me to a new life! 
I trust that many of you are experiencing similar breakthroughs in your lives.    
Love and blessings as always!  
And this full moon sing those words ‘love, I’ll be a fool for you’!  Love rules! 
from the chair

It’s all about love

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