...for the children of the earth

Monday 28 December 2015

30th December 2015 Venus moves into Sagittarius

Hi everyone!  


What an amazing full moon in Cancer! 
You can never tell accurately how the energies will impact each one of us but it definitely felt like a gentle caressing energy after such a turbulent year.  

The completion of old energies and old wounds seemed palpable and the mood of many seemed more optimistic and hopeful than we’ve had for many a long time. It may not have been like that for all of us but for many, it was a Christmas with a difference.
It really feels like we’re standing atop the Capricorn pinnacle of higher consciousness looking across the countryside, seeing the wider perspective, the bigger picture with a perception that is opening us up to the new potentials presenting in the new year.

A culminating full moon:  What’s changed?  Stay tuned!
The potent energies of Uranus at a standstill, combined with the Full Moon in Cancer energy brought something to a close, to a turning point.  For many, it’s been a peaceful and blessed Christmas without the intense bombardment of ‘war’ news.  Yes, it’s still happening but it felt like we had a ceasefire of sorts even for a day or two. The playing out of these changes will be flowing on for the next few days, into the new year and right up to the New Moon in Capricorn on 10th January.

Full Moon in Cancer McClaren Vale vineyards South Australia 25.12.15

Battle scarred? 
Knocked out...then back again! 
Still standing...just!
Many of us are battle scarred from the past 3 years of intense change and evolution which has bombarded us on all levels, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.  I don’t know about everyone else but the energies of transmutation of the physical body, the cell memories and DNA upgrade have left me at times gasping for air as I breathed in the light. 

26th December:  Uranus stationing/turning direct in Aries
The sudden and unexpected energies of Uranus were overlaying the Full Moon energies and had the potential to bring an enlightening moment, insight, an opening to something new. That energy is still with us. Uranus is at a still point and doesn’t move forward until 2nd/3rd January. 
Lightning strike sparks big bushfire in Australia:
I was hoping that we wouldn’t have a dramatic unpleasant manifestation of this in the world.  However, we had huge bushfires in Australia on the southern coast The Great Ocean Road where a few small surfing towns filled with holidaymakers were overwhelmed with a loss of 116 homes. 
Interesting that Uranus/lightning striker stationed/came to a standstill to move direct in fiery Aries whilst we’re sitting in the fullness of the Cancer ‘home and hearth’ full moon.

Storm activity:  
Meanwhile, other extraordinary weather ‘storms’ were occurring in USA, UK, South America and Asia affecting homes, families and some loss of life with tornadoes and floods. We also have monsoon season in the far north of Australia with big flooding this year and some loss of life.  There may well have been other extreme weather events across the world.  We’ve ALMOST become so used to these occurrences that we expect to hear about them on a regular basis.

What’s coming in:
26th to 6th January:  All planets now direct!  
Are we there...yet?  We’re finding our feet! 
Nevertheless, the Uranus station is significant as it opened up a period of time when all the planets are moving direct. Our whole focus shifts to the ‘outer’ physical world.  We may not feel like taking action...just yet.  But we are preparing to step forward into more physicality, more physical presence in the wider world.  

For good reason we’re feeling cautious as we ask ‘Is it time...yet?’ and ‘Are we there...yet?’ We couldn’t have a more important time to test our inner voice’s attunement to the energies coming in.  It’s time to reclaim our confidence...if it’s been in short supply. When the physical body is morphing and contorting with chemical and molecular changes, we’ve had good reason to feel a little insecure.  After all, we’re living on a planet of physicality.  

Stormy weather: Discoveries, insights, realisations!
Uranus direct but in stillness!
With Uranus stationing/turning direct on 26th December, all the planets are travelling direct until Mercury turns direct on 6th January. It puts the focus on our outer physical world but not necessarily on rapid outer movement.
Uranus is actually stationary, on the same degree until 2nd January. This is a kind of explosive emergence energy with Uranus coming out of the inner subconscious workings that have been happening since he went 'undercover' in July. We are digesting, ruminating on the discoveries being brought by Uranus, the higher mind messenger.
Go easy at this auspicious time. Just let the energies flow and give room to move. Mercury, the messenger is not travelling super fast either. We may well be dealing with the physical body and the recalibration, release, cleanse process of dense energies.

From Stephanie Azaria Cosmic Consciousness Daily:  www.thecosmicpath.com

With Uranus now stationed direct, we will be in a Uranian lightning storm until the Great Awakener starts moving again, on January 2. At the same time, on December 30, Mercury enters his storm period, slowing to less than a degree of motion per day until he stations and goes retrograde on January 5. The combination of these two storms, especially at a time when none of the planets within the inner realm of our soular system (that is, not including planets in the Kuiper belt outside of Pluto) are retrograde. Everything is moving in direct motion.

Planets in direct motion make us work with the physical world:  
We expand in physical consciousness!
We’re working very much on the physical experience of life on earth.  It doesn’t always mean physical movement as we see it.  However, it may be growth and change within the physical body and the physical experience of our daily lives. 
Retrograde planets take us within and grow us ‘inside’:  
We expand into higher consciousness!
Retrograde planets give us rapid growth in higher consciousness as we’re working on the inner changes with the unseen forces of mind, emotion, spirit.  When planets are retrograde, we’re more inclined to want to withdraw from some activity in the physical world.  We’re working undercover with one or more aspects of self and our life.  Keep this in mind with Mercury retrograde period coming up in early January.
30th December:    Venus moves into Sagittarius at 6.16 pm AEDT
Until 23rd January
Our heart is our guiding light:
Venus is the planet of love and is our heart energy.   Where it goes is our guiding light and focus for the time it’s travelling through any sign.
Opening to the truth and wisdom of the heart:  The ‘knowing’ heart!
Venus in Sagittarius is taking us into an energy which activates our heart’s ‘knowing’ where we’re being invited to ‘feel’ our way forward, to listen to the heart’s wisdom. 
The ease of life in ‘knowing’ rather than ‘thinking’:
How about we stop ‘thinking’ it through, over and over and embrace more fully the ‘knowingness’ that emanates from us when we hear the wisdom of our soul through our heart. When we think things through we get locked into old patterns and cycles of thought forms and memories which put us in a loop of repetition of old patterns. 
Still using our mind:  The higher mind!
Being in the knowingness doesn’t discount the mind energy.  It just puts it in a place of support of the higher knowledge that comes from soul connection.
In doing so, we’re actually expanding our mind with new ways of feeling, thinking and acting which flow on from such expansion.
We are living in the energies of ‘ease and grace’ as distinct from overthinking, hard work and struggle.

The planet of love takes our heart into the world:  Our expanded heart wisdom embraces compassion, forgiveness, mercy and universal love!
In Sagittarius, our heart expands with love for the wider world, the people of the world and for the unification of the world in higher truth and wisdom.
The Golden book of divine wisdom is opening our hearts:

Sagittarius rules higher consciousness of spirit.  It is of the fire element which ignites consciousness with the passion to reach for divine knowledge, spirituality, learning and growth along with making connections across the world.


And brings the world into our heart:
Sagittarius is a worldly energy which embraces ‘foreign’ places, people, knowledge and cultures.  What a great energy for welcoming in the New Year!  The ‘crusader’ energy unites us in the power of universal love and healing.  I wonder how this will play out in 2016 as we enter a whole new year, complete the past 3 years of intense recalibration and bring something to fruition.  After all, it is numerologically a 9 year.

24th December:    
Lauren Gorgo’s 5D latest message ‘Christ is Born:  BE the revelation’
As 2015 draws to a close, we end this universal “8” year of spiritual-meets-material mastery with quite an exclamation point.
For the last 36 months…since the 12-12-12 gateway…those solely dedicated to their personal ascension have been diligently working as a collective to merge the spiritual and material worlds (as above, so below).  Of course, that merging of heaven and earth began with(in) each and every one of us (as within, so without) so that by this coming year (2016) we could begin to witness the physical emergence of this ultimate union in the world around us…beginning with ourSelves.

Needless to say, this year’s 12:12 gateway represented a major turning point…the anniversary of/ending to the 3-year journey of our descension leading to this present phase of embodiment that many are realizing thru the resurrection process.  In 2016 (a universal 9 year marked bycompletion) we will move into the many ongoing (hu)manifestations/revelations of this “3” year process.
Golden Oldies:                                      
‘From  a distance’  Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLPj2h0N3bU
‘The Rose’ Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQY2z6aALD4
‘Dance me to the End of Love’ Leonard Cohen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEVow6kr5nI
I posted this one a few weeks ago.  If you didn’t see it, it’s worth a look with a clip from the movie ‘Scent of a Woman’ with Al Pacino playing the part of a blind man dancing.
‘Always let your Conscience be your Guide’ Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOZzNOkcEgM 
Upcoming Dates:
2nd January:  Mercury enters Aquarius
4th January:  Mars enters Scorpio
6th January:  Mercury turns retrograde until 25th January
8th January:  Jupiter turns retrograde
9th January:  Mercury enters Capricorn
10th January:  New Moon in Capricorn
That’s it folks!  We’re heading into the New Year with the planet of love carrying us out to the wider world, opening our hearts to higher consciousness and all manner of possibilities which could ignite our interest, our enthusiasm, our joy.
Plenty of planetary shifts in the first couple of weeks of January as you can see by upcoming dates. I decided to spread out the info a little, so two updates in the first week of January. 
As always, my pilgrim companions, I wish us all well as we cross the threshold into the new year of 2016.  It promises to be interesting and active with the mutable signs of Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces and Gemini driving changes and bringing variety.  We have a transit of the Sun by Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo in May and Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces playing pivotal roles in ringing in some changes.
2016 is a universal ‘9’ year, a year of completion! Wishing you a happy New Year and may your own personal blessings rain down on you, fill you and surround you with the joy of life! 
Love and blessings everyone!
from the chair...listening to the truth in my heart

It’s all about love

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