...for the children of the earth

Saturday 5 December 2015

5th December 2015 Venus in Scorpio

Hi everyone! 
Here we are, our spirits flying along in freedom.  Not yet?  If you’re not feeling this just yet, take heart as the Sagittarian spirit of adventure urges us to step forward and take our divine pathway to freedom...inner freedom first! We’re liberating ourselves from old consciousness, the old paradigm of consciousness. 
What’s been happening:
The impact of the Saturn/Neptune square/challenge on 26th November:
Breaking the consciousness barrier!
This tricky aspect came along with the Full Moon in Gemini and has shifted us in any number of ways, maybe yet to be revealed in the coming weeks.  Old attitudes and values, walls of division are up for dissolution by the greater force of the Neptunian waves of consciousness.  Remember this energy is impacting us until 5th December and comes back for more in June next year.  

It’s been quite a slog particularly for Sagittarians, Geminis, Virgos and Pisces or anyone with planets within 5 degrees either side of the 7 degree energy of those signs in particular. One reason why this update is late getting out!  I started writing it a week ago but have been laid low.  
8th November:  Chiron moved/stationed direct!  
Returning from the outer limits of discovery, growth in consciousness!  Out of rehab!
As we were emerging from the fullness of the Full Moon energies, the completion, the endings, the explosion of emotional energy, recovering from any sudden ‘shocks’ to the system brought about by the Saturn/Neptune square and Full Moon...Chiron stationed/turned direct on 28th.
Chiron moving out of retrograde on 28th November, just after the Full Moon, is our emergence from a 5 month period of inner healing...spiritual healing.  Yes, I know you may have been physically, mentally or emotionally challenged, tortured by the past and memories surfacing in the psyche.  However, Chiron is the spiritual healing we need if we want to continue in our lives with all the joy and adventure which is the expression of our true spirit.  This is living passionately.
Blending/healing the spiritual and the physical:  Chiron’s gift!
Chiron is regarded as the co-ruler of Virgo, sign of the master healer and for that reason we know that Chiron works on both the spiritual and physical healing process.  How perfect for the cleansing and purification of cell memories and transformation of DNA.  That’s why body work such as Kinesiology, Acupressure/puncture, Massage, Bowen therapy and Spiritual Healing/Energetic practices work well. 
You may well have felt Chiron’s ‘station’ in your physical body as the final releasing of old wounds occurred just before he changed direction.
Now, we’re really going to discover just how much inner growth and release has been happening as we emerge from this inner journey.  We may be surprised by just how much healing has been accomplished as we emerge from the outer journey offered by this retrograde period.  
The day after Chiron’s station, we were thrown into more Neptune and Saturn activity with the Sun square Neptune and the Sun meeting Saturn.
30th November:  Revelations from Sun square Neptune...exposure and release of illusions along with potential of hopes, dreams and ideals!
Effective from 29th November to 1st December  
Exact at 1.49 am AEDT on 30th November
Masks off!  Unveiling the true self!
Whatever illusions need to go will be stripped away and whatever dreams need expansion in the light, will be expanded.  This energy is really clearing the way for accessing our dreams and preparing us for Venus in Scorpio from 5th when we’ll be getting in touch with our deepest desires and passions. If we’re living in illusions about our life and what we ‘think’ makes us fulfilled, this aspect will bring it to light. 
Why wait for passionate living when we settle for the security blanket of a ‘good job’, comfortable lifestyle when a part of is pining for adventure and excitement.  These are the feelings that may come up at this time. We all fall into these dips and troughs which is easy to do when we’ve been working so steadily on raising our consciousness through coming to wholeness...being all we are.  Well, this aspect is a call to wake up to higher consciousness and greater expression of our authentic self in the world. We’re being called back to life in a whole new way.  Each transit brings us to take new, possibly tentative steps towards a more fulfilling life.  There’s no rush.  This aspect reveals and offers an aha! experience.
30th November:    Sun conjoins/meets Saturn at 7 degrees Sagittarius at 11.16 am AEDT... a fresh start for manifesting our authority and light!
Effective from 29th to 1st December
Taking charge of the walls of resistance:
A meeting of two big energies of manifestation, the Sun and Saturn.  The Sun is the expression of our light in the world and Saturn is an expression of our higher authority as we throw off residue and resistant energies from karmic burdens and history.
These two meeting in Sagittarius are a real sign for us to take charge of our lives in a whole new way expressing ourselves out in the wider world.  After the Sun/Neptune square has occurred about 10 hours before this one comes to fullness, we’ll be coming into a clarity we haven’t had for some time.  We’ll be taking off the masks and releasing the veil of confusion which has been clouding clear decision making.
Now before we run off asking ‘what next?’ and wondering why we haven’t got the picture, there’s more clarity to come when Mercury meets with Uranus on 2nd December.  That’s the lightning strike we need to clear our minds. 
We're preparing for the blast of passion and desire which will hit our heart energies when Venus enters Scorpio on 5th December. We'll need a clear head to harness all that inner mental clarity so we can put heart and soul back into our lives. Get ready
2nd December:    Mercury in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries at 16
degrees 48 Sagittarius at 1.00 am AEDT...mind blowing and clearing!
Effective 1st to 2nd December
Good old lightning strike Uranus gave us a sudden insight, wake-up call. clearance of mental and karmic energies which have been clogging the mind.  If you didn’t get any clearance during the past week, trust that we’ll be blowing off a whole lot of old cobwebs in the coming week with Mars, Pluto and Uranus all getting together in a stoush which is guaranteed to clear the air. 
What’s coming in:
Have no fear!  Venus’ move to Scorpio ignites our passion and desire!   
Venus is moving into Scorpio on 5th December, offering an ignition of that desire and passion from the deepest part of our soul.  A spiritual awakening of our heart centre. The next few weeks promise to offer up some insights from deep within our spiritual centre, from deep within our hearts. 

5th December:  Venus moves into Scorpio at 3.14 pm AEDT...all about love and desire!
Until 30th December
Cleared the decks?  Ready to receive? 
After the clearing energies of the past few days with Saturn, Neptune and the Sun followed up by Uranus igniting Mercury, our mind energy, we’ve prepared the way for us to accept the power of Venus in Scorpio.
Your heart knows what it desires:  Are you listening to it?
Venus in Scorpio digs deep into the truth of our desire and passion. You might feel you don’t know your hopes and dreams or maybe you do or maybe you think you do.  How well does your desire, your dream match who your authentic self.
Square peg in a round hole:  Becoming a ‘perfect fit’!

We see all the time how we’ve tried to be a square peg in a round hole whether in a working situation, living situation, relationships of all kinds including family.  Why do we perpetuate this uncomfortable ‘out of whack’ scenario when we know our heart isn’t singing, when we feel we don’t belong. 

A sense of belonging supports our unique self and our fulfilment:
Belongingness is a basic need for our fulfilment and when we continue to feel out of step with our environment whether work, people or living situation we are bombarding ourselves with discordant energies which keep us in ‘less than’ and feeling unloved, undervalued, unseen and uncherished. 
The social and familial conditioning from this and other lives has a strong hold on us all. And our only hope for true love and joy is when we break those bonds which keep us from fulfilling our true and divine potential.   
Resonance:  The law of attraction!  Birds of a feather flock together’!
We all know the law of attraction, popularized by the book ‘The Secret’.  This is not new information unless you’ve been out of the loop.  I came across this through reading the Seth material channelled by Jane Roberts which was carried out into the world by Esther and Jerry Hicks channelling Abraham. However, wherever you get the information and the understanding of this basic natural law of energy, is perfect for you.   Plenty of youtube clips will give some insight and understanding of exactly how this all works.
Compatibility:  How’s your compatibility rating with your life and all its various components...work, home, family, relationships, money?
If something’s out of alignment we’re likely to find out while Venus travels through Scorpio. 
As we dance to the beat of our own drum, we’re joined by those who resonate with that ‘drum’...
one joins us to make two...

and then by many who resonate with us!
Then we become a flashdance mob, a soul tribe of like-minds!
Venus rules money and love:  
Transforming our relationship with love and money!
Scorpio rules transformation and financial partnerships of all kinds whether with individuals, organisations, business.
With Venus entering Scorpio, we’ll be seeking the prosperity that stems from following our deepest desires, our passions. What is our greatest source of power, love or money?  In our world today, money is the most all pervading influence and power which determines everything we do.  The consumer/capitalist mindset has a grip on our psyche like no other.  Yes, we do need money but at what cost?  The next few weeks offer us an opportunity to get our lives back into balance with the love and money dichotomy.  
7th December:    Mars in Libra squares/challenges Pluto in Capricorn at 14 degrees...volatile and explosive!  Powerful!
Effective from 5th to 9th December
We’re ready to blow out top!  
‘I’ve had enough and I’m not taking it enough’!  It’s a tipping point!
Buttons are pushed and frustration is released...but how!
A bit of a heads up with this one, an energy we experienced in the last year with the Uranus/Pluto square.  Uranus, the awakener, is still in the picture at 16 degrees Aries so we could have a bit of a blow up, a blow out, an eruption, a blessed release from a boil of discontent!
Tetchiness and irritation come to a head:  Potential for fight mode!

All the holding pattern and recalibrating of the physical body, the karmic releasing from cell memories and DNA, the exhaustion that often comes from physical changes and spiritual releases has brought many of us to a turning point, a need to break out of a sense of lethargy which often arises after we let go. 

Potential for power breaking through:  
Harnessing emotions for positive movement forward!   
A spiritual leap of faith! 
This could be just what we need to break the chains of the Saturn/Neptune square of the past week or so which has been forcing us to throw off the old security blanket and take the leap of faith, the final leap of faith into the most powerful security net...the net that derives from our our own faith in ourselves and the universe...the spiritual security net!
The button pushing, the last straw, the final break with what needs to go may take a push from the universe for us to take the freefall into our destiny!
Hearts are fine tuning and receiving messages of our true desires:  We’re ready to jump!
With Venus in Scorpio priming our heart centres, our deepest desires and passions, we’re being tuned to our own particular resonance and we’re open to hearing what we truly desire.  After the karmic cleansing of Saturn square Neptune where our higher consciousness was called in to life, we’re in a new place.  There’s more fine tuning of that higher consciousness next year.  But we’ve got quite enough to deal with right now.
Quote from Orin and Daben ‘Soul Love’:
There are many ways to awaken your heart centers. They are continuously evolving through your acts of love, thoughts of compassion, and your choice to feel your oneness with others. You awaken your heart centers by expressing inclusiveness, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Group work, love of humanity, and serving are powerful ways to awaken your heart centers. The way you live your daily life, relate to people, speak, act, and live gradually and definitely awakens your heart centers 
‘Soul Love’ Orin and Daben

Quote from Esther Hicks:
“There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it. Whether it is a material object, a physical state of being, a relationship, a condition, or a circumstance - at the heart of every desire is the desire to feel good. And so, the standard of success in life is not the things or the money - the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.” 
 Esther Hicks, Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires

Good article on alignment with self from Brenda Hoffman ‘Evolving from Success to Security’

Golden Oldies: 
‘How can you mend a broken heart?’ Bee Gees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sN05AMV9gY for Chiron moving direct
‘How deep is your love’ Bee Gees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80vUDz9SmNY for Venus in Scorpio
‘Perfect Fit’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A9g5xOAU5I for alignment with spirit
‘Somewhere out there’ Artist unknown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peGy44Vp0js Venus in Scorpio
Not a golden oldie but captures Venus in Scorpio
Upcoming Dates:
10th December:    Mercury moves into Capricorn
11th December:    New Moon in Sagittarius 
I’m going for ‘the full monty’:  Ascension!
In case you don’t know this expression:  The full monty (or the full Monty) is a British slang phrase of uncertain origin. It is generally used to mean "everything which is necessary, appropriate, or possible; ‘the works’" – Wikipedia
‘Play it again Sam’:  Not again!!!!
Sometimes I feel as if I’m in the movie ‘Groundhog Day’, in re-runs of re-runs of old soapies and wonder when I’ll feel this cleansing, refining and focussing of energies will come to a turning point.  I trust this is so or I would have given up long ago.  The movie captures the message of the spiritual warrior, the disciplining through learning and changing behaviours, trying different approaches.  It requires commitment, endurance and focus. 
How difficult is it to stop trying to control our world, to let go of the belief system of life as hard work, struggle and DOING something!  No matter how much you’ve been plugged into these old belief systems, we’re all doing it.   Shifting our power source from money and sexuality to the spiritual source is no easy feat when we’re enmeshed in capitalist economies and the accompanying consumerism as therapy. The Saturn/Neptune square is shifting so much of these beliefs about society and its functioning systems.  We just keep dreaming it in!
That’s it folks!  Let’s stay focussed on our yellow brick road, the untrodden pathway which is our unique path of growth and expansion.
As always, love and blessings to us everyone!
from the chair

It’s all about love

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