...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 22 February 2017

18th February 2017 Sun entered Pisces, Midway through the eclipse


Hi everyone!
Well I don’t know about you but that was some full moon and eclipse!
The emanations have continued to reverberate through our whole being disrupting the unconscious unresolved energies which have been buried in the psyche.
Anything that has not been aligned with our authentic self was brought to light, brought to the surface of our consciousness.  Of course it is always a highly emotional time and this time was no exception as it fired us up with the Grand Fire Trine of Full Moon in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus/Eris in Aries.
Fires purge within and without:
The impact has been ongoing. bringing us into alignment with our true spirit, the energy of fire!  The purging by fire was certainly demonstrated in the physical weather here in Australia with the ‘day of hell’ in NSW with highly catastrophic heat conditions and fire warnings from the authorities to get out of catastrophic fire zones BEFORE the fires as they wouldn’t be able to control them or give forewarning at the time.
Our greatest safety is within:
As more than half the state fell into this category, there was really no guaranteed ‘safe’ zone.  Bondi beach on the coast or similar might have been the safest place.  The fact is, there really is no guaranteed safe place in the world today.  Our greatest safe place is aligning with peace, love and surrender within.
Rain and floods cleanse and purify the land: 

Meanwhile, on the western side of Australia, unprecedented rains and flooding have been giving a purification and cleansing by water.  It seems like we’re being turned upside down and inside out, everything topsy turvy as the weather extremes and earth changes continue to trigger any buried emotions of insecurity or fear which need to brought into the light. We are experiencing and releasing memories associated with these extreme weather patterns whether it be cold, heat, flood, drought or fire. 
The physical world reflects the unseen forces within us all:
Whatever happens in our physical world is a reflection of what’s happening in consciousness.  Interesting that the biggest dam wall in USA is threatening to break down and release a wall of water onto towns in its path.  Water is emotional energy and it would seem that many Americans are working with highly emotionally charged energies in response to the political climate of change and challenge. As we process unresolved emotions of humanity, we are bringing ourselves and the earth into higher consciousness.  
The elements are our guide to growth and energetic changes:
Spiritually and astrologically the elements are our guide to growth and change.  Fire represents spirit, Water is our emotional charge, Earth is the physical and Air is mental energy.  This is a simplistic description of the four elements which we are working with on a daily, minute by minute process in the re-aligning of ourselves with our true selves.  We are releasing the filters of sub-personalities, archetypes which we have collected from ‘past’ lives/other realities, ancestral memories as well as the social and familial conditioning of this lifetime. 
The past month: the sun in Aquarius
Since late January, we’ve been travelling in the solar energy of Aquarius. the sign ruled by Uranus and for that reason not the warmest and fuzziest of signs.  It is a demanding energy with a hard edge awakening us to keep on the leading edge of change.  It’s like Uranus saying ‘keep up!’.  If ever there was tough love, this is it.  Aquarius is seeking a broader sweep with all its earthling children being taken forward in a change process which is more often than not...challenging!
Like lightning shooting through our whole system, Aquarius has been keeping us on toes, on edge, on the ledge, downloading outer galactic energies which have knocked many of us sideways into a state of constant exhaustion.  It’s like the life force has been sucked out of us yet with moments of uplift giving us breathing space.  Talking about riding the airwaves!
18th February:  Sun entered Pisces at 10.31 pm AEDT
Lifting up and dropping off the baggage!
Until 20th March
Completing the astrological energies of Pisces:  the solar energies of Pisces!
The Sun has moved into the waters of Pisces, the sign of the collective unconscious. the realm of artistry and inspiration, of limitations, self-undoing and sacrifice.  Pisces is the last sign in the zodiacal wheel, the place where we reach a culmination of the previous astrological year and the place where we have the opportunity for transcendence, to demonstrate our spiritual leadership.
Choosing transcendence over victimisation:
Pisces opens us up to those higher spiritual energies which uplift and transform us emotionally from victim consciousness to mastery. 
Pisces:  Yearning for divine bliss!
Pisces as ruler of the 12th house in astrology, calls us to take the inner journey into transcendent states of being.  Is it any surprise that on the mundane level Pisces has been known as ‘sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll’! 
The yearning for divine connection takes us on many paths, some of which derive from our earthly life, whether from social conditioning, heightened states of being from use of artificial drugs or practices.  As Carolyn Myss so aptly states ‘We are all addicted to something’.  Let’s remember the driving force behind addiction which is divine re-union with ourselves and our divinity.

If we think of ‘addiction’ as attachment as a neediness to feed ourselves with energies which are not supporting our growth into our divinity then we can get an understanding of the nature of addiction as manifested on earth.

Surrender and ‘die’:  It’s a do or die month with the promise of huge release!
Well we’re already 4 days into the solar Pisces month and if you’ve been feeling the shifting energies, you may have felt the challenge to drop the karmic baggage big time!
Getting ourselves out of jail, imprisonment, isolation, oppression, depression, suppression and repression, slavery, servitude, pain and suffering!

The Pisces Sun is shining a light on our limitations, fears, doubts, insecurities held in the memory banks...it’s not just about you!

This is a collective awakening and release.  The more of us who participate in the letting go and letting in the light and promise of a new and better way, the more the collective will shift.  All it needs is our willingness to believe in better days, times and ways of living.  Trust, accept and surrender is one of my favourite mantras and it easily sums up the Pisces experience.

Freedom is calling:  Are we ready to accept our entitlement to freedom? 
What does freedom mean to you?  Pisces is about spiritual freedom, freedom from the karmic burdens carried from the past, from past lives/other realities, from the ancestors, from the planet itself.  When we have spiritual freedom, all other manifestations of freedom flow into us.  Just say ‘yes’ and open the door to freedom this month!
Mentally:  Shaken and stirred!
Mercury’s activity this past week and ongoing this week is giving us a major clearing of the old mental ego mindsets embedded from other times and places. We’re getting uplifts in consciousness with the higher mind being stimulated by Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius.  Mercury will be moving on from Aquarius into Pisces just before the New Moon on 27th February.  Meanwhile, we’re maybe feeling a little nervy, jumpy, unsettled for no apparent reason.  The ‘old’ mind memories are being shaken out of us!
Breaking through the illusion of freedom:
Mercury can be a tricky little customer kidding us along into believing we are free.  Just witness our social milieu and we can see our dependencies and co-dependencies manifested in a very physical way with our addictions, ‘hooked’ by any number of distractions served up to the masses from shopping ‘therapy’ to feeding on mass media and all its melodramas.  Freedom from spiritual ties is an illusion that is being confronted as we release ourselves from all those unconscious drives emanating from other times, places and people.
Plumbing the depths and bringing the dark forces to light...Mars freedom is on its way to us! 
Effective from 21st to 24th February:

Mars and Pluto meeting on 22nd in a challenging square at 18 degrees Aries/Capricorn, offers us the opportunity to release the old masculine warrior war baggage carried in our cell memories and embedded in our DNA.  This may well feel like a heavy dark energy within our bodies, sucking the fire and drive out of us.  Intensity likely to wane after 22nd. 
Mars in Aries is the warlike energy fully charged but we’re not getting that fire and drive while Mars is getting his makeover thanks to Pluto who will keep digging until all the erroneous beliefs, values and attitudes are cleared from our physical bodies and memory banks. 
Emotionally:  Slow and steady Venus supporting Mars in Aries homeland!
Meanwhile, Venus, our heart energy, is making her way slowly and steadily through the sign of Aries, seemingly holding Mars by the hand as he grapples with the letting go process.  

She is currently in shadow retrograde as she’ll be turning retrograde on 4th March at 13 degrees Aries moving back into the later degrees of Pisces on 3rd April.  Her retrograde comes approximately every 2 years giving us the time and space to realign our heart energies with our deepest desires.   Aries is our original energy, our ‘I am’ self without the frills and flounces taken on from our history, experiences of times, places and people.
Spiritually:  Trusting, Accepting and Surrendering...into freedom!
Effective from 21st to 23rd February:

Pisces Sun sitting on South Node of Moon at 3 degrees Pisces bringing planetary memories to light, drawing out the emotionally charged memories from the collective unconscious.  This is history being released and along with the other significant current energies, just a few mentioned above, we are opening the doors of our minds, hearts, bodies and spirits to a freedom that might seem beyond our imaginings!


Midway through the eclipse vortex, floating free:   Between two eclipses!  
From a fiery full moon to a watery New Moon!

A wild ride as usual:  From one eclipse into another!
Rumbled, tumbled and tossed by the eclipse vortex of energetic change, we're being carried by the full moon energies and lunar eclipse of 11th February, the fiery portal of the Leo full moon, bringing up bubbling emotions, suppressed energies of fear, doubt and insecurity. 

We’re in the eclipse sandwich between fire and water...the two power energies for alchemy!
The Grand Fire Trine happening at that Full Moon certainly fired the incredible healing processes within us as only a lunar eclipse can do.  Lunar full moons bring something to light and in this last full moon we were opened to a purging by fiery spirit.  Since then you may have felt any or all of the above energies I’ve mentioned. 

It hasn’t felt like the easiest of rides but we can only trust that the burning off going on inside of us is clearing all the dross that has been blocking our creative potential.
We’re mixing the fire and water for alchemical healing as symbolised by the Temperance Card in the Tarot.  Like working with molten metal!

From fire to water:  
Birthing into the New Moon in Pisces...potential for uplifted emotions and joy!  Bliss?
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces will be the telling point for just realising how much has been released, all that baggage that has been weighing us down.

Eclipse energies:  Expect the unexpected...nothing’s fixed!  
Open mind and heart and let our divine pathway be brought to us!

In an eclipse we come to new realisations and breakthroughs with a sense that we ‘know’ and then it all changes within 24 hours as we shift into yet another perspective.  It’s no good trying to pin anything down to certainty as we’re in that ‘washing machine’ of change and we haven’t got to the spin dry cycle let alone being ready to be hung out to dry! 

All we can do is keep taking in the insights and see where it leads.  Be open to something entirely new coming on board.

Golden Oldies:
‘It might as well be Spring’  Sarah Vaughan and Miles Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1VEifmf9Uw for the eclipse energies
With lyrics
‘We are Sailing’ Rod Stewart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1v60FITAfY for our Pisces solar month
With lyrics
Lauren Gorgo’s 5D report:  ‘Emerging New Realities: the karmic template release’ http://thinkwithyourheart.com/category/new-articles-category/ 

‘As we begin our transition from the first (lunar) eclipse to the second (solar) eclipse of the season on the February 26th new moon, the tide is beginning to turn and we are all preparing to shift into a very different dynamic.

The full moon lunar eclipse certainly did it’s job of bringing up those familiar core wound patterns and in the process, each of us have been faced with some major choices…choices that are 1) determining our path to physical ascension and 2) will come to life more fully following the March equinox.’

Another quote:
‘Since ascension hit the physical realm (and body) we have been asked over and again to put all these “higher concepts” into real life…and no doubt shi(f)t is gettin’ really REAL. We are having to bring the physical f-u-l-l-y on board with our galactic level Selves and that means 1) letting go of ALL 3D world safety nets (cue really raw feelings of vulnerability and a plethora of security fears) so that we are ready and able to 2) be-lie-ve the impossible into BEing.’

Upcoming Dates:
26th February:  Mercury enters Pisces at 10.07 am AEDT
27th February:  New Moon in Pisces at 8 degrees 12 Pisces at 1.58 am AEDT
That’s it folks!
On our way to the New Moon solar eclipse in Pisces on 27th February.  Open to the changes which are flooding our psyche and making way for reception of our first solar eclipse of the year. We’ll be birthed into the great Pisces ocean of the collective unconscious carried by Neptune’s closeness to the New Moon on a major wave of spiritual upliftment!  Just clear the decks of everything that needs to go!
Hugs all around!
Sea Otters live in groups and metaphysically tell us to ‘go with the flow’...what else can we do in this eclipse energy!
Apart from a Uranus/Eris in Aries connection with Mercury in Aquarius from 20th to 222nd this week which could rattle the nervous system and have us leaping with mental excitement and ideas we are in an inevitable roll forward on a wave of change towards the solar eclipse in Pisces on 27th February.  Just go with the wave and let it take us to...
This will birth us out of the eclipse energies into the collective waters of the Piscean ocean of emotion. 
Apologies once again for my late posting as Saturn, Uranus and Mercury have been battering my body big time.  I do like to be on time for my timeline but I just have to say divine timing, divine order and trust that all is well and I won’t be stoned to death for missing my ego’s deadline! 
As always, love and blessings to my otter family cavorting in the waterways of the current change process.  We need to take time to play!


from the chair...taking time out between the craziness
It’s all about love
Ships meeting in the night

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