...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 23 September 2015

23rd September, Sun into Libra, Equinox

Hi everyone!

What’s been happening:

Farewell Virgo Sun:
As the final rays of the setting Sun in Virgo disappear over the horizon, we can see the evidence of the last month’s cleansing and purification process.  Maybe there’s a few ‘dead trees’ in your world, energies that have completed are now past their ‘use by date’. 

Change and more change:    
A double whammy...Mercury retro and eclipses!
With Mercury retrograde time we have a natural tendency to go back over what’s been happening to us, making sense of the shifts and turns in our life. It’s been a solar month of surges of energy which have lifted the wounds of the past up to the surface of our consciousness, asking for release from our memory banks.

Clearing the decks continues:  Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries...release!
We’re still very much in the clearance process even though the Sun is moving into Libra on 23rd September. The big release at the Full Moon on 28th will flow on with waves of change emanating from that experience as much is revealed from our unconscious, our memories regarding our divinity, our ‘I am’ presence and our unique gifts, divine potential.

The  eclipse vortex and Mercury retrograde:  
Change, change, change!

Sudden, unexpected change:    
Out of the blue surprises and changes of direction!
The eclipse energies are a portal of change, often sudden and unexpected!  Mercury turns around our thinking and often leads to a change of direction as a result of re-examining our pathway, our options and our potential.

Mercury  our mind energy:    Owning and befriending the shadows
Now that Mercury's turned retrograde in Libra we've turned around, seemingly facing ourselves, our disowned shadows, the good bad and the ugly with an occasional cosmic whack of shock and surprise. We're being urged to get on with our evolution, get out of the comfort zone and choose to take a new pathway off the same old karmic wheel. The eclipse energies are working with this Mercury retrograde to shift us fairly dramatically.

We’re still in Mercury retrograde and eclipse energy so incredible change and growth is ongoing for us all.  Mercury is retrograde until 10th October and the eclipse energies will be impacting until the New Moon in Libra on 13th October.  

Remember that eclipse energies often impact a month after the date and flow on for 6 months afterwards.  

What’s coming in:
23rd September:    Sun moves into Libra at 6.20 pm AEST, September Equinox...love and balance!
Until 24th October
The Sun moving into Libra is the beginning of a new solar month and signifies the September Equinox, Spring for the Southern Hemisphere and Autumn for the Northern Hemisphere.

Libra rules:  
Balance, justice, love, harmony, peace, beauty and partnership
With Venus as its ruler. Libra’s most powerful urge is to access love, to emanate love, to breathe love into life.  Now where there is imbalance, disharmony or conflict, Libran energies take us through a process of addressing those imbalances.  Maybe it’s through the justice system, through social activism, through negotiation, mediation whether in the transpersonal or personal sphere.

Libra will urge us to rectify imbalances in our life and on earth, even if it takes us into a place of potential conflict.  Peace is the goal so whatever it takes!

Karmic justice:  
Opportunities to release karmic ‘burdens’ and imbalances!
This is such perfect timing as we travel the eclipse tunnel and the Mercury retrograde labyrinth.  With Libran energy emanating from the Sun, along with Mercury, we’re being given the opportunity to release karmic contracts, bonds, ties and commitments that are now completed.  We don’t have to know all the details.  We just have to intend release from this karmic treadmill we’ve been working and all it entails.

The cleansing and purification of ancestral, planetary and genetic memories and traumas has been ongoing and at times excruciating for some of us.  However, the time now is ripe for release of resistant energies from within the core of our being.  Pluto is surfacing with previously unrecognisable golden gifts which have been buried within us.  Mercury’s clearing up our ‘head’ stuff which has kept us in the old grooves of conditioning.

Partnerships in the spotlight:  
Committed, one on one, marriage, business, friendship!
Libra is focussed on LOVE and that, for Libra, means a loving commitment, built on the purity of love which brings harmony, balance and the beauty of fulfilment in partnership.

Urge to merge:   The two of us!
Under the Libran Sun, we feel a strong urge to be in loving, committed partnership.  This may be in a loving romantic marriage commitment or may play out as a strong business partnership or friendship that carries the weight of loving connection, equity, trust and common ideals. 

Loving partnerships: 
Libra seeks commitment in partnership and this month many of us may find we’re looking for that sense of security that comes from feeling loved and honoured at our deepest level.  We all know how elusive such relationships as we keep growing and changing as individuals on our pathway.  Nevertheless, we continue to seek that alignment with another that we can call soul mate but is probably more fittingly called ‘twin flame’. 

Mirror, mirror on the wall:  A month of reflections speaking to us!
In seeking partnership, we find ourselves, face to face with any number of aspects within us.  Sometimes, the reflections from others can throw us into turmoil and into emotions which can either raise us  up into a state of joyful ‘being in love’ as when we meet a kindred spirit or throw us into anger and resentment for no known reason.  We meet ourselves.

This is typical of Libran energies and even more possible at this time of Mercury retrograde where we meet up with people, places and experiences from our past. It’s all about understanding, acceptance and coming to resolution of energies which have been floating around in the ether.

The balancing act of the earth and its inhabitants:  
A constant flow of movement bringing life into balance and harmony!
We live on a planet that is constantly rebalancing its energies in a natural process of restoring harmony, peace and love.  The planetary earth changes are a rebalancing of the earth’s atmosphere and equilibrium.  We do the same on the personal and political level.

We see this most immediately in the past 20 years or so with the growth and expansion of economic rationalism, consumerism, capitalism and the upsurge in right wing political governments, often leaning to dictatorships.  In response or what we could see as the rebalancing of these energies, we’ve seen the rise of social activism, the awakening of the consciousness of the people assisted by the world wide web and social media. It has brought in the natural rebalancing at the grass roots level by the masses.  Once upon a time, the people would be storming the Bastille in similar revolutionary actions with a much more violent outcome.   

25th September:    Sun conjuncts/meets the North Node of the Moon  at 2 degrees Libra
A new beginning for our evolution of consciousness!
The Sun is our most powerful planetary body and carries the energy of the light that gives life to our planet.  Meeting with the North Node of the Moon signifies a very major beginning for the alignment of our solar energy, the expression of ourselves in the everyday world with the spiritual direction of the planet at this time.  The North Node is our planetary evolutionary direction.  Spiritually, we’re learning to evolve in consciousness to be more Libran, to live in love, equity, harmony and peace on the planet. 

The North Node’s been in Libra for some time since February 2014 guiding our planet to resolve differences with negotiation, mediation and peace to bring equity.  It seems like we haven’t progressed but then I look at the awakening of so many people to the inequities and inequities operating on our planet.  Thanks to Pluto in Capricorn.  The North Node moves into Virgo on 10th October, when Mercury turns direct.

Sabian symbol for the North Node of the Moon:  Ascension and Transcendence!
The Sabian symbol for the planetary evolutionary direction, the North Node of the Moon says it all:
This wonderful Symbol shows a time of new beginnings with an implementation of a brand new order. Often, this shows people being interested in attaining spiritual transformation and attainment. As you change and grow there’s a need to respect the value of what is waning, and to take the best qualities with you into your future. This often shows being within reach of your ultimate potential. Some aspects of society are left behind for a higher, more evolved state. Ascension to a higher order is pictured, but there is a need to remain rooted in the reality of practicality, lest one loses one's way. Transference of the best of the past into the present. Younger, more vital energies taking over. Theosophy. Blavatsky's theories. Finding kindred spirits. Ascension and the New Age.

The Caution: Losing touch with practical survival. Discrimination against the ‘lower classes’ or less evolved. Being a space-cadet. Leaving others behind as ‘not worthy’.
From Lynda Hill:    www.sabiansymbols.com

25th September:    
Mars moves into Virgo at 12.17 pm AEST
Until 13th November
Mars is our fire and drive, our physical power that pushes us along.  Mars in earthy Virgo activates our desire for manifesting in the physical world. 

Physical healing and regeneration of the physical body:
Virgo is the earthy energy that offers good health and physical healing when we pay attention and listen to our bodies.  Mars is our physical body so is particularly happy in Virgo when it can take up dietary plans, exercise programs and healing therapies which support the building of physical strength.    

I am:    Mars is concerned with the ‘I am’ divinity, the essential self
This can often be translated by the ‘lower’ mind, the muggle self as ‘me, me, me’ at the expense of others. We tread a fine line in balancing the needs and desires with the needs and desires of others.  How much do we sacrifice of ourselves for others?
If it’s at the expense of our health and wellbeing, we need to reconsider how much we give, ‘give over’.  It is our acknowledgement of our divinity and our ‘I am’ that needs to come first.  Sorting out ego from higher consciousness can prove a challenge with Mars energy which wants it all his way when in the less evolved mode. 

 Heart healing for the divine masculine:  
‘My way or the highway’ can be a lonely experience!
Interesting to be in the experience of Libran energies which seek love, harmony, balance and partnership.  Along comes Mars in Virgo seeking healing of the personal ‘I am’ self, perhaps feeling that he can do this his alone in alignment with his divinity.  Mars is regarded as our masculine warrior energy and has been in a long term healing process of the wounded masculine energies within.  We all carry this wound. 

There seems to be big opportunity for our reclamation of our masculine energy in a whole new way.  It’s a healing time when Mars can trust himself to have his head without the overblown ego taking over.  Trust in this newfound drive and fire and run with it.  You never know, his bicycle might turn into a tandem! 

25th September:    Pluto stations/turns direct at 4.57 pm AEST 12 degrees 58 Capricorn
Pluto is Lord of the Underworld, the dark energy that rules life, death, rebirth and transformation.

Pluto emerges from his retrograde journey into the deep recesses of our psyche!
We’ve been digging deep on a personal, social and planetary level in the past months as Pluto took us into his underground home, ‘digging up the dirt’ for us all. Pluto is now emerging with the inner ‘gold’ that has been discovered in his journey to the centre of our very own personal core!

Our golden gifts revealed:   
After Pluto’s ‘house cleaning’ he shines his light on our gifts!
Be open to new insights especially at this time with the other astrological energies sending messages.  Pluto’s very still at this time.  It is in the stillness of a stationing planet that we can appreciate and accept the potency of its messages.  From Pluto, we receive the golden gifts of the miner!

Revelations, insights and whistleblowers:  
All par for the course with Pluto in Capricorn!
Capricorn rules government, institutions, big money, powerbrokers, multinationals so it’s easy to see that Pluto’s long term transit of Capricorn is offering a long term overhaul of banking, government and big money systems and practices.  Pluto’s in Capricorn until 2024 so we’re in the throes of these changes and challenges for the long haul.

by Patricia Cota-Robles

Extract from above message: 
‘On September 22-23, 2015, which is the September Equinox, we will intensify the influx of Light from the New Moon Solar Eclipse which occurred on September 12-13, and secure it into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth.
The effects of that Activity of Light will build in momentum until September 27-28, 2015, when we will experience not only an incredibly powerful influx of Light from a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but a life-transforming influx of Light from a Celestial Event referred to as WAVE X, or The Event Horizon. This is a Celestial opportunity that we have not been able to benefit from since our fall from Grace.’

Golden Oldies:
‘Love Story’ Nana Mouskouri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiTL5A4_zWM  Sun in Libra

‘The Windmills of Your Mind’ Eva Mendes  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ5QEXzPpE0  Mercury retrograde in Libra

‘Those were the Days’ Mary Hopkins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3KEhWTnWvE  Mercury retro reminiscences

‘On a bicycle built for Two’ Nat King Cole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78MKBHR3NbU Sun in Libra and Mars in Virgo

‘One Alone’  Mario Lanza from Desert song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30SRarDHOR8 for Mars in Virgo

‘The Wombling Song’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQMMPFtoG4 for Pluto stationing direct

The Libran question: ‘How long does it last?’ 
‘How long does it lastCan love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away
And she'll/he’ll  be there
Lyrics from ‘Love Story’

Upcoming Dates:
28th September:    Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries

9th October:  Venus moves into Virgo
10th October:  Mercury stations/turns direct in Libra

That’s it everyone!  I have been somewhat physically challenged these last few days and am therefore running a little late with this one.  I won’t blame Mercury retrograde. Trusting that I’ll have a little more energy now that the pain has shifted and will be able to send out the Full Moon report in a day or two.  It’s such a big event astrologically and cosmically, I really wanted to be fully attuned to write it up.

Love and blessings to every one of us at this powerfully auspicious time of rebalancing and renewal.


from the chair...embracing love

It’s all about love

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