...for the children of the earth

Saturday 26 September 2015

28th September 2015 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries

Hi everyone!
Here we go, here we go, here we go!  Into the light and fullness of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of 28th September AEST!  The promise astrologically is BIG and the promise of the cosmically is BIG! 
This Full Moon is what’s become known as a Supermoon being in such close proximity to the earth.  It’s a Total Lunar Eclipse in much of the world, turning the moon a pinkish/red colour, what’s become known as a Blood Moon.
Sorry Australia, not this time.  Lucky we’ve got the internet and our friends across the planet. There will be a direct coverage of the event http://main.slooh.com/
Full details of viewing areas and times are at the end of this update.
This photo of the blood moon from October 2014 taken above Notre Dame University in USA will give some idea of what some earthlings are likely to see at this time. This was the second in a series of 4 blood moons occurring since March 2014.  This upcoming blood moon is the last in the series.  Make the most of it!
Pilot lights ignited and expanded:
This fiery full moon will be igniting and expanding our inner pilot light, calling forth our passion and purpose.
The waves of change emanating from this full moon will be carrying us through for the next month to 6 months from now.  All we have to do is be open to the changes, surrender to the higher spiritual forces which are taking us towards the fulfilment of our greatest potential and accessing our destiny.
Up and down we go:  Riding the waves of change!  We’re all aboard! 
‘Keep calm and carry on’! 
We’re riding the roller coaster of changing consciousness. It’s personal, it’s planetary, it’s an individual and collective experience, a roller coaster we’re all riding whether we know it or not.  The planet is all on board and the only control is our own divinity and our divine connection. 

Holding the energies of love:  Trust, accept and surrender!  
 Resistance is futile!
We’re being called to stay on track for holding love, being love and expressing love in all its forms in the world as we ride this big wave of energetic change coming in and clearing away so much dross from the past.
It’s important for us to surrender all fighting and resistance whilst feeling empowered by the inner fire and passion, ignited by spirit.
It’s a new experience for many on the planet and for some, there will be acting out of impatience and anger which is likely to be aroused.
28th September:    Full Moon in Aries at 12.50 pm AEST at 4 degrees 40 Aries...Lunar Eclipse
It’s Aries, the beginning of our astrological year!   Fire up everyone!
The warrior energy is ignited by this Full Moon which is sitting with the asteroid  Vesta, our spiritual flame that ignites us with our divinity.  Vesta is the ruler of the hearth, our heart fire.  She is the pilot light within each one of us!  How good is that!
All fiery emotion:  Red is the colour of my true love’s hair!
Passionate connection to the inner spirit of our fiery divine feminine takes us to new places in the light of this particular full moon energy.
This particular Tarot card captures the essence of this full moon transformation on offer.  When the Queen of Wands emerges from her dark journey, her hair turns golden and her panther turns gold.  In memory of her journey she colours her red and her panther retains the black spots.    
This story is very much where we are at present.  How will you remember your journey through the dark to the light. 
Perhaps therein lies the ‘jewels’ of your imminent discoveries about your true worth and wealth!
Full Moon completion:  The balloon bursts!  
Endings, culminations and doors closing!   Emotions are released!
The Full Moon brings something to completion, to a head, to a culminating point.  Up to the full moon, something’s been building up deep inside us, an emotional bubble that is needing release. These energies may have been building up for more than the last month. 
The moon is all emotion carrying with it the memories, the unconscious energies that are awaiting recognition and release into our consciousness.  The Full Moon brings them forth, not necessarily in the most controlled fashion.  After all, it’s about pent up emotions and unresolved memories and energies. 
South Node of the Moon in proximity to the Full Moon:  
Old patterns and emotions could well erupt!
Given the incredible energies at this time, the energies being released are emanating from a lifetime, many lifetimes of living in the shadow/s of karma and the wheel of cause and effect. Aries is a fiery, volatile, impatient and self-oriented energy which in 3D ‘muggledom’ could lead to individuals and collectives acting out with anger and impulsive acts of violence, the old masculine warrior energy.  Emotions are huge at any full moon and this one’s mega huge!
Mars in square/challenge to Saturn:  Potential for karmic resolution and healing of our masculine energies, our masculine warriors!

How long have we been working on this planet with the healing and resolution of the masculine energies.  It’s been fight or flight for far too long  across the planet.
Mars and Saturn are offering resolution at this time of age old imbalances.
This big reddish Super Moon Full Moon eclipse is offering a release and a transformation that is karmic, that is assisting us to transmute the energies of fighting/fleeing into the courage and inner strength of the divine feminine.  

She takes our masculine partner by the hand and says ‘it doesn’t have to be this way any longer’.  The inner fire emanating from us all is calling us to step up in consciousness and keep choosing the strength and courage that comes from our divinity, our spirit.  Fighting and/or fearful energies may arise within us.

Physical healing: 
Mars is our physical vessel and Saturn rules bones, skeleton, joints and knees!  Surrender to love, the only true emotion!
It’s a square/challenge that may be impacting us in our physical bodies as Mars is in Virgo, finding physical healing of all that unresolved fire, anger, resentment, jealousy, frustration etc. etc. Mars rules our head, so if you’ve been getting ‘head’ stuff happening, then you are likely to be shifting some old wounds and karma.

The past week I’ve been suddenly feeling this in my knees, brought to my knees, brought to surrender!  We are in deep forgiveness for past abuses and misuses of the fighting warrior energies on this planet.  Let’s not forget Mars is the masculine warrior and the Full Moon in his sign of Aries is calling us to access the warrior energy of spirit. 
Calling the spiritual warriors!  Let there be light!
Mercury squaring/challenging Pluto:  The challenge to release old paradigms, belief systems and social conditioning!  
Restoring balance!
Mercury is our mind power, our intellect, carrying all the mental pathways of old learning from this and other lifetimes. Now travelling retrograde in Libra, we’re certainly going over history, this and other lifetimes, rectifying imbalances and resolving wounds around love and partnership.  Mercury’s within 5 degrees of the Sun so is in the picture with this whole major full moon experience. 

Pluto in Capricorn:    Transforming our personal status quo!  
 It’s do or die!  Or maybe do AND die! 
Pluto in Capricorn is transforming the systems, patterns, the status quo of society and within our own lives. Pluto rules life, death, rebirth and transformation offering us at this time an immense healing release thanks to its positive flowing energy with Jupiter in the healing sign of Virgo.  These are the two planetary energies which inform us about society and humanity on earth.  They are working together in harmony at this Full Moon, healing so much of the old order that needs to go.  New solutions and innovative ideas await us all on the personal and global level. 
Whatever comes up at this time, just surrender to a higher order, a better pathway to fulfilment.  All is well.   
 The Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse:  
It’s big, big energy offers a new pathway and new revelations!  
It’s about you and your place in the world!
Something emerges from this full moon as it always does at any full moon, as it does at any eclipse.  Being a total eclipse and in Aries indicates that it is likely to be a major revelation about you, your spirit and your deep yearnings and divine passion.  I make a discrimination between the experience of passion from past times.  This is a whole new breakthrough of understanding, insight and absolute excitement emanating from deep within your core.  This is speaking to the spirit of who you are, your beautiful golden inner core which has been hidden for far too long.
We’re growing up to meet the sunflower of our own being, the shining flower that lives within us. Be open to the messages at this Full Moon.  They’ll be coming in waves ongoing after the event, right through to the next New Moon in Libra on 13th October. 
This promises to be a fun ride in self-discovery.  Hold on to the golden gifts and let the rest just go!  It’s time!

The Sun in Libra opposite the Full Moon!
Balance is the key:    Sun and Moon, you and me!  
The Sun is in Libra opposite the Full Moon in Aries!
The Libran Sun is calling us to partnership and love, with ourselves, with our divinity, with a significant ‘other’.  Adding to this message and urge for partnership is Juno, the marriage asteroid which is sitting on the same degree as the Libran Sun!
Hidden potential unmasked and revealed:  No hiding at this Full Moon!
Lilith, the dark goddess moon at 3 degrees Libra, the shadow goddess within is released into the light of the Libran Sun and the Aries Full Moon!  Revelations of our divine gifts and previously undiscovered or hidden potential.  Wow! 
Just a degree away from the Sun and Juno, Lilith adds to the power of this eclipse revelation as the golden goddess within is brought into the light of divine partnership under the light of the Libran Sun.  Be open to discoveries about YOU!
North Node of the Moon at 1 degree Libra:  
Universal evolution to balance, equity, love, harmony!
This Full Moon energy is guiding us very strongly towards choosing the power of ‘You and me’ connection as an evolving force, carried by our own divine fire within emanating from the Full Moon.
Destiny calls:  Choose the higher path to fulfilment!  Divine partnership is power!
When we work in partnership with our divine self, our more evolved self, the higher consciousness within we are able to access an entirely flowing life which offers fulfilment of our greatest potential, our destiny.  We fulfil our destiny by taking the necessary steps towards expanding our spiritual self in our earthly lives.
In partnering with our divine self with open ourselves to the potential of divine partnership in our physical lives.  Love and acceptance of all that we are with compassion, forgiveness and mercy.  Hand over the difficult problems to the divine partner.  All is well.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Aries:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

‘An Ascension In Consciousness: September's Total Lunar Eclipse And The Super Galactic Center’

Full details of the planetary symbols at this time:

The Full Moon Aries 5:
This Symbol shows the ability to be able to lift yourself above the ordinary, using your natural gifts to find a new perspective, an uplifted view; to expand your awareness. This can picture an eagerness for spiritual integration or a capacity to escape from reality. Try to ground the vision, while allowing yourself the free flight of vision. This Symbol often brings a strong spiritual nature that expresses itself through purity of thought and insight. Inspiration and zeal. Feeling elevated and inspired through spiritual or creative efforts. Flying to a greater perspective. Self transcendence. Angels and their messages. 

The Caution: Not noticing your down-to-earth needs or of those around you. Escapism. Forgetting about the needs and desires of the body. Losing the plot.

The Sun Libra 5: 
This Symbol implies the gaining of wisdom and the passing on of knowledge to others who are receptive to the teachings. It can also show ‘channeling’ of pure instinctual knowledge. Whether you are a “Student” or a “Teacher”, information is available to you and others and there’s much to be learnt. The “True Inner Knowledge” may be conventional teachings or wisdom, although it’s more likely to be more modern concepts that are being passed on as this is about “The New World”. Insight, knowledge, and, experience are present. Conventional certifications of knowledge, such as diplomas, are probably not important; it's what's being brought through that's important. Looking within. Being a guiding light. Seeking the truth. Teachers of the “New World”. Having the answers that others seek. Listening and learning. Instinctual knowledge. 

The Caution: Dogmatism. Believing that one has the only answers. Arrogance. Evangelism. The blind leading the blind. Feeling above everybody. Gurus and cult dogma.

From Lynda Hill:    www.sabiansymbols.com

Eclipse viewing: Go to the link below for full information about viewing across the world

In the US, Canada, and Central and South America, this rare Total Lunar Eclipse of a Supermoonwill begin on the evening of September 27, 2015. In Europe, South/East Asia, Africa, the Arctic, and in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans it starts after midnight on September 28, 2015.
Also called a Blood Moon this eclipse will last for about 1 hour and 12 minutes.
From Lauren Gorgo: ‘Final Blood Moon:  Anchoring Unity
Creation’ 24th September

by Patricia Cota-Robles
Extract from above article:
On September 28, 2015, we will receive a crescendo of Gamma Ray Light from the Galactic Core. This is a rhythmic pulsation of Light that blesses our Solar System every 3,600 years with the Divine Intent of raising the consciousness of Sons and Daughters of God and accelerating the evolution of our Solar System. Even though this wondrous Gift of Light from On High has been available every 3,600 years, since our tragic fall from Grace the Earth and Humanity have been vibrating at a discordant frequency that was unable to receive or assimilate the benefits of these Gamma Rays. Now, however, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! 
The Company of Heaven has confirmed that with the miraculous changes that have taken place at an atomic cellular level within Humanity and all Life on Earth since the Birth of the New Earth, Humanity is finally able to receive and assimilate these powerful Gamma Rays from the Galactic Core. For several weeks, the effects of these Gamma Rays have been gradually building in momentum.
This influx of Gamma Rays will reach their peak in the midst of a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The influx of Light from the Full Moon Eclipse will stabilize the Water Element which composes 80% of the entire Elemental Kingdom and sustains the Emotional Bodies of Humanity. The Water Element is also the Divine Intelligence through which the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, is tangibly manifest in the world of form.
And further to above:
On September 27-28, 2015, through every person’s I AM Presence, Humanity en masse is going to receive the full power and might of the myriad Gamma Rays we have missed from this rhythmic 3,600 year Gift from On High, back to the initial impulse of the fall. This has never been done before and no one knows how it will manifest for each of us individually, but KNOW the results will ONLY enhance our lives and our Ascension process.
 From Cathy Pagano Jungian Astrologer:  ‘Aries Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse’
Golden Oldies:
‘Never Turning Back’ Judy Small https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPwRnS7ZEA0  for the Ascension energies
‘You Don’t Speak for Me’ Judy Small https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEzt1B2Oo9A for the warrior woman Full Moon
‘In the Light of Love’ Deva Premal, Miten and Manose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcXIq2yj008  Divine will be done
‘Mamma Mia’ Abba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unfzfe8f9NI  the fire within my soul, endings/beginnings
‘This Little Light of Mine’ The Seekers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwaogdb4PDo  the pilot light within
Upcoming Dates:
9th October:  Venus moves into Virgo
10th October:  Mercury stations/turns direct in Libra

13th October:  New Moon in Libra

That’s it people!  We’re on our way travelling that big wave of lunar energy all the way to the next New Moon in Libra on 13th October.  That’s when we’ll be emerging from the eclipse tunnel, the vortex of change energy we’ve been travelling for the past month.

I trust you’re travelling the roller coaster ride of energy shifts and turns with as much equanimity as you can muster.  The waves have been big at times with the solar flares and solar magnetic storms of last week, something I failed to mention in my haste to get out the last update. 

As always love and blessings to us all as we throw off the attachments and ties of all that have been holding us in check for far too long.  Mind you. we’re still in retrograde Mercury energy until 10th October, so plenty of integration time after the full moon impact.

Network, Peter Finch:
So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,
"I'm as mad as hell,
and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"

Instead of doing a Peter Finch ‘I’m mad as hell...’  try this:
A video clip for us all for the Full Moon.  Let’s all hear everyone howling with the joy of release!  Whoooo!   https://www.facebook.com/cordero.crystal/videos/10206587367541872/?pnref=story

Hugs and hugs to all!  Here we go!!!!  Whooo!  Whooo!


from the chair

It’s all about love

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