...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 8 February 2017

4th February 2017 Venus moved into Aries, 6th Jupiter retrograde, 7th February Mercury into Aquarius

Hi everyone!
Here we are on the cosmic staircase, whether we know it or not.  If we’re on planet earth we’re all shifting in consciousness.  If one moves, we all move.  You don’t have to listen to the world news, read ‘spiritually’ focussed books, to meditate, pray or have any awareness of the cosmic forces of quantum law. 
If one steps on the staircase, the energies shift.  And now we have masses of people consciously and unconsciously stepping onto that staircase seeking to rise above the maelstrom of emotion and turmoil escalating and disseminating its energies across the planet. We’re in a cosmic whirlpool of change!
We’re all in this together and those of us who have some understanding of the way it works are moving on with our cosmic machetes, swords and laser instruments cutting the karmic cords for ourselves and masses of others.  If one of us cuts the cords with the paradigm of ‘war and conflict’. of ‘hard work and struggle’. of ‘co-dependency’ of ‘victimhood and powerlessness’. we are impacting the mass of humanity.  The domino effect is truly in motion and escalating in speed and potency.  We’re on a roll!
We’re in the first eclipse cycle for 2017:  First eclipse in Leo on 11th February
It may not feel that way just yet but the sacred cows are being challenged on many dimensions, a process that is due to continue with the current eclipse cycle we’ve already entered at the New Moon in Aquarius on 28th January.  That New Moon is carrying us to the energies of the lunar eclipse at the Full Moon in Leo on 11th February.  The eclipse cycle continues with the New Moon solar eclipse in Pisces on 26th February. 
Eclipses bring change which can be sudden and unexpected and shift us rapidly into new consciousness. The lunar eclipses bring inner changes of consciousness and vibration which lead to a more action oriented energy at the solar eclipse which occurs on the New Moon in Pisces on 26th February.
You cannot prepare for eclipse changes except to be open to the insights and impulses which come in and be ready and willing to act when the time is right...not necessarily right at the time of the new info.  Full Moons are not good times to make hard and fast decisions but are excellent times to accept a shift in mind and emotion, spirit and body which will move us on to greener pastures!
What’s been happening:
The past week:
Art: Allison Kinnarid
Mercury activating clearance, healing and expansion of our minds and mental bodies:  A nervous wreck?
Much activity with Mercury, our mind manager and ruler of our mental body bringing clearance and clarity.  If you’ve had head stuff happening whether physically or mentally then you are feeling the impact of Mercury clearing the ‘clag’ from our muddled minds and muddied thinking.
The nerves, nervous system, respiratory, breathing, head and sinuses could have been impacted.
From 31st January to 2nd February: 
Mercury and Uranus! The mind awakens!Mercury, our mind manager was in square/challenge to Uranus, the sudden awakener at 21 degrees Capricorn/Aries.  Capricorn is the status quo, tradition, government and systems whilst Aries is the radical masculine warrior energy. 
Our mind energy, Mercury, is being awoken to a new consciousness thanks to Uranus' leading edge, breaking out of jail urges.  Eris, the feminine ‘partner’ to Uranus is a big player in this sudden jolting of our consciousness which many have been experiencing in the physical body.

This may hit like a lightning strike. a realisation and new understanding about evolving consciousness. For many of us we're just feeling the full impact of how much mental shifting we've done in our thinking. It's about us as individuals and our place within 'the system'.

From 1st to 3rd February:  Mercury in conversation with Chiron in Pisces...big healing energy!
Art:  Eiko Ojala

More clearance for the mind, mental body and nervous system, possibly respiratory system, head and sinuses.  A lot of this will be related to the emotional and spiritual energies of the collective unconscious, the evolution of our emotions through the realignment of our mental body. 
It’s still about systems and governments and the status quo as Mercury’s in Capricorn so lots of earth energy rising up and manifesting on the planet. We’re clearing the ‘wounds’ taken in from our experiences and memories in relation to authority and ‘the system’.  We’re letting go of the battles and heartaches of this life and other times and realities. 

From 2nd to 3rd:   Mercury in square/challenge to Jupiter in Libra...Expansion and growth with more Mercury madness!
Art:  Eiko Ojala
Mental as anything Mercury has had quite a few days with his meeting with Uranus/Eris the awakeners, Chiron the healer and now today is sitting in a challenge/opportunity to Jupiter, planet of hope, optimism and higher consciousness.

After the past 3 days we now have the chance to expand our thinking, extend our mind to encompass the possibilities offered by Jupiter's rainbow energy. Play with ideas and explore possibilities which bring a smile to your magical mind.
This energy is certainly giving us some finishing touches to our Nervous Nelly energy which has been hovering over us and acting up in all manner of stresses and strains releasing those tension responses of past traumas.

Take heart as Venus enters Aries. Here comes passionate heart energy to lift us out of the mind madness!
4th February:  Venus moved into Aries at 2.51 am AEDT
Heart activation of fire and drive!
Until 3rd April
Activation of our passionate hearts:  We’re feeling the joy of life being renewed within!
Moving direct until 4th March but still in shadow retrograde which translates to something starting to emanate from our passionate fire and drive heart energy.  Aries awakens and it’s our heart, our feminine energy that’s being awoken and coming into alignment with our masculine fire and drive, our Mars energy, which is the ruler of Aries.
Giving up the inner conflict, fighting, doubt and uncertainty: 
Striking out in confidence and spiritual power!
Mars is already trekking through Aries a few steps ahead of Venus and he’ll be moving on and out of Aries before Venus can catch him.  Nevertheless, our masculine and feminine energies are on the same page, talking the same language, urging us to align our active and passive principles and to move forward hand in hand with the two sides of our being.
Gradual awakening of our hearts to love and acceptance of ourselves:  ‘I am that I am’!
With Venus in retrograde shadow, slowing gradually for her retrograde station on 4th March at 13 degrees Aries, this is a gradual awakening of our hearts to desires for more passion and joy in our lives.   As Venus moves through Aries, we’re feeling the stirrings for feeling love and acceptance of our Aries ‘I am’ selves, the essence of our individuality. 
This next stretch we’ll be feeling the embrace of ourselves in a love and acceptance that has eluded many as we grappled with all the tentacles and ties of past connections to people, place, experiences and relationships.  We’re getting ourselves to road test this new acceptance of ourselves, remaining aware of putting ourselves in the firing line for taking on the emotions, feelings, thoughts and beliefs of others. We’re untangling ourselves from co-dependencies and expectations of others.
Venus’ retrograde journey:
3rd April:  Venus enters Pisces retrograde
15th April:  Venus stations direct in Pisces at 26 degrees Pisces
28th April:  Venus enters Aries now direct
19th May:  Venus exits retrograde shadow at 13 degrees Aries
6th February:  
Jupiter stationed retrograde at 23 degrees 08 Libra at 5.52 pm AEDT
Until 9th June
Let’s explore the innermost recesses of our being:  Finding our wisdom!
The labyrinth of wisdom, truth and higher knowledge calls us to explore the inner cave of our being, bringing harmony, peace and divine balance to our masculine/feminine principles. 
Karmic justice, personal peace and divine harmony and love:
The inner journey is all about bringing the inner wisdom guiding us to bring peace, harmony and love to those discordant forces within which have been pulling us out of a state of equilibrium.
World changes escalate:  Finding and holding our inner peace and wisdom!
The physical world is in a state of chaos and change, our systems of government, religion, economics as well as extreme weather conditions and earth changes popping up all over the planet. 
The choice is ours:  Peace or agitation!
There’s never been a more important time for us to hold our positive energies and divine balance, finding our centre of truth, wisdom and alignment with divine will and love.  As the storm rages, we choose that stillness to maintain our own personal lives and live in a state of joy.  However, we have to choose to do so or we’ll be sucked into the hurricane of fear and anxiety being released worldwide.
Active and passive principles:  
Jupiter in Libra is knowing what brings us back to equilibrium, balance, the joy of life and love!
Accessing our inner wisdom is knowing when to step back from it all and when to participate. This is an ongoing challenge in our world when all the mass media and popular culture urges us to ‘get out there’ and ‘make it happen’ when we really need to rest, recover our calm and peace and feel the joy of life.
When we get engaged heavily in the outer world and all that buzz of the world changes we can lose ourselves and our sense of self, of what’s important to us as an individual.  We need to nourish our spirit, our essence, what gives us a buzz on the personal level.
7th February:    Mercury moves into Aquarius at 8.35 pm AEDT
Mind expansion star walking!
Until 26th February
Journey to the stars:  What’s your vehicle?  Hang glider?  Hot air balloon?  
We’re running on air power!
Mercury, our mind manager is taking to the heights out beyond our earthly understanding into the outer galactic energies where we find higher consciousness. To access this expansion of our mind energies we need to find a suitable vehicle.  Maybe it’s a hang glider or hot air balloon.  Whatever it is, it is about harnessing the element of air, the breath of life.
Breathing awareness will help with clearing mental energies and stress levels:  Breathe it out!
Mercury rules our mental body, communication, respiratory and nervous systems.  Aquarius is ruled by ‘lightning strike’ Uranus connected to the neuralgic system so we need to maintain awareness of our nervous system and energies as well as our respiratory system and breathing.  
Stress reactions can take our breath away, suck the life out of us:  Just keep breathing!
When we feel stress, fear, anxiety or tension our throat is about the first mechanism to close off and leave is short of breath so we need to consciously bring the breath back into our lungs and get the oxygen moving into our circulatory system.  Our heart needs that lifeblood of oxygen.
Expansion of our thoughts, ideas and problem solving capacities:
As we work with our physical situations, Mercury in Aquarius is offering us a chance to open our minds to possibilities which have not previously presented to us.  It’s a bit of a paper chase as the first new idea that pops up may not be the best solution but may lead us on to something better and so on.
How far can you go in the outer reaches of mind exploration:  Sky’s the limit...actually...no limit!
So don’t just accept the first option as the best one.  Allow your mind to empty of ‘pinning down’ solutions to one course of action.
Commerce:  New ideas, innovations and inspirational breakthroughs are entirely possible!
Mercury rules commerce so at this time commercial ventures which offer fresh fields, new insight and discoveries offer wider appeal.  Allowing our creative, inventive mind to be activated we’re more than likely to find those niche markets which are not yet meeting the needs of the wider community.  Think ‘humanity’ and humanitarian work and it may lead you to altruistic and philanthropic deeds which will lead to remuneration.
Golden Oldies:
‘I am what I am’  Gloria Gaynor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d89h5jLF0k0  with lyrics for Venus in Aries
Gloria Gaynor video clip without lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHcDnqIz0jg
‘This Is My Life’ (1987 Live in Berlin) Shirley Bassey with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwcOqUlLjLk  Venus in Aries
‘Stop the World and Let me Off’ Patsy Cline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rMSEAMXkLg  Jupiter retrograde in Libra
‘Fly away’ Alison Krauss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BPoMIQHwpo Mercury in Aquarius
Funny how a lonely day, can make a person say: 
What good is my life
Funny how a breaking heart, can make me start to say: 
What good is my life
Funny how I often seem, 
to think I'll find never another dream In my life
Till I look around and see, 
this great big world is part of me 
And my life
This is my life 
Today, tomorrow, love will come and find me 
But that's the way that I was born to be 
This is me 
This is me 

This is my life 
And I don't give a damn for lost emotions 
I've such a lot of love I've got to give 
Let me live 
Let me live 
Sometime when I feel afraid, 
I think of what a mess I've made Of my life
Crying over my mistakes, 
forgetting all the breaks I've had 
In my life
I was put on earth to be, 
a part of this great world is me 
And my life
Guess I'll just add up the score, 
and count the things I'm grateful for 
In my life
This Is my life 
Today, tomorrow, love will come and find me 
But that's the way that I was born to be 
This is me 
This is me 

This is my life 
And I don't give a damn for lost emotions 
I've such a lot of love I've got to give 
Let me live 
Let me live 

This is my life 
This is my life 
This is my life
Upcoming Dates:
11th February:   Full Moon in Leo lunar eclipse
That’s it folks! 
Hoping I’ll get something out to you about the Full Moon in Leo. 
I couldn’t get this one out to you as I was challenged physically by the extreme heat, fatigue and my nervous system just demanded I rest completely.
Hugs all around!
We’re united by our desire for truth, wisdom and of course LOVE!
Let’s stick together in our common desire for the coming to unification in love, acceptance, peace and joy on the planet! 
Love and blessings
from the chair...hanging out and flying


It’s all about love

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