...for the children of the earth

Monday 21 December 2015

22nd December, 2015 Sun into Capricorn/December solstice

Hi everyone!
It’s the December solstice, a midpoint of our year.  For the Northern Hemisphere, it’s Winter Solstice and for the Southern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice.  It’s a cosmic turning point for us all. 
2015:  Two steps forward, one step back!  Waiting...waiting!
I feel like the whole year’s been packed with cosmic turning points, doorways to higher consciousness, engagement with cosmic board games akin to snakes and ladders and Monopoly!

We’re following the yellow brick road:  Or is it the star of hope???  Both!
We’ve been squeezed, battered, pushed, shoved, coaxed, persuaded and in between the rough patches, soothed with the cosmic hands of hope and reassured by the promise of greater fulfilment in our lives through living and breathing our divinity. 
If you’re ok, you’re ok:  All’s well!
If you haven’t experienced this kind of a year, be assured that all is well and carry on regardless!  Counting blessings is a good way to go!
Mass planetary awakening this year:
However, I think there has been a massive ‘awakening’ across the planet as more and more people had their eyes opened to the state of our earth and the systems and ideologies that govern our nations and our social fabric.
What’s been happening:
The past couple of weeks Pluto/Uranus/Mars T-square of change:  Wake-up calls all over!  Fears be gone now!
Many people have been experiencing sudden breakdowns, breakthroughs, experiences which ‘shock’ the system such as I experienced with the dog bite a couple of weeks ago. If the planets are aligned with you in relation to this, you may have had just such an experience.  I feel the ‘shocks’ have been clearing all manner of known and unknown fears, doubts, phobias and insecurities that have been residing in our systems for who knows how long.  If you’ve been through such an experience I trust you are coming back together in some new form. 
19th December:  Sun crossed the Galactic Centre at 27 degrees Sagittarius...breathe in the new, breathe out the ‘old’!

The Sun crossed the Galactic Centre, the black hole at the centre of our Galaxy. In Astrology it's regarded as a powerful source of creative power, giving access to higher consciousness.
I think of it as 'the great void' where I go to empty out everything, to be dissolved nothingness. Ego is released and attachments fall away. I imagine myself floating in space beyond the Sun. Not usually as chaotically as this out of control astronaut!
The Sun and GC were in square/challenge/opportunity to the planetary lunar nodes working with the evolution of consciousness on planet earth at this time. They are at 27 degrees Virgo/Pisces so plenty of flushing of old consciousness from the collective. 

We're working very much with the powerful healing agent of the Virgo North Node energies and that means the physical body while the Piscean South Node is releasing the collective spiritual wounds of humanity. Whew! Breathe everyone and let it happen.
Download and release:  
With the release of the planetary forces on this day, we experienced a cosmic download of energy which may well have whipped up, flushed out some deep seated spiritual wounds from within the physical body.  The full uplift from this event may well come as a follow on from this day and on through the solstice on 22nd right up to the Full Moon in Cancer on 25th December which promises to bring forth memories and emotional times with family. 

19th/20th December:  Magnetic storms and accompanying auroras!  More clearing energies!
Just to make sure we ‘got the message’ about cosmic change, the Sun joined in with storms in the geomagnetic field, stirring up all manner of physical symptoms and providing more clearance.  We’re on a fast track to ascension...so it seems!
More pics of Tasmania’s Aurora Australis on 19th/20th
20th December:    
Mercury entered ‘shadow’ retrograde at 14 degrees 54 Capricorn
Until 5th January 2016 when Mercury turns retrograde until 25th January 2016
Mercury will be back on track, out of shadow time and retrograde time by 14th February

From 20th December to 5th January:  
We’ll be re-treading this ground at beginning of February!
Trekking through the canyons of the mind as Mercury starts his exploratory journey through Capricorn, a sign which is earthy, grounded and calls for our highest expression and achievement.  Whatever ‘ground’ we cover between now and 5th of January will be manifesting in its more polished form from beginning of February.
Mercury thinks outside the box and Capricorn can get caught up in the
‘box’ of safe and secure!
Mercury’s an airy mental energy which needs some harnessing to bring all that flightiness down to earth into practical applications and Capricorn’s just the energy to do that.   Mercury would rather be flying a kite than trekking through the canyons Capricorn’s mountains. 
The lure of exploration and adventure calls to Mercury:
However....Mercury is all curiosity so the lure of exploration of the psyche and the challenge to bring all that mental energy and ideas to earth is likely to be an experience which keeps Mercury fully engaged.
As we let Mercury explore possibilities within the parameters of practical steps in the physical world. we’re likely to find new solutions to old problems.
Mercury in Capricorn means business!  Mercury makes connections to others and finds the solution to practical demands!
One of the things with Mercury in Capricorn is the desire to ground the flightiness into making real progress in the material world.  Mercury rules commerce as well as social networking and brainstorming and Capricorn is in full flight with commercial and business ideas and projects.  

This partnership will be beneficial for those of us who are working on new directions and possibilities with new connections to like minded others.
Easy does it even as you feel the urge to get it together:  
Capricorn likes steady progress building solid foundations!
We need to remember that we are under the umbrella of the Mercury retrograde energy so maybe masses of ideas and progress leading up to the retrograde period which then takes us into 3 weeks of refining, sorting, reviewing any of those ideas. projects or possibilities.  This is the benefit of Mercury retrograde time. 

22nd December:  Sun into Capricorn/December solstice at 3.47 pm AEDT
Until 21st January 2016

Climb that mountain!
Capricorn energy ignites us with the urge for respect, reputation and reaching a pinnacle of achievement in our lives. As we get in touch with these energies within ourselves, feeling the respect that comes from knowing a job is well done, so we pitch ourselves into the Capricorn desire to climb the mountain!
My place on earth:  I am a valuable being!  I belong!
The sense of respect for ourselves derives from a deep sense of value for ourselves as a physical being on this earthly plane of existence.  Capricorn is an earth sign and is very much focussed on the material world bringing us a sense of where we ‘fit’ into the scheme of life.  When we find our niche, our place of belonging, we’re in the right place at the right time and the flow of ‘magic’, synchronicity is ongoing. 

Gonna climb that mountain:
I see Capricorn as the mountains of the earth as its energy calls us to go to the heights, to be the best we can be.  The goat is its emblem scaling sheer cliffs and accessing the most incredible locations on craggy outcrops.  That’s what we’re called to do when the Sun’s in Capricorn...find our mountain and climb it!  Of course so many of us are already on the upward climb and seeking a closer liaison with the Sun.  But is there a new mountain waiting our discovery!

Being ruled by Saturn, Capricorn values maintaining the status quo and tradition:  Rules, rules, rules are there to be obeyed, aren’t they???
From Topol in ‘Fiddler on the Roof’:  
‘And how do we keep our balance?  That I could tell you in one word ‘tradition!’
Everything old is being renewed, revamped and upgraded as we shift in consciousness:  We’re changing the status quo, the old paradigms!

In our current shift in consciousness, Capricorn is undergoing a major overhaul and makeover thanks to Pluto’s long term transit of this sign which stands for authority, governments, big organisations, systems and multinationals, power authorities of all kinds. So we’re not exactly working with the same old Capricorn energy which is undergoing constant challenge to change the status quo. 
Capricorn oversees and underpins physical and financial security and finding success through work!  Getting off the treadmill!
With the Capricorn Sun, we have the strong urge to focus on the physical world of work and financial security.  There’s no escape from Capricorn who was probably the first building block of the belief that ‘you don’t get anything without hard work’.  

That ethos has been ruling us and our societies and economies for so long, it’s not easy to shift to a different economic paradigm with an accompanying social system which supports ‘ease and grace’.  And yet that’s what most of us are doing, learning to take ‘the path of least resistance’!  At least those of us ‘on the road less travelled’!
Capricorn Mastery manifestation of hopes and dreams:  
Take the time to call those dreams into earthly reality!
Many of us have lost sight of some of our dreams in these past years as we have been purifying, cleansing cell memories and nursing our minds, bodies and emotions through the process as we experienced major healing of spiritual ‘wounds’ whether personal, ancestral and/or planetary.
Hope renewed and revitalised:  
Believing in the magic!
Some of us have been working with all three layers whilst others have been focussed on one or two.  We’re following our soul’s direction and acceptance of our ‘brief’ has been the greatest part of the surrender and trust process. For many of us this month of 2015 represents a big shift in our lives and a resurgence of hope and life force which has seemed to have been AWOL. The refinement of our desires into the absolute truth of our divine destiny has brought us to the point of knowing who we are and what we truly desire for our fulfilment. Time to call in the dreams and believe!

From Celia Fenn 13th December:  ‘The Galactic Alignment:  12/12 and 12/19 December 2015
A couple of quotes from the above message: 
‘The December Vortex Points
Beloved Family of Light, between the 12:12 and 12:19 (12th December and 19th December), you will be integrating and preparing for the powerful Galactic energies that will flow to Earth from the Galactic Center through the Southern Planetary Portal over Antarctica.
The 12:12 Portal allows for an acceleration of frequency and an influx of Giolden Light to prepare the Earth and all her inhabitants for the powerful vortices of energy to come.
The 12:19, on the 19th of December, represents the perfect alignment of the Galactic Center and the Sun at 27 degrees of the constellation of Sagittarius in traditional astrology. In 13 Sign astrology, the Sun has been in Ophiucus or Asclepius, the sign of Christ the Healer, and this has been acting as an engine of power that brings the Earth into alignment with the Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun. At this moment, there is a direct "transmission" of Light Codes from the Galactic Council, transmitting the patterns and sounds of the Cosmic Heart to our Earth. These will again accelerate Evolution and Transformation. These will be received via the Southern Portal in Antarctica, and will be transmitted to Humanity via the Earth Grid Node points in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Argentina and Chile. Very rapidly they will be transmitted around the Earth, bringing the message of transformation!’
‘Then. Beloved Ones, a few days later, on the night of the 21st and 22nd December, you will experience the Planetary Solstice. This represents the moment when the Earth seems to stand still on its own axis, before it begins its return journey around the sun allowing for the change of the seasons. In the South it is Summer Solstice, and has the longest day and the shortest night. It is a Celebration of Light and Creativity and Life. In the Northern lands it is the Winter Solstice, and here it is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This represents the rebirthing of the Light as the days begin to become longer in the journey towards summer.’
Golden Oldies: 
‘Colours of the Wind’ Connie Talbot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXYqXoG-4L8  Sun in Capricorn
‘I’m gonna take that Mountain Reba McIntyre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVXNOIWqcTc Sun in Capricorn
‘Tradition’ Fiddler on the Roof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWSoYCetG6A Capricorn Sun
‘The Windmills of Your Mind’ Noel Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj2diB6fcpg  Mercury retrograde shadow
‘The Windmills of Your Mind’ Petula Clark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfrcBQU8oh0 with lyrics
Upcoming Dates:
25th December:    Full Moon in Cancer
26th December:    Uranus in Aries stations direct

Well, that’s it folks!  We’re heading towards the Full Moon in Cancer on 25th December, Christmas Day!  Meanwhile, Happy Solstice for 22nd and enjoy the state of calm and balance being offered by this turning point for the year.
As always, love and blessings to us all as we rekindle our faith in ourselves, our destiny and in our hopes and dreams!
from the chair...getting into climbing mode

It’s all about love
Lightening the load!

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