...for the children of the earth

Friday 4 September 2015

6th September 2015 Venus stations/turns direct in Leo

Hi everyone! Travelling under the Virgo Sun!  Keep hugging trees!

What’s been happening:
Well how did you all travel through that Full Moon In Pisces energy last weekend?  It was a ‘supermoon’ which has become the accepted terminology for its proximity to the earth. It was a big healing wave of energy which could have uplifted you, travelled through you like a dose of salts or dropped you into the downside of the collective unconscious. 

Pisces Full Moon:    Discovering, releasing illusions, disillusionment!
I felt I’d been through the full moon experience before the event with the ‘crash and burn’ of release from illusions about my place in the world.  By the time the full moon arrived I was in the uplift of the wave.  Whatever, you experienced, trust that it was a releasing energy whether stirring up the sandy sediments in a churning emotional experience or lifting you above the collective ‘dump’ of disillusionment.

The controlling energies of Virgo were stripped of any false ego, facades of power and control not genuinely rooted in the spiritual roots of divinity.  Purifying and cleansing! 

Planets coming and going like the Cheshire Cat!
We are in a period of time with many planets changing direction, changing signs.  When planets change signs it’s like a gear change in consciousness which shifts our thinking, emotions and behaviours as we tune in to the incoming energies. 

Retrograding planets take us into the depths of ourselves to rectify, realign and reconsider through reviewing past actions. behaviours, experiences. 

Jupiter and Saturn changing signs:   Reshuffling and readjusting!

Jupiter moved into Virgo 11th August and Saturn into Sagittarius on 18th September
They are called the ‘social’ planets as they impact on our connection to and interaction with society with all its values, beliefs, mores and societal structures. 

Jupiter in Virgo:        Divine wisdom expressed in earthly dedication! 
Jupiter in Virgo is offering us the purification and clarification of our beliefs, an opportunity to experience our more evolved selves within the worldly sense.  This is giving us access to wisdom in action, living a divine existence on the earth itself. Divine knowledge brought into the mundane world and thus elevating consciousness.

Our highest purpose on this earth is brought to light!

Until 18th September:    Saturn winding up his journey through Scorpio at 29 degrees, the final test and validation of mastery!
The last degree of any sign is a potent reminder of completion and carries with it an intensity and a primal urge to complete the ‘test’ with a mastery of learning surpassing all the trips and falls along the way.  We’ve had 2 years to die, be reborn, die, be reborn, transmute, transform, let go, let go!

The intensity of Scorpio combined with the relentless demands of Saturn have kept us hard at this transformation process, living and dying a thousand deaths.  Scorpio as a fixed sign offers the challenge of dissolving the doorways of resistance in the emotional Scorpio depths. 

Saturn has at times brought us to our knees in the ultimate surrender to divine resolution.  It’s no mistake that Saturn rules the skeleton, joints and knees.  In Scorpio, nothing less than total surrender of all resistance.  Looking forward to 18th when Saturn moves on.

From 1st to 9th:   
Venus in slow motion as she moves towards 6th and from 6th as she slowly moves forward!
Heart-opening illumination!
When a planet is preparing to change direction, there is a slowing down both before and after the date of the ‘station’.  During this period heart felt emotions are easier to access as Venus opens her energies for new perceptions and insights.

Dualities revealed with potential healing and resolution:  
Mars met Venus!  More to come!  Heart healing of the duality!

Venus meeting/conjoining Mars in Leo during this period, exact on 1st September, heightened the heart experience offering more resolution of the ‘masculine/feminine’ dualities within us.  Meetings/conjunctions are beginnings for the energies involved. 

We have another Mars/Venus meeting at the very beginning of November with a deepening of integration of the process of balancing the polarity of the active/passive, masculine/feminine principle.  Surely, our greatest challenge in our world today!  The balancing act is ongoing.

What’s coming in:

6th September:    Venus stations/turns direct at 6.29 pm at 14 degrees 29 Leo...hearts open!

It’s been quite a journey of discovery with Venus retrograde in Leo for weeks.  Did you rediscover your beautiful heart, the love for yourself and the world?  No?  Be not disheartened.  We’re about to discover how much we learned about love, ourselves and for our place in the world as Venus emerges from her retrograde journey.

Venus has been ‘caramelising’ past pain and heartache:   
Bitter to sweet...  transformation!
We’ve been in the throes of cleaning up our heart energy.  Now, Venus is coming to the close of her retrograde period, slowing and dragging her heels giving us time to remember what we need to remember, experience what emotions we need to revisit and to release unresolved energies through the open heart and the melting golden energies of Leo.

It’s been 6 weeks of open heart surgery being reconnected to what ‘turns us on’ and what blocks the flow of love and passion. Don’t be too concerned if you feel nothing’s happened to you during this time.  The revelations will flow from 6th into the ensuing weeks, just in time for the eclipses ahead.

Hearts open as we emerge from the retrograde closet: 
‘my secret love’s no secret anymore’!
Our hearts are emerging from the closet of seclusion and introspection where we’ve been revisiting the past, rediscovering our hearts’ desires and passions.  It’s been a 6 week discovery tour of our heart’s journey exploring our potential for self-love and acceptance, deepening our understanding of our heart and its joys and sorrows, hopes and disappointments.  No stone has been left unturned as we found the secret of love for our most intimate and divine selves.  We won’t get the full import of what we’ve learned until it moves out of shadow in early October.  However, be assured that the revelations will start to flow from the time it changes direction this weekend.

Until 9th October:    Venus in shadow
Be patient and pay attention to what comes forward at this time as we are revisiting territory which we crossed a couple of months ago from late June into early July.  Life will be humming along more steadily as we make our discoveries and realisations which bring more clarity and insight. 

Interesting that this shadow period will be through September and the eclipses of 13th and 28th which will be offering up all kinds of new information.  Add to this Mercury retrograde from 18th September to 10th October and you get some idea of the incredible spiritual opening up that will be happening for us.  Of course Mercury retrograde is a slowing in the physical world but a time of inner acceleration, growth and expansion.

9th October:    Venus leaves shadow retrograde and moves into Virgo!   Mercury in Libra turns direct on 10th October!
From this time onwards, we’re going to get a sense of powerful energy which comes when mind and heart are working together...heading in the same direction at a similar pace.  Mercury will still be in shadow for about a week or so after 10th which will hold him back just a little.

At this time we’re going to be given a real sense of what it’s all about at the heart level.  How perfect, just when Venus moves into grounding, earthy practical Venus.  Time to establish those heart felt hopes and dreams in the world.  Time to bring the passions into practical realisation. The New Moon in Libra on 13th October is really the time to plant the seeds of your realisations and watch them to transform. 

Sabian Symbol for the degree of Venus stationing/moving direct on 6th September:   Get ready to get out there and celebrate!
Leo 15
This Symbol shows situations where a lot of people gather together. It may be possible that some achievement has created a desire for a big celebration. Perhaps it’s a regular seasonal street festival that has brought all these people out. A sense of fun and give and take and feeling at one with people in a crowded street can bring new friendships, the chance to look at what’s on display, to buy food and goods and an opportunity to rub shoulders with others in a relaxed and friendly situation. People support each other and share in the festivities if they feel invited and included. Demonstrations of joy. Spectacular displays. Street festivals. Food stalls. Traffic closed off. Pedestrians. Dancing. Floats. Dressing up. Gaiety. Crowd management. Carnivale. 

The Caution: Ostentatious displays of egocentric achievements. Blowing your trumpet. Closing off areas of one's life, overplaying others. Feeling crammed with no room.
From:  Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Golden Oldies:
 ‘My Secret Love’ Doris Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU8tQpCZEzg

My theme song now I'm coming back from a 'crash and burn'!
'Won't keep a good girl down' Marie Wilson 

Lyrics for 'Won't keep a good girl down:  http://www.lyricsfreak.com/m/marie+wilson/wont+keep+a+good+girl+down_10174590.html

'Sometimes it's so confusing
You win and then start losing
Just when you thought you'd seen it all
You picked your lucky number
So is it any wonder
You've got your back against the wall
You'll get delirious
If you take life too serious
You'd think by now that you would know

You can't stop the world from changing
But you could turn it around
'Cause you won't keep a good girl
Won't keep a good girl down'

Upcoming Dates:
13th September:    New Moon in Virgo partial Solar Eclipse

18th September:    Saturn moves into Sagittarius
18th September:    Mercury stations retrograde in Libra

That’s it folks! 

We’re heading towards the New Moon in Virgo, solar eclipse which means change.  What kind of change?  Something in our physical world and in relation to who we are in the world.  Solar is not ‘undercover’ knowledge emerging as in a lunar eclipse.  However, it does indicate that something will be revealed as the eclipse ‘hides’ the light and then reveals the light.

As always, love and blessings to us all as we move across the earthy landscape under the Virgo Sun, healing and bringing so much to resolution.

If you know of anyone who has been receiving my updates but is no longer receiving them since my ‘technology’ crash and burn, they can be put back on the list if they email me at this address.


from the chair...being ‘braveheart’

It’s all about love

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