...for the children of the earth

Friday 10 February 2017

11th February 2017 Full Moon in Leo Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Hi everyone!
We’re travelling under the Aquarian Sun experiencing the call to detach emotionally from the maelstrom of energies being stirred up in the world and at the same time feel the connection to humanity in all its struggles.
It’s not easy to be emotionally detached and yet feel for others who are in suffering and pain especially when so many of us are empathic by nature and feel such struggle in the very core of our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits.
Holding the balance in the extreme energies:  Bridging ‘the split’!
The imbalances are becoming more extreme and obvious as the separation of consciousness and parting of the ways continues with the collapse of old systems of thinking.  Our call is to maintain the concern and the distance at the same time has never been more important.  We need to hold the hope and optimism, the love, forgiveness, mercy and compassion all at the same time.
If you hold to the belief that humanity and all earth is one organic body then we are better able to grapple with the confusion of the divisive forces which are splitting us apart. 
Major earth healing crisis:  A healing crisis brings an escalation of pain and symptoms so that the ‘boil’, illness, disease can be brought to the surface.  Well that’s how I see the earth at this time...going through a major healing crisis. 
What’s coming in:
Leo Full Moon
First eclipse for 2017
Leo rules: 
Love, romance, creativity and children, including our inner child!
It’s the essence of our expression in the world, the light of our authentic self.
11th February:  Full Moon in Leo at 22 degrees 28 Leo at 11.32 am AEDT
Open hearts with love! 
Balancing the personal and impersonal:  Leo/Aquarius...love within, love without!
We’re already experiencing the Leo Full Moon energies as it faces off to the Aquarius Sun bringing the personal and transpersonal into a harmonising potential, always an opportunity at any full moon when the Sun and Moon sit opposite to each other. 

Opposites attract and complement each other and this is what full moons offer us each month, the balancing of our outer expression through the Sun and our inner expression through the Moon.  We can think of it as the extrovert/introvert spectrum. 
Love and romance:  Keep it light and fluffy!
For the Leo/Aquarius spectrum we’re experiencing the personal love and heart connection through Leo and the transpersonal detached love of the Aquarian humanitarian perspective.  We need both these energies to experience the fullness of life. 

The urge to merge:  
Desires for passion and love fired by the Leo Full Moon!
Venus and Mars, our feminine and masculine energies are helping with the desire for love and romance as they’re fired by their journey through Aries, the sign of fiery desire and passion!
Opening hearts to love, our essential light filled self and the divine child within!  Loving the self!
The Leo energy is a primal energy that is seeking release through the essence of creative engagement in life.  Ruled by the Sun, it’s about our essential self, the innocence of the divine child before all society’s trappings were loaded onto it. 
Free the heart and we free the child within:  Choose love!
It calls us to freedom of that primal force of the child within just as Aquarius calls us to grow and expand our consciousness beyond earthly limitations.  Leo, ruled by the Sun, the emanation of light on earth, is calling us to embrace our creative essence, the essential ingredient of life on earth. 

Leo lightens the load:  
‘There’s no business like show business’!

Fun, love, romance, creativity and the child energy is coming forth from within!  There’s an element of ‘show business’ about the Leo energy as it exudes optimism and the joy of life that emanates from our divine innocence and the purity of our authentic selves.  It’s time to own and celebrate our essence and prepare to bring our gifts into the world.

Full Moon:  Endings, completion...an explosion of energy!  
Suppressed emotions break through and release!
All full moons bring something to a head, an explosion of emotional energy that has been hidden, suppressed or repressed within.  Suddenly all that ‘craziness’ starts to leak through as we head into the fullness of the moon. 
With this one, there’s a fun seeking child seeking release so if you’ve been weighed down by the cares, worries and responsibilities of adult life, there’s every likelihood that you’ll throw off the ‘shackles’ of the heaviness of life and look for some lightness and lighthearted people and experiences. 
The planetary energies helping us at this full moon:
It’s all a wonderful spiritual and planetary set up to bring us into the light of new energies and to kick over the traces of the past!
1. Grand Fire Trine:  
Opening the passionate channels of fiery  spiritual connection...we are awakened to our inner fire!

Full Moon in Leo 22 degrees
Uranus in Aries 21 degrees
Saturn in Sagittarius 25 degrees
A Grand fire trine of Uranus and Saturn with the Leo Full Moon is opening us up to the spiritual flame of the joy of life, breaking us out of the karmic bonds of old attachments and addictive thoughts and behaviours, activating our radical renegade Uranus energy.  If ever there was an energy to break us out of jail whilst bringing the joy of life all at the same time...this is it!


2. Getting off the karmic merry go round:  

Societal change, releasing karmic burdens and social conditioning!
Jupiter retrograde in Libra speaking with Saturn in Sagittarius in a sextile
Jupiter and Saturn are regarded as the two ‘social’ planets governing society, its ideologies, systems and consciousness. 
A personal choice:  Are you ready to get off the karmic merry go round?

In conversation like this, these two planets are working together to bring karmic balance, harmony and higher consciousness to the earth and her people.  It’s our decision to choose to release the bonds of social conditioning, the habitual forms of thought and emotional responses that have kept us trapped in collective consciousness at the expense of our individual voice and expression.


3. Finger of God, a Yod:  
Chiron as the energy of focus for balancing and healing!  Chiron holds the power!
Yod is a rare astrological aspect that involves any three planets or points in the horoscope that form an isosceles triangle. This phenomenon occurs when two planets are sextile (60° aspect) to each other, and both are then quincunx (150° aspect) to a third.

It’s a magical healing balancing energy!  Just let it go!
Saturn and Jupiter in a positive flowing sextile with Chiron as the focal point of the ‘finger of God’ gives a clear direction for our attention with the powerful healing energy of Chiron in Pisces calling us to release the societal conditioning and karmic burdens we’ve been carrying for our personal history as well as for the collective.  
Pain, boredom calls for severance with the past:  
Claim the fullness of all that you are...no masks!
If you’re feeling any kind of ‘pain’ at the full moon time, before and after, we just have to acknowledge the ties, bonds and shackles which have kept us grounded in collective ‘muggledom’ at the expense of taking to the trapeze and demonstrating our expertise and unique and ‘peculiar’ gifts.  We hold so much back for fear of not belonging and being loved, being seen as eccentric, strange, odd...whatever.  This is a perfect time to claim the eccentric ‘you’ and be full of yourself. 
The opportunities with this placement are especially powerful and are with us for some time. 
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: A wake up and revelation! 
New information emerges from within!
Eclipses bring change, often sudden and unexpected.  Even though this eclipse is partial, it is still an eclipse and a lunar eclipse, and for that reason mysteries and new knowledge become revealed. 
Emanating from within the layers of the unconscious, from the collective unconscious, a lunar eclipse puts the focus on the unknown and mysterious world of the moon, the illusions, delusions which we are carrying within us. 
Some astrologers subscribe to the view that the eclipses have a more powerful impact on those areas which are directly experiencing them.  However. I tend to think that whatever is happening on the earth and in the cosmos is happening for all of us whether it be planetary energies, cosmic weather or earthly weather.  It means that those geographical areas being impacted are carrying the energies at this time and carrying them for the rest of the earth. 
Lunar revelations lead to Solar action on or after the solar eclipse in Pisces on 27th February:
What comes to light at the lunar eclipse will guide us towards the New Moon in Pisces solar eclipse on 27th February which is likely to bring about a desire to act on the information revealed at this Full Moon.
Astronomical information:
‘The penumbral lunar eclipse will be visible from Europe, most of Asia, Africa and most of North America.’
More information: 

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Leo:  From Lynda Hill
From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Full Moon:
Leo 23
This Symbol shows situations of showing one’s talent, training, skills and bravery to others. The ‘Bareback has trained and practiced for the performance and is up and ready to show their abilities to others. A sense of balance combined with timing is vitally important otherwise you could be thrown mid-way through your performance. Although you may believe passionately in what you are doing, you may put yourself at risk to present your abilities, skills and emotions boldly and skillfully. Done correctly, this will not doubt impress others most of the time, but be wary of running into the ring unrehearsed. Being well trained and fit and ready helps. Defying gravity. Controlling animal instincts. Courage and mastery over powerful energies. Shows of strength. Rushing in where angels fear to tread. Media. Circuses. 

The Caution:
 ‘Showing off', losing control, falling off. Looking for applause. Fooling with nature's energies. Arousing unbridled passions. Not thinking about consequences.
Aquarius 23
This speaks of the need to develop responses and perform above and beyond the normal expected level. Having to do what others tell you, or perform along the lines of how you’ve been trained may be fine for a while, but eventually you are likely to tire of doing the same things or not being taken seriously. Perhaps there are things you don't want to do, but it seems your duty to perform. Look to your situation and see if you are compromising yourself or just acting out conditioned responses. Perhaps you are indeed excelling your normal level of performance, only you can tell. Developing skills. Entertaining people. Performing for the crowd. Playing instruments, dancing, arm waving. Animal training. Fun vs. drudgery. Learning by example. Training. 

The Caution:
 Being unable to recover your feet. Instinctive and creative performing for the crowd. Desire to be the center of attention. Defying authority. Being vulnerable.

Golden Oldies:
‘Circle of Life’ Elton John from ‘The Lion King’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ_Zq_b4sBc  Saturn/Jupiter/Chiron off the karmic wheel
‘Circle of Life’ ‘The Lion King’ without lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GibiNy4d4gc
‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight’ video clip from The Lion King https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25QyCxVkXwQ  Leo moon and love
‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight’ Elton John lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9_nXlvY6Io
‘Wheel of Fortune’ Kay Starr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL1KvS0shEI for Saturn/Jupiter/Chiron off the karmic wheel/merry go round
‘There’s no business like show business’ Ethel Merman and the Muppets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kdggcQhysQ  for awakening the Leo divine child
‘There’s no business like show business’ Video clip from ‘Annie Get Your Gun’ Betty Hutton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lakGIwI9u0  better soundtrack
Upcoming Dates:
18th February:  Sun enters Pisces
26th February:  Mercury enters Pisces
27th February:  New Moon in Pisces, Solar Eclipse
4th March:  Venus retrograde
That’s it folks!
Hugs all around!
This full moon is all about love, pure and simple in all its forms.  Love, acceptance and gratitude for our wild creative selves looking for the excitement of creative expression and fulfilment through connection to our hearts and to the hearts of others.
Love is in the air offering the potential of connection to kindred spirits, like hearts, minds and spirits who are seeking to soar. If everyone was full of themselves with the joy and love of life we’d all be flying.  Let’s fly on the trapeze, on our personal stage and embrace that inner celebrity. 
Love and blessings to my fellow performers on the stage of life!  We’re looking to the stars, receiving divine inspiration activating our wild creative energies!

from the chair
with my little child looking to the stars


It’s all about love
Earth’s healing crisis...separation then unification!
It’s the Red Cross!


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