...for the children of the earth

Saturday 8 February 2014

7th February 2014 Mercury retrograde in Pisces

Sculpture by Masood Rangrazan
Hi everyone!
Hold your horses:  How’s your equestrian expertise???
Our horses are gradually coming forward, stepping out of the frame of suspended animation, getting ready to be brought to life by our passion, focus and readiness to get moving. However, we’ve got a bit more clearing of hearts, minds and bodies to come into alignment with our new direction before we can take off at a gallop.
Keeping a tight rein:    
Retrograde Mercury, then retrograde Mars keep us at a steady gait!
No good will come of galloping off after a pipe dream which isn’t aligned with your heart, mind and spirit.  Retrograde personal planets take us on an inner spiritual journey which clears away the forces and ‘voices’ of past conditioning.  We start accessing the actual truth of our passion and path forward.

Clearing the strings of conditioning:    
We are in a long term period of the ‘personal’, faster moving planets going into retrograde periods.  The personal planets rule our everyday lives impacting our minds, hearts and bodies.  We’re getting a heart, mind and body makeover and clearance of the strings of control which have held us like puppets on a stage, replaying the soap operas of the past lives, the ancestors, our own lives. 

Retrograde periods take our horses on the inner journey:   
Acceleration of our spiritual growth!

We are moving but much of it is an inward journey of discovery, expansion and spiritual acceleration.  It doesn’t mean nothing will be happening in our outer physical world.  It just means we’ll be taking time out to rest, renew, regenerate, refocus, revise and review.  It’s not frustrating when we accept the need for these quieter, still moments when minds, hearts and body align in harmony and focus.  We get the guidance about the next step.

Slow and steady:   
There’s movement but with our horses reined in to a trot!
It will be a fairly slow journey for a while as we go into 3 weeks of Mercury retrograde until 1st March, followed by Mars turning retrograde on 2nd March until 20th May.  Now we’re experiencing one retrograde period after another with the faster moving ‘personal’ planets,  Venus/the heart just completed, now Mercury/the mind and then Mars/the body.  However, the horse energies will keep us moving along at a steady pace.
Slow and steady wins the race:  
These ongoing retrogrades of the three personal planets are taking us to a slower pace which is allowing us to complete the renewal and regeneration process, giving us the time and space to create some stability and a strong foundation for our new ventures and directions.  We’re getting the impetus to discover our personal truths, to gain some understanding of our deeper desires and our soul journey this lifetime. 

Getting our ducks in a row:   Our energies and focus aligned!  
We’re heading in the same direction...all of us!

The retrograde periods are giving us the time and space as well as the urge for reflection and introspection, urging us to get our ducks in a row.  That means mind, body, spirit and heart are coming together in a unification of energy that will support us across the board as we move forward.
This year, many people are choosing new directions in their life as ideas, possibilities, gifts and talents bubble to the surface.  Retrograde periods are perfect for getting in touch with these untapped sources lying dormant within our unconscious.  
What’s been happening:
It’s been an intense period of clearing for so many people over the past week or two.   The opposing Cancer/Capricorn energies have challenged us to open our hearts within every cell of our body.  We have now moved on from the deep Plutonian cleansing that’s been happening the past week or so, as Venus and Pluto joined in Capricorn, opposing Jupiter in Cancer. 
Digestion:    Anyone who’s experienced digestive issues,  may find it lessening now that Pluto and Venus have moved on from Jupiter. Cancer rules the stomach and is highly emotional, ruling memories.  With Jupiter in Cancer, emotions from the past, held in the digestive system are being cleared and released.  Tell that to everyone next time you belch at the dinner table.  The digestive system holds so much emotional energy, so old emotions need releasing somehow!!!
Solar flares in the past week:    
Auroras, activations and all kinds of strange manifestations emotionally and physically.
Ongoing solar flares over the last week or so have been activating the clearance for all as the Sun sends out light rays clearing old energies from our cell memories. 
A few possible influences from solar flares:
Mood variations...ups and downs
Indigestion and digestive upsets
Heart surges, rate and blood pressure
Auroras appear with solar activity!
2nd February:   Incredible aurora! 
I just had to include this amazing image of an aurora over the top of a church. 

A manifestation of natural phenomena which activates the ‘oh’ response in us all, seemingly suspended over the physical expression and symbol of human worship of the God force!
This took my breath away! 
I don’t think I need to add anything further as the language of symbols is such a subjective experience. 
I trust it speaks to you and takes your breath away too!
Aurora photo by Ole Salomonsen
2nd February Norway

Susan seddon Boulet

7th February:    Mercury stations retrograde at 8.43 am AEDT 
At 3 degrees 20 Pisces...’Life of Pi’, at least for the next week!

7th February to 28th February:    Mercury retrograde
It will be slow and steady with plenty of integration time for moving forward with plans.  Whatever’s already in play will be okay for development, so rest assured it’s not a ‘no go’ zone.  Just a time of tweaking of hopes, dreams and plans as this retrograde period will be focussed in Aquarian energy. 
From 7th to 13th:    Drifting and dreaming mentally...  
From 7th until the 13th, we’ll be drifting and dreaming in the Piscean ocean of limitless possibilities, no beginning, no end.  Make the most of this uplifting creative energy which floods the mind and activates our artistic sensibilities. 
Water on the brain:    Visions abound!
You might find it challenging to think in analytical mode as Pisces wants us to go with the fluidity of expressive fluid forms of communication.   We’re awash with emotional sensibilities and the flooding impulses and vision of Pisces. 
Work on projects already in the pipeline or from the backburner:
This is not a good time to start new ventures.  Work on projects already underway or review past projects which have been sitting on the backburner.
Sometimes, some project put aside previously, may re-enter your mind and vision and call to your renewal of interest.  Follow up any urges like this.
Retrograde periods take us back to the past:    Reunions!
People, relationships, places and experiences from the past may return, be reactivated.  
Just remember that whatever returns to your life is about some kind of resolution which could mean settling ghosts from the past, saying what couldn’t be said previously, a reconnection of heart energy for healing, peace and a sense of completion.
These experiences/memories/people may come in fleetingly or return for ongoing renewal and growth.  That is, it’s not a negative or positive experience.  Rather it’s a resolution of unresolved energies. 
The usual warnings about Mercury retrograde:  
Mercury rules communication, transport and commerce!  
Delays and confusion are possible!!!
The possibility of delays, mix-ups, confusions particularly in areas related to communication, travel, transport and commerce.  That includes technology, commercial transactions and plans for travel, holidays, appointments.
Coming through with ease and grace:  
Remember it’s Mercury retrograde and laugh it off!
One of the best things about knowing that Mercury’s retrograde is we can actually count to 10 when there’s a delay or miscommunication.  We can learn to laugh about it and just roll with the punches. We cannot gain anything by letting the frustration take over. 
Avoid frustration:  
Employ risk management practices!
Double check phones, batteries, pc backups, cars, petrol, bookings, appointments, postal services, emails etc. and learn to laugh it off!!!
Possibility of misinformation, miscommunication:  ‘I didn’t mean that!’
While we’re gaining inner clarity, it’s often difficult to find the right words at the right time in this energy. Possible confusion in conversation as well as written communication, which could be challenging in personal relationships as well as business ‘talks’ and meetings.  
Double check understanding:  
Did you hear what the person really wanted to say?

There is a need to be aware that you may not be understood by another/others or vice versa.   All we can here is rely on our sixth sense and be aware of body language, gestures etc.  After all, body language is about 90% of our communication.

 Take time for rest and regeneration periods:   
Listen to the messages from your heart and the universe!
Sometimes in Mercury retrograde periods, we can feel panic arising as there’s often a pressure from past behaviours of ‘doing, doing, doing’ at the expense of reflection, contemplation, analysis, meditation, relaxation.
Remember to breathe, take time out before the pressure builds up and panic takes over.  This is especially the case if you’re in work that demands deadlines.  Mind you, we don’t need to be in paid employment to be experiencing the ‘dead if you don’t reach the deadline’ mentality.
An alternative reality:  
New ideas and possibilities come through in this different dimension of being. 
Remember that we are in an alternative universe when Mercury retrogrades.  We are exploring avenues of information which are not as present when Mercury travels direct.  Ideas and possibilities outside our normal consciousness are brought into our awareness so we can expand our everyday world into something more than it has been.
Stay open and receptive:    Interesting solutions to old problems!
Our minds are operating in a different way and it’s not a straight line.  It’s a dream world with expansive dimensions offering interesting solutions to old problems.
13th February to 28th:    Mercury retrogrades back into Aquarius
...just before the romantic Leo Full Moon on 15th!
In a week’s time, Mercury will be moving back into Aquarius where our focus will move from the visionary dreamland of Pisces to the eccentric perception of Aquarius.  Then we’ll be in ‘2001 Space Odyssey’!
The whole Mercury retrograde period will keep our minds connecting to the outer limits of possibility, outside the realm of our everyday worlds. 

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Aquarius 31st January: 
Because last update had so much happening astrologically, I’ve included the Sabian symbol for the New Moon in this update.  The energy applies for the month so is worth remembering as a focal point for our ‘travels’ during the lunar month until the New Moon in Pisces on 1st March.
The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 11* Aquarius is: During a silent hour, a man receives a new inspiration which may change his life.  This symbol offers us the advice to rely upon our inner inspirations, intuitions and feelings for guidance at the start of new developments in life.  It is the cry of Lady Wisdom to listen to her voice, through the vehicle of our creative imagination.  We have the answers to our pressing problems.  We can solve the climate crisis as well as any other crisis that faces us.  We just need the will to do it.   So listen within as David Whyte suggests, and find the answers to your questions in your own soul.
From Linda Hill:   
The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Aquarius 11: During A Silent Hour, A Man Receives A New Inspiration Which May Change Their Life. The interpretations following are taken from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom:
This Symbol shows someone taking time out to contemplate, meditate, or just to be by themselves. He ‘Receives a New Inspiration’: he receives a thought, an idea or an ‘Inspiration’ that is the answer to a dilemma or provides clues of how to proceed with something. This ‘New Inspiration May Change His Life’, an aspect of his life may be ‘Changed’- he’s had some deep understanding and it is likely to turn his life around.

More on the Year of the Wood Horse:    http://westernschooloffengshui.com/2014/01/2014woodhorse/

Golden oldies:
‘Sea of Love’ 

Upcoming Dates:
13th February:    Mercury retrogrades into Aquarius
15th February:    Full Moon in Leo
That’s all for now folks!
We’ve got a Full Moon in Leo on the horizon calling us to the fuller experience of love, romance, creativity and children!  
It will be building in energy on 14th February, Valentine’s Day, which is celebrated by millions of people around the world.  Just imagine, millions of people thinking about, focussing on, dreaming about and expressing love!
As always, love and blessings to us all on our sun lounges, floaties, yachts...all on the water!
from the chair...floating in dreamland

It’s all about love

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