...for the children of the earth

Sunday 17 May 2015

18th May 2015 New Moon in Taurus, Mercury turns retrograde and Sun into Gemini


Hi everyone!

What’s been happening:
Here we are in the final rays and days of the Sun setting in Taurus, ruler of earthly abundance and richness.  Mother Earth is still very much with us in the coming days as we greet a New Moon in Taurus, setting the tone for the next lunar month.
Meanwhile we’re integrating so much information, insight and emotional input from the universe.  What does it all mean?  How do we make sense of it all?
This time of shadow Mercury retrograde feels particularly strong with much resurfacing of old issues, ‘cleaning’ and ‘cleansing’ issues mentally and physically. 
Connecting mind and body:  Joining the dots!
Mars and Mercury both in Gemini puts a clear focus on our mind energy as well as our physical bodies. This ongoing ‘joining’ of the dots between mind and body is with us for a while longer.
If we set our mind to it, it’s likely we’ll be able to really put some positive mental energies into our physical existence and our physical well being.  If ever there was a time to clear a whole lot of old negative and damaging belief systems, this is it!
What’s coming in:
18th May:    New Moon in Taurus at 2.13 pm AEST at 26 degrees 56 Taurus...stabilising!
Art:  Susan Seddon Boulet
New Moon:  Seed planting time!  Setting intentions!
It’s a New Moon in Taurus, the beginning of a new lunar month, the time to plant the seeds for the next month.  We’re setting our intentions and they need to be focussed on the physical world if we want to maximise this energy.
Mother Earth calls us home:  We are earthlings!
Taurus is grounding and heart centred, calling us to plant our feet on the earth and to take our place in the world.  She is calling us to own a sense of entitlement to a good life fulfilling our earthly desires which align with our spirit and our heart’s desires.
Venus ruled Taurus calls our hearts to open and accept the power of LOVE!
Balancing the physical and mental energies:  
Taurus Moon and Gemini stellium!
It’s going to be an interesting month with so much energy happening in Gemini, calling out our inner ‘airheads’, flying to the moon and back whilst the Taurus Moon energy calls us to trust our hearts, take one step at a time, be sure and steady and to bring our hopes and dreams into manifestation on earth.
A creative thinktank, brainstorming ideas:
Bringing projects and plans to fruition!

Just think of this as a thinktank of creative energies working together.  The Gemini energies of the Sun, Mars and Mercury offer new ideas, solutions and the fire and drive to carry them forward.  Enthusiasm and stimulation is on offer.  

The Taurus lunar energies are ensuring we are coming from the heart and coming from a place which ensures our deep connection to our physical world.
Visiting the past:    Resurrecting ‘lost’ opportunities?
The moon brings memories and inner stirrings for a fresh start in the sign of Taurus.  With Mercury retrograde, we may find ourselves revisiting what we felt were lost ‘opportunities’ which once ignited our heart energies.
Hearts reignited:  
Trust the heart energy to uplift your spirit to a new place of joy on earth
Many of us have felt a sense of alienation, feeling separate from our earthly existence as we reached for new consciousness. As we did, we stepped away from the pleasures of 3d reality which no longer had the same allure.  The straddling of two worlds is not easy and yet so many of us have been doing exactly that. 
Now’s the time to open the door of your heart to feeling your earthliness and the pleasure of the earth itself and to capture the messages being delivered from spirit which will be our guiding light for our way forward into a new way of living.
Taurus abundance blesses those who revere their earthly existence:  
A reclamation of our life on earth is at hand!
Venus ruling Taurus wants to ensure we are fully plugged into the joy of living on earth and all its pleasures. The joy and beauty of the earth is beckoning us to immerse ourselves in all it has to offer to uplift our hearts, bodies and spirit.
Reach out and connect to what brings you greatest pleasure and value during this next lunar month.  Find your ‘treasure’!
What are you worth to yourself?  to the world?
This New Moon calls us to recognise our true worth, to own our most cherished desires, to acknowledge our gifts and talents and to recognise our deepest values.  Through Taurus energies we discover those gifts and talents, our unique signature which offers the recompense of payment for services.  Taurus rules income from bringing our gifts and talents to the world.
Many of us are continuing to go through a change process, the growth process which brings forth hidden gifts and talents, untapped joys which offer fulfilment of cherished dreams along with a new income stream.  Revelations regarding new directions and income sources are highly probable this  next month with the Gemini energies bringing messages and signs from many sources.

The Sabian Symbols for the New Moon
From Lynda Hill:   

Sabian symbol for the New Moon and Sun in Taurus:
This Symbol indicates having talents and skills and crafts that reflect one’s culture or abilities. Don't underestimate yourself and do only what you think others believe you are capable of. These very limitations are telling you of hidden talents and skills that you probably just take for granted. There is something very worthwhile on offer here, don't wait for passersby to stop and pay attention. Others may think you’re more talented and special than you realise. Get out and show your talents and abilities. Older, wiser elements of society making offerings to younger, less integrated. Worthy skills. Handicrafts. Artefacts of the tribe or clan. Quiet determination to succeed.

The Caution: Looking down on those that seem less fortunate. Underestimating the true worth of one’s job, hobby or craft. Bickering over money. Sweat shops and slave labor.

19th May:    Mercury retrograde at 11.49 am AEST at 13 degrees 09 Gemini...lift off?
Retrograde until 12th June

Are we coming or going?  or both?
Difficult to know when Mercury’s retrograde! It might feel like all systems are go and then delays come in and hold us back from attaining goals or implementing plans. Patience and awareness is everything with Mercury retrograde periods.  Any apparent glitches must be viewed as necessary halts in our progress as NEW INFORMATION IS COMING IN!

Mercury retrograde:  Risk management!  Refining the energies!
One of the greatest benefits of Mercury retrograde periods is the backwards and forwards with our thinking, our implementation of plans works like a cross checking of all the possibilities.  Retrograde Mercury often brings in new possibilities and better and improved ways of proceeding.

Stay open and be adaptable:   
Mercury retrograde can have us changing our direction!
With a Taurus New Moon energy which wants us to stay the course, keep on track, it will be interesting to see how the Gemini flightiness will work together with the inner fixed stance of the Taurus moon energy.

Back to the future:  Time travellers!
Time travel:    
A fluidity in inter dimensional ‘travel’!  Gathering data!
Mercury retrograde periods open up our communication channels through a broader spectrum of experience and reality.  Information is likely to come from all corners of the universe, from the past and from the future if we are open and receptive to those connections.

Me and my shadow:  ‘Shadows’ and memories from the past! 

Befriending the past!
Who or what’s been shadowing you, waiting for acknowledgement, acceptance, reunion or resolution?  This is the time when the ‘shadows’ of disowned, ignored or forgotten aspects come to visit. 

Possible challenges during Mercury retrograde periods:

Technology:  Glitches, delays, breakdowns
Patience and awareness is a key to negotiating this time period. You often see this kind of thing happening in the commercial world of banking, shopping, buying, selling, payments.  Also any technology such as cell phones, home entertainment.

Try not to leave things to the last minute with this time.  You can’t guarantee it will flow for you but it’s a kind of risk management that can work. 

Lines are crossed:  
Misinformation, misunderstanding, confusion, forgetfulness
Be aware this can take place in the personal arena as well as the public or work environment.  

Appointments – double check times and meeting places
Double check for meaning in conversation rather than making assumptions, jumping to conclusions.
Bookings for shows, accommodation, travel – double check
Travel or transport problems:  Timetables, tetchiness and trip ups!
The problem with this Mercury retrograde period is that we’ll be wanting to get there fast, not be delayed and not thinking ahead!
All we can do is double check bookings, road clearance, weather, roads and ensure road vehicles are tuned up, filled up with fuel etc.
Air flights:  Not much we can do except leave early for the airport and trust!
The Sabian symbol for the Mercury retrograde degree:  Particularly relevant for this retrograde period!
From Lynda Hill: http://sabiansymbols.com/

This Symbol speaks of psychic and clairvoyant communication with others and the ability to be able to pick up on what others are thinking. You can communicate with someone and it is not always necessary to be physically face-to-face, or on the phone or emailing them or the like. You can have bonds with people that are unaffected by distance or actually being in touch with each other. Let your heart tell you that you are always in their company and there is no need to feel alone. Keeping others in your mind and heart will communicate something to them, and probably they back to you. Conquering space and time limitations. Psychic and mental communication. Sharing ideas. The ‘other person’ knowing what is felt or thought. Being on the same frequency.

The Caution: Blocking out psychic awareness because of fear. Manipulating others by subtle means. Mind and thought control. Feeling very separated by time and space.

21st May:    Sun moves into Gemini at 6.44 pm AEST...taking to the air!
 until 22nd June

Mind power takes hold!  Butterfly energy!
The Gemini Sun puts the focus on our mind energy!  With Mercury and Mars already travelling through Gemini, our mental energy is empowered by the light of the Sun. 
Our fire and drive/Mars is being energised by our mind energy and our communication channels are wide open with Mercury as the doorperson.
Mind expansion:  Accessing the divine mind!
The Gemini Sun is calling us to access the mind energy and to experience an expansion of our capacity to think beyond the mundane, to evolve our mind consciousness.
The test of our power and authority this month will rest with our capacity to be aware of our thinking and to harness its power for our own best interests in moving forward.

Messages coming:    Thick and fast!
Gemini rules communication, education and travel.  With Mercury in Gemini, in its own sign, we have a doubly strong message...information coming in as fast as we can process it. 
Be discriminating in what you receive, accept and believe.  Utilise the higher mind to choose the higher path of information.  Lots to discover and uncover with Mercury revealing all kinds of truths about who your ‘Gemini’ self is.  Remember, we belong to every sign of the zodiac.
A stellium in Gemini:    Super person trying to do 100 things at once!  

With the Sun, Mars and Mercury all in Gemini, we’ll feel like we can take on a multitude of activities and cover all the bases at the same time.  With the mind soaring into new ways of thinking, new ideas and new potential and the fiery Mars charging our spirits with confidence in our mental focus and energies, we could become scattered, spreading ourselves too thin.
It might feel like we’re flying with all the Gemini energy firing up the hot air balloons. 

Risk management energies:  Grounding the butterflies!
1.  The Taurus New Moon energy will offer a stabilising and grounding energy through the month and will be calling us to bring some of the mental energy into the earthly environment.
2.  Mercury retrograde will keep us to a pace we can handle, even if we don’t like the delays!
3.  For about the first week of Sun in Gemini, until 26th, we’ll have Saturn in Sagittarius opposing the Gemini Sun
If ever there was a planet to slow us down and keep us making steady progress, it’s Saturn!
Golden Oldies:
‘Your Love Has Lifted Me Higher’ Rita Coolidge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huK1bLMcb0c  Taurus New Moon
‘Me and my shadow’ Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-4uKgXRnpI  Mercury retrograde
‘Come Healing’ Leonard Cohen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUB1O2cT2gM&list=RDMUB1O2cT2gM#t=0  Taurus New Moon
‘Come Healing’ with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA9VExCEV_k
‘Those were the Days’ Mary Hopkins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9JOmU2jFUo for Mercury retrograde
‘Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows’ Lesley Gore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT6ndp1WlyA Gemini Sun
‘Computer Trouble’ French and Saunders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkBAxhE6SEw Laugh it off through Mercury retrograde
Upcoming Dates:
3rd June:    Full Moon in Sagittarius
6th June:    Venus moves into Leo
That’s it everyone!  Been dealing with the technology glitches with this update but remaining calm and PATIENT!  haha
We’re in the time tunnel of Mercury retrograde, flying up to the Gemini Sun, bathing in the light of Mother Moon Taurus.  It may feel confusing as so much is happening in our inner consciousness through this period of time.  But we are on the move!
As always love and blessings to all of us travellers on the road less travelled.  We’re on the move, in the air, on the ground, swimming through the currents of change and transformation.  

Remember that Venus ruled Taurus calls us to love and Gemini calls us to find the missing ‘twin’ so with this energy anything could happen!
from the chair
being uplifted


It’s all about love


  1. Excellent overview, Helen. Always appreciate your blogs!

  2. Thanks Sharon. Always lovely to get a message of appreciation xxx
