...for the children of the earth

Friday 21 February 2014

19th February 2014 Sun moved into Pisces

Hi everyone!
Have you been brought to a standstill since the Full Moon???  

I know some of you have been during the past week, with the impetus to rest, mediate, relax and sleep

‘A rose is a rose is a rose’ and love is love is love:  
And then into the depths of emotion!

Trusting that you rode the Leo Full moon energies and experienced a connection to the power of love.  We sure needed that lift last week (if you felt that), to handle the heaviness that seemed to flood in after the Full Moon and for the next few days. So much heart held energy has been coming up, whether grief, anger, fighting, resentment, disappointment, loss etc. 
You name it and it was releasing!

Open heart surgery:    The Leo Full Moon seemed opened the door on the full force of emotions rising up from within. Jupiter in emotional Cancer in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, has been bringing many deep emotions to the surface, bringing heavy heart energies to the surface. It’s not all about you!  It’s planetary and it’s purification.  If you’ve been feeling it, just keep nurturing yourself and keep letting go!
Mercury continuing retrograde in Aquarius until 28th February: 
Letting go of old mindsets, old ‘ghosts’, old memories...freeing!
Without doubt, the Mercury retrograde energies are working on our mind power, taking us into other dimensions which are likely to be making us a little light headed.  Mercury is the messenger and in Aquarius offers innovative solutions to old problems as Aquarius turns these problems around in our heads and our thinking.  An element of a retrograde planet is clearing memories from past lives, the ancestors and the earth herself. 
Dreams:  Clearing up connections with the past!
Have you been experiencing vivid dreams including people, places, situations from the past, all in mixed up, confusing stories?  You may not even remember them in the morning.  

With Mercury retrograde, we are resolving conundrums/unresolved issues from our past and this is happening in our dream state as much as  in our everyday lives. 
Water, water everywhere!  
The rising tide of emotions...keeping our heads above water? 
or drowning?
Even though we’re been under the Aquarian Sun, there’s a lot of watery energies coming in like the tides of change.  Jupiter in Cancer expanding the emotional memory banks with Pluto helping Jupiter to dredge up the past, mining our bodies for unresolved energies. 
Let’s get physical!  Do you feel like you’ve been working out in the gym?  It’s emotional and physical...both!
We have the healing energies of Chiron in Pisces working with Pluto in Capricorn to bring incredible healing opportunities to the unconscious memories held within our physical bodies. 
Extreme weather:    I’m sure the UK readers can relate to the flood in a physical sense.  But of course, whatever’s happening in any country/nation, is happening to us all.  And the extreme weather conditions continue from the floods of UK, to the snow storms of USA and Japan,  to the extreme heat and bushfires in Australia to the volcanic activity in Indonesia.  Of course, there’s much more!  It’s all happening to all of us.
Surrender, Trust, Acceptance:    
 Ascension energies...purification and cleansing!
I don’t know about anyone else but this last week just seemed to bring in the energies of a physical standstill as the spiritual energies of change came in waves, washing over us and taking us each day to the hammock, to the bed, to the sofa, to a state of rest and deep sleep.   If you’re not in this state of enforced meditation, contemplation and stillness, then trust that all is well and you are
Overwhelmed by sudden tiredness, tired eyes, exhaustion?  
Meditate, light work, rest and sleep! ...when you can of course!!!
This past week,  a lot of cosmic sludge has been coming to clearance through the physical body!  We can put it down to any number of ‘forces’ out there, including planetary, solar activity or just lack of sleep.  It’s felt like suddenly all the overwork, treadmill energy, lack of sleep, proper nourishment...whatever, has finally caught up to us. 

Clearing energy:    The best way to clear these energies is, of course, to listen to your own inner voice as your higher self knows best what you need to shift stuck or old energy surfacing.  How we shift energy varies from moment to moment but we usually have a personal preference.  The main thing is to ‘listen to the body’.  If you need to move, then move.  For me, meditation, light work and rest, work best.   
Solar activity:    We’ve had medium to low solar flares this week as well as some geomagnetic activity,a minor geomagnetic storm early in the week and moderate geomagnetic storms on 19th and 20th. For me, it felt like the moderate storms were clearing a whole lot of dense energy. 

Aurora from Norway, 20th February.  Tommy Eliassen
Planetary activity:    
Definitely some heavy duty clearing energies with Pluto, Jupiter and Chiron dredging up a lot of buried energy from our cell memories.
Jupiter still retrograde in Cancer:  
The past revisited, resolving and releasing!!!
Just a reminder that expansive Jupiter is still retrograding through Cancer, clearing the memory banks of the past.  Retrogrades always take us back to the past and Cancer rules the past and memory being as it’s ruled by the moon.

From 26th January to 20th March/Equinox:    
Surrender to the cleansing and go with the flow!
Pluto in Capricorn and Chiron in Pisces in positive connection/sextile
...dredging, cleansing the sludge!
These two have been gradually moving into aspect with each other since the end of January.   It’s a slow transit which is pulling all the sludge up from the bottom of our earthly consciousness and cleansing and purifying all the emotions of the collective unconscious which have been sitting like silt in our physical bodies.
These two planets moved onto the same degree/12 degrees,  about a week ago...whew!  Heavy lifting! 
It was then that the two working together starting stirring up the muddy waters within the collective unconscious, in the emotional bodies of us earthlings.  It was from then, many of us doing intense spiritual light work, started feeling the heaviness in our bodies.  That feeling that you can’t stop sleeping, the need to rest and the recovery doing meditation and healing light work in the physical, emotional, mental and astral bodies.
This aspect comes to exact meeting on 26th when they’re on 13 degrees, after which they gradually move away from each other losing strength until around 20th March, the Equinox. 
17th to 28th February:    Jupiter in Cancer squaring/challenging Uranus in
Aries...lightning like clearance of blockages and heaviness!
These two planets are sitting on 10 degrees until the end of February.  Uranus in Aries is definitely coming to the aid of Pluto, Jupiter and Chiron with lightning like clearance and shifting the energies which are resistant to change.  Uranus is all about change and sudden change
Uranus in challenge with Jupiter in Cancer is providing a dramatic clearance as the Pluto dredge works away digging up the memories which have been stuck in our memory banks preventing us from moving on, weighing us down with the past.
Pluto is not too far off squaring both of them, continuing to dredge up the past.  Uranus is helping clear the sludge and shift it fast!!!
What!  More ghosts!  
Keep calm while the joint is destroyed!!! 
Keep the rescue remedy handy! 
Uranus can rattle the windows, doors and structure of our body as it can put our nerves on edge and we can feel a bit jumpy. 

What activated in the last couple of days:
The heaviness following the Full Moon seemed to start lifting with the entry of the Sun into Pisces and the North Node into Libra on 19th.  We are in big healing energies which have the capacity to release and dissolve the heaviness if we but allow this to happen.
19th February:    
North Lunar Node moves from Scorpio into Libra until November 2015
A big shift in the spiritual direction for collective humanity, for all of us earthlings!  This happens every couple of years and guides our direction in terms of humanity’s evolving consciousness. We are still working with both North and South Nodes. 
The North Node:    The North Node is what we are ‘growing’ towards, what we are integrating into our beings, what we evolving within us as a collective, whereas the South Node represents an aspect which we are leaving behind in its unevolved form.
Where we’ve been the past two years:   
Scorpio North Node/Taurus South Node
...death, transformation, regeneration!
For the past two years, we’ve been accessing the transformational, dramatic ‘death’ and rebirth energies of Scorpio.  With Scorpio, we’ve been called to accept ‘do or die’ change, forced upon us in the never-ending cycle of evolution that exists in the cosmos.  With Scorpio, we’ve been called to rip away all masks of false ego and pride, to engage in transmutational processes which shift us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
The Taurus South Node has called us to release our attachment to materialism and physical comfort. 
A call to the phoenix to arise from the ashes of its own destruction!


What’s coming in:  
 Libra North Node/Aries South Node
...balance, justice, peace, harmony, love and partnerships!
North Lunar Node in Libra:    

Growing in balance, harmony, justice, peace, love, partnerships
This is our collective spiritual focus for the next couple of years.   We’re being called to reach for loving partnerships both on the personal and collective levels.  Justice will be served in the next couple of years through conscious steps towards peace, harmony and balanced partnerships. 

Negotiation:  Libra is about loving partnerships and negotiation.  
International agreements between nations will benefit by negotiation seeking peaceful resolution rather than through the Aries war mongering energy. Similarly, personal relationships will benefit and grow when individuals seek balance and justice through negotiation and loving connection.   As long as we keep reaching for justice and peace through love, we will continue to grow and evolve in consciousness.  
South Lunar Node in Aries:    
Letting go of the warrior fighting energy
...and the fierce need to be independent
The Aries energy urges us to be self-contained, autonomous, in charge of ourselves with no need of others.  This, of course, can work against us when we are seeking loving connection with others (Libra), seeking compromise and agreement through negotiation(Libra). 
Balance:   Just keep the Libran energy as our focus!
All zodiac signs manifest the positive and negative energies depending on how and when they are applied.  At this time, we are being called to reach for the Libran energies as a way of evolving ourselves and our planet.  This doesn’t mean we won’t be calling on the Aries energy of courage and independence.  
19th February:
Sun moves into Pisces at 4.59 am AEDT
...calling all dreamers!

Dreaming the dream:    Calling all dreamers!  
It’s time to imagine! 
Imagine a more fulfilled life for yourself, your family, your nation and the earth!  We’re dreaming in a new reality for us all, a life of peace, love and abundance!
Imagine!  Pisces is all emotion, the sea of the collective unconscious, the accumulation of human emotion. It brings us the dreams and activates the imagination!

Allow a higher vision to come!
This next month, the Piscean energies offer us the chance to access our dreams, to tap into visions and possibilities beyond our present reality. Pisces rules the artistic, the intuitive and the higher spiritual energies opening the door of our being to a bigger picture, a bigger dream and the image of a more fulfilled life on earth. 

Transcending pain, suffering and limitation:  

Feel it, let it go!

Pisces rules suffering, limitation, sacrifice, the unconscious, past lives, other realities.  In the other worldly reality, the dream state, the imagination, we can access experiences long buried in the unconscious.  All we need to do is acknowledge, feel the pain and allow it to leave.
Letting go, letting go, letting go:  Going with the flow!
Surrender to the flowing energies of the water!
It is in Pisces, we have the opportunity to gain transcendence through reaching beyond our limitations, our suffering, our history, our emotions as well as the accumulated memories of planet earth.  
Our receptivity determines our recovery:
Our progress depends on our willingness to listen to our minds, bodies and hearts, to rest, release and regenerate when needed and to fulfil our mundane obligations when that window of physical energy is restored.
 Are we moving at all?   Yes we are!  It’s an ‘inside’ job!  
Immense growth ‘on the inside’!
It may seem as if we’re not making a lot of progress in the physical world at the moment. 

That’s because we’re doing so  much inner transformation and spiritual cleansing and purification.  We’re paring away all that dead skin of the past, flushing out all those ‘dead’ memories which need to be enlightened and we’re getting shot of all that ship’s ballast that’s weighing us down in the water.
We’re all in the same boat!  
As well as travelling in our own little crafts! 
We’re sharing the collective journey, a rediscovery of our authentic selves as we peel away the layers of the past as they come to the surface from the density of our being. 
We’re all working on it, even those who are unaware of the spiritual and planetary changes impacting on us all.

It’s not a race but a grand tour shared by us all!
This is quite a good summation of what many may be experiencing this past week.  Not all people are experiencing these challenging ascension symptoms.  If you relate to this article, then you are most likely one of those doing some heavy lifting of old energies, particularly this last week.
Golden oldies:
‘Memory’ Barbara Streisand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVwJNg4Wgq4  This clip sums up Mercury retro in Aquarius...lost in space!
‘Imagine’ John Lennon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_YXSHkAahE  for the Pisces Sun
‘Fantasy’ Earth, Wind and Fire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFuCQQyOgd4  dreaming the reality!  Pisces Sun
‘I am sailing’ Rod Stewart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWhF_pgE_CU
Instrumental, chill out music with ocean visuals:    http://www.beautyofplanet.com/wonderful-chill-out-music-the-ocean-hd-bbc.html
Upcoming Dates:
1st March:    Mercury turns direct
1st March:    New Moon in Pisces
2nd March:    Mars retrograde
3rd March:    Saturn retrograde in Scorpio
6th March:    Jupiter direct in Cancer
6th March:    Venus moves into Aquarius
That’s all folks!  I’m running late this week as I’ve been hunkered down with so much clearance.  Thank goodness I have emerged today into clarity, which has allowed me to finish off this update which I started what seems a lifetime ago. 
We’ve a mass of planetary changes coming up in the first week of March as you can see from ‘Upcoming Dates’.  With the next update, I will endeavour to be as brief as possible with all the changes happening or we’ll all get planetary overload! 
Make the most of this time up to the beginning of March, keep surrendering, trusting and accepting so we can just roll with the planetary shifts and turns coming in that first week of March. We have immense healing energies available to us at the moment.  So much dissolving of barriers and resistance through the Pisces energies. 
I believe we are shifting enormous energies at the moment and I imagine up to the Equinox.  Maintain the faith whether or not you feel you are working with the ascension energies for the earth.  We are all in there doing what we’re here to do.  I trust that the light is increasing and we are winning in the ‘war’ with poverty consciousness and oppression which so embedded in our planet’s history. 
Love and blessings as always to all ‘the lovers, the dreamers’!
from the chair...going with the flow
It’s all about love

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