...for the children of the earth

Sunday 3 January 2016

2nd January Mercury into Aquarius, 4th Mars into Scorpio, 6th Mercury retrograde

Hi everyone!  
Happy New year! 
We’re hitting the heights, reaching the spiritual pinnacle!
In case you’ve forgotten, we’re travelling in the light of the Capricorn Sun, sign of physical manifestation of ambitions and goals!  It’s the sign of hopes and divine confidence! 
A year of completion and spiritual growth and expansion:
In a Universal 9 year numerologically, the focus will be very much on our spiritual evolution utilising all that we’ve been learning as spiritual warriors.  The greatest service we can give ourselves and others this year is to allow our divine self, our higher self and the cosmos to carry us forward. 
Power through surrendering and allowing:  No, it’s not a goat!
This is a year of surrendering to the flow of cosmic power, divine will and our highest expression in the world.  Our greatest growth and power comes through holding the vision and allowing the manifestation of our divine destiny. 
Less is more!
That doesn’t mean we do nothing on the physical plane.  One step in the physical world can bring in a 1000 steps forward.  That’s especially the case in this coming year of completion.  Less is more!  Setting our intent we make up our mind and utilise the power of our inner magnetic energies to draw to us our destiny.
Happy New Year:  Solar flares, geomagnetic storms 
and a comet messenger to welcome the New Year!
What beautiful signs from the cosmos as we entered 2016!

A G2-class geomagnetic storm is in progress on Jan. 1st, sparking the first auroras of the New Year. In Glenfarg, Scotland, fireworks exploded against a backdrop of green:
"Our neighbours let off some fireworks for the New Year," says photographer Stuart Walker. "They were modest compared to the organised display in Edinburgh, but looked great alongside the ongoing aurora."
This storm is the result of a CME strike on New Year's Eve (Dec. 31 @ 00:30 UT). At first the CME's impact had little effect. Indeed, we initially ruled it a "dud." But as Earth moved deeper into the CME's wake, solar wind conditions shifted to favor a storm.
Ongoing light downloads which may be impacting on the physical body.  As we go on, I imagine we’re less likely to feel the physical discomfort as we have done.  I feel better already this year and trust that will continue.
A messenger from the stars!  
Comet Catalina passed close by Arcturus on 1st January 
Message of hope!
On Jan. 1st, Comet Catalina had a close encounter with Arcturus in the early morning sky. Chris Schur of Payson AZ woke up before dawn to photograph the green comet beside the orange star:
"A really nice photo-op this morning, with the 6th magnitude comet nearly on top of Arcturus," says Schur. "Fortunately, the comet's tail pointed away from the all too brilliant star, and made for a stunning portrait."
Arcturus is an orange giant star 37 light years from Earth. Comet Catalina is much closer, only 0.00001 light years from Earth. The comet gets its green color from the gases in its atmosphere--especially diatomic carbon (C2), which glows green when illuminated by sunlight in the near-vacuum of space.
Comet Catalina will remain in the neighborhood of Arcturus for the next couple of nights as it glides through the constellation Bootes. Observing tips and sky maps may be found in this article from Sky and Telescope.
Comet Catalina and Arcturus on 1st January:
Messenger of hope and divine love? 
In Mythology and Astrology, comets are regarded as messengers of change.  Their influence is related to connections they make to other planetary bodies such as planets and fixed stars.  Arcturus is regarded as one of the more fortunate fixed stars. 
According to Edgar Cayce, Arcturus carries the most evolved consciousness of love.  'Edgar Cayce’s readings mentioned the radiant golden-orange star Arcturus over 30 times and regarded it as the “stargate”—an entranceway to other parts of the universe or to other realms of consciousness'
See Dreamtime Astrology link at end of this update:  
Year of the Lizard, guided by the star Arcturus!
In Dreamtime astrology 2016 is the year of the Lizard, guided by the star Arcturus. The Wotjobaluk Koori people knew it as Marpean-kurrk, mother of Djuit, the sign to harvest.

What’s coming in:  
Mercury and Mars on the move!  
Venus has already moved on!

Heart, mind and body are undergoing shifts in focus this week:
We’re in the middle of an interesting week astrologically as the three ‘personal’ planets, Venus, Mercury and Mars all change signs in this week.  The good news is that the new placements of these planets are much more agreeable to each of them than they have been for a while.
If you think of Venus, our heart energy, Mercury, our mind energy and Mars as our physical body, then you may get a better grasp of how these changes are likely to impact on us.
Venus has already moved into Sagittarius last week and now Mercury moves into Aquarius, just for a few days whilst Mars takes off in Scorpio.  Until Pluto was discovered Mars was considered the ruler of Scorpio as well as of Aries.  So, in a way Mars is having a old home visit! 
2nd January:  
Mercury entered Aquarius at 1.20 pm AEDT...the stars speak to us!
Until 8th January
6th January Mercury retrograde until 25th January
Mercury as his most potent:  Virtually at a standstill!
This is a very powerful time as Mercury steps into Aquarius for only a few days.  The fact that he’s moving into Mercury while he’s in retrograde shadow, virtually at a standstill, adds potency to his impact.  He’s holding that energy for just a few days so we can access some cosmic messages from the ‘stars’ from the Aquarian big picture.
Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, messenger of higher consciousness:  

Working with Mercury!
With Aquarius ruled by Uranus, we’re receiving the messages of higher consciousness from the cosmos, if we’re prepared to listen.  Mercury is the messenger that’s everywhere at once and when he moves into Aquarius, he’s out there with the stars, hanging in stillness in the cosmos, working with Uranus, the electrically charged messenger of divine consciousness.

Six days of divine communication:  
Calling in hopes, dreams and fulfilment!
Make the most of this auspicious opportunity.  Yes.  It’s a cosmic window of opportunity!  Magic happens when you’re standing still, rapt with attention, focussed on experiencing all the power of the cosmic forces which are seeking to take us forward.
4th January:  
Mars enters Scorpio at 1.32 am AEDT
It’s a homecoming! 
Until 5th March
Mars was once the ruler of Scorpio, before Pluto was discovered so is quite comfortable in the sign of deep transformation.  He’s all fire and action and ready to dive right in to take on the next stretch of physical transformation. 
Out of Libra, the sign of diplomacy and justice:  Release!

After travelling through Libra since 13th November, Mars is finally released from the containment that Libra demands of him. Mars has been working with us in realigning our physical bodies bringing balance and karmic justice within our physical mechanism.  That’s right! It hasn’t been entirely comfortable.

More life force and feistiness:   Watch the fiery reactions this week!  
Mars is our physical body as well as our fire, drive and passion to move forward.  When he enters Scorpio, he’s taking us into some deep places which can be mined for extra life force. I think we’re going to start feeling the physical benefits in our health and bodies. Let’s hope! 
Just a heads up:  Mars squares off to Mercury this week!   
Fighting words?  or not!
Good opportunity to let old fighting mechanisms and reactive behaviours go as the planet of war and action ‘meets’ the planet of communication.  Knowing the potential for shooting from the hip gives us a bit of a head start if any conflicts arise.
6th January:  Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius
Fluid time and space!  
No time, no space!
We have three days with Mercury in Aquarius in retrograde energy before he re-enters Capricorn on 9th January. After 9th, we’ll be discovering how to put all that mental and cosmic energy to good use on the physical dimension as Mercury continues his retrograde in Capricorn. 
Beam me up Scotty:  Calling all space cadets!
Aquarius calls us to lift off into the cosmic energies of higher thinking and idealism. The next 3 days we may well feel off the planet mentally as we star walk and take in the cosmic dust of possibilities and new realms of existence.  Mercury turning retrograde in Aquarius is really setting the tone for the retrograde period of the next 3 weeks as we access new information.
Take a breath and slow it all down:  Mercury retro says SLOW DOWN!
Mercury is a mentally focussed energy.  It is our mind.  In Aquarius, a mentally focussed air sign. Mercury can really go off the deep end, over the top mentally with a craziness as only exhibited by the horse at the keyboard.

Just be aware that Uranus energy along with Mercury retrograde could bring up communication/technology problems.  I say 'could'.  It is not a given!
Meditate, relax consciously:  Our mental activity could escalate!
This energy is only with us for 3 days but can make us feel hyper and electrically charged, looking for some kind of release.  As mentioned in my posting on Mars above, we need to find a safe way to discharge these hyped up energies which may have our minds working overtime.
Retrograde planets take us within and grow us ‘inside’:  
We expand into higher consciousness!
Retrograde planets give us rapid growth in higher consciousness as we’re working on the inner changes with the unseen forces of mind, emotion, spirit.  When planets are retrograde, we’re more inclined to want to withdraw from some activity in the physical world.  We’re working undercover with one or more aspects of self and our life.  Keep this in mind with Mercury retrograde period coming up in early January.
From Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:  
 New Year mental recalibration and upgrade!
‘Now, and courtesy of this current/upcoming retrograde cycle (beginning January 6th I believe), I am hearing that many will be activating this higher level, “GOD realized” level of perception…in a more permanent way.
According to the PHC, as we move into the new year our newly attained level of (christ) consciousness will begin manifesting with the mind, and so right out of the gate we will be undergoing a radical mental upgrade/recalibration.’
PHC:  Pleiadian High Command
Numerology Universal Year Numbers:
Last year review: 
Quotes from above:
The energy of the 8 tests you in realms of power.
2015 is your year to develop and nurture everything related to money, power, control, and authority.
This is a year for advancement, recognition, achievement, and financial gain (or loss, or both).

2016:  Universal year 9
You really need to read the whole article which is succinct. 
However, here’s the last paragraph which gives some insight:
The number 9 is an innately “spiritual” vibration and when we experience it, the challenge is in embodying and acting upon the constructive elements of all the numbers.  That’s a big order to fill!  So 2016 is prodding all of us to take the lead in our lives (1) using love and diplomacy (2).  We will be offered opportunities to communicate with a sense of joyful self-expression (3) while using our good sense, setting up a plan, and following through with hard work (4).  “Freedom” is to be sought with focused discipline (5) and we’ll need to pay special attention to our domestic relationships and take on some added responsibility (6).  It’s also about delving into our spirituality (7) and also taking charge of our material existence (8).  And wrap it all up in a humanitarian bow!  (9) 
2016 is not the time to push, push, push. It’s the time to go back to the future (so to speak) and take inventory of the past—make amends, forgive, say your good-byes, and let go. This is the year for surrender. Handing over control and trusting a Higher Power instead of clinging to our Individual Will is the ultimate challenge of the 9 Universal Year—while at the same time moving forward with right action. Surrendering doesn’t mean sitting around and waiting for stuff to happen. If we’re ready, willing, and able to let go and move into a new, more highly evolved state of being, then 2016 is the year where dreams can manifest instantly! 

Dreamtime astrology:
Your 'destiny' predictions for 2016  

The Dreamtime astrology zodiac consists of centuries - old Aboriginal Dreamtime stories incorporated with modern constellation interpretation, as seen from Australian southern heavens and incorporating global axis.
The horoscope is written month-by-month from beginning to end, including leap years.

In Dreamtime astrology 2016 is the year of the Lizard, guided by the star Arcturus. The Wotjobaluk Koori people knew it as Marpean-kurrk, mother of Djuit, the sign to harvest.

‘High Hopes’ Frank Sinatra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaPTweZ2_fI  for the New Year and Capricorn Sun
‘Smile’ Nat King Cole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN8oLGBNXpE Good reminder if we hit any ‘troughs’ this year
‘Feelin’ Groovy’ Simon and Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvlW4bEjB5A for Mercury retrograde

Upcoming Dates:
9th January:  Mercury moves into Capricorn in retrograde
10th January:  New Moon in Capricorn
Well folks we’re into the new year of 2016, the number 9 year, a year of completion, a year of surrendering to higher consciousness and divine will. 
As always, love and blessings to us all as we step along the consciousness raising pathway, bringing in the light to ourselves and others.  Maintaining our high hopes and focus on the truth of our loving hearts will carry and uplift our spirits.  The wider world may continue raging as we invoke the light and divine love and forgiveness.  That is our greatest gift...carrying the light!
from the chair...dreaming in the good times

It’s all about love


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