...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 10 November 2015

12th November 2015 New Moon in Scorpio

 Art: Rassouli                                                  'Fusion of Light with Darkness'

Hi everyone!

We’re doing the Scorpio dance of death, dance for life and rebirth!  What kind of dance are you manifesting in your life at this time?  Tango, Cha-Cha, Jive, Waltz, Hip-hop, Rhumba, Samba, Lambada or maybe just a gentle jazz waltz!
It doesn’t matter what dance you choose as long as it’s your dance and it gets you there...whatever it takes!
Entering and accepting the darkness brings us the light:  
Let the ‘old’ die and release!
‘Fusion of Light with Darkness’, the title of this painting by Rassouli is particularly apt for the Scorpio experience.  We’re now in the dark of the moon leading up to the New Moon in Scorpio.  It’s the letting go time, the releasing of the old energies so we can birth anew with the arrival of the New Moon.  It happens every lunar month but this New Moon is especially powerful with the Scorpio energies, the planetary line up and the cosmic energies offering release.
Scorpio:  ‘I desire, therefore I am’
Time to focus and shine your light on what you desire!
Travelling under the Scorpio Sun, the light shines on our desires, our deepest desires and calls us to excavate those desires which are buried within. When we bring the desires to light, something of the past dies away whether it be desires we once held, desires we ‘thought’ we had, the illusions we all live and perpetuate as we replicate old conditioning and memories.
Focus on what you desire:
Let go of the whinges about what’s wrong with life!
If we keep our focus on what we don’t want we just get more of the same.  Awareness of where we concentrate our energies will bring to light any shortfalls in our manifestation process. Bringing in hopes and dreams requires imagination and clear focus on what is your heart’s desire.  If you don’t know, ask for some messages and insights and just keep calling in your hopes and dreams for a beautiful life.
What’s coming in:
11th November:    11:11 Stargate
Portal of opportunity!
Message from Celia Fenn:  
‘Sacred Union and the Divine Heart:  11/11/8’

Quotes from Celia Fenn’s message above:
Sacred Union : Heaven and Earth and the Divine Heart
At this time in your year, the Sun/Solaris and the Blue Star System Sirius, come together as "Two Suns" in your Galactic neighbourhood in the Golden Rose Galaxy (Milky Way). They enter into a Sacred Geomterical Alignment known as a "Vesica Pisces". This is when two energy "spheres" come together and create a space for mutual "seeding" of new ideas and new energies and new forms.
In this case, the Vesica Pisces open a doorway to the Great Central Sun, flooding the two Star Systems with waves of Diamond Light and Creative Energy from the Divine Heart at the Great Central Sun. This wave of powerful energy then reverberates around the Galaxy as waves upon waves of Light Codes and Information is transmitted outwards.
What can we do at this time:  ‘aligning of the three sacred hearts’
work with the aligning of the Three Sacred Hearts in your Multi-Dimensional System:
the Divine Heart or Cosmic Heart, your own Sacred Heart, and the Sacred Heart of the Earth’
At the 11/11/8, this New Earth 5D Body Template will be fully activated in your cellular matrix. Beloved Ones, we feel it would be a good idea for you, at this time, to work with the aligning of the Three Sacred Hearts in your Multi-Dimensional System. This wIll facilitate the flow of energy between them, the Divine Heart or Cosmic Heart, your own Sacred Heart, and the Sacred Heart of the Earth. Simply visualize these three hearts in perfect alignment and the Diamond Light Energy flowing between them and into the Earth Heart, so that there is no disharmony or blockages to the flow. In this way, you will be fulfilling your purpose on the Earth, by simply allowing and accepting the flow of Divine Energy that is supporting and assisting your transformation.
More messages about the 11:11 Stargate:

From Shanta Gabriel:    ‘The 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels’
Quote from above: 
‘How to Step through the Gateway
Bring the Soul's vision from your Higher Self for the new life you desire to awaken into your conscious awareness, honor it and hold it in your heart.

Invite the Archangels for assistance to anchor the higher 5D frequencies very gracefully into your human form.

Ask to be in Harmony with the new crystalline Golden Template as decreed by your Soul's original blueprint to bring divinity into your human form.’ 

This is just the essence of what is needed.  To get full benefit and import of the energies, read full message.
Message from the Arcturians:
12th November:    
New Moon in Scorpio 4.47 am AEDT at 19 degrees 01 Scorpio
Paradigm shift!

New Moon, Sun and Mercury:  Birthing transformation!
Scorpio is a sign of major transformation and manifestation potential.  If you have cleared blockages sufficiently so that you are open to receiving the change which is burning in your heart, then get ready. 
Set your intent, make up your mind/Mercury and align with divine will!
If ever there was a time to plant a seed of new life then this is the time.  The New Moon is always a seeding time of new potentials.  With the Scorpio energy and the 11:11 portal, lunar node shift we’re in big cosmic and planetary energies shifting consciousness from this time forth. 

Call in your hopes and dreams!  Believe and float your balloon!  Send out your balloon of heart filled wishes and let it float you up!

Mercury, the winged messenger joins the New Moon/Sun:  
Messages abound!
Rebirthing the mind and messages from spirit!  With Mercury so close to the New Moon/Sun we’re likely to be sent insights, signs and indications of new pathways, ideas, possibilities.  Mercury is quicksilver and things are likely to happen quickly following on from this New Moon.  Be open, willing and as ready as you can be.
Let go of what has gone before.  Nothing will be the same after this New Moon. 
Birthing a new economic paradigm: 
Divine abundance on all levels of being!

Mercury rules communication, travel and commerce.  Such a great message a bout new beginnings in the commercial field.  If you’re in business, looking to start a new business venture and/or if you’re looking for new ideas for business/commerce, Mercury’s here to help. 
However, let’s be clear that any new ventures or ideas will be based on a new economic reality based on the spiritually guided principles of work and service, passion and ‘calling’.  The old ways will continue falling away from this new moon onwards.  The old embedded ‘blocks’ to prosperity and equity are being released.  Let it be so.

Pluto and Jupiter bringing in big energies for new ways!
Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Virgo supporting and grounding new moon wishes in a very expansive yet practical way.  These 2 planets are in earth signs so it is all about bringing dreams and projects into our everyday physical world. 
Healing bridge and rebirth physically and spiritually:
Jupiter’s connection to Chiron and the New Moon offers a bridge of healing and the promise of a healing rebirth personally and collectively.  This is powerful healing energy for the physical body, the cell memories, ancestral and planetary as well as the DNA. 

Healing could be sudden and unexpected...dramatic! 
Uranus our lightning game changer is in a positive flowing energy with Chiron, where we hold the spiritual wounds.  Along with the Jupiter and Chiron connection above, the whole picture is looking incredibly positive and uplifting.  Clearing is the word!

11th/12th November:  
North Node in Libra 0 degrees meets Mars at 29 degrees Virgo
Aligning the masculine with the planetary focus of peace and balance!
Relax and allow:  
The universe is raining down some divine blessings...receive!
At the New Moon Mars, our physical body, fire and drive, our masculine energy, will be meeting with the planetary North Node in its final moments in the balancing sign of Libra. The alignment of our masculine energies, our physical energies and our fire and drive with Libra is the final rebalancing before Mars moves on.  He’s been learning to allow instead of having to push forward as has been the case on this planet for so long.  This is very much about observing how much you can ‘walk the talk’ of an evolving Mars energy.
What a great message as Mars completes his final healing on the last degree of Virgo, the degree of mastery...in healing! He’s just about to step into Libra and join Venus, our feminine energy.  They’ll be travelling together for the next few weeks until Venus moves on.
12th November:    
Lunar nodes move from Libra/Aries to Virgo/Pisces
Our planetary focus for evolution shifts!
Interesting that the nodes shift within the 11:11 and New Moon energies.  Lunar nodes are points indicating evolutionary direction.  They exist on all charts including our personal natal chart indicating our evolutionary growth for this lifetime.
Planetary nodes change every 2 to 3 years and are aligned with the eclipse energies and signs.  For the past 2 to 3 years, we’ve been evolving consciousness with a focus on the Libra energies of harmony, justice, peace, balance and love, letting go of the old ways of Aries the warrior energy. 
Coming in:  
Virgo North Node and Pisces South Node

Our new focus for the next 2 to 3 years will be evolving our consciousness towards Virgo energies of earthly and physical healing, greater refinement of our energies in the material world.  

Virgo is one of the divine mother energies and is related to our working lives as an expression of our ‘divine calling’ with the potential to access our greatest fulfilment in our everyday working lives and manifesting our destiny on earth. 

The new economic paradigm built on divine calling:  Dreams earthed!
With this we’re beginning to create the new economic paradigm of ‘do what you love and the money will follow’.  How many seekers of the truth and consciousness have lost heart when they didn’t make the money they needed or thought they needed by adhering to this belief.  Well, consciousness hasn’t been developed sufficiently for this to be fully enacted by many people. 
Letting go of tribal conditioning around money, values and attitudes arising from ancestral memories and DNA have been a challenge for many as they continue to cling to materialism, consumerism and hedonistic desires as the way to fulfilment.  New beliefs are built on faith and the dissolution of the status quo. At this time, new doors are being opened for us to move through the political and economic greed and power bases and manifest a greater vision. Of course our desire, faith and commitment to evolve our consciousness is pivotal.
We’ll be called to let go of the Pisces ‘swamped and swallowed’ by the collective energies and the martyrdom of constantly giving to others at the expense of our own welfare and wellbeing.  We’ll be able to access a more evolved vision of our collective lives on earth. 
Sabian symbols for the New Moon:  From Lynda Hill
Sun and Moon at 19 degrees Scorpio:
Scorpio 20
This Symbol shows the ability or the need to be able to draw aside confusions or obstructions that impede your path or stop you from realizing where you could be or go. You, either alone or with others, may feel the need to venture down new “Pathways” or investigate new possibilities, but you will have to muster faith and overcome fear to enter these new realms, these “Sacred” places. You will require both courage and inquisitive desire. Venturing down these paths make it clear that your sphere of operation and action will become vastly enlarged with the new perspective that opens for you. Mysteries revealed. Feminine mysteries. Invitations to the unknown. Drawing the curtains or blinds. Woman’s reproductive systems. Open Sesame. Sexual issues. Following through. 

The Caution: Being seduced. Dark and sinister things. Not being shown the true picture or the truth. Being or feeling shut out or shut in. Dark rooms. Frigidity and prudishness.
13th November:    
Mars moves into Libra at 8.40 am AEDT   Resolving conflict!
Until 4th January 2016
Working with win/win:  Mars becomes a ‘snag’...sensitive new age guy!
Mars comes into the sign of balance, harmony and justice. He just won’t be able to charge forward and ‘make things happen’ while in this energy. His drive and desire for action will be tempered by the Libran desire for harmony, peace and a fair deal for everyone. 
Mars as ‘Joe Cool’! 
He’s been evolving into this energy with the Lunar North Node in Libra, so this will be the opportunity to show his diplomatic side as a potential peacemaker.  He’ll be called to harness his fire and drive to bring about agreements, to keep the peace and hold to the middle ground.  Can he keep his cool amidst chaos?  We’ll soon find out. His new presence offers a fresh perspective on age-old problems with greater empathy and understanding.  Watch for the changes in leaders in our societies.
...and joins Venus in Libra! 
Until  5th December when Venus moves into Scorpio
Mars and Venus will be in the sign of love and partnership for about 3 weeks before Venus takes off into Scorpio.  They won’t be in a close clinch like last week but will be on the same page with respect to the balancing act of the masculine/feminine, extrovert/introvert, active/passive energies. 
Venus, our heart energy, is leading the way giving us the big sign to stay tuned to the heart and the body, fire and drive will follow.  Fits well with our new Virgo nodal consciousness brief of focus on divine calling. 

Some interesting and varied messages for the New Moon:

‘New Moon in Scorpio:  Terrestrial Transmutation’ by Salvador Russo astrologer  http://omtimes.com/2015/11/new-moon-in-scorpio/  list of predictions

New Moon in Scorpio Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for November 8 to 14, 2015 from Nadiya Shah
New Moon in Scorpio from Cathy Pagano:
Golden Oldies:
‘By the light of the silvery moon’  Doris Day and Gordon MacRae https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td7lCCO9aaQ
‘Cheek to cheek’  Ella and Louis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtlrPCcnZ90&list=RD1nYBVnVYMoQ&index=2 Mars Venus
‘Look for the silver lining’ Judy Garland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFITLxanHoU
‘Only Believe’ Elvis Presley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQTCcLzrFiI 
Upcoming Dates:
19th November:    Neptune stations/turns direct
21st November:    Mercury moves into Sagittarius
23rd November:    Sun moves into Sagittarius
That’s it everyone!  Whew!  This Scorpio energy sure gets to the seat of our difficulties and challenges.  If it has to go, then this solar and lunar month in Scorpio will do it for us.   Once we set the intent and give our willingness to go ‘where no man/woman has gone before’ then we’re on a roll!
Love and blessings everyone...as always
from the chair...emerging

 It’s all about love


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