...for the children of the earth

Thursday 24 December 2015

25th December, 2015 Full Moon in Cancer

Hi everyone! 
It’s just a couple of days since the Solstice, a turning point in our seasonal year.  The Capricorn goat is calling us to a higher order of expression of the mundane, physical world.  The hills and mountains are beckoning!
What’s been happening:
Solstice purification:
It was a powerful day for the purification energies as we stepped over the threshold from the Sagittarian Sun into the Capricorn Sun...grounding all that fire and crusading idealism and morality.
Ongoing clearance with Sagittarian themes:  Religion, morality, law!

With Saturn trawling through Sagittarius along with the Sun, we’ve been clearing that ‘old’ crusading energy from the memory banks.  Oh yes!  The Crusades!  Possibly, probably and much more of the masculine expression of the warrior energy on earth acting on the religious beliefs and dogma of the past.  

Shifting into unconditional love:  Out of the dogma and doghouse!
We’re clearing old karmic energies and memories associated with past religious belief systems and morality.  Of course The Crusades fits right in with this along with any form of ‘right and wrong’ rules, laws and enactment of such in the name of religion and/or spirituality. The Inquisitions and Witch hunts are in there along with persecutions across centuries, cultures, religions and nations.   Need I go on?  Saturn is in Sagittarius for the long haul but now the Sun has moved on so a shift in focus for our solar light work from Sagittarius to Capricorn.

The physical body:  Capricorn
Many people may have felt this purification in the physical body as we’re still in the throes and ups and downs of the biological recalibration. Capricorn rules joints, bones, skeletal frame and knees so along with the solar activity we may well have been feeling this for a while as Mercury is already on the long haul trawling through Capricorn until February 2016.  Now the Sun joins Mercury bringing some much needed light to the physical body.   

Work and Success:  Doing it differently!  
Manifesting destiny from within...calling it in!   
It is our choice, treadmill mentality or ease and grace!
We have the Sun in Capricorn until 21st January, a time when many in our world are on holidays, especially in the Southern Hemisphere.  Yet, Capricorn energy is urging us to work, to build some solid foundations for 2016.  

But we need to ask ourselves ‘what is work’ and ‘what is our ambition’.  We are reframing these understandings within ourselves, shifting from the old ‘treadmill’ mentality to higher consciousness and a more evolved expression of ourselves in the world. We’re choosing work as ‘joy’ and ‘creativity’ and ‘passion’.  We’re choosing our divine destiny to come to us rather than chasing around looking for our ‘perfect’ job and ‘perfect’ workplace.

Muggle or magical or both:  It’s not a black/white process!   
We’re clicking in and out of dimensions all the time!
Every zodiac sign carries within it layers of consciousness which tap into our level of consciousness and we switch between these levels as we grow into higher consciousness.  We still have our feet on the earth and are interacting with various layers of consciousness with everyone we meet.
Freeing the bird within:  
Transcending the karmic ties, cell memories and old patterns of behaviour!
When we’re operating in 3 dimensional reality, our perception is driven by the values, attitudes and consciousness of what’s been on the earth for a long time.  It requires desire, commitment and focus to lift our consciousness to the higher dimensions.  We may shift in and out of 3D to 5D consciousness. 
The mastery is of course maintaining the higher consciousness regardless of circumstances. And that means being conscious of transcending the emotions which keep us acting out the soapie re-runs.  This Christmas Day, for those of you who gather with family, this is the test of mastery and awareness.  
19th/20th December:  Geomagnetic storms! 
A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Saturday, Dec. 19th, sparking more than 24 hours of G1- and G2-classgeomagnetic storms. The storms are subsiding now.
This is what the display looked like over Canada's Yukon Territory:
23rd December:  Solar flaring with a high level M class flare!
As we know, flares and magnetic storms can impact upon our physical bodies in a whole range of symptoms from a burst of adrenaline to tiredness/exhaustion, headaches and sudden strange aches and pains.

Essentially, they send a light download to the earth which flushes out dense energies from the physical world, including our personal physical bodies.
More M class flares (medium) on 24th.
What’s coming in:
25th December:    
Full Moon in Cancer at 3 degrees 20 Cancer at 10.11pm AEDT
Focus for this full moon: Home, family, childhood, mother, memories!
Social interaction under the Gemini Moon until 4.26 pm AEDT
Interesting that leading up to the moon going into Cancer at 4.26 pm AEST, we have a void Gemini moon which will really hold that hectic Gemini energy at a point of stillness.  So, for those in the Australian eastern time zone, we’ll spend a good part of Christmas Day under a Gemini Moon until 4.26 pm. 
Those in the USA will wake to the Cancerian moon which is interesting as Cancer ‘mom and apple pie’ rules USA. For the UK, the Cancerian Moon kicks in at 5.26 am GMT with the Full Moon at 11.11 am GMT.


The Fullness of the Moon in the sign of Cancer, the divine mother!
Here comes the energy of the divine feminine to open our hearts to the emotions and love that emanate from our own internal divine mother energy.  We all carry the inner mother and father and when we heal our inner child/children we call on these divine energies to uplift those childhood memories into a higher consciousness.  We grow our children! 


Reclaiming and renewing the inner child:
If ever there was a moon for healing the inner child, the childhood, family memories, issues around home and place of belonging, this is it!
Feeling without imploding:
Allowing ourselves to feel the emotion without overwhelm is always the case with any full moon.  However, the Cancer Full Moon promises big emotions which will need release.  Sometimes the Cancerian protective shell prevents the show of such emotions.  Better to let them show this time around as the results are likely to be supportive and nurturing. 
Home is where the heart is:  Nothing truer this time around!
Cancer rules the home and brings into focus any feelings about belonging/not belonging about where we’re living, our household and those who share that home space.  We could find new possibilities arise at this Full Moon which promise soul connections with soul family within the home, maybe a new home.
Memories are made of this:  Moon dust and emotion!  
Soul bonding with love!
Cancer is ruled by the Moon so the Full Moon in this sign has added weight and power...emotional power!  This Full Moon is all emotion, falling on Christmas Day, the first time since 1977.  This is a most unusual event which promises the upliftment and fullness of hearts united providing we’re prepared to rise above old petty childhood hurts, disagreements and misalignments with family members.  Open hearts and minds!

Something comes to fullness, to fruition, to completion!  
Endings!  Be open to positive heart warming energies!
The full Moon is always a point of culmination. a release of energies which have been building for some time. The release can be a sudden letting go of pent up energies and with Uranus stationing to go direct tomorrow, the release can be unexpected. Think ‘good’ surprises as the planetary energies are fortunate and optimistic.
Positive, heart-opening energies at this Full Moon:  Heart healing!  Heart connection!
There are some planetary aspects happening at this time with a beneficial and positive connection between Venus/heart energy in Scorpio with Jupiter in Virgo/expansive healing energy.  Along with that we have the Full Moon in trine/positive connection to the feminine marriage asteroid Juno which promises the possibility of some heart warming, heart opening moments of emotional connection to a significant other. 

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Cancer: 
From Lynda Hill
26th December:    Uranus stations direct in Aries 16 degrees 34 Aries at 2.52 pm AEDT
Expect the unexpected:  

Uranus moving direct offers change and possibly new direction!

Coming in so closely following the Full Moon. we can expect the unexpected!  Uranus is the lightning striker, wake up energy which is travelling through fiery Aries long term.  We’re likely to experience Uranus’ lightning strike insights along with the Full Moon which always brings something new to light.
New information coming to light:  Aha moments!
Coming out of the emotional release of the Full Moon, Uranus is emerging from his retrograde journey of the past 5 months.
New information is emerging as he moves direct.  In combination with the Full Moon which impacts us for 3 days either side of its fullness, we’re likely to have some sudden insights along with emotional releases. 
Revelations and sudden changes:  
Be open to changing your mind, your heart and your desires!
Uranus makes sudden moves, especially in Aries and while he’s been retrograde he’s been working on our psyche, our inner life.
As he moves direct, he connects with all the emotion of the full moon at this time and ignites all manner of ideas, emotions, passions and desires which may have been hidden away up to this time.
Golden Oldies: 
‘Motherland’ Natalie Merchant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6LsImHUb8o
‘I have a dream’ Nana Mouskouri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCXIGJ9y9rk
‘Memories are made of this’ Dean Martin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv9PSkNkUfs
Capricorn time:  Here’s a yearly laugh with the goats  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4_EdJ-XkUA
Native American-Susan Aglukark-Amazing Grace (Inuit)with pic of the NorthernLights
Upcoming Dates:
30th December:    Venus moves into Sagittarius
That’s it everyone! We’re drawing to the end of 2015 with a Full Moon in Cancer carrying us through emotionally in this last week of the year.  What a message! What potential for divine reunion on so many levels of our being.   
As always love and blessings to all my fellow travellers on the road less travelled. I’m happy to ride with the fantasy of Santa, Good ol’ Saint Nick as he delivers hopes and dreams to more than children.  When my young students asked me ‘Is Santa real?’ I’d always respond ‘Do you believe he’s real?’  And if they said ‘yes’, I’d say ‘If you believe he’s real, then he’s real’.  So, time to start believing in our very own version of Santa, of the world of hope and joy. 
Make a wish at this Full Moon and keep believing it’s coming true. Our faith in the power of imagination, the magic of creative power may be a little tarnished so get out the silver and gold polish and shine it up. 
from the chair...riding with Santa

It’s all about love

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