...for the children of the earth

Saturday 7 November 2015

9th November 2015 Venus moves into Libra

Hi everyone! 
Another big week of ongoing change helped along by the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio taking us into the depths of our psyche, our minds and mental processes. Bats in the belfry?  You betcha!
A makeover on all levels:  Clearing and detoxing!  Ouch!
On top of that, we were dealing with the physical re-balancing with Mars/masculine and Venus/feminine joining forces in Virgo, sign of healing along with expansive Jupiter, also in Virgo providing us with a bridge of opportunity to Chiron, the centaur who gives focus to our ‘wounds’. 
You may have felt this physically, emotionally, mentally and more than likely spiritually.  You may have felt uplifted and rejuvenated or tired, exhausted, in pain.
A powerful week of reclamation and release!
However, for many people it has been a week of clearing and processing.  See quote from Lauren Gorgo at the end of this email which probably sums it up for many of us.  Calling in lost ‘power’ and life force from other times, places and people as well as LETTING GO of those energies not aligned with our divine integrity and truth. 

What’s coming in:
9th November:    
Venus moves into Libra at 2.30 am AEDT...’loving me, loving you’
Until 5th December
Venus steps into home territory:  Home at last!
We’re still very much in the Libra balancing energies as Venus enters the sign of love, justice, peace, harmony and equity. Can we breathe the life of peace and harmony now that Venus is in the sign of balance?  Depends on your situation.
Reclaiming our birthright!  Divine love and acceptance or bust!
Venus in Libra offers us all a ‘homecoming’, a coming home to ourselves and reclamation of our disowned aspects.  Let’s face it, with the world hammering away on the perfectionism and criticism energies, it can be challenging to find our own redeeming features and our worthiness.  Even if we don’t listen to/read the mass media, the self-criticism is embedded in our cell memories/DNA from way back.
It’s time to offer yourself the love, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness and abundance you offer so readily to others. 

A joyful heart?  
Prepare to let go of any energies blocking you from love!
If there’s anything in your life that is out of balance and harmony at a heart level this will be the energy that puts things right.  This, of course, may mean some things have to go.  After all, we’re in the light of the Scorpio Sun and only 2 days from the 11/11 portal and 3 days from the New Moon in Scorpio.  Scorpio brings death/rebirth.  Libra brings balance in love and harmony along with divine justice. 



Are you willing to let go of discordant energies in your psyche?  
your life?
As we focus on what we desire...love, harmony, balance and equity we often find resistant energies emerging, the ‘voices’, feelings and emotions which have been within us for so long they’ve grown comfortable.  They’re the status quo that wants to keep everything the same. Is keeping everything the same going to bring what you desire?  That, of course is the key question. 

Calling in your heart’s desire: 
Let the heart show you the way!  It knows! 
This is a great energy leading us into the New Moon in Scorpio in a couple of days.  It gives us the opportunity to focus on the heart and call to us what we desire and need for peace, joy and love in our lives.
Are you sure?
Of course we need to trust that when we ask and we are truly committed in our hearts, the divine forces will bring things into alignment to bring our heart’s desire to us.  And we need to remember that what we think we need is not necessarily what our heart desires for us to grow into love.  We’re in big energies at this time and the field is open and limitless if we’re prepared to allow our highest good to manifest.  Naturally, if we have ‘blocks’ within such as conditional clauses regarding outcomes, then we are in a more restricted energy.
Coming up and adding to the balancing process:
13th November:    Mars joins Venus in Libra!
Adding to the re-balancing process will be Mars, our masculine energy, our fire and drive and our physical body will join the heart energy of Venus in this sign that demands we bring balance to our dualities on all levels. More on this with the New Moon update.
Leading in to 11.11 and the New Moon in Scorpio on 12th (Aus): 

Calling in your power from the past!  
Letting go the disempowering energies of the past!
A little reminder of the process currently underway:  
Make the most of these next few days!

From Lauren Gorgo’s last message:  
‘Resurrection:  a new life cycle begins’

‘According to the star beings we are currently doing two important things: 1) sorting thru the parts of our self and past that we will/will not be taking with us to the new world, and 2) pulling any remaining soul fragments back from our old lives so that we can enter into unity whole, with our full Selves in tact. As we whole ourselves, we are actually healing the tear in the fabric of life itself, returning to our rightful place and position…from before we fell from grace…as fully consciousness beings.

This sorting and reclamation process requires our complete focus on ourselves, so it can feel as tho we are in a bubble and everything that matters to us is rescinding… pulling away and/or ending.  This is just temporary and part of the fallow period…the inbreath before the next out breath…which, I am hearing begins on the 11-11, the gateway that marks the commencement of the integrated merger.’

Message from Celia Fenn:  
‘Sacred Union and the Divine Heart:  11/11/8’

Opening Lines:
‘Beloved Family of Light, the energies are accelerating as you move towards the 11/11 Star Gate on the 11th of November. This will be a powerful moment in your New Earth Transformation, a moment when the energies of Sacred Union and the Divine Heart come together to initiate and activate New Creation on your Earth. It will also be a moment when your Multi-Dimensional Body will be ready to activate the Template for your new 5D Body within your Cellular Blueprints.’

From Kryon:   ‘The Future of DNA’ August 2015

You may be familiar or not with Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll for at least 20 years.  Some good material in above regarding solar changes, physics and our DNA shifting consciousness.

Golden Oldies:
‘I want to know what love is’ Foreigner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNOPyUdLZPk
Original video of above:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loWXMtjUZWM
‘Matchmaker’ Fiddler on the Roof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59Hj7bp38f8  the way things were, once upon a time!
‘Everybody loves somebody’ Dinah Washington https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPC-IekuXSk
‘Knowing me, knowing you’ Abba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrfY7RNaBjw
Upcoming Dates:
12th November:    New Moon in Scorpio
13th November:    Mars moves into Libra
That’s it everyone!  It’s heart balancing time, accepting our divine hearts, our transforming minds and our healing bodies. 
As we move into the next week, just a reminder that we’re coming into the ‘dark of the moon’ for the 3 days before the New Moon on 12th.  It’s a time of release and resolution of energies from the last lunar month, the lunar month of Libra,  as we clear the way for the arrival of the Scorpio New Moon energy.  

Whatever needs balancing, re-balancing, karmic resolution of inequities and anything to do with peace, love, justice and relationships can be tied off...at least for the time being.  Venus in Libra from the 9th will give us a new dimension and fresh start if we’ve been doing the spiritual stuff.
As always, love to us all on the road less travelled, the rough dirt track, the impenetrable jungle of our own consciousness. 
from the chair...embracing my divinity

It’s all about love

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