...for the children of the earth

Sunday 17 January 2016

Hi everyone!  

I don't know about you but it's been quite a week in more ways than one which is why I decided to post these insights which I put up on facebook last week. 

There's some new info too, energies leading up the entry of Sun into Aquarius.

Bit of a retrospective with this one as my next big posting will be in time for the Sun moving to Aquarius on 21st January and the Full Moon in Leo on 24th January.

David Bowie returning to the stars:
Here’s a great tribute to David Bowie from artist Jarrett J Krosoczka.  Significant  passing of game-changer and transformational energy of David Bowie aligned with the New Moon in Capricorn just after his birthday.   He challenged and changed the status quo. 

With an Aquarian ascendant, he brought the cosmos to earth and his Uranus/Aquarius’ ruler in Gemini, along with his spiritual north node, myriad personalities and identities expanded the thinking and consciousness of all on earth, even if you’re not a rock music fan.

What's been happening:
13th and 14th January:  
Venus and Uranus igniting the heart energy!
AEDT Effective from 12th to 14th January. 

Open heart surgery! 

Heart opening moments of the best kind. Venus/heart energy in Sagittarius with lightning strike surprise energy Uranus in Aries today at 16 degrees 
Venus is opened up and revealed in all her glory!  Prepare to be ignited! I think a whole lot of us could do with some of that. 

There’s more heart healing coming in from 18th, so keep this image in mind.  As the heart is revealed to ourselves and others, we luxuriate in the freedom that comes from vulnerability.  

14th January:  Sun in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Virgo!
Effective from 13th to 15th
Yes, 'the sun comes out yesterday, today and tomorrow'!

Sun in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Virgo 14th at 9.49 am AEDT
Happening at 23 degrees. Effective from 13th to 15th

Releasing and healing physical security issues and memories:
A positive and expansive light offers us hope and optimism about our earthly lives. Big healing of those physical security issues whether it be the body, the home, work, money...you name it!
Make hay while the sun shines!

A little cloud of heart clearing pain:
At 11.26 am AEDT we may have experienced a little cloud in the sky or in the heart I should say when Venus/our heart energy now in Sagittarius squared off to Chiron in Pisces. Happening at 17 degrees. Collective spiritual wounds or personal pain? Whatever it is, it's heart healing. With the presence of the Sun and Jupiter having happy chats and bringing optimism, any heart 'pain' has the potential to clear into powerful loving connections.

15th January:  Mercury mind is in a spin!
Round and round we go, where it stops nobody knows!
Mercury is all over this 24 hours and a day either side as we continue with the Mercury retrograde mind makeover or rather merry-go-round!

Who's unravelling?
This Mercury retrograde has been a minefield of confusion as we are being forced to let go of problem solving with the mind and allowing the heart to lead.

New lightbulbs!
Mercury met the Sun at 1.05 am 15th AEDT kicking off the 24 hours with a reboot of our spirit and mind energy at 24 degrees Capricorn. 

Our essence, our spirit is infusing the mind energy with the light power we need to switch on the divine light bulbs! They're the latest in ultra spiritual accessories!

Do you know where you're going to???
Following this up we had Mercury in positive harmonious conversation with the lunar nodes at 7.10 am AEDT on 15th. 

Our minds are being aligned with the current evolutionary direction of the planet. Are we all on the same page everyone? Everyone? Hmm...maybe a few stragglers!

No, not a page!  It's a labyrinth of change!

Mercury and Jupiter speaking harmoniously: 
Then to finish us off at 1.15 pm AEDT on 15th Mercury had a beautiful flowing connection with Jupiter, planet of expansion, optimism and good humour. 

Maybe that little cloud from yesterday:  Releasing emotionally!
If you didn't feel the positivity in this aspect, trust that it will come good as more than likely 'old' energies were brought out of the dark mind into the light. Remember, we are dealing with Mercury in Capricorn and that's all planetary energy, ruled as it is by Saturn, Lord of Karma!

Yes, we will survive and much better than we may feel at this point in time. If we're unravelled, we're surrendering to a force beyond our 'small' mind and being opened up to receive a whole new revamped operating system.

Mercury retrograde, memories revisited:  
Revisiting, reviewing and releasing the old memories!

It’s a slow down and a mental reboot!

With this last week of Mercury playing such a leading role, we need to remember that Mercury retrograde periods take us back to the past and this can be any time in this lifetime, into ancestral, past life or planetary memories.  We start feeling addled because we're inundated with emotions, thoughts and beliefs that are surfacing out of another time and place.  They may be memories you didn't even know existed!

Mercury in Capricorn:  
Physical, planetary, karmic!
With Mercury retrograding through Capricorn, a lot of these memories are planetary and of a karmic nature, releasing us from the old paradigm, the old status quo. The predominance of small mind control is being released from the memory banks.

From Stephanie Azaria Cosmic Consciousness Daily:  www.thecosmicpath.com
Current energies:

The Sun and the Moon are the quintessential archetypes for the masculine (spirit) and feminine (intuition). This balancing process is going to continue for a while. Mercury, ruling the masculine higher Mind part of our Being, Venus, ruling the emotional heart-centered part, and Mars, ruling the physical experience that is learning to switch from the warrior identity to the much more peaceful heart-felt mode of Right Action... all three of these lower body rulers are realigning and finding their perfect balance with the Sun and Moon, of course.

What's coming in :
Bells are ringing...just open the door to healing this week!
More heart healing in the coming few days as we move towards the entry of Sun into Aquarius on 21st January.

18th January:  Venus in Sagittarius squares off to Jupiter in Virgo
Big heart healing opportunity!   
Whenever we have Virgo in the picture, we know something of a healing/health nature is happening.  With Venus in the picture, we know it’s heart centred energy, the power of love.  Sagittarius expands everything and has an essentially positive impact even in a square/challenge formation. 

The door for heart healing of spiritual wounds in the physical body is open for us.  We just have to say yes!

18th January:  Mars trine Neptune
Uplifting spiritual energies releasing the body and uplifting the masculine energies!
A positive conversation between Mars, our physical body, our fire, drive and ambition with Neptune in Pisces, the elevated spiritual dimension!

A golden opportunity for us to align with the higher path physically and with those ambitious desires which have been pushing us along. This is a shift in consciousness being offered to those energies which have kept us in 3 dimensional consciousness.  Muggle to magical...maybe not immediately but a step in the right direction.  Again, we just have to say yes!

19th January:  Venus squares off/challenges the North Lunar Node...more heart healing and consciousness raising!
Our heart energy is being aligned with the universal planetary direction at this time.  The North Node again is in Virgo so we are all headed down that major healing pathway which is spiritual and physical, whether we like it or not.

Virgo is a purifying energy and Venus in Sagittarius is higher heart learning, higher consciousness in terms of cosmic consciousness.
Empty our hearts of all the energies which are held in our memory banks.  Remember, we’re still in Mercury retrograde energy,

19th January:  Mercury in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces...mental healing of spiritual ‘wounds’!
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn has been having a huge impact on our mental state, clarity and our physical bodies.  This aspect is a positive flowing conversation between the mental body, the mind and the spiritual ‘wounds’ both personal and collective.  Pisces is collective energy.

Interesting how this comes in the last day of the Sun in Capricorn.  This can involve an intensification of energy until we release.  Plenty of people being getting headaches and similar ailments associated with the head, the respiratory system.  This day could provide a big clearance as the Sun’s energy has its last ‘hit’ in Capricorn. 

Golden Oldies:
‘Sentimental Journey’  Doris Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUw125JMVFI

 ‘Memory’ Elaine Paige from ‘Cats’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-L6rEm0rnY

‘Memory’  Barbara Streisand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAaWaEQd6lE for the Streisand fans


Upcoming Dates:
21st January:  Sun enters Aquarius
24th January:  Full Moon in Leo

That’s it folks!  A shortened version of what’s coming in before 21st as I’m dealing with my own physical well being and need to pace myself.  Trusting I’ll have the new update out in time for the Sun’s entry into Aquarius. 

Trust that you’re losing your minds, that is the less evolved aspects from other times and other places which are seeking to keep a grip on the old reality.
No, we’re not getting Alzheimer’s.  We’re just letting go of the mind control at the expense of the heart.  We try to carry far too much information in our minds.  After all, we’ve got Google now, don’t we!  haha

Love and blessings all


from the chair...in the slow lane!

It’s all about love

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