...for the children of the earth

Saturday 30 May 2015

30th May 2015 What's it all about Alfie?


Hi everyone!

What’s been happening:
Where’s the horizon:  Drifting in the light!
We are travelling...spiritually rather than physically! You may feel like you’re ‘going backwards’ or even at a standstill, grounded physically but with a brain full of butterflies.
Our ‘horses’ are grazing within the paddock,  somewhat confined  yet drifting under the Gemini Sun seeking nourishment and being in the moment.

Mercury is running this show!
This past 10 days or so we’ve been guided by the winged messenger Mercury who’s up to all the tricks of the retrograde energy, aided and abetted by some powerful planetary forces.
We’re travelling ‘under the radar’ of physicality as we mentally and spiritually implode, disintegrate and align with our higher mind. 

Networking the planet with light:
We’re engaged in a major cleansing process and consciousness upgrade.  As we disintegrate old thinking, we bring in the light of pure love and truth for ourselves and for the whole planet.  We ARE the glitterball of divinity!
A Gemini pyjama party: Exhausted but no-one wants to go to bed!  Raising the roof of consciousness!
It’s been an intense time over the last week or so since the Sun moved into Gemini, joining Mars and Mercury.  A stellium of planets in Gemini, putting the focus on our mind, our thinking, communication processes and nervous energy has kept us on our toes for the past 10 days.  Mars in Gemini wants to party and to party hard but our physical fire and drive may be somewhat depleted.
Mars, fire and drive feeling stymied:  Are you fighting or flowing?
Mars is a masculine, fiery driving force, traditionally an aspect of the ego which wants to ‘make things happen’ through physical action.  With a number of strong planetary aspects occurring through these past 10 days, Mars has been housebound and forced to take some time out.  Of course, you won’t have felt ‘forced’ if you’ve been allowing the energies to take you through this last stretch.  It’s the fighting and resistance in forcing your personal will against divine will which brings tetchiness, frustration and irritation. 
Mercury retrograde:    Mindblowing time!
‘What’s it all about Alfie?’:  Can I get it together?  Retrieving the pieces!
Just to ‘complicate’ matters, Mercury turned retrograde in its own sign of Gemini on 19th and we were thrown into the complexity of disarray as the completed jigsaw of our mindset/belief system was disconnected as the jigsaw pieces were pulled asunder.
Mental house cleaning: 
Cleansing, purification, release and rearrangement!
Mercury retrograde is always about a mind purification and upgrade of consciousness.  The intensity of this particular upgrade has been doubled with Mercury in his own sign and the Sun and Mars adding to the Gemini focus. 

We’ve been releasing the shadow mind and memory!
Clarity has been elusive:  Safety nets of old thinking must go!
Mentally, you may have felt confused as all the usual channels of thinking have been difficult to access.  As we let go of those mindsets, belief systems and safety nets of predictability, our usual escape hatches, we have been disconnected from normal reality. This is not just Mercury retrograde. 
Over the past week we’ve had Saturn, Neptune, Mars, the Sun, Venus. Chiron and Jupiter all in play with each other and the Gemini energies.

The past week:    Crossing bridges of consciousness!
Creating beginnings, opening doors to healing, meeting shadows  and resolving conflicts!
23rd May:    Sun in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius
Taking our spiritual authority!
This past week we’ve experienced the Saturn/Sun opposition in the signs of communication, learning and travel, Sagittarius and Gemini. This was a big call to authenticity, to own our spiritual essence and to join two forces which offer positive growth and learning, 
This meeting of Saturn opposite the Sun set the ball in motion for the week with a series of planetary transits rolling in on top of each other, over the top of us like waves coming to shore
Here is a list of the major planetary movements of this past week:
Waves of change:
26th:  Venus/heart in Cancer square/challenge to Uranus in Aries...shock, heart opening
26th:  Mars in Gemini square/challenge Neptune in Pisces...mind boggling, spiritually uplifting
27th:    Mercury meets Mars in Gemini...mind and body alignment
30th:    Sun meets Mercury in Gemini...the essential self alignment with mind
31st:    Sun squares/challenges Neptune...alignment of personal self with higher spiritual authority
There was so much happening on a daily basis with transits overlapping other transits, it was impossible for a Mercury ruled mind to get a grip on it all!
Please remember that some of us may have been more directly affected than others.  Much depends on your personal natal chart. 
What’s been happening physically, mentally, emotionally: 
Release, realignment and renewal!
Many people are feeling the impact of all the planetary energies.  Some are feeling physical exhaustion, emotional frustration and anger, mental confusion and spiritual loss of direction.  Please keep reminding yourself that it’s a temporary state of affairs as our realignment to a higher authority continues  during this Mercury retrograde period.  We have to lose our minds, bodies and spirits to find them again in a whole new state of being.  
Mars is our physical body:    Evolving the body consciousness!
If you’ve had aches and pains physically, emotions of frustration, anger, grief, fear, irritation or anything dragging you down, then trust that these energies are shifting from the physical,emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Mars rules the head, fire and passion.   
Gemini and Mercury metaphysically rule the lungs, breathing, respiratory system, arms, legs’
Jupiter in Leo, ruling the circulation and heart.
Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:  

‘God realized:  the domain of the christ’
Here’s an extract, the opening lines:
Have you lost your mind? If not, there’s still time!

We just moved into what could potentially be the most exciting, most fulfilling mercury retrograde yet…a time, an opening, an opportunity to GOD realize, according to the Pleiadians.

We are entering a period of heightened mental capability and for those prepared, this means the ability to fully surrender the lower (monkey) mind in order to merge with the higher (divine) mind…a time to remember the basis of divine creatorship as our thoughts become the springboard by which our christed-consciousness reveals itself.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…the seemingly never-ending phase of EMPTYing out all the contents of our former selves continues as we are pushed (on purpose) to the limits of our humanity…to our breaking point and beyond.  To merge with our higher Self we are forced to surrender ALL of ourselves…in complete faith…to complete nothingness…in order to embody our true, authentic nature.

We are definitely not in Kansas anymore and the determination involved in these final, yet Herculean contractions of surrender is not for chumps. “Let go and let God” takes on a WHOLE new meaning here.

For those ensouling, the last 3 months amounted to a loss of identity unlike any other to date…a renouncing of our human-made self and life, a giving over of the remains of all of everything in exchange for our absoluteness.

If you are feeling held back, blocked from your bliss, depleted of life force, uninspired, unmotivated, depressed, defeated, abandoned, trapped, ANXIOUS, unfamiliar with yourself, confused about your place in life and the world, disconnected from a sense of purpose, thrashing thru an existential crisis of inconceivable proportion, deflated to the point of dissolving & wanting to go Home…I have good news: It’s very likely that you are in the throes of what the ego perceives as literal death….and on the other side of that ultimate surrender, is GOD realization.
The peaceful calm of eternal stillness awaits us all…
As far as our embodiment goes, we are so close to touching down and this is definitely kicking up deep survival fears accompanied by the typical ‘healing crisis’ type scenarios.  The lower body system is totally unfamiliar with the level of light that we are inundated with this year and as usual, it has a tendency to buck in defiance.  As we ground our very BIG Selves into our very small bodies, it can also elicit some temporary feelings of confinement, claustrophobia, even suffocation where the body feels limiting to the soul.
Golden Oldies:
‘You’ll never walk alone’ Elvis Presley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN8oN8I3lrk Walking on through Mercury retrograde
‘What’s it all about Alfie?’ Cilla Black with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAuoNa5g6i8

Upcoming Dates:
3rd June:   Full Moon in Sagittarius
6th June:   Venus moves into Leo
That’s it folks! 
We’ll be in the energies of the Full Moon in Sagittarius from 31st May as it comes into fullness on 3rd June at 2.18 am AEST.  I’ll have another update directly relating to this hopefully out by 1st June.  Quite frankly, I’ve been unable to complete this one until today as I’ve been totally lost in a fog of mental confusion and physical exhaustion.  I had intended it to go out last weekend.  But,  there you go...with the flow.  Nothing for it.
Mercury moves direct on 12th June, although we’ll still be in retrograde shadow for a couple of weeks after this time.

As always, love and blessings to all my fellow travellers crossing bridges, balancing energies and holding the energetic force of Mercury retrograde!
from the chair...renovating the mind, body, spirit and heart!
and dreaming the dream!

It’s all about love

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