...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 25 November 2015

26th November 2015 Full Moon in Gemini

Hi everyone! 
We’re out of the stables and getting ready to run!  What are we waiting for?  The Sagittarian Sun is urging us to come out of the darkness of the resurrection process.  It’s not quite over...yet!  But we’re on our way for sure!
We’re needing to hold to and call in the light of the new energy emanating from the Sun, to restore and invigorate our bodies, minds and spirits.  Be in stillness and bask in the glow which is working within and without every one of us. We’re in recovery and need to get accustomed to this new energy. 
What’s coming in:  The Full Moon in Gemini!
Release of the past:
The Full Moon in Gemini promises a big release of old karmic burdens with Saturn, Lord of Karma aligning with the Sun and Mercury and opposing the moon.
Glimpses and gifts of the future:

The Full Moon in Gemini is bringing all manner of possibilities and choices which will take us down new pathways of higher potential.  Take your time during this Full Moon, 3 days either side of the Full Moon, to tune in to your own heart, higher consciousness and your own spirit.  We’re being called to reach for the stars and expect the best.  After the Full Moon period, we’ll be considering new insights and guidance in making decisions about our way forward.  The New Moon in Sagittarius on 11th December will give us the go ahead.   

26th November:    Full Moon in Gemini at 9.44 am AEDT at 3 degrees 20 Gemini...taking flight!
Something comes to a head: A completion, a culmination and endings!

Full Moons always bring something to a culmination, to a point of change as the energy builds from the previous New Moon.  So it’s possible that something which was initiated, begun, set in motion following the New Moon in Scorpio just 2 weeks ago will be coming to fruition. 

Resolution:  Transformational energies!  Big planetary energies to help!

Something is likely to  be resolved and it’s more than likely to involve the major transformation we’ve been undergoing for more than the past 2 weeks. The Scorpio New Moon took us in to places we didn’t want to go, to the emotional depths to uncover the glitches and stumbling blocks in our psyche.  That New Moon energy is still with us governing the lunar month until we get to the New Moon in Sagittarius on 11th December.  But now, the breakthrough!

Saturn, Lord of Karma opposite the Full Moon: Letting go of the past!
When we see Saturn, we know karma is in the picture and when it is connecting to the Full Moon, we know that something from the past, memories are ready to be released. It’s important to allow the release as opposing planets can get us back into that conflict and struggle which has been a pattern of the past, the 3D reality.   If it has to go...let it! 

Sun, Mercury, Saturn opposite the Full Moon:  Letting go of mindsets!
Mercury is our mind and the Sun is our ‘out in world’ self.  When aligned with Saturn, we have a makeover of mind and worldly self happening as the Full Moon calls us to release our mindsets, our concepts about who we are in the world and the karmic imprints which have kept us on ‘the treadmill’. 

Let’s not forget Saturn rules the patriarchy and tradition.  You know the old belief ‘hard work and struggle will bring success’.  We’re now working with the divine feminine energies of manifestation from within.  Saturn offers us the opportunity to take charge of our life through being true to ourselves and to thus take that authority into the material world.
The Full Moon is always opposite the Sun:  
Balancing the polarities of the self!
The Full Moon brings us into a balancing act between the feminine/masculine, inner/outer, passive/active polarities.  Our call this lifetime is to bring those polarities into balance and equity both within and without.  We need to work on the inner balancing first as the outer expression will follow on from that. 

There’s a weighting at this Full Moon on the side of the Sun with Mercury and Saturn lending their voices to urge us to be the outer expression of our essential selves.  The Full Moon is at her most powerful time of the month so it’s interesting that ‘the team of 3’ in opposition are being released from the lunar memory banks within us.  She draws forth what needs to be released and accessed!
Gemini balancing masculine/feminine:  The twins!  ‘The lovers’!

Resolution at this Full Moon will involve a turning our balancing act of our masculine/feminine energies within.
The inner conflict that is a manifestation of  the balancing act is coming to a new peace and understanding.  The maintenance of this balanced state is ongoing but chances are we’ll be accessing a new harmony of heart and mind if we allow this Full Moon to wash over and through us.point in
Choices:  The moon will bring forth our inner urges and guidance and being in Gemini, a smorgasbord of possibilities like a bag of liquorice allsorts. We have time to pick and choose from this selection so just let that old mindset clear away and survey the magical choices which present from the Full Moon through to the next New Moon in Sagittarius on 12th December.

Something comes to light:  New information and insights emerge!  
 The Bluebird of happiness is with us as we open to love!
The full Moon in Gemini offers up her messages from deep within our subconscious mind.  Our communication channels are wide open as Mercury, the winged messenger, ruler of Gemini speaks to our hearts and minds.  The bluebird of happiness is calling us to open our hearts and minds to something beyond our previous thinking and imagination. 

This Full Moon brings in a yearning for love, companionship and partnership.  That’s Gemini!  Open hearts and minds to yourself and the universe.  If you’re resonating with love then...anything’s possible!

A call from Mercury, Saturn and the Sun:  
Time to take your authority and shine your light in the world!
Mercury, the messenger calls us to listen to the messages and communications from Saturn and the Sun They are calling us to shine our light out into the world as messengers and builders of the new paradigm of truth and wisdom, the Sagittarian message.
Messages with meaning and offering direction as we move through the crossroads which embodies this Full Moon.
A crossroads of change with revelations and choices: 
Choose your own adventure!  All energies lead to fulfilment!
Four ‘points’ on the compass so to speak with the line up as follows:
Sun, Saturn and Mercury in Sagittarius:   It’s higher truth and wisdom, purifying old beliefs in the light of the Full Moon!
Moon in Gemini:  It’s emotional, potentially elevating...fly me to the moon! 
Neptune in Pisces:  It’s immensely emotional!  Feeling the flood of humanity!  Transcending emotionally!
Orcus in Virgo:  A minor planet of similar energy to Pluto.  It’s purifying, cleansing, releasing, healing buried emotions!
United we stand, as one people, as one person working with all 4 directions guiding ourselves to our path of success!
Saturn in Sagittarius square/challenge to Neptune in Pisces:  Getting our balloons lined up...bringing hopes and dreams to earth!
Effective:  From 18th November to 5th December
Saturn is the builder, a powerful earthly manifestation energy which
offers us the potential to plant our feet on earthly soil and build the ‘structures’ which support our earthly existence.  In Sagittarius, Saturn is working with accessing Sagittarian’s idealism and big picture stuff, bringing our focus into clarity through containment of power.
Neptune is the dreamer, the visionary, a powerful spiritual energy which
offers us the visions, the dreams and the highest potential for our spiritual expansion and growth.
When we let our imagination take flight, we visit those worlds which offer visions of our potentials and the paths to fulfilment.
Building visions, dreaming in your paradise on earth:
Visions need building with regular visitations so that they become a dream which can be brought into earthly reality with the feminine energies of magnetism.  That is what is meant by consciously creating our own reality. 
Focus on the dream and cut the karmic ties with the past:  
Cutting through the ‘red tape’!
To do this, we need to maintain focus and commitment and to put paid to the ‘voices’ and memories of the past, this life as well as all the tribal conditioning from the ancestral and planetary memory banks. All those ‘voices’ and memories, ghosts of the past embedded in our DNA and cell memories are a driving force for manifesting from past experience and history rather than the present.  That’s why the clearing is ongoing for our own happiness.

Building bridges:  Heaven and earth! As above so below! 

This energy brings to our understanding new insights about our perception of the nature of reality.  Is the material world more ‘real’ than the esoteric world?  We’re working with both of these realities.  We need to remember that we live in a holographic universe based on our perceptions regarding reality.


Building and crossing bridges:  
Following the untravelled path...creating your own reality!  
Shifting from ‘muggle’ to ‘magical’ reality!
How do we cross a bridge?  The picture above demonstrates exactly the Saturn/Neptune connection, lifting across the mundane reality with an umbrella of higher perception.  This Full Moon we’re being called to cross bridges and chasms of old conditioning and old karmic patterning by moving in new ways with new visionary impetus!  We’re being called to travel through our world in a whole new way guided by a new understanding of natural and universal law. 
Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces:  
Seemingly contradictory yet offering real growth of the spiritual and physical realities!
These two energies are calling us to work with them both, the limiting focussed energy of Saturn which puts up walls and barriers as well as the no holds barred unlimited experience of Neptune in Pisces. 
Challenging and breaking down the walls of the old paradigm:  
The shift is on!
Saturn is tradition, the old paradigm, conservative values, the status quo and now Neptune in Pisces is challenging all those all belief systems and embedded behaviours which are taken for granted.  We’re being turned upside down in our values and attitudes about life as Saturn moves through Sagittarius being challenged by Sagittarian determination to get to the truth and wisdom of life, spiritual law beyond human made laws and we’re being called to acceptance of higher more evolved consciousness.
The dam wall bursts:  
Walls breaking down with emotional and spiritual upliftment!
Saturn is resistant to change and is expert at creating walls and structures which ostensibly offer protection from the outer forces in the world.  These walls and barriers are personal as well as political, geographical, religious. What’s happening in the refugee inundation across the world, especially Europe, is a perfect manifestation of this energy in the outer, transpersonal world.  

The Piscean ocean of humanity is flowing like a flooding river through and across borders and barriers.  Nothing can stop the never ending flow!
The struggle is coming to an end:  
Old structures, walls and boundaries are breaking down!

On the personal dimension we’rejust as likely to feel a complete letting go of resistant forces within us as we embrace our emotional and spiritual selves, our humanity. Those barriers to change sitting inside us are likely to give way as we experience a deep compassion, mercy and overwhelming love for ourselves and our world.  Open yourself to the deep, abiding love for yourself as a human on earth!
Hold yourself in the power of love and say ‘I love you, I love me’!

Saturn in square to Neptune:  In for the long haul!  
The walls are tumbling down!
These two planets are shifting us gradually towards a new paradigm of living, one that is more highly evolved, more inclusive and more aligned with divine will and divine law.  Sagittarian and Pisces energies ensure we’ll be embracing a new kind of freedom built on a world model of humanity.
Breathing time to assimilate: 
We have two more meetings of Saturn and Pisces which will shift us further as we move through next year.  We get some time and space between each one which gives us integration and assimilation time.  This is not a one hit shift as so much in our belief systems is being challenged.  Easy does it!

Dates for Saturn squaring Neptune:
November 26, 2015: 7 degrees
June 17, 2016: 12 degrees (Saturn and Neptune Retrograde)
September 10, 2016: 10 degrees (Neptune Retrograde)

Other planetary aspects at this Full Moon:
Mars is in flowing conversation with the Sagittarian energies 
as well as with the Full Moon in Gemini.  
With Mars in Libra, looks like some re-balancing and clearing of our fiery masculine warrior energy and some shifting of the old paradigms of the masculine energy as it’s been on earth.  This is connected to Saturn which represents the patriarchy and patriarchal energies.  Watch for a shift in this area both in ourselves, our lives and on the world stage.  Not sure how this goes with all the tribal warrior killings happening across the world but trust that the shift is on and we may see a more ‘feminine’ oriented energy offering solutions.  Peace?  Possibly more peace as more people choose the peaceful solution.
Mars moon Phobus falling apart:   ‘Fear’/phobia now shifting!
Interestingly, one of Mars moons, Phobus,  is now disintegrating according to Nasa.  Mars moons are called Phobus and Deimos, Fear and Panic.  Okay, it’s going to take millions of years for it to complete but it’s a start. 
Sabian symbols for the Full Moon in Gemini:  From Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com
Lynda’s full report on the Full Moon energies:
The Full Moon:   
Gemini 4
This Symbol speaks of sharing the joys of family and celebrations. There regularly comes a time when we need to reconnect with loved ones, family, or, in a larger sense, humanity, to discover the strengths and joys in the cultural and religious bonds that hold us together. Even though we may live our lives primarily as separate entities, this bond can serve to strengthen each and every participant. Remembering each other periodically helps to keep our connections strong and it reinforces our sense of spirit and belonging. Social celebrations of the spirit. The fundamentals of belonging. Celebrations of family and friends. The value of community. Simple gestures for each other. Gifts. Christmas.

The Caution: Superficial tricks or performance to achieve happiness or meaning. Scrooge mentality. Neglecting family. The silly season, its stresses and strains. Loneliness.
The Sun:   
Sagittarius 4 
This Symbol implies the necessity of those older to be teachers, exemplars or guides to the younger or less experienced. The “Child” needs the “Encouragement” of “Parents” in order to feel supported or guided. At times, you are likely to fulfill the roles of child or parent to others. You may be moving into new phases of learning that, despite all your previous experience, are surprisingly difficult. Patience and step-by-step progress is needed, as is a guiding hand and a kind word or two. There may be those around you that don't take your difficulties or responsibility seriously, but your struggles will pay off, particularly if you care and share. Genuine progress. Instinctive determination. Feeling mother earth under your feet. Taking delight in the smallest progress. Teachers, parents, children. Driving schools.

The Caution: Relying on skills that are not mastered. Not taking the initiative. Preferring being at risk rather than accepting help. Being left alone. Tripping others up. Abandonment.
(I know this is the Sabian Symbol for the Sun but couldn’t resist using this image of the child reaching for the moon)


28th/29th November:    
Chiron stations/turns direct at 16 degrees 56 Pisces
Retrograde since late June this year:  Inner healing!
Chiron has been moving retrograde since late June this year.  In that time we’ve been doing massive spiritual healing of the collective wounds within us.
Chiron is where we carry the ‘wound’, the spiritual wound and it has been moving through Pisces long term and will continue for some time yet. 

A turning point:  We emerge and discover...????
With Chiron moving forward straight after the Full Moon seems to indicate that the inner searching, prodding, recalibrating, releasing and healing of the collective spiritual wounds has come to a turning point.  We’ve been doing the inner work healing spiritual wounds in whatever manner works for us.  It’s all an experiment and we need every trick in the book to access and release these deeply embedded cell memories and DNA karmic imprints. 

Healing spiritual wounds requires spiritual healing.  You can’t heal these wounds with psychological counselling, with dietary plans/supplements.  They help and support and back up the inner work required to dig out the root of our ‘dis-ease’ in our memory banks and DNA held within the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. 

Pisces is a collective energy.  Let’s not forget that.  It’s not just about you.  So take a breath and let’s see how we come out of the Full Moon and Chiron retrograde journey.  It wouldn’t surprise me if many people feel an amazing release of some very old stuff.  Let’s trust in the miraculous manifesting for each and every one of us!

Lauren Gorgo’s latest 5D report: 
‘Polarity Integration:  neutralizing opposing realities’

‘Tho we are still anchoring in this new consciousness, one thing is clear…our training wheels are officially off and it feels as if we are speeding into 2016 face-first, gliding thru time and space as tho we hit a wicked patch of black ice. At times, all we can do is pray that we don’t spin-out of control and land in a ditch…at other times we are able to handle our new multidimensional Selves with aplomb, with the poise of a master even.’

Cathy Pagano’s Full Moon in Gemini Report:
Full Moon in Gemini:    Cosmic Intelligence Agency
Golden Oldies: 
‘Be my little baby bumble bee’ Doris Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHAtcDNYDcM Embracing love
Video clip from movie of above song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccgpu4QIQ7o
‘When the leaves come falling down’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioBXlbGO2F0 Letting go of the old ways
‘Imagine’ John Lennon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_YXSHkAahE with lyrics For invoking our highest hopes
Pep Talk from Esther Hicks/Abraham ‘Life becomes magic when you focus’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TueXABhQZmo
Upcoming Dates:
5th December:    Venus in Scorpio
10th December:    Mercury moves into Capricorn
11th December:    New Moon in Sagittarius 
That’s it everyone!  Have a blessed full moon experience and let go of all the residue which hasn’t yet been released whilst calling in the choices and options for the best pathway forward. 

There’s so much happening at this Full Moon I’ve included a couple of  reports from other astrologers for more information.

I’ve also written extensively on the Saturn/Neptune square as it’s a major transit affecting us all profoundly across many months. Plenty of flying images this time as Gemini is an air sign, symbolised by the butterfly and offering imaginative openings. 
As always, love and blessings to you, to us and to our earth and the cosmos.  We’re travelling, even if we feel we’re standing still. 
from the chair...hovering
It’s all about love

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