...for the children of the earth

Thursday 30 July 2015

31st July 2015 Full Moon in Aquarius


Hi everyone!
It’s a new planetary year as of 26th July with the alignment of the Leo constellation with the pyramids of Giza.  What is known as ‘The Lion’s Gate’ opened to bring forth light codes and downloads uplifting us with the recalibration of our bodies and the earth. The path to ascension beckons!
Leo is the big player at this time:  

Light, light and more light!
We’re being bathed in the light of the Leo energies with Venus, Mercury and Jupiter all travelling under the Leo Sun!
Let’s make the most of the next week to 10 days before Mercury moves out of Leo on 8th and Jupiter on the 11th. 
We’re still under the Leo Sun until 23rd August as well as Venus until October.  Mars our fire and drive, our ‘warrior’ energy will be stepping into Leo just as Mercury moves on.
Fill up with light and let it take us to brighter days:

With all this Leo energy, the light power of the Sun is with us big time, offering opportunities for release of the denser energies that bog us down, block us and keep us in the patterns of the past.
Call the golden alchemical light into your physical, emotional, mental and esoteric bodies and allow it re-energise and renew!

26th July:  Opening of The Lion’s Gate
A new planetary year!
‘the Planetary New Year celebrates the moment when the Blue Star Sirius rises in the morning sky at the same time and in nearby location to our Sun’
The end of July is celebrated as the Planetary New Year because many of the ancient Time Keeper races on the Earth recognized this as the moment when an important New Cycle of Evolutionary Time was initiated. This period was also associated with what was known as the "Lion's Gate", the historical moment when the constellation of Leo aligned with the Pyramid complex at Giza. But you might ask, why is that important to me in the year 2015?
This is because the Planetary New Year celebrates the moment when the Blue Star Sirius rises in the morning sky at the same time and in nearby location to our Sun. It is the time when Earth has Two visible "suns" in the sky. The one sun is Golden, and the other is Blue in Frequency. This conjunction of Stars celebrates the long connection between Earth, and its Sun, and the Star System of Sirius.
Sacrifice of Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe:   
Shifting and raising consciousness!
Everyone seems to be talking about the killing of Cecil, the popular lion,  in Zimbabwe. Interesting that this happened just after we entered the Lion's Stargate spiritually on 26th July. The Lion’s Stargate is very much related to Africa and in particular Egypt.

Also interesting is the name Cecil. I imagine he was named after Cecil Rhodes who was a Western Imperialist leader in South Africa. Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, took its name from this powerful mining magnate and politician. His views on 'white man supremacy' are known and were applauded by such as Hitler.

A brief article on Cecil Rhodes gives insight: http://www.independent.co.uk/…/bbc-unveils-a-victorian-hero…

I wonder if Cecil the lion has been the sacrifice to draw more attention to hunting of wild animals. Maybe, even, as the symbol of western imperialist oppression. Who knows. Just a thought. Yes. There's a few dots to join here to follow the thread of my thinking.
31st July:    Full Moon in Aquarius at 8.42 pm AEST at 7 degrees 56 Aquarius!
Reach for the moon and stars!
It’s a big world out there with the Aquarian Full Moon which lights up our deep connection to humanity and the cosmos.
Expanding consciousness:  Extraordinary answers!
Uranus, one of the outer planets, rules Aquarius.  The outer planets and signs bring the cosmic connection to ‘worlds’ beyond our worlds, planets beyond our planet.
Opening to inter-planetary memories and lives:
Uranus is the awakener and its sign Aquarius, is offering the same energy at this time of the full moon.  The Full Moon always offers up insights which arise from the depths of our subconscious and our memory banks.  With the Aquarian energies, we’re connecting to the inter-dimensional channels of memories and beings from other ‘places’ in the cosmos.
Seeking what’s already here:  ‘Aliens’
Interesting that there’s more money being poured into seeking ‘aliens’ when the other dimensions exist in us and around us. Well, that’s my take on it, anyway.
The Full Moon:    Culmination, completion!  
It’s a ‘get out of jail free’ card!  
Time to offload the unconscious limitations!
The full moon brings culmination and completion.  Something comes to a head, to a realisation in our conscious mind. We are being urged by the cosmos to break out of ‘the jail’ of our thinking and past patterns of limitation. The key is in our hearts, minds and spirits and our soul is calling us on to the greater expansion of our consciousness.  All we need to do is accept our own capacity for liberation through choosing freedom!
Are you willing to take the road of ‘leading edge’ thinking?  
Be willing and the ‘forces’ of change will open the door!
Uranus is in her power in the light of the full moon, opening the doors of our minds, hearts and spirits, calling us to higher consciousness.  Uranus is the chain breaker, the liberator, the lightning striker of consciousness.
Are you choosing the path of liberation...
 off the treadmill of old outdated belief systems?

Uranus holds the key to our liberation and at this Full Moon and onwards we are being asked to choose and accept that our liberation is in our hands. It is divine will that we be liberated.  Are we willing to accept divine will, to let go of the old control mechanisms of maintaining the status quo in some false belief that we are ‘safe’ from change?  It’s time! 
Accessing our hopes and dreams:  
Reclaiming and renewing connections with past dreams!  
 Catch that shooting star!
Out of the depths of the unconscious, the Aquarian Full Moon draws forth our deepest longings, hopes and dreams.
Many of us have put aside, forgotten, let go of hopes and dreams from the past as we concentrated on the task of ‘cleaning up our act’ so to speak.  The cleansing and purification on the personal and planetary level have become the goal, the reason for our existence at this time.

 Now we’re reaching for the cream on the cake, the rewards of our cleansing process.  It’s not over yet but we are at a point of retrieval of some of those ‘lost’ dreams and/or reaching for new ones.
Venus retrograde in Leo:    Recovering ‘old’ dreams and passions!
With Venus currently retrograding in Leo, chances are we’re going to be put back in contact with some of those hopes and dreams which were put on the backburner.  We’re retrieving our passions and joys, what excites, delights and brings us that feeling of being alive with enthusiasm and energy.
The Sun in Leo is opposite the Full Moon:  
Calling us to take leadership in our lives!

The Leo energies as I indicated earlier are very powerful at this Full Moon calling us to get in touch with ‘the personal’ heart centre, the pure essence of our beings.

The personal and the transpersonal:
Whilst the Aquarian energies focus on the transpersonal with a detachment from the personal which equips us to contact the cosmic forces, Leo is a call to get very focussed on our personal existence.  At the Full Moon, the two energies are calling for balance within us. 
My place in the world, in the cosmos:    
Answers are available now!  The bottom line is to find ourselves and the essence of our hearts and to discover where that ‘essence’ fits into the universal, transpersonal energies of cosmic existence.  Once we have claimed what makes our hearts sing, we have a clear perception of what excites us in terms of creative expression and passionate engagement with the wider society.
Blue Moon:  
Not a common event, reinforcing the importance of the July month’s energies!
This is the second full moon in the calendar month of July which many people call a ‘blue moon’.  Astrologically, a blue moon is when two full moons fall in the same calendar month in the same zodiac sign. So, technically. in astrological terms it’s not a blue moon.  However, in widespread thinking it is a blue moon.
Make the most of the magic and call in your wishes.  Your heart knows what makes it sing, so trust it to bring you the joy of life!
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Aquarius from Lynda Hill
Aquarius 8
This speaks of being able to create beautiful, or at least useful, things to inspire others, brighten people’s lives or contribute beauty to society and culture. It can imply a sense that one is on “Display”, that others are looking at you or the things you create. Being “Beautifully Gowned” is wonderful, but inner beauty is more important than outer. It is not enough to just look the part; people must live it. Although it is great to be beautifully manicured, you must ‘walk your talk’ as well. You may find something in your life is too superficial or have only a superficial part to play. Things may look good on the outside, but what's going on inside? Setting standards. Exemplars of social ritual. The values of society on display. Dummies. Superficial beauty or avatars of fashion? Not showing one’s feelings. Fashion. 

The Caution: False fronts. Beauty taking too much importance. Expecting to be noticed. Having to live up to people’s expectations. Wooden responses. Lifeless. Fake. Narcissistic.
1st August:    
Venus retrogrades into Leo
Reclaiming our ‘joi de vivre’, joy of life!
until 6th September
Checking the old wounds for closure:
Venus is still in retrograde motion re-treading the path since around 22nd June.  We’re double checking any old ‘wounds’, opening them up, having a look, sensing what healing is taking place and what more has to happen.  This is all happening at a soul level as we’re ensuring that we have completed whatever needs closure. 

Healing through love, joy and passion:  
Leo shines the light and heals the spirit!
This doesn’t have to be a painful exercise.  In fact, now that Venus has just moved into Leo, chances are the healing will be through experiencing joy, love and the passion of life.
Focus on life force and passion:  The dance of life calls!
Are you ready to answer the call? 
This energy is making a strong call for us to choose joy every moment of every day and trust that the deliverance into healing, health and wholeness will come through the revival of our spirits. Hearts need to be open and to be consciously opened to the light with the resultant expansion of our spiritual power and life force.

Open wounds can be best healed with creative expression of your true essence.  That’s the Leo energy which is available to us at this time.  Follow the muse...the music, artistic expression and dance.
Recovering and retrieving past passion/s:  
Yes, it can be people too!
Back to the past we go to find what was put aside, what was lost, what was a disappointment or regret.  We’re reclaiming our true light essence which stimulates growth and enthusiasm. 
2nd August:    Saturn moves/stations direct at 28 degrees 17 Scorpio at 3.52 pm AEST
Until 18th September when Saturn moves into Sagittarius
‘Those boots are made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do’
Saturn’s on the move forward!   Are you?
Strap on your boots, your sneakers, joggers...whatever, and get ready to cover the ground we covered since mid March.  We’ve been on the inner journey in search of that inner authority which is Saturn in full power.  We’re about to find out how we fared on that trip into our personal gold mine.  Did we find a seam of gold in ready supply for powering up our self faith and personal authority?
Are you ready to walk the talk?  We’re about to find out!
Here we come, ready to take our reclaimed knowledge and strength back out into the world. It’s a slow journey as Saturn changes direction and slowly starts moving forward which gives us time to acclimate, to break in our new shoes and to get used to the ground beneath our feet.
The retrograde period may have felt as though we had lost touch with ‘reality’ and as we know ‘reality’ is a personal construct and perception overlaid by the deeply embedded codes of conditioning and social tradition. 
 Manifesting potential comes forth as we return to the material world!  Take it easy, little steps forward!
Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn which is all earth centred, focussed on earthly manifestation and the highest ambition for success and self-respect which derives from achievement in the material world.
Saturn likes slow steady movement towards growth and development, towards attaining the mountain top of your desires.  Commitment, dedication and practical application of your gifts and talents will bring desired success.
Two significant and powerful transits this next week:  
Are you ready to bring those dreams into reality?
3rd to 5th August:    Venus conjoins/meets Jupiter in Leo
Heart expansion accessing hopes and dreams!
Venus will meet up with Jupiter and provide a wonderful positive opportunity for beneficial growth and a new beginning with respect to love, money, creative opportunities and projects.  These two planets together bring immense optimism.
At the same time:
3rd August to 5th August:  Saturn square/challenge Jupiter...Bringing dreams to earth! 
With these two ‘social’ planets coming into contact like this along with Venus meeting Jupiter, it’s a real opportunity to start taking those tentative steps towards manifesting hopes and dreams.
Saturn is all about manifesting in the material world.  It works within the limitations of our existence.
Jupiter is all about hope, optimism and expansion. It pushes us to move beyond the limitations of our existence.
Put them together in a major challenge/opportunity and we have a chance to create something in a powerful constructive way. 
Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:
Lauren talks of the Lion’s Gate opening on 26th July along with a new galactic year.
‘Today also begins the new galactic year of the White Planetary Wizard..the essence of which couldn’t be more relevant to our collective emergence into the new world.  Out of all the information available online, this line is the one that aligns so perfectly with the Pleiadian perspective:
“White Wizard is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the alignment of mind & heart”.’
‘Because the lower mind is so rapidly losing reign over our lives, we are all moving thru quite an intensive growth spurt, one that has brought about many changes in both our emotional responses…in some cases re-actions…and also in our cells’ responses to past programming.  This process of “passing the torch” between…let’s say, the human and GOD mind…has been forging its way into our physical bodies and lives, paving new neural pathways for new responses to old patterns so that we can phase out the expired programming in order to experience the new reality that each of us is here to embody and exhibit.’

From 26th July:    
The Galactic New Year of the Planetary Wizard
Quote from above:
This Wizard Year is governed by “The Planetary Tone of Manifestation.”
This Year invokes the energies of Perfection and Producing… This is the Time to ACTUALIZE. Notice what is currently manifesting in your life. Seek guidance from your higher self how you can continue to actualize your true heart’s callings. While this energy invites us to strive whole-heartedly to perfect all our endeavors – we are also reminded to accept that there is an already existing, inherent perfection to all that is manifest, as it is, simply because it is manifest. Attempting to be overly perfectionist is actually counter-productive. Rather, allow perfection to be a continual process of aspiration. Let us delight in all we have to bring to this planet, and enjoy all this planet brings to us!

Golden Oldies:
‘Blue Moon’ Chris Isaak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuCZDanw3aE
‘Never Turning Back’  Judy Small https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPwRnS7ZEA0 for Saturn turning direct
‘Stairway to the Stars’ Johnny Mathis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMtVETZvios  for Aquarius
‘Catch a Falling Star’ Perry Como  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOSmSq0xuo0
‘Fly me to the Moon’ Clair Littley  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKAHD73v8HM
Upcoming Dates:
8th August:    Mercury moves into Virgo
9th August:    Mars moves into Leo
11th August:    Jupiter moves into Virgo 
That’s it folks!  Look to the full Moon and the stars and allow ourselves to connect with the planetary energies which support us our journey. 

As always, love and blessings to all of us star travellers!

from the chair...feeling the power!
It’s all about love


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