...for the children of the earth

Monday 23 November 2015

19th November Neptune SD, 21st Mercury into Sagittarius, 23rd Sun into Sagittarius

Hi everyone! 
Here we are stepping down our ancient road, our sacred pathway of discovery which opened to us at the New Moon in Scorpio.  New Moons activate energies for the next lunar month and in fact carry those New Moon energies into the next year until there’s another New Moon in Scorpio.
Maybe you don’t know your pathway in its physical form just yet.  So much is happening on the other dimensions, in the esoteric realm that for many of us it’s just been enough to come through that cosmic stargate on 11/11 with a dash of the death throes of Scorpio following on from that.
We need to remember that the 11/11 stargate energy was an activation, a beginning which has set in motion all manner of changes in our biological/spiritual connections. 
The ‘Angel of Death’ Butterfly:  Soul resurrections!
Scorpio New Moon is not just about beginning something new on the new pathway.  It involves a ‘death’, a sacrifice of some part of our life which needs to go, to make space for very fresh start.
All new moons carry this impetus but with Scorpio, the New Moon is about a ‘death’ and a ‘rebirth’.  It involves a big shift, a big life change which often involves a deep exploration of our emotional selves, a confrontation with our essential self.  This exploration and or confrontation can feel overwhelming as though we are being drowned in possibly grief and regret, disappointment and heartache as we dig out the memories and blocks to our growth.  They’re hanging around in the depths of our being. 
Friday 13th wake up call:  Bombings in Paris!  Eagle of death!
Adding to the ‘death throes’ of our spiritual existence came the bombings in Paris on Friday 13th, one day after the New Moon in Scorpio.  All the superstitions we’ve carried around ‘Black Friday’ came up for release. In fact the number 13 is regarded as the number of the Goddess.  Interesting that the ‘Eagles of Death Metal’ band were performing at the Le Bataclan Theatre in Paris, site of so much carnage.  As we know, Scorpio rules death/rebirth/resurrection and carries the eagle as  one of its symbols. 
Another wake up for the western world:
On the same day there were mass killings in Beirut.  Interesting how little of middle east conflict is reported in our western news.  We’ve almost become disconnected from the inter racial, inter tribal and religious wars that continue in that part of the world.  However, when something of this nature happens in our western world we are woken from our sleep and put on notice that the conflict and war in the world is world wide and deeply embedded in our individual as well as planetary psyche.  We are made to realise that in our world our greatest security lies within.
Paris massacre this week:  Two days after the New Moon in Scorpio
On the day of the Paris news I read a comment on facebook that prayers don't make a difference and if they did we wouldn't be in the mess we're in on our earth. How much worse would it be if we weren't invoking,calling in the light, love and peace which is the greatest desire of so many on this planet.

Prayers, wishes, thoughts are energy:
Prayers are positive energy like good wishes and thoughts and we are all energy. At this time, there is a concentrated outpouring of love, support, light and goodness flowing to Paris and its people as those who have been massacred look for the light, shocked in not knowing where they are and what's happened. They're energies who may well believe they're still in the physical. This is what we called 'ghosts' in the olden days. Every bit of goodness and love and wish we send to Paris at this time is releasing them and serving to release the war and revolution locked into Parisian history and soil.

You don't have to accept or believe what I write but a wish for peace and love is greater than any wish for death and destruction. We're in our very own 'star wars' here on earth, the 'battle' of light and dark. Holding our lightswords in our hearts, we win the war with love. Wars and killing in the name of peace will never win.
19th November:    Neptune stationed/turned direct at 3.30 am AEDT at 7 degrees 01 Pisces
Our boats are moving on:  
Moving forward...slowly!
We’re in the limitless field of the Pisces ocean with no ending, no beginning where imagination can
take flight.  We’ve been travelling in this ocean since 2011 and will be in this ocean of higher consciousness until 2026.   Neptune is ruler of Pisces so the impact of this long term transit is intensified.
During retrograde period:  
Retrograde periods:  Inner growth!
Expanding consciousness through emotional transcendence and evolving spirituality!
Slower moving planets like Neptune bring about changes and shifts in consciousness, in society and across all cultures and nations.  They provide us with a long term change process which gradually changes our perspective, the way we operate in the world, the way we perceive ourselves, life and how we interact with the world.
While Neptune has been retrograde, we’ve been developing and evolving consciousness, being called to elevate emotionally and spiritually.  Transcending difficult emotions is one of our greatest challenges on this planet where so much of our humanity is informed by emotional energies. 
Becalmed and in the doldrums since mid June:    Now on the move!  New hope and faith uplifts our spirits!
Emotions which have been stirred and bubbling with release of memories, release of frustration at feeling ‘stuck’, held by the universal forces, becalmed and all at sea are now ready to be released as the sails of our yachts are filled by the winds of change. We can feel a gentle but steady breeze in our faces shifting old emotional and spiritual energies into a new space. 
Neptune moving direct:    Veils of illusion are released!  
 Discoveries and disclosures!
In combination with Mercury and then the Sun moving into Sagittarius which will be bringing truth to the mind and spirit, we’re in for an interesting time of disclosures on both the personal and global level.  While in retrograde, we’ve been releasing old energies, reclaiming lost energies, taking off masks and preparing to reveal ourselves as Neptune gets moving.
New interests and talents may appear at this time particularly in relation to any symbolic, fluid forms of communication such as art, poetry, dance, literature, music and psychic gifts and insights.
21st November:    Mercury moved into Sagittarius at 6.43 am AEDT...the voice of truth!
Until 10th December
What happens when you mix air with fire.  Lift off!  A lot of hot air?
Sagittarius energy breathes fire and enthusiasm into our minds and voices.  The spirit of truth has arrived and will open our minds, engage our voices and put words in our mouth which just need to be spoken!
I bring truth to myself, I speak the truth:  Look out!  Here it comes!
Sagittarius is fire and zealous pursuit of truth, higher wisdom and the joy of life. We’re likely to find we’re speaking from the heart, no holds barred without the emotional agenda.
Right words at right time...any time!
During this next month of this energy, we need to be aware that we’re likely to blurt something out that’s been sitting waiting for the right moment.  With Sagittarius, the right moment is any time so this energy may take you by surprise. 
It may also help offload some much needed words in the right direction.  Mercury in Sagittarius doesn’t suffer ‘fools’ gladly. We can’t afford to be expending energy tolerating abuse and/or abusive people any more.
Mercury is our mind and the messenger:  Tune in to the higher mind!  New pathways are being offered, so we need to listen!
Sagittarius is interested in higher wisdom and learning and will take us  anywhere for the learning experience we need, whether physically or at home as an armchair traveller.  Be open to the messages from the universe, the higher self as Mercury delivers the ‘post’ right into our hearts. 
Afloat with the buoyant spirit of Sagittarian optimism:  
Alight with divine truth!  Ready to take on the world!  On your soapbox!
Mercury in Sagittarius fires us up as we haven’t experienced for some time. We’re likely to feel the need to speak up about world situations such as the refugees, foreign policies, anything to do with foreign situations as Sagittarius rules foreign travel and cultures.
Sagittarius is big worldly energy concerned with society and all that entails.  Its particular rulership of foreign affairs, places and people will find us giving voice to our opinions, viewpoint and higher vantage point (if we allow) of the current world situation where borders are breaking down between places and people.  More on that with the full moon report.
23rd November:    Sun moves into Sagittarius at 2.25 am AEDT...Lightening up! 
Until 22nd December
Back in the saddle again:  On your horses!
The Sagittarian Sun breaks through the Scorpio death throes, puts us on horseback and carries us down a new roadway, one that’s been opened up by all the releasing and letting go of the past month of Scorpio.  We come to realise just how much death and dying we’ve been through when we hit Sagittarius energy which demands that we get back in the saddle again.
Stunned by the new light?  Take your time...clarity is emerging!
Our horses may feel a little stunned by the light of a new day as they emerge from the mists of confusion which have been holding us all in the evolutionary cauldron!
We may take a little while to get our bearings, to feel we can trust ourselves and our instincts in this new environment that calls forth the crusader within.
We’re crusaders on a mission, an adventure and nothing will stop us!
Sagittarius is the original crusader on a mission to save the world in the name of truth and wisdom.  

The crusading zeal is ignited during Sagittarius time and we need to make the most of the feeling inside that all hope is not lost despite the current state of the world.
‘I have confidence in sunshine’:  
I am in the light and confident in the light!
Sagittarian optimism and hope is offering our spirits a much needed lift after trawling through the shadow world of Scorpionic transformation. 
We went into the mine, found our precious inner ‘gold’ and are now bringing it into the light of day.  Without that Scorpio journey we could not be shining as we are now or will be in the coming weeks with new found knowledge of ourselves.
We always had the power.  We just needed to rediscover and reclaim it!
The call of the open road, the hills of freedom and liberation:  
 Get ready for the risks, the leaps of faith in ourselves, our horses and the universe!
We’re being given some impetus to discover and enact new pathways in our lives and the information is coming our way over the next month or so.  With this next month life becomes an adventure in taking risks, leaps of faith and taking the reins of our own lives in hand. 
It requires confidence and faith in ourselves, our divinity and our divine connection.  Everything’s lined up for us as we tentatively step forward to say ‘I’m ready’.  Loving and accepting ourselves wholeheartedly is the start and now we’re backing ourselves all the way!
Saving the horses:  Video clip from a true story
This video clip and story has been doing the rounds on facebook again.  It happened in 2006, a truly inspiring story of rescue of 100+ horses stranded by floodwaters in the Netherlands. It made me think of all the ‘lightworkers’ shifting consciousness on the planet.  We’re all those horses being taken to safety as well as the rescue horses taking the stranded horses to safe land.
From Pema Chodron’s  ‘Three Methods of Working with Chaos’: http://www.lionsroar.com/pema-chodrons-three-methods-for-working-with-chaos/
This article is excerpted from “When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times.” © 1997 by Pema Chodron. Reprinted by arrangement with Shambhala Publications.
‘Isis:  Raising humanity out of adolescence’:  From Gail Minogue http://www.gailminogue.com/isis-raising-humanity-out-of-self-destructive-adolescence/
Golden Oldies: 
‘In these arms.  A Song for all Beings’ Jennifer Berezan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzPTHstpJ2I&feature=share
‘Back in the saddle again’ Gene Autry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSqcxFGFVas
‘I have confidence’ Julie Andrews ‘Sound of Music’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LikfxgrC3mM

Upcoming Dates:
26th November:    Full Moon in Gemini
That’s it folks!  I had intended getting this out to you with Neptune’s turn around on the 19th but the needs of bodily clearing have been impacting quite heavily on me and took all my energy just living each day for me.  Most of the above movements have already occurred and we’re travelling on the edges of the upcoming full moon in Gemini on 26th.  As soon as I get this out to you I’ll complete the Full Moon update within the next day.  Fingers crossed.
As you can see from the images, we’re on the move...boats, balloons and horses!  So much that has been hidden from us in these past months is likely to be revealed in the upcoming month and we’re likely to find pieces of the jigsaw falling into place.  The major focus on Scorpio has meant lots of ‘undercover’ work where the answers have not been immediately evident.  Neptune turning direct is also bringing us out of the fog of what has felt like confusion.  Be open, be ready and accept what the universe is bringing to you. 
As always, love and blessings to us all in our boats, aboard our balloons and on our horses!  Yee ha! 
from the chair...walking’s good, for starters!

‘Loving me, loving you’

It’s all about love

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