...for the children of the earth

Friday 11 December 2015

10th December, 2015 Mercury moves into Capricorn 11th December New Moon in Sagittarius

Hi everyone!
How are you travelling down the Sagittarius road to freedom?  Maybe it’s all in the mind but that’s a good starting point.  We build the dream from the imagination and the Sagittarian is offering up big, expansive pictures of what’s possible or seemingly impossible.  Grab hold of those visions.

The open road calls:  Prepare...wait...prepare...oh heck! 
Have you taken the leap of faith yet?  Maybe it’s pending till after the New Moon, building in intensity and expanding in potential. Once the Sun moves into Capricorn at Solstice, 22nd December, we’re likely to find the practical building blocks for establishing our dreams and hopes into the earthly world.
In the pinball machine:  Not exactly feeling like a ‘wizard’...yet!
Meanwhile, we’ve been dealing with the past week of intense energies in the ongoing Mars/Pluto/Uranus squares shifting and moving us like a ball in a pinball machine.  We’re moving through these movements day by day and trusting that whatever’ happening is okay.  For some of us it’s been an easy week.  For others...challenging.
The past week:  
In the grip of change with Mars/Pluto/Uranus T-square crosssroads!
The Mars/Pluto/Uranus stoush has had us in its grip, wrestling us to the floor in deep surrender of what’s not working for us and reaching for something more fulfilling.  We’ve been impacted by ongoing transits of these planets with each other, thrown about like a ball in a pinball machine!  This energy is still impacting us for a bit longer
10th December:    
Mercury moved into Capricorn at 1.34 pm AEDT
Above the clouds, feet on solid ground:  Bringing ideas to earth!
Mercury is our mind energy and may not seem to be the most comfortable in the sign of practical, goal oriented Capricorn.  Mercury’s flightiness and speed of touching on many ideas all at once, flitting from one possibility to another may not seem too happy in Capricorn. 
Capricorn supports manifestation of Mercury’s magic bag of ideas into concrete form!
However...Capricorn energy will serve Mercury well as they join forces on the day before the New Moon in Sagittarius. Mercury has the ideas and the mental quickness and Capricorn is keen for Mercury to bring those ideas into some grounded form in the material world.  
Capricorn is a powerful manifesting energy being ruled by Saturn which calls us to take our authority and take the steps on the pathway to our success in the wider world. 

Capricorn calls us to the top of the mountain: 
Put on your climber’s boots and take safety ropes!
Capricorn brings ambition and the desire for success in the world.  We’re seeking respect and reputation for a job well done firstly in our own eyes and ideally in the eyes of the world. Yes, it’s about success and ambition and about bringing ideas into money making opportunities.
On the day of the New Moon:  
Leading in to the New Moon!
11th December:  Mars facing off to Uranus at 16 degrees Libra/Aries exact at 12.3 pm AEDT
Effective from 9th to 13th December
Unfounded fears and anxieties come up for release: 
Even as I write this today, we have Mars, our fiery warrior energy facing off to Uranus, the awakener in Aries which is Mars home, home of the masculine warrior drive. As you can see, this energy is taking us through the New Moon today and into the weekend so we need to be aware that anything can happen with this energy.  With the present world climate, we may be likely to fear the worst rather than the best of what could happen. We need to keep focussed on our highest hopes and dreams for ourselves and the world.

Be aware of frustration, anger and sudden outbursts:  You or others!
Accidents which erupt from uncontrolled outbursts of energy, from bottled up emotions such as road rage are on the warning side of being aware.  However, this energy can offer in some passion and drive with innovative solutions to ‘stuck’ situations.  It’s a cracker just waiting to go off!  We need to maintain focus on the positive play out of these energies as we are all being impacted by world weariness and possibly despair from the feeling of exhaustion impacting the lightworkers of the world. 

11th December:  Venus being elevated into higher love with Neptune
In a ‘clinch’ a trine of positivity!  
Exact at 5.13 pm AEDT
Effective 10th to 12th December
A welcome relief from the conflicting forces:  Divine love is calling!  Uplift your sights and vision! 
On the positive side, we have Venus and Neptune offering upliftment of our spirits and heart energies as we’re called into the power of love which encompasses compassion, mercy and forgiveness for ourselves as much as for others.  Venus is in a positive trine with Neptune at 7 degrees Scorpio/Pisces.  Transformational on the personal and collective layers of energy.
This energy is already washing over us and hopefully will appease the other irritants of the day.  Our conscious decision to keep coming back to our heart energy will raise our spirits and set the tone for the New Moon which comes in just a few hours after Venus and Neptune have their divine kiss of unification. 
The colour of divine love will be an umbrella of protection as we reach for our hope and dreams and set our intent for this New Moon. 
11th December:    New Moon in Sagittarius at 19 degrees 03 Sagittarius at 9.29 pm AEDT
New Moon:  Birthing new energies!
It’s a New Moon, a new lunar month governed by the energies of Sagittarius.  Time to plant the seeds of new possibilities.  The growing potential is enhanced by Mercury, the ideas energy now in Capricorn, all earth energy! 
Sudden flashes of insight and surprises of the best kind:  
Uranus and the New Moon!

The fire of the Sagittarius Sun and Moon is aligned and speaking in harmony with Uranus in Aries which is all lightning fire.  We can expect to be sparking with this one.  Watch out for the fireworks in terms of lightning flashes of inspiration.  From little things big things grow!  That’s Sagittarius energy! 

Healing opportunities expanded with Chiron and Jupiter in square to the New Moon:
We have another T-square/crossroads with this New Moon as the New Moon/Sun is in a square/challenge/opportunity to Jupiter in Virgo 22 deg. and Chiron in Pisces 17 deg.  It’s not super tight but will nevertheless present some major healing opportunity with this New Moon. 
It’s emotional, it’s physical:  Letting go!  No fighting!  
Have a bath...or swim!
It’s likely to impact on the release of emotional energies from this physical.  Trust it’s a positive flowing release than dominated by the potential angst of Mars opposite Uranus mentioned above.  Uranus is opposite Mars so plenty of clearing of old ‘warrior’ energy with sudden release the great potential.  Best way to extinguish fire is water.  A good cry is a great release of frustration, anger, irritation or resentment.  Just get it out of the body.

Breathe in the new and breathe out the old:
With these releasing energies happening at the New Moon we’re working with the releasing of the old and invocation of the new in a very real and powerful sense.  Letting out and letting in!
A call to action:  
Sagittarius the crusader, the advocate of cosmic law calls us all to act!
We’re likely to feel a real urge to start taking action following on from this New Moon.  We’re being given the ideas from Mercury, the divine love which fuels our passions and desires and the incoming energies of Capricorn which will be helping to bring our Sagittarian high hopes into our physical reality. 
Call in your power and light:  Let’s get the show on the road!

If you’ve been feeling a sense of powerlessness in light of your life and in the world, this New Moon offers the energies of getting it together.  We’ve been so busy clearing and manifesting light in the world, it’s now time to enact some of these energies in our own lives in a more finite way.


The Star Sirius:  The ‘missing leg’ of the Uranus/Pluto/Mars T square!  Look to the Sirian perspective, the blue star! 
This is the fixed star Sirius sitting at 14 degrees Cancer opposite Pluto at 14 degrees Capricorn.  Earlier this week it was squaring/challenging Mars at 14 degrees Libra which was opposite Uranus at 17 degrees Aries. With Sirius it offered a major cross/crossroads of change this week taking us through to the New Moon in Sagittarius on 11th.

Sirius, a fixed star at 14 degrees Cancer:  
Pluto opposing at 14 deg Capricorn...offering a higher vision!
Deep-seated changes are taking place, perhaps erupting like a volcanic release as our fiery warrior Mars seeks balance and justice with the systems, embedded beliefs within and without each one of us. Events are sudden and unpredictable, seemingly chaotic at times.
Sirius, as a fixed star offers a higher vision, a bigger picture. It's our brightest star in the sky. It's not a planet.

Wake up calls everywhere...here’s mine this week:  All healing!
I had my very own Mars/Pluto/Uranus/Sirius on Monday when Mars squared Pluto when I was bitten by a dog while at a friend’s place for lunch. It was definitely a shamanic experience, leaving my body and seeing a pale blue and white 'flower of life' image. My friend was terrified, thinking I was dying as my eyes rolled back into my head, eyes wide open (return of the zombies?) and my lips turned blue. She said I was smiling. I had no desire to go that 'light' from another dimension. I was trying to get back into my body. I did return and feel grateful for that dog, maybe a messenger from Sirius known as 'the dog star' (nothing to do with dogs) for releasing so much locked in memory from my right hand and arm, my 'warrior' arm. He offered me the dog medicine which heals. A few stitches and a couple of stiff glasses of Scotch and I was returning to life.  It’s taken me a few days to recover from this, so the New Moon post is a little later than I wanted. It’s been a very emotional release.  I know many of you have had experiences similar to mine.  Just keep trusting...eh?

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Sagittarius:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Sagittarius 20
This Symbol speaks of the need for planning ahead. The people “In Winter” are “Cutting Ice From a Frozen Pond” – they know that they’ll need the ice for summer – they are thinking ahead so they can have what they need at the right time. Like these people, you'll have what you need if you allow for shifts in time and seasonal variations. Also, you may feel that you have lost touch with your emotions by creating a barrier, coming up with “Frozen” responses. This barrier can be overcome without great difficulty, just a little planning and action, and probably, a desire to work with others to build for your future. Overcoming shortages. Creative solutions to problems. Thinking ahead. Provisions. Savings and funds. Pension plans. Strategies for survival in tougher times. Divorce settlements.

The Caution: Stoic acceptance of difficulties. Not planning for the future. Hoping all will be okay. Sly manipulation to gather resources. Extortion. People storing up hurts and insults.

Full Sabian Symbols for the New Moon in Sagittarius:    http://www.sabiansymbols.typepad.com/  From Lynda Hill
More quotes from Esther Hicks to keep us on track with focus and manifestation:
Golden Oldies:
‘Dance me to the End of Love’ Leonard Cohen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEVow6kr5nI 
Still dancing Venus in Scorpio and travelling with our Sagittarian freedom horses!
‘That’s what friends are for’ Dionne Warwick and friends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyTpu6BmE88 for the New Moon
Upcoming Dates:
22nd December:  Sun into Capricorn/December solstice
25th December:    Full Moon in Cancer
26th December:    Uranus stations direct in Aries
30th December:    Venus moves into Sagittarius
That’s it folks!  Only just managed to get this together today so grabbing that Sagittarian horse/centaur by the mane and heading for the hills! Freedom is calling us all and we’re being invited to take on some new roads of discovery, some new projects, some ‘out of the box’ innovative solutions.  Stay open and listening to those magical messages and guidance from your very own lucky star!
from the chair...listening to the stars
...walking forward on the earth!

It’s all about love


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