...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 19 April 2017

20th April 2017 Sun enters Taurus

Hi everyone!
It sure feels like all manner of old unresolved energies are leaving us and the earth these past few days. The fields of poppies are rising up in memory of departed souls and memories.

Here we are at the tail end of the solar month of Aries...all fire and change!  So much of our fire energy has been contained within us as we have been opening up to a mammoth inner clearance of old heart wounds while Venus travels the labyrinth taking the journey to love. We’ve been seeking that ‘I am’ power house of self which loves and accepts self at all levels of our being.
Fields of poppies:  Memories are made of this!
As we’ve travelled the fields of poppies within, all manner of memories have been surfacing as Venus our heart energy explores the past whilst Mercury, our mind manager is also on his retrograde journey travelling the Taurean energy of Mother Earth and learning to slow the mind and find those little pieces which have been picked up or tossed off on our life’s journey.
Inner expansion and discovery:  Becoming more of who we are!
These retrograde journeys are so vital to our expansion and growth on all levels of our being as they bring us into oneness with ourselves spiritually.  Once our spiritual energy clears we are empowered internally and in a state of greater readiness to take on our physical world in a whole new way.
Learning to grow in stillness and strength:

The retrograde times are journeys of discovery of our inner worlds and the riches therein, the treasures of unknown and/or lost aspects of ourselves which are waiting to come into our lives and expand us in new ways with ‘new’ gifts and talents.
Purification strengthens and aligns: 

In retrogrades we’re learning patience and timing as we align with divine will, the evolved consciousness that we need to drive us forward with confidence and power. Without this alignment we fall by the wayside for lack of energy and depth of commitment.  Retrograde times give us the time and space to clear impediments and to reclaim our strengths.


What’s coming in:  Shifting gears!
A big week of all manner of energetic gear changes shifting us once again with:
  • the Sun changing signs from Aries to Taurus
  • Pluto turning retrograde in Capricorn
  • Mercury still in retrograde returning to Aries
  • Mars changing signs from Taurus to Gemini.

20th April:  
Sun enters Taurus at 7.26 am AEST
Coming down to earth...hearts open!
Until 21st May
Time to slow down and smell the flowers:
From fiery Aries, the Sun moves into earthy Taurus!  There’s a big gear change as the energies of Aries which have been pushing us big time are now easing off a little.
Fired hearts and minds urging action:  Taurus Sun...steady!
Let’s not forget that we still have Venus in Aries and Mercury’s just about to go back into Aries so our hearts and minds will fired although not necessarily for physical action.  We may FEEL like we want to take action but any physical steps forward at this time will be at the pace of Taurus, a fixed earth sign which means slow and steady. 
The Taurus Sun is our risk management factor supporting us through these next few weeks when our minds and hearts will be pushing for sudden action and adventure.  Be like the Taurus bull unmoving, building energy and then charge forward when the time’s right.
Listen to the beating of your heart: Mother Earth echoes her response!
Taurus is ruled by Venus and calls us to take time to enjoy the joys and benefits of being on earth with all its sensual delights.  Feel our oneness with Mother Earth and let her support us as we give thanks!
Feel the prosperity:  Feel the love!
The Taurus Sun calls us to take stock of the richness of our lives, even if we feel we are short of material or physical wealth at this time.  She is asking to review the wealth of resources we hold within us which have the potential to bring the financial income and material comfort and prosperity. 
How’s your prosperity consciousness? 
Our perception has the capacity to shift our fortunes and contribute to world prosperity. 
Venus:  Rules love and money!

In Astrology Venus rules love and money and is directly related to our sense of worthiness, self-worth and our values and attitudes with respect to those two energies.  Love more of who we are and more of the world and we align with prosperity on all levels.
Of course, the key is dependent on our giving up criticisms and judgements which are the dominant conversation thread across the world.  Can we keep choosing to let go of this overpowering conversation which brings everyone down including ourselves. 

20th April:  
Pluto turns retrograde at 19 degrees 24 Capricorn 10.49 pm AEST
The gold within!
Until 29th September
Into the gold mine of our inner riches:

Pluto calls us to the depths:  Finding our 'gold'!
Pluto is the dark lord of transformation, life, death and rebirth.  He rules the underworld and any energies related to the underworld.  He takes us into our own personal gold mine, our alchemical centre which is like a rich caramello chocolate flowing with the sweetness of our untapped gold seam.
Shifting the status quo:  From now till September...an inside job!  Finding our power and strength!
Pluto in Capricorn is a long term energy with us until 2024 bringing huge changes to the status quo, tradition, the patriarchy and to our understanding of what constitutes ‘authority’.  Now these changes are happening on the world stage, public life as well as within our personal framework of reality.  We’re all shifting consciousness from what has been the status quo and evolving that status quo into a broader more inclusive and idealistic view of reality.
Capricorn rules structures and Saturn its ruler is the builder:  
What are we building within us?
Everyone counts in this shifting mass of humanity’s values as more and more awaken to the nature of reality and to our personal capacity as beings of energy and light in a physical dimension.  As a mass we can build cities and bridges in the physical world but what are we building and strengthening within ourselves as our inner authority.
Manifesting new realities from deep within the Capricorn gold mine:  Success is calling us!
This Next 5 months we’re digging deep to find the gold within that is going to take us forward in a whole new way.  That ‘gold’ can be anything from gifts, talents, earning capacity but most of all a new found respect for ourselves and our lifetime’s contribution.  What will we be constructing esoterically in this year’s Pluto retrograde period? A new sense of self as a rich being of divine proportions is on offer.  What can we manifest on the physical through our spiritual explorations?  The sky’s the limit! 
21st April:  
Mercury enters Aries in retrograde motion at 3.37 am AEST
Until 3rd May stations direct in Aries
Until 16th May moves to Taurus

Time stands still...even when it seems to speed up!
With Mercury the winged messenger back in Aries it might seem like a downhill run from here but we are still going within mentally, now seeking the fire of spirit to get our mind charged up. 
Building the fire and drive within:  Contained energy!
The road ahead still has a few hairpin bends down a steep mountain so we’re not ready yet to run with all that fire and passion that’s getting our mind working overtime. 
Two steps forward, one step back:  
On the road, off the road!
It’s still a slow ride even though Mercury will be full of hot air keeping us awake with all those exciting possibilities.  The key is for once again harness our mind energy and take charge of our mental processes which could feel impulsive, excitable and reactive. 
Keep slowing the mind consciously:  No new ventures or decisions at this time!
It’s not going to be so easy to slow the mind during this next stretch until 3rd May when he turns direct. What will be working with us is the Sun in Taurus which is a strong force for getting us to slow down, relax in the beauty of the earth and all its sensual delights.
Watching decision making on the world stage:  Watch this space!
Interesting observing political decision making in the world during this time.  More often than not such decisions may need to be revisited after Mercury goes direct or even gets out of shadow retrograde on 21st May.  I’m thinking of the announcement of the UK election made this week. Also war mongering decisions around the world.
The Australian government has just made the decision to cut out 457 visas and is in negotiation with Adani re mining in Queensland.  Well, it may all fall apart, fall down or have to be re-negotiated, reconsidered, reviewed.  
Re-activated from 3rd May onwards:
After 3rd May we’ll feel fired up and ready for action but won’t be able to easily ground this fiery energy until Mercury moves into Taurus on 16th. At that time we’ll feel like taking the practical steps to bring all those passionate ideas into physical reality.  Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde on 21st May. 
21st April:  Mars enters Gemini at 8.31 pm AEST
Fired for action...needing clarity!
Until 5th June
Art:  Alessandra Placucci

On your clouds everyone:   Magic happens when your mind flies!
Mars in Gemini reminds me of ‘Monkey Magic’ that wonderful television series from way back in the 70’s.  The story of 3 animals evolving in consciousness to humans accompanying a monk on a pilgrimage to India. Monkey is one of the main characters who can summon his mode of transport, a cloud with magical hand gestures.  He is very much the epitome of the masculine energy with a very sharp mind. 
Minds alert and looking for action:
Gemini is an air energy and very mentally active ruling communication, commerce, social interaction, education and brings new and novel ideas. Let the ideas come and feel the fire within!

Confidence, courage and strength fire our minds:
Mars is our masculine fire and drive energy, ruler of our physical body.  Mars also rules the head and can manifest the hothead, a bit like ‘Monkey’ who acts impulsively, rashly, boldly and an implicit faith in himself.  We could all do with a bit of this magic at the moment so I think this energy will be welcome even if it feels a little hard to hold.
Mercury back in Aries and Mars in Gemini: 
Round and around we go...where we stop nobody knows! 
With the rulers of Gemini and Aries in each others signs we have an interesting mix here especially with Mercury in retrograde motion.  It may feel like Mars is taking action on all the ideas being thrown up by Mercury in Aries which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Just need to remember the whole thing may need to be reworked when Mercury moves direct again.  
Golden Oldies:
‘Everything’s coming up Roses’ Ethel Merman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s62MrU8mHx4 Sun in Taurus
‘Until’ Judy Small https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjaDPOVJ1uw Sun in Taurus...prosperity consciousness worldwide
‘On the Road Again’ Willie Nelson   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TD_pSeNelU Mercury moves retrograde in Aries
‘Heart of Gold’ Neil Young https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u925g6CgKuw Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
‘Monkey Magic Cloud compilation’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi7Dga-vRKM for Mars in Gemini
‘Monkey and End of the Universe’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nY516Z0S_0 
Ending doesn’t show but Monkey ends back in Buddha’s hand.
Upcoming Dates:
26th April:  New Moon in Taurus at 10.16 pm AEST
28th April:  Venus enter Aries
That’s it folks!
Hugs all around!
Time to put on our cow suit ‘onesies’ and feel the oneness with Mother Earth.  We know Taurus is symbolised by The Bull but Taurus is a feminine energy ruled by the heart and that means unification of the masculine/feminine energies within and without.
A lot of changes happening this week...so, what’s new! Well, more gear changes anyway.  The key for us all is to keep grounding in the physical delights of our mother...the earth!  Her sensual delights call us to take pleasure in all her gifts and to give thanks for whatever supports us at this time, regardless of our personal perception of any ‘lack’ in our lives.
More love, more gratitude and more pleasure in the simple delights of our lives!
The Guinness Book of Records scored a new record for the most ‘onesie cow suits’ at Cowaramup Western Australia in 2011.
Love and blessings to us all as we take a deep breath, relax and let Mother Earth carry us forward in the energy of divine abundance on all levels!
from the chair

 It’s all about love

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