...for the children of the earth

Sunday 30 August 2015

30th August 2015 Full Moon in Pisces

Hi everyone! 
We’re travelling under the Virgo Sun, offering us the ‘harvest’ and incredible healing on the physical level as the purification forces of Virgo cleanse cell memories and DNA within our physical bodies and lives.
Detoxing and still breathing:  How about you?
My absence from the astrology postings has been precisely down to this detoxing process as I faced a potential hacking of my pc and my financial records and details.  Fortunately this didn’t occur but I found I was without my laptop for about 10 days while the hard drive was replaced. Without access to passwords and email access due to a range of ‘blockages’ I succumbed to the separation from my familiar world.  Along with other blocks to my connection to the physical world, I finally surrendered to the purification process, finally surrendered the resistant energies in my being.
I process best in my own company and with the spiritual forces as I then seem to get to the heart of the matter.  Input from others, whilst well meant, can pull me out of the truth of the situation.  We all work differently and we need to honour what works for us.
So, I’m back on line with my laptop but am still trying to find information which was downloaded off the old hard drive including my contact lists and my astrology emails.
However, I am posting this to the web page and hopefully, some of you will find it.  I am alive and returning from the internet rehab clinic where I have been letting go of the attachments/addiction to the net, facebook and all that it entails.  This is not the first time I’ve had a crash and burn with computers/modems and technology.  Guess I needed a cleansing and an upgrade!  It certainly felt like a big ascension doorway!  More to come!
What’s been happening:
Missed it!    Unfortunately I was unable to post updates on the New Moon in Leo and the Sun moving into Virgo.  Not sure if I’ll get back to these changes but will revisit as needed and relevant.  Just catching up to the present.
15th August:    New Moon in Leo   
23rd August:    Sun moved into Virgo

28th August:    
Mercury moved into Libra
Balancing the mind and harmonising mentally!
Until 3rd November                             
Mercury, our mind energy is just moved out of Virgo into Libra.  The past 3 weeks you may have experienced incredible mental clarity and/or mentally in a spin with worry, anxiety etc. Virgo likes to be in control but with the shifting energies it hasn't been 'controllable'. It's been a healing/coming to wholeness energy that's been clearing out the shadow side of the mental ego control. Don't I just know it! haha

Balance, justice, equity, peace and harmony:
With Mercury in Libra, the mind is being brought back into balance, harmony and peace. We'll have plenty of time to adjust and readjust to this energy in the coming weeks as Mercury turns retrograde on 18th September in Libra until 10th October.  there’s going to be plenty of readjustment in our kind, mental processes and in our social connections with others, significant others and partners of all kinds.

Plenty of balancing and harmonising energy along with divine justice. Onto the tightrope everyone!

From 29th August to 18th September:    Mercury retrograde shadow!
Whatever happens between now and 18th September is likely to be revisited during the Mercury retrograde period.

18th September to 10th October:   
Mercury retrograde from 15 degrees Libra retrograding back to 0  degrees Libra.  Mercury will come back out of ‘shadow’ by 25th October when he returns to 15 degrees.

30th August:    Full Moon in Pisces at 4.35 am AEST at 6 degrees 07 Pisces
Flowing with the collective unconscious:
Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, ruling the collective unconscious, our unconscious realities including other realities/past lives.
Spiritual release and upliftment:   
A culmination!
Pisces calls us to the higher spiritual energies and offers the deep spiritual release which comes when we step into the emotional waters of the collective unconscious,  when we choose the reunion of our higher self with our ‘muggle’ self. Let’s all be angel fish!
Dropping off the pickiness for the universal flow:  
Easy peasy at this time!
The Virgo Sun joined by Leo wants to be pedantic and particular with all the details but the Pisces Moon joined by Pisces ruler Neptune has little sway at this time.  Mental turmoil, anxiety, thoughts and mental constructs which have been tripping us up can be melted and dissolved in the Piscean energies.
Jupiter as the ‘mole’ working undercover with the Virgo Sun:
Worth remembering that Jupiter was once the ruler of Pisces before the discovery of Neptune.  So the Jupiter energy has a powerful role at this full moon as it brings in the positive vibes to the process of completion and resolution.

Something comes to completion, resolution, fullness:  
Endings are possible!
At Full Moons we often find doors close as something comes to a head, the ‘bubble’ bursts, we let the balloon go!  Whatever metaphor speaks to you just let it take you where you need to go. 
Surrender, Trust, Acceptance and let go!  That’s Pisces energy! 
Pisces is the great ocean which takes us on the currents and tides to our spiritual destination and fulfilment of our greatest potential.
We all know the importance of allowing ourselves to be taken by the current when we’re caught in a ‘rip’ in the ocean.  We have to go with the watery energies and let them carry us away.  Resistance is futile and exhausting to our life force.
 Something comes to light:    
New information emerging from the unconscious!
This energy is doubly so at this full moon as Pisces rules the unconscious, the darkness of our inner life, our memory banks of this, other realities and the history of earth itself.  It offers us the inspirational connection that brings forth creative brilliance when we ‘plug in’ to the spheres of higher consciousness. From Pisces, artistry, music, and all fluid forms of communication offer us a more evolved consciousness.

Mars meets Venus: Unification of masculine and feminine energies!
At this Full Moon, Venus and Mars are in close conversation in Leo, just 2 degrees apart.  This is a truly blessed aspect happening in the light of the Pisces Full Moon which is dreamy and flowing.  The potential for experiencing ‘divine’ love, reconnection to our ‘higher’ more evolved self is at hand.  Embrace self with love, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness and mercy.  Joy and celebration as we reconnect the two ‘sides’ of our being and open ourselves to a wider experience of love in the world.
On 1st September, they’ll be meeting at 14 degrees 55 Leo. Whooo!!!
Detox, release and renewal:  
Spiritual and physical healing and resolution! 
The time for letting go of the spiritual 'wounds' and a deep healing/resolution of those emotions and thoughts which have been holding us back from emitting our true light. The moon moves into Pisces tonight at 6.51 pm AEST opening us more fully to the Pisces Full Moon energies.
Physical healing and resolution:   Virgo energy of the ‘master’ healer!
The Virgo Sun is offering the physically healing mastery we're needing at the cellular level with a detox and purification of cell memories and DNA. You know those energies which pop up from nowhere and bring in strange reactions outside our usual self. You might say to yourself 'Where did that come from?' when these deep-seated memories are triggered.

Spiritual healing and resolution:    
Pisces energy the supreme mastery of spiritual resolution and healing!
It's a detoxing at a deep level as Neptune, ruler of Pisces joins with the Pisces Moon and Jupiter expands the power of the Virgo Sun as he gets up close and personal.

This is more than water cleansing, eating the right food for your body and exercising. This is bringing in the light to the bodies, emotional, mental, physical and astral/etheric along with the chakras. Light is cleansing and purifying at the cellular level.
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Pisces: From Lynda Hill
The full Moon is on Pisces 7:
This shows being able to stay firm in one’s faith and belief in life even when one’s hopes and dreams take a battering. There may be feelings of chaos and misplaced loyalties in your life, like something has been sacrificed for no real cause and some things have come to nothing. You may need to see if perhaps your aim was too high and things came crashing down as a result of a lack of care, by yourself or others, or through people opposing your objectives or success. Having faith and a positive end in sight, you can experience a wonderful spiritual awakening - reconnecting with your spiritual ideals. Concentrate on the "Shaft of Light" as this can show you that white light is all around you.
The Sun is on Virgo 7: A HAREM
This Symbol shows being in a group, or a “Harem”. A “Harem” is a symbol of women being, living and working together. Sharing with others, whether women or men, in an atmosphere of trust and belonging can bring rewards of all kinds to your life. There may be a feeling of being dominated or part of a group where you have to compete for whatever small benefits may be available. Perhaps you are not taken seriously enough. There is a need to use your charm and appealing aspects of your nature to succeed and to stand out from the crowd and claim a special place for yourself. Just ensure that you’re not losing out by feeling just one of many.

Lauren Gorgo’s latest message  22nd August: 
‘Golden Gates Open:  the great preparation’
‘As expected, the 8/8 (Lion’s gate) was beastly…in the best way possible.
During that supercharged window, new/higher light information roared thru heaven and earth, permeating every level and layer
of our multidimensional existence, infusing each and every cell of our being with new creation codes and essential upgrades required for the next 12 months in dedication to the mastery of magic.
This year’s 888 activation is awakening within our DNA the collective memory of the lost/forgotten sacred knowledge necessary to build the next Golden Age.’

Golden Oldies:
‘The Morning After’ Maureen McGovern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KClpLzFftU
 ‘San Francisco’ Judy Garland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSr47vIUz94
"San Francisco, open your Golden Gate
You'll let nobody wait outside your door
San Francisco, here is your wanderin' one
Saying I'll wander no more. "
Upcoming Dates:
6th September:    Venus stations/turns direct in Leo
13th September:    New Moon in Virgo, partial solar eclipse
18th September:    Saturn moves into Sagittarius
18th September:    Mercury stations/turns retrograde in Libra until 10th October
That’s it folks
Still getting back on my feet, so to speak.  

Love and blessings to us all as we float on the big wave of consciousness taking us through the coming weeks.  In 2 weeks time we have a New Moon partial solar eclipse in Virgo and 2 weeks on from there, a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Aries.  Eclipses bring change and more change which is very much the nature of September.  

The mooted wave of consciousness flooding the planet through September is taking us through those golden gates of consciousness opened up on 8.8.8.
If we truly believe, it is so.  We are creating a new reality on the personal level and therefore on the collective.  Feel the light, be the light.  Trust, accept and surrender!

If you are on my astrology mailing list and wish to continue, can you please email me a confirmation as I have been unable at this stage to locate my latest contact list. If you wish to be added to the mailing list, please indicate in comments below and I will send you my contact email.
from the chair... with the boatload of humanity

It’s all about love


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