...for the children of the earth

Saturday 8 August 2015

8th August 2015 Mercury into Virgo, Mars into Leo and Jupiter into Virgo

Hi everyone! Did you put your best foot forward this week?  Saturn called!
What’s been happening:
First, we had to find the boots and clear the old accumulated debris!  Overgrown with moss! We’ve been cleaning and repairing the boots, then reclaiming our readiness to wear them! Lastly, we were called to add the glitter that is the shining best part of ourselves! 
Saturn moved direct in Scorpio:    
Preparing to don the cowboy boots in September!
Saturn moved direct in Scorpio and our boots are walking with Saturn towards entry into Sagittarius on 18th September.  Then it will be ‘on your horse cowboy!’  We’ll be finding the right ‘pony’/vehicle for our forward movement!
Finishing off:  Got the boots, got the glitter!
Moving slowly!  Patience!
We’re completing Scorpio transformational journey clearing old emotional energies associated with our sense of entitlement to our place in the world and what it means to be our own personal authority in the material world, in society.
Until 16th September, go easy as we find any mossy residue, overgrown and outgrown belief systems hanging onto our boots.  We’re still working with Scorpio and that’s transformational! We’re still in the process of preparation, clearing up the old, shining up the new glitter!
Challenge/opportunity this past week:    
Jupiter, Saturn and Venus bringing us to heel!  
Square dancing or progressive barn dance?  Both!
Well it’s been quite an interesting week with the Jupiter/Saturn challenge/opportunity and Venus then Mercury joining in the mix.  We’ve been challenged to find the highest expression of ourselves in the world through accessing our higher heart energy.
Taking responsibility!  Taking authority:  
A reality check about being ‘over responsible’, taking on the ‘load’ of others!  Saturn’s call!
We’ve been square dancing all week with all the planets having a crack at being ‘the caller’, although I think Saturn was the main voice.
Whenever Saturn’s involved we can be assured we won’t get away with anything.  If by chance we do, it’ll catch up with us later.  He’s not called the Lord of Karma for nothing.
It’s a fine line we tread between taking responsibility for ourselves and our role in the world and taking on for others what they actually need to be doing for themselves.  Giving service is not about servitude. How did you ‘doh-se-doh’ with Saturn’s square dancing party?  Give yourself a thumbs up for surviving a very tricky week!
Saturn calling us to planetary service:  
 Aligning with our ‘calling’ and the call of the planet! 
Resistance arising from Saturn's 'you will do it' energy has called us to step forward as best we can and make the commitment to take on what seems difficult only to find out that the greatest difficulty was in thinking about it more than actually taking action. 

It’s been a big week working with the planetary, karmic and ancestral energies.  Cell memories, DNA were getting a big workover helped along with the light downloads from the Lion’s stargate energy.

Saturn’s moving very slowly so little steps all the way:  
Every little step now is a giant leap forward!  Lollipop steps!
It’s been about finding the boots, opening the heart to ourselves and the best we have to offer the world.  It’s been a big shift in consciousness thanks to the heart energy connecting to our ideals, dreams and our place in the physical world. Every step we took this week is a humungous step forward!
Keep your boots on everyone! We're getting ready to kick up a storm!
Full Moon in Aquarius:    Called to reach for the stars and reclaim/claim our hopes and dreams whilst Saturn helped us find our boots!
The Full Moon energies had us reaching for the sky just as Saturn turned us around, grounding us with a renewal of our energies in the earthly sphere.  One of the big challenges we all face is manifesting our hopes, dreams and ideals in the physical world.  We need the idealism and we need the right vehicle for taking those dreams forward.  This past week saw us reaching up and believing in the best of ourselves.  If you’re not there yet, be assured that the process of the full moon energies carries us through to the New Moon in Leo on 15th August.
We’ve been called to put our best foot forward, pushing gently through barriers of resistance and transforming limited thinking and emotionally damaging burdens.  We’re reclaiming our lives on earth as expressions of light, of love of rainbow unification!
26th July to 8th August:    
Lion’s Gate energy opened bringing light downloads from Sirius!

‘The Lion's Gate opened on the 26th of July, reaching its climax on the 8th of August, and closing on the 12th of August.’
How come I haven’t felt the light downloads?
Since the 26th July, we’ve been experiencing cleansing, purification and upliftment with the light downloads which come at this time of year.  You might wonder why you haven’t consciously experienced any of this.  We expect to be aware of this kind of experience as feeling on top of the world and/or challenged emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually.
Recalibration and renewal:  Light bodies enlightened!
As our bodies are recalibrated with light energy, we don’t necessarily know this happening as we only take the amount of light we can handle. Too much light in a denser energy can throw us into pain, debilitation, mental and emotional depression as the light ‘hits’ the darkness. Too much light is too much and our soul keeps the light sufficient for our evolution of new consciousness, new bodies. 
It’s interesting that the current planetary changes such as Saturn turning direct along with the Venus/Pluto connection firmly focusses our consciousness shifting on the heart energy, hopes, dreams and material existence.  How many of us have wondered ‘how long can I keep going like this?’  I feel this time we’re in a huge shift which is going to give us a big boost over August/September. 
What’s coming in:
8th August:    
Lion’s Gate 8-8-8 climax!  Let there be light! 
The Lion’s Gate 8-8-8:
From Celia Fenn:
The Lion’s Gate of 2015 on the 8th of August is the culmination of an Ascension Wave that will lift the planet into the highest frequencies of Luminosity that have yet been achieved on Earth!
On the 8th of August, the Royal Sirian Lions will be on hand in the Spirit Realm to be the assistants at this wonderful moment of Ascension and Birthing for the Planet.
From Kara Schallock:   
The Lion’s Gate is linked to our Great Central Sun and to our own solar disc, the sun. Through the Gateway, great Light pours from the Great Central Sun to our sun and into us, taking us further into Christ and Universal Consciousness, where Love is the only Truth and from that only Love is manifest.
Leo light carrying the power at this time:
The Leo energies have been big during this time with so much planetary activity of the Sun as the overarching principle supported by Venus and Jupiter, along with Mercury.  This week Mercury moves out of Leo and the next day Mars moves into Leo.  More big light energy!
The Sun doesn’t move out of Leo, into Virgo, until 21st August.  However, Jupiter’s moving on from his year in Leo on 11th August.  The whole planetary energy focus from the dominance of Leo energy towards Virgo energy.  That’s fire and passion to earth centred healing, the material world.  Fire is spirit and we need it for our motivation.  However, we need the earthy energies for manifesting that fire in the material world.
8th August:    
Mercury moves into Virgo at 5.14 am AEST
The earth goddess energy calls!
Until 28th August

Grounding our mind energies:  Coming down to earth!
We’re being called to open the channels of communication with the feminine earth energies, the goddess of the harvest and to Virgo’s healing purification energies. 
Layers of misinformation are laid bare:  
The earth heals!
With this energy, burdens of the mind can healed in the knowingness that the earth holds and restores us.  We are nurtured and sustained by the earth energies of Virgo, the master healer.  Allow yourself peace of mind!

Transforming the monkey mind: Mastery of the mind ‘channels’!
Mercury as our mind energy can really get carried away with mental convolutions and concerns of all kinds when he enters Virgo the sign of purification. We’re likely to go into analytical thinking mode listening to 1001 different voices yapping away in our heads trying to get it ‘right’!
Letting go the mind control:  Mind purification!
Virgo energies can take us into mental turmoil, worry and anxiety if we allow the mind energies to seek perfectionism rather than purification. Letting go the monkey mind is now front and centre as we are ignited at a heart level with Mars entry into Leo, joining Venus.   

Virgo:  Path of service, our divine calling!  Open to divine messages!  Are you ready to pick up that ‘royal telephone’ and listen?
20 days of discovery and insight as we receive messages and guidance from the universal forces about our ‘calling’ and ways and means of manifesting our divine potential this lifetime.  

You may not know of who you are as a divine being and your way forward to bring out the best in you both for yourself and for the world.  This period of time, we’re likely to get some insights, providing we keep the ‘monkey mind’, the over controlling ego energy in its rightful place, the backseat of our mind. 
Virgo:    Master healer of our spiritual and physical wounds!  
Releasing the ‘voice’ of our authentic selves!  The ‘talking cure’!
Virgo joins the dots between our physical health and wellbeing and our spiritual wounds.  Chiron, the centaur, is regarded as a co-ruler of Virgo and as such offers incredible healing power to those spiritual wounds creating havoc in our bodies. 
An open heart, an open mind, a willingness plus...
right time, right place, right ‘listener’!  
Locked in ‘memories’ released for good!
Mercury and Chiron working together offer what’s known as ‘the talking cure’, the release of trapped energies in our physical body through speaking and verbalising what may not have been verbalised before.
In a couple of weeks the Sun will move into Virgo so the Mercury in Virgo energies will be strengthened for about a week before Mercury moves on to Libra.
9th August:    
Mars moves into Leo at 9.32 am AEST
Firing on all cylinders!  BIG love-in!
Until 25th September

Whoosh!  Up and go! Mars if fire and all action, like rocket powered energy, our drive and desire. Mars motivates like nothing else.  It’s physical and body oriented so calls us to take action on the physical plane.
Divine fire uplifts and inspires our spirits:  Pure love!
In fiery passionate Leo, Mars is activating our creative, romantic, divine child energies and igniting our divine spark of individuality within.  This is beyond ego-centred limitations.  This is activating our divinity at a deep level.
Ignition:  Fired for action!
We’ve been feeling the heart-felt fires of Leo for a few weeks now, getting to used to a spiritual activation at the centre of our being.
Now, Mars is the starter motor, the ignition, the go button that will really help us move our energies out into the world with the ‘I am’ Mars energy.

Tempering the pace:  In burning up, don’t burn out!
Just a reminder that Saturn is still in its final weeks of Scorpio.  Yes, he’s moving forward slowly and supporting us as the fire energies burn off the karma, purify the cell memories and transform the DNA.  Saturn’s helping us to pace ourselves as Mars will be calling us to fire the ignition and burn off in a new direction.  Where?  Mars needs to be brought into the Leo heart energy and be guided by the voice of the heart rather than purely the desire to go, go, go!  

Vintage power for now!

11th August:    
Jupiter moves into Virgo at 9.11 pm AEST Expansion of our earthly connection!
Until 10th September 2016

The harvest goddess calls:  It’s an earth embrace, a rainbow kiss!

We’re being offered a huge expansion of earth healing energies and our love affair with planet earth.  If you didn’t know it before, you will by the end of next September when Jupiter moves out of Virgo into Libra.

Positive expansion and new opportunities:
Health, welfare and ‘calling’!
Jupiter offers expansion, growth, optimism and benevolence to our earthly existence and our earthly connection.  Virgo is very much the earth sign focussed on manifesting in the material world.  Her area of concern is health and healing, service and divine calling in terms of everyday ‘work’ and contribution to the world.
This is pennies from heaven year.  Just put in the groundwork and steady progress with intent!
Manifesting our greater potential in our earthly existence:  
Purify and heal!
Virgo will be pushing us along and supporting us to clear any debris from ‘wounds’ of the past, to bring the physical body into alignment with good health and physical abundance. 

With blocks and impediments cleared,  we can move forward into our higher calling, our contribution to earth and humanity which will bring our greatest joy.
Experiencing the ordinary as extraordinary:  
There’s magic in life on earth!
This is an expansive year of purification and refinement of energies opening us to experiencing our everyday lives as an extraordinary gift from the universe. Virgo takes us into the natural world enhancing our connection with all that ignites our hearts and lights our eyes. 
There’s likely to be a growing awareness of the natural world and our place in it as more people open their hearts to the beauty and the environmental balance needed for a healthy, happy world and its existence.  While Virgo likes to take practical action, there’s another side to Virgo which senses the nature spirits and the secret whispers that come from the growing life all around.  The earth speaks through Virgo.
Busy and productive is happy:  Work is play!  
Heigh Ho Heigh Ho, it’s off to work we go!
Virgo is concerned with the mundane world and exults in the sense of achievement of a ‘job well done’.  Now the important factor in thriving in the workplace is taking pleasure from the work we do.  Not necessarily an easy call for many people who do not feel aligned with their working lives.  This year will be a supportive energy for taking steps to find work that you love in a workplace that supports, encourages and offers creative growth and expansion. It’s in our hands to manifest that potential. 
12 years since Jupiter was in Virgo:  Remember 2003?
Jupiter takes about a year to travel through a zodiac sign, so it’s 12 years since he was in Virgo, 2003. You might think back to that time and get some idea of how Jupiter’s expansive energy may impact on you.  Of course the other planetary energies are not the same as 2003.  Nevertheless, you’ll get a sense of what was happening in your earthly existence and there is likely to be some resonance in the coming year.
Golden Oldies:
‘These boots are made for walking’ Nancy Sinatra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbyAZQ45uww  Saturn on the move
‘Fields of gold’ Eva Cassidy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DWg7zNOyK8  for Jupiter and Mercury in Virgo
Such a perfect video clip for Virgo, the harvest goddess, represented holding a sheaf of wheat.
‘Telephone to Glory’ Jimmy Little https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ-QsMYqzoY Mercury in Virgo
You may not be Christian or believe in ‘God’ as such but it sure fits divine connection to the cosmos. 
‘This is my Song’ Petula Clark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgkDxMQfsSA An expansive song to the earth, Jupiter in Virgo
‘You’re my World’ Cilla Black  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7-QBw862zk for Mars in Leo...BIG love!
Upcoming Dates:
15th August:    New Moon in Leo
23rd August:  Sun moves to Virgo
That’s it folks!  It’s quite a time of change for us all as we shift and turn in alignment with the cosmic and planetary energies.  Our progress in the evolution of consciousness seems to be starting to bear fruit in the wider world of social and political change as divine justice is calling people and systems to account for deceit, deception of others and for practices which seek to overpower others.  Of course it’s still in process and will be for many years as the false gods fall!  
We’re now headed to the New Moon in Leo on 15th August.  I usually get the updates out in time with the ‘Upcoming Dates’.  However, if I am dealing with physical/spiritual challenges which call for attention, I need to delay my posting.  Definitely learning to align with ‘divine will’ here!
Quite frankly, when I am indisposed I just don’t have the word flow which you probably realise comes from my divine source and connection. 
As always, love and blessings to us all as we step through the 8-8-8 energy and feel the flood of light and consciousness.  If we believe, then it is so.
We are the creative life force and will continue to grow and change regardless of our beliefs.  Why not maximise our growth by embracing all positive opportunities, participating consciously in the deliverance of ourselves and our home to the divine abundance on all levels that is our birthright.
Love, light and big lion hugs
from the chair...growing..up!


It’s all about love
It’s all about us  

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