...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 1 July 2015

2nd July 2015 Full Moon in Capricorn

Hi everyone!  What’s up Doc?  Safe to come out?
It’s been quite a week or so, hasn’t it!  The mid year Solstice was ushered in by a series of about 6 solar flares which stimulated some major geomagnetic activity, solar storms of moderate to severe strength. 
In fact we had about 24 hours of ongoing geomagnetic storms 22nd/23rd which took many of us by surprise, knocking the stuffing out of our physical bodies.  Mind you, I needed some stuffing to be released by the intense light activation and scrambling of the magnetic field. These light activations can derail, detox our whole beings as we’re realigned, cleansed and purified. 
Just as we thought we were through, we had another shorter and less severe wave accompanied by a an extreme X flare and more geomagnetic storming.
So if you’ve been feeling challenged physically, you are not alone.  We all experience solar activity in different ways and at different times.  It’s a personal reaction and can be related to our own personal natal chart.
However, a common thread this past week has been the exhaustion, aching in the body and the flu like symptoms with temperature fluctuations which many know as ‘Spiritual flu’. I felt like I’d been run over by a bus!  I think that bus was getting around the world and crushing the life out of many of us. 
It helps reminding myself that it’s all good as the cellular cleansing and the spiritual upliftment is happening as the light pours into me. 

Above:  Aurora Borealis 22nd June  
To the left:   Aurora Australis 22nd June
The beautiful auroras were evident in both hemispheres as a result of all the solar activity.                  
Images of Northern lights, Aurora Borealis
Images of Southern Lights, Aurora Australis
1st July:    Venus meets/conjoins Jupiter
Photo from 18th June:
Moon, Venus and Jupiter in Leo
This auspicious energy has been building all week, having all kinds of impact on us personally as well as globally. It’s all happening at the heart level opening the way for the light of the Sun to fill us with the expansion of our heart centre.
Leo is ruled by the Sun bringing the essence of authentic selves into the light and into prominence.  As Jupiter and Venus meet in this powerful Sun sign, the potential for heart opening experiences is expanded along with the potential of expansion of positivity, justice, love, beauty, harmony and great optimism.
If you’re not feeling the full impact of these vibes, then trust that the Capricorn Full Moon energy is doing its work of clearing the blockages to the full experience of the Jupiter/Venus meeting.
USA Supreme Court rules same sex marriage legal:  
Venus and Jupiter send their messages of love!
Interesting with the USA Supreme Court making marriage legal for same sex couples.  Unifying polarities!
After having a quick look at the USA’s chart, it would seem that Uranus, the awakener, sitting on Chiron (the wound) in the 4th house of home, country and stirring up the wound was all to the good as Jupiter and Venus were casting a positive glow of energy in a trine from their position in Leo. Jupiter and Venus have just moved into the USA’s 9th house of spirituality, higher learning and consciousness along with truth and social justice.

It really feels like the New Moon in Gemini, symbol of the twins and the lovers was working for this change coming in this week with one of the biggest nations in the world.  I think USA is the third biggest population.
Balancing the masculine/feminine energies:
What a huge shift in consciousness!  Of course it’s not just about same sex marriage equality.  It’s much bigger than that and gives strength to the power of rainbow consciousness which is about unification rather than separation.  This is a real door opener for further walls of resistance to fall away.
I trust that the growth to equity and abundance for all on this planet finds a renewed impetus on all levels.  Wherever a barrier is taken down, on whatever issue, it is taken down for all whether the homeless, the refugees, the impoverished, the imprisoned, the sick, the fearful.  It is the same banner of equity and inclusion against inequity and exclusion. 
2nd July:    Full Moon in Capricorn at 12.19 pm AEST at 9 degrees 55 Capricorn
Capricorn, earthy, grounded and yet calling us to scale the heights.  We just have to stay focussed, aware and watch our step!
The Full Moon:    Completion, fullness and illumination!
Something comes to a head, a turning point and/or a crisis.  It’s a release time to clear the clag that’s blocking clear vision.  Difficult to make a good decision during full moon time (3 days before and after the moon comes to fullness) as the moon throws up all kinds of illusions and ghosts which can be like red herrings taking us off in a direction not clearly aligned with our truth and integrity.
Information comes to light:  Capricorn Moon offers self-respect!
The Full Moon opens up our deepest recesses of memory, bringing to light information which has been buried, denied, unacknowledged.  The Capricorn Full Moon brings information about ourselves, our history and our gifts in relation to our place in the world. in the world of work and the world of respect and reputation. We need this information if we are to claim our rightful place!
Our working life:
Capricorn rules the world of work in terms of attaining success on both the material and personal level.  So many in our world are working hard, hard, hard to attain financial success and personal accolades and acknowledgement.  Capricorn is our inner slave driver of ambition and can take us into the workaholic beliefs that ‘hard work and struggle is the way to go.

Material and Physical Security: 
Capricorn is very much concerned with financial success and progress and calls us to be ambitious in attaining this financial abundance along with the positive vibes that go with success in the worldly sphere.  We don’t need to be in a workplace to experience the sense of satisfaction from a job well done and to be appreciated and acknowledged for our contribution.
Full Moon close to Pluto in Capricorn:   Bonanza or bust!
The full moon brings memories, the past and the unconscious into the light. Pluto in Capricorn is mining the collective unconscious, digging up the mud along with the gold of buried treasures within the collective and individual psyche.  Let’s not forget that Pluto rules transformation, death, life, rebirth. 
Transformation and release of collective memories:
With the Full Moon in Capricorn, we’re dealing with the memories of planet earth’s collective memories of systems and governments, material success and abundance.  Is it any wonder that the Greek ‘crisis’ is impacting so many.  Greece, the seat of our modern democracy, is challenging the status quo, the Capricorn establishment.  This is just one immediate manifestation that comes to mind.

Pluto is big money:  Jumpy stockmarkets and investors!
Pluto is also relate to big money such as stockmarkets, multinationals so the release of the old filters and memories in relation to these is giving us access to a new clarity within us all. The stockmarkets are ruled by fear, triggered into decline or uplift depending on perceptions and projections of what may or may not happen.  Seeing Greece’s ‘moves’ impacting this whole area.

Personal impact: 
Collective doubts, fears and insecurities released!  
Reach for the best expression of yourself:   
Keep focussed on the top of the mountain!
On the personal level, it’s the individual in the society and how the individual interacts and flourishes within that society which becomes our focus. 
Hold your footing and resolve:
Many of us are feeling the collective experience as we too release our doubts, fears and insecurities about the worthiness of our place in the world, our contribution to the world.  Are we feeling like it’s ‘me against the world’ and if so, can we recreate the image of ourselves in our rightful place in the world!
Maybe we feel like we’re stuck, between a rock and a hard place.  Then again, maybe we’re just pausing to get our breath, to get some clarity, to take some time out. The critical inner voice can throw us off track.  Just allowing ourselves to be and knowing we’re on track and we’re headed to our own personal best is the way to go!
Sun close to Mars in Cancer:
In emotional, watery Cancer Mars the fiery warrior is somewhat softened, on vacation in Hawaii maybe.  The Sun, our outer masculine expression in the world is connecting to Mars the warrior both planetary energies in Cancer, so we can experience the evolution of our desire to ‘fight’ and the urge to relax on the beach, even as the dark Goddess of energy of the Full Moon with Pluto stirs up her stuff.
Balancing home and work:  
Two worlds governed by Cancer/home and Capricorn/work!
Cancer rules the home, family and emotional security.  The Cancerian Sun concerned with home is sitting opposite the Full Moon in Capricorn which is concerned with working life. You may find issues arising around these areas, one or the other or the balancing of the needs of both, today’s major modern challenge for many people.
Negotiating the full moon energies with ease and grace:  
Letting go the mind and opening the heart!
The key to accessing the best of this Full Moon is allowing ourselves to relax ‘on the beach’ and release despite the fears doubts and insecurities being stirred up.  Jupiter meeting with Venus in Leo in the light of this full moon is assisting us by guiding us straight to the heart.  If you’re getting into the fighting mind energy which is arguing the point and resisting the ‘go with the flow’ energy, trying to control from the ego, you’ll feel knotted up on all levels.
It’s worth checking out the Sabian Symbols at this Full Moon because they capture the conflicts as well as the opportunities inherent in the current energies.
See link below.
Moon’s nodes forming a Grand Cross with the Full Moon and Sun:  Choosing the more evolved and higher consciousness pathway!
This is not what we call a ‘tight’ connection and therefore the intensity may be lessened.  Nevertheless whenever the nodes are in play, we know that evolution of consciousness and spiritual growth is at hand and calling us to step up to the plate.
Choosing the Libran path of balance:
The North Node currently in Libra is calling us all to take the pathway of peace and justice and to evolve our South Node energies in Aries which is very much concerned with identity, the ‘I am’ energy which, when unevolved can act out selfishly and from a strong Mars ego. 
The Full Moon always brings up the choice to walk the pathway accommodating both sun and moon energies as they oppose and in some ways challenge. With a Grand Cross, we’re managing 4 energies opposing and squaring each other.  Traditionally, we have experienced conflicts when this arises.  However, as we stretch ourselves into higher consciousness. we can experience a Win/Win situation where all ‘players’ are content.
All 4 ‘players’ in this Grand Cross are in the Cardinal signs urging us to take action and get moving.  Just remember that all the players, Sun, Moon, North and South Node need to feel acknowledged and integrated. 
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon:
The Full Moon:    Capricorn 10
This degree shows the overcoming of fears, superstitions or limiting thoughts. One of the ways of overcoming fears is through gentleness and a readiness to let down your guard and interact with people or animals without feeling afraid or vulnerable. Putting up a wall between you and other living things can cause alienation or the loss of the rewards that can come from truly relating. Even seemingly natural ‘enemies’ can realize the possibility of interaction and letting go of fear may be necessary. You may feel that you can deal with someone with whom you have usually kept your distance – possibly even help each other. Feeding one's higher nature with good nourishment. Banishing worries, so that one can fly ever higher. Empathy and sympathy. The Ancient Mariner story. Overcoming fears. 

The Caution: Manipulating events or people. False nourishment. Superstitious beliefs that keep one stuck. Fear of things like snakes and spiders or other living things. Dependence.

The Sun opposite the Full Moon:    Cancer 10
This Symbol implies the beginning stages of things that are becoming something wonderful, useful and worthwhile. Things are always growing and perfecting and it seems that your position is just beginning to take shape and the potential is enormous, but there needs to be care and accuracy taken or all the work to date could be lost or spoilt. This situation has taken a long time to develop and comes from a deep organic essence. Keep cutting away the unnecessary and the flawed and you'll emerge with a wonderful gem as this Symbol implies riches and talent and beauty. Coming to terms with inner worth. Emerging perfection. Beauty that is a bit 'rough around the edges'. Chopping or grinding away to get to the essential truth, potential or reality.

The Caution: Leaving jobs unfinished. Being afraid to take the first stab at a project or issue. Only seeing the flaws. Lacking social polish. Overprotective. Rough diamonds.

Lauren Gorgo’s latest message 22nd June: 

Culmination Point: theoretical to applied mastery


Next 2 weeks:    Pluto is highlighted as New Horizons makes its way to a meeting on 14th July...Plutonic themes come to the fore!
The New Horizons space explorer will be arriving at Pluto in the next couple of weeks.  Information on the discovery of planets in our solar system and the live feed on New Horizons arrival on 14th July:
Pluto rules and therefore Plutonic themes:    Life, death, rebirth, transformation.  What has been ‘buried’ may well come to light particularly in the Capricorn ruled energies of government, bureaucracies, big organisations and power houses of big money. 
Golden Oldies:
All these songs are about the working life, the 9 to 5 experience, the Capricorn commitment to work:
‘Working for the Man’  Roger Miller https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTAhKf91_SA            
‘Matthew and Son’ Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG7woCQkGUw
‘Nine to Five’ Dolly Parton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwDMFOLIHxU
‘My baby takes the morning train’ Sheena Easton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqn01vCQnUs
‘Another Day’ The Beatles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1vcEk7zn9Y
And of course, songs about money:
‘Money makes the World go Round’ Liza Minnelli and Joel Grey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkRIbUT6u7Q
‘Money, Money, Money’ Abba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETxmCCsMoD0

Upcoming Dates:
9th July:    Mercury moves into Cancer
That's it folks!  Let's climb that personal mountain of consciousness and be goat like in our endeavours, sure footed, resolved, dedicated and believing in our own divine destiny!
from the chair...ready to leap
It’s all about love

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