...for the children of the earth

Monday 2 November 2015

2nd November 2015 Mercury into Scorpio


Hi everyone!
Post Full Moon debrief:  The afterkick! Beer with a whisky chaser?
For some of us it’s been the aftershocks emanating from that Virgo stellium of Mars, Venus and Jupiter opposite Chiron in Pisces which have kicked into the physical/emotional bodies.  The effect was a bit like expecting a wonderful sunny relaxing beach holiday and then being walloped by the wet season!
Physical healing:    Whenever Virgo is in the picture, we’re likely to experience physical healing as in a healing crisis, where everything gets worse, comes to a head in order to come into a full healing.  It’s a bit like when a fever breaks or a pimple bursts, if you get the picture.
I’m writing this for those of you who are dealing with physical release and healing of core wounds.  I am aware many people are seemingly unaffected by all this consciousness change process. Just remember, those of us feeling the pinch, the bite, the challenges of life on earth at this time are pushing forward with our lightworkers’ machetes making new pathways through the jungle of resistance.
Snakes alive!  We’re changing!  Metamorphosis with skin shedding time!
We’re travelling on the serpentine river under the Scorpio sun, snaking our way through the shifting consciousness being served up by the cosmic forces.  Transmutation is the name of the game as we enlighten our physical bodies, releasing the density from cell memory and DNA, bringing ourselves into a state of our essential being, no masks, no blockages, no persistent ‘voices’ of denial and protest putting doubts and insecurities into our minds and hearts.
Our inner scorpion’s turning pink
Owning and purification of the saboteur!
Scorpion, symbol of Scorpio, has the propensity to sting itself?  Sound familiar?
We often make the saboteur an enemy where the saboteur, the inner scorpion is actually saving us from taking a step further into disaster and mayhem
However, in befriending our ‘saboteur’, the saboteur is recognised as our ally, assisting us in moving forward with our growth and evolution of consciousness.
Fly high and see the big picture:
Scorpio is a focussed energy, like the eagle’s stare, the big picture energy of Scorpio flying high above the clouds and the mundane world below.
So we have the shedding of old skins, the reclamation of the saboteur as an ally and are learning to fly high and see the big picture!  What personal animal totem is helping you now?
Biological/physical enlightenment:  
Transmutation of the physical cell memory and DNA
Maybe I’ve said this before.  Sai Ma came to Sydney quite a few years ago.  I remember her clearly saying that India was full of enlightened masters in all ways except the physical body. Many of them are physically ill.  At that time I said in my mind ‘I commit to my enlightenment in all of me...body, mind, spirit and heart’.  I am only quoting her as I never seemed to be able to get to India. 

2nd November:    
Mercury moves into Scorpio at 6.06 pm AEDT
Until 21st November
What’s been happening:  Mercury in Libra...’Will I, Won’t I’
Mercury is our mind energy, our mental body and is now moving on from the rebalancing energies of the Libran Sun into the transformational energies of Scorpio. 
This way, that way:  Conflicting thoughts holding us still!
The past 2 months may have found you sitting in the ambivalence of mental indecision, unsure which way to jump, unable to make a firm decision.  Part of it of course has been down to the eclipses of September/October.
During this time, we’ve actually been weighing up various options and considering various alternatives in our thinking, shifting our mindsets and releasing conditioning responses.  Let’s not forget that Libra is the sign of justice, karmic justice and divine resolution.  Our mental bodies have been throwing off all manner of limiting thoughts not aligned with our essence...history!

Changes in thinkingLiberating the mind and the neural pathways!
Scorpio, although a fixed sign, is a game changer, bringing major shifts in our lives.  With Mercury here, we’re likely to manifest a change in our minds and our thinking flowing on from all that Libran resolution of mental ‘blockages’.   
All that hanging around unable to move like the ‘hanged man’ of the Tarot has brought us to a new state of mind, even if we don’t know that yet. 

Be open to new dimensions in your thinking and ideas which offer major transformation of your life and messages of transcending the duality. 
We’re preparing to liberate the ‘blind as a bat’ thinking from the cave of our inner confusion!  We now know and own our inner radar! 
Secrets revealed:  Understanding and clarity emerges!  
Be open, receptive and maintain awareness.  Contemplation works well!
All that rebalancing of our mind, doing the black/white, yin/yang alignment has brought us to the time of revelation of all that inner rebalancing of our minds, our mental processes, our weighing of pros and cons.

With Mercury in Scorpio, we have a few weeks to reach into our minds and allow ourselves to experience clarity without second guessing our every thought and impulse.  Practices such as reprogramming the mind in any number of ways will work well at this time.  I include just one of these below.  Thinking positive thoughts is not easy when the inner resistance is built on memories, conditioning and cell memories from other places and other times.  However, this time is conducive to revelations about our inner truth and our essence of self without the overlays and masks. 
November 6/7th:  Mercury trines Neptune in Pisces:    
Mystical messages restoring hope and faith!
Active from 2nd November
Adding to the above, we have an added dimension with Neptune playing a strong role this week.  Neptune, the spiritual dimension of our emotional selves, is working with Mercury to deliver a higher and more evolved vision of our lives and our place in the world.  Mercury’s mind energy needs to be opened up and calling for our highest potential to be revealed to us.
Are you ready and willing to listen, to receive and to allow yourself to bask in the beauty of your own magnificence as an earthly being living a spiritually aligned existence?
November 6th:    Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
A positive energy giving access to that inner goldmine!  
The phoenix calls!
Active from 2nd November
More assistance coming in  with the Sun lighting our way into that goldmine of our own being.  It’s spiritual and it’s material, showing us how we can shine our transformational light on the world and in so doing, access our success in our worldly life. 

Reprogramming the mind:  Manifesting divine upliftment!

I give permission for my mind/mental body/brain/neural pathways to let go of beliefs, thoughts, mindsets and conditioning which are blocking my pathway forward.  You can be specific and name energies such as worry, anxiety, fear, trauma, grief, anger, resentment, doubt, insecurity etc.
I give permission for my mind/mental body/brain/neural pathways to receive/accept.....joy, love, peace, abundance, healing, passion, trust, acceptance, divine potential, divine fulfilment etc.  Use your own words and tap into your deepest desires and passions.
With reprogramming, we can be as specific or as general in naming the energies which are going out or coming in.  When we train the subconscious to recognise the words ‘I give permission’, then the whole process is accelerated.  Keep on it, whenever and wherever.
Use for the physical body, heart/emotional body and spirit.
3rd November:    Venus conjoins/meets Mars in Virgo
At 24 degrees 02 at 12/10 pm AEDT...harmonising relationship!
Effective from 1st to 5th November

Individually:   Reunion with self, our divine pathway and calling!  
Time to celebrate...sundae for one!
Divine reclamation of ourselves, the unifying of our duality, the masculine/feminine within and the deep ownership of who we really are and our deepest divinity.  Coming along with Mercury in Scorpio, we’re likely to have some ‘aha’ experiences and insights which bring in missing pieces of our personal jigsaw.

It is through the owning and expressing of our deepest selves with our gifts and talents we can attain a state of fulfilment of our needs and desires.  This is our greatest challenge and greatest need in finding that essence of self, our divinity.  Without that elixir, we end up floundering in the dark, seeking happiness through the social conditioning which tells us success is all about money, power, fame in the material world.  Nothing wrong with all these qualities, but we need to question if that is enough to bring the deep fulfilment called joy. 

Relationships:  Reunion with love, reunion with partners.
In balance and harmony!  
Time to celebrate...drinks for two!
The meeting between Mars and Venus has the potential to re-unite you with loved ones from the past, possibly past lives.  It doesn’t mean this will definitely happen.  However, the more re-united with yourself you are, the more likely you will experience a loving meeting with another.  It may be your present partner or a new partner. 

Whatever happens with this one, it will be of a healing nature and maybe a unification with one who is aligned with your divine ‘mission’, the Virgo energy.  The potential is there and all we have to do is keep clearing the old beliefs and attitudes around love and relationship.  Awareness of the words and story line you use, maybe repeatedly about your relationship history is the first step.  Such as ‘I never....etc’ 

Final Meeting of Mars/Venus this year:    10th/11th November

4th November:    Jupiter in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces
At 17 degrees 12 Virgo/Pisces...crossing the rainbow bridge!
Effective from 30th October to 9th November

At the Full Moon we had Venus standing opposite Chiron, bringing up any painful heart energies held within the physical and/or emotional bodies. Now we have Jupiter bringing a rainbow light to that healing energy.
Jupiter in Virgo gives a big focus on our healing/health and everyday work/divine calling.
Chiron is trawling through the oceans of Pisces bringing healing to the collective unconscious...that’s all of us!
Recognition of old and new paradigms:   Choose your path! 
Blinkered vision, the muggle mentality:
In ‘old’ energy, we see this as a challenge, an opposition that can have us pulled in both directions.  If we view it through that lens then we’re likely to be challenged by the healing process.  Remember, the resistance is not necessarily from you now in this lifetime.  It could well be cell memories which carry resistance to the belief in the healing power within each of us.  The process above could possibly help with re-programming the bodies...physical, emotional, mental and astral/etheric.
Rose-coloured glasses, the magical reality:
In ‘new’ energy, higher consciousness, we see the magical reality which is the potential of greater evolution.  We recognise that Jupiter and Chiron are working together, holding hands in a partnership which offers a rainbow of salvation to the many thirsty souls on the earth. 
Bottom line:  
Expanding vision of health and work in the everyday world!
Clearing the overlays of old emotion allows us to see the rainbow of possibility!  If emotions come to the surface this week, it’s healthy to let them out, let them go.  It’s not always good for the psyche to allow them to overwhelm to the point where we fall into self-pity.  It is then we become the victim.  You know the one?  Called ‘poor me’.  It is then we need to call in our divine mind and program our thinking to something like ‘I give permission for my success and fulfilment.  I am a winner!’
Golden Oldies:
‘Have a little faith in me’ Joe Cocker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKPjHwyYZVQ   having faith in oneself

This popped up on facebook on Halloween.  I thought it gave a simple explanation of what Science has now proven...catching up.

‘Musings about Samhain, by Erin Dragonsong:
Many of the problems we are individually dealing with do not originate with us. We are processing the emotions, traumas, and fears that our ancestors experienced.
If you've ever wondered why the spiritual transformation is taking so long, and why the world seems so resistant, there you have the major reason. Before we can be free, we must free ourselves of the massive pain bodies of our ancestors.
If there is some issue in your life that you can't seem to shift, even after repeated deep emotional work and magick, it is likely to be a symptom of an ancestral (genetic) pain body that you are connected to.
Why would you be connected to it?
Probably for the express purpose of healing the poor thing.
Freeing Yourself From The Pain Bodies
There are ways to protect yourself from your ancestors' pain bodies. In many ways, the protection for highly sensitive people does this, partly by healing the pain body and partly by distancing you from it. This is very helpful in our personal healing and spiritual journey.
But you can't be completely free of them, since until they are healed they wander around as vibrational fields.
Some of the current vibrational fields are connected to current affairs -- either of the world or on energetic levels -- but even these have deep roots in the pain bodies of the past.
When you heal the pain body in yourself, you also heal it in every genetic direction, backwards and forwards through time. In other words, your children will be free of it forever. Not only that, but you will free:
your parents
your grandparents
your siblings and their children
your spouse
your pets
(If you don't think all of these are affected by vibrational fields and pain bodies, wait until you start clearing them out, and watch the changes around you with amazement!)
And when you heal your ancestors' pain bodies, a piece of the world vibrational field of pain is also healed.
So what does all this have to do with Samhain?
This Samhain is a perfect time to do some of that healing!
To read Erin Dragonsong's ritual, go here: http://tinyurl.com/ykzyzll
and scroll down to "Samhain Ritual: Feeding the Hungry Ghosts"

Upcoming Dates:
9th November:    Venus moves into Libra
12th November:    New Moon in Scorpio 

That’s it folks!  We’re travelling with Mother Earth Full Moon energies along with the snake, the scorpion, the eagle and of course the Phoenix.  Are you open and ready to receive the full force of the resurrection energies of the Scorpio New Moon on 12th. We’re clearing the way for a major shift.  The shift begins this week.  Keep your miner’s light on and your inner spy handy.  We’re uncovering the truth and we’re going to be surprised!
As always, love and blessings to us all whether we’re carrying machetes, backpacks or bringing up the rear at this time.  We’ll all get our turn at the front of the line tackling the creepers, vines and creepy crawlies that inhabit the jungles of earth consciousness.
Love and blessings
from the chair...flying with my owl

It’s all about love

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