...for the children of the earth

Friday 14 April 2017

Hi everyone!
Well we’ve come through the Full Moon in Libra experience hopefully having dropped off a whole lot of karmic baggage and karmic contracts as we complete aspects of our soul work.  Of course, the purification is ongoing if we are committed to living fully as authentic beings. It’s a lifetime’s work if we’re set on living in the truth, purity and joy of our divinity. 
We’re still in the Aries Sun for another 5 days so let’s make the most of the Aries fire as it continues to ignite our spirits.  Maybe we don’t feel like acting on this fire at the physical level in terms of initiating new directions. The retrograde planets have us in a holding pattern so we gain clarity before moving on.
We’ve been getting to the heart of the matter:  Venus is about to emerge from the labyrinth!
Our heart energy is just about to emerge from the retrograde journey so we’ll take a little while to adjust to new emotions and desires emerging as we move out of the labyrinth.
Focus on upkeep and maintenance:  One foot in front of the other with determination and focus!
With all the retrograde planets, one foot in front of the other is the building material we need to access as we apply ourselves to maintenance of ourselves and accessing higher consciousness through this period of cleansing and revitalisation.
Taking good care of ourselves on all levels of our being is vital as our physical, emotional and mental bodies give good indications of the state of our life force, our spirit.  We need to pace ourselves, know when to act and when to take time out.
Keeping the flame alive:  The passion needs to be deep to drive the commitment!

In our modern world so much attention is given to getting things started that we tend to neglect the ‘keeping things going’ which requires a whole different energy.  Everyone wants to get fired up with excitement at the beginning of a venture or a relationship.  Keeping the flame alive demands a whole different mindset.  This is very much the energy being called into play with the dominating presence of so many retrograde planets.  When we remind ourselves of our passion to grow and expand spiritually we can be uplifted and carried forward in joy!

What’s your ideal?  
If you’re running out of steam maybe time for a reboot, reaffirmation and clarification!
Re-reading the messages from ‘the sleeping prophet’ Edgar Cayce this past week reminded me of the insistent message he brought through regarding the holding of an ideal.  Without an ideal, we become rudderless and lose focus as well as the drive and ambition that supports commitment, endurance, perseverance and faith.  I have included a web link and a few quotes which may hit home for us all. He makes the distinction between an ideal and a goal and focussing on ideals on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual planes. 
 The Full Moon in Libra:  Arcturus opposite Uranus
After I posted the update on the Full Moon in Libra I realised that I had not included the information on the fixed star Arcturus which is playing a significant role at this time in opposition to Uranus in Aries. As Uranus moves very slowly Arcturus will continue to play its role in the calming and loving energies opposite the renegade energies of Uranus in Aries.  Comforting.
The fixed star Arcturus at 24 degrees 14 Libra was sitting directly opposite Uranus in Aries offering us the gift of accessing a higher consciousness and a huge uplift thanks to Uranus' lightning strike insights. It is about a more evolved energy related to love, self-love and loving connections.  Uranus remains on 24 degrees until 25th April.

Arcturus has been followed by humanity through our history.
It is a positive uplifting energy which Edgar Cayce, 'the sleeping prophet' of the last century, referred to as offering the most evolved consciousness of love in the cosmos.

Here's a couple of quotes from the web in relation to its astrological significance:
'Inspiration, riches, fame, honour, popularity, benefits through travel, success through work' https://www.astrologycom.com/fixedstars.html

This quote relates to placement in natal/birth chart:
'Arcturus produces treasurers, depositors of wealth, financiers working for the public. It brings about high-ranking positions, honour and prosperity through navigation and travels. When it is not well-aspected, Arcturus may cause ruin and poverty.'

Fixed stars can easily be tracked on your natal chart as they are on the same degree throughout time as we know it.

What’s ongoing: 
From 6th to 25th April:  
Venus in square/challenge with Saturn...dropping the heart ‘baggage’ of old beliefs!
This one’s been impacting us for a week as Venus, heart energy moved retrograde into Pisces and started squaring off to Saturn Lord of Karma. This, of course has just added to the collective release of karmic baggage which has been weighing us all down at a heart level.
Transforming and elevating emotional consciousness:  
Venus in Pisces
Squares offer us the opportunity to work with the two energies involved and with Venus in Pisces, we know we’re dealing with the elevation of the emotional energies of the collective unconscious to a more evolved energy.
De-structuring outdated belief systems and ideologies:  Saturn in Sagittarius
Saturn in Sagittarius is calling us to review, de-structure and restructure beliefs, ideologies and thought patterns which are held by society, by the system, the status quo and which are embedded in our psyche, our memory banks.  We’re not throwing the baby out with the bath water.  Rather we’re taking the ‘best’ from the past and tradition and meshing that with new ways of thinking which offer the building blocks of a more evolved society.
What about love?  What ideal have you been pursuing?  At what cost? benefit?
With Saturn and Venus in a challenge we’re being called to review our beliefs about love which have arisen from the collective unconscious.  How many love songs do we need to hear to know that there’s more about unrequited love, disappointment, grief and loss than about the joy of loving connection.  The baggage held by the collective about love and its manifestations in our world is a heavy burden we all carry.
11th to 23rd April:  Venus and Chiron travelling together in Pisces...rebooting the collective heart!
Exact on 17th April:  meeting at 26 degrees Pisces
Venus and Chiron really getting us to open up any old heart wounds, festering sores of disappointment, despair, resentment, anger, jealousy or fear and to release the ‘infected’ areas within.
Everything’s working in our favour as we feel the sweet pain of our hearts opening to the purity of love, to the hope and promise of our most evolved expression of love without the criticisms, judgements and arrows of punishment, shame, blame of ourselves or others.  It’s our opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start afresh without the fear of others, ourselves, of rejection, unworthiness.  We are being invited to an immense healing of our heart energy which comes in just two days after Venus emerges from her labyrinth!
8th April to 26th June:  Venus and Mars in harmonious conversation!  
Our feminine and masculine energies are on the same wavelength!

These two planets are playing leap frog with each other over the next month or two as they move in and out of different signs.  They’re rarely more than a few degrees apart and have two exact meetings 60 degrees apart, a positive and flowing interaction that can put some of our imbalances to rights.

17th April:  Venus and Mars exact sextile
Harmony and resolution as Venus meets with the healing power of Chiron!
Our most immediate meeting of these two is coming up just after Venus moves out of her retrograde journey on 15th April.  With Venus in emotional Pisces moving direct and Mars in Taurus, enjoying Mother Earth’s abundance there’s a potential for healing the warring energy within the collective unconscious.  We start with ourselves, our split minds and hearts and the conflict within and then...watch the world!
Whether or not this flows to societal challenges currently being experienced in the war mongering has yet to be seen. 
15th April:  
Venus stations direct at 26 degrees 15 Pisces at 8.18 pm AEST
Homeward bound!
Until 28th April Venus moves to Aries
Open hearts to feeling the full joy of love:  Everyone on deck!

We’ve been holed up in our cabins looking out of our portholes as Venus took us into the depths of our hearts.  We may have felt confined by the planetary forces of the retrograde labyrinth but now it’s time to resurface, to come out on deck and get a good look at the view of the open sea, the double rainbow up ahead. There’s hope and faith in those rainbows offering a unification of the warring and resistant forces which have been keeping us from the fullness of love.
Are we ready and willing to believe?
What an amazing planetary line up at this time supporting us in a huge heart opening and healing for us all.  That is, of course, if we’re prepared to let the love flow. What do we need for that to happen?  We need clarity of our ideals and passion!
Setting the compass for love:  Do you know where you’re going? 
Our ship’s compass has to be set on a new course, a new direction...love!  What’s your heart barometer showing as we come out of the labyrinth? 
In raising our awareness of our heart’s new guidance system which has been installed we’ll be harnessing the advantage of working with a whole new heart energy. What does that mean for you?
New opportunities, new heartstarters:  Be ready to ignite!
As we emerge from the inner journey with Venus we’ll be offered new delectable opportunities to experience the power of love in a whole new way.  Our willingness to experience the fullness of love is all that’s needed.  These heart openers and ‘starters’ will start coming in now and we’re learning that we can trust ourselves and the universe again. 
That means making sure that any unfinished business till hanging on to us is cut free forever. This new journey demands a free heart released from the heaviness of the past which has been weighing us down. 

Between now and 28th April we have the chance to identify and offload the impediments such as disappointment, grief, despair, hopelessness, futility, pain, suffering, resentment etc.  We know them all and now it’s time for them to depart. 
Until 18th May:  Venus in shadow retrograde...covering our tracks again!  
Making sure we’ve done the heart purification and feeling clearer!

Venus is actually going over territory we covered as she went into retrograde so we’re getting a third chance to clear up our hearts.  Now we need to be open, be ready and be aware of opportunities for heart starters. The third and final crossing of a retrograde planet is more likely to show us how far we’ve come in lightening the load of unfinished business.  So, take heart and trust that it’s all ahead full rudder from here!

Taking the wheel of our life of love:  What’s our passion, our ideal?  
Who and what is steering and driving this loveboat of ours! 
The steering of the love boat requires clarity.  We need to clearly know our ideals and our passions because our ideals set the direction and we need to know if we’ve got the fuel to carry us through whatever weather presents to us. 
The driving power of the boat, the fuel, requires passion and fire along with a depth of commitment which will keep us fuelled up till the end of time. The passion rises up in us as we align with divine will, divine love and drives away any fears of failure as the will to succeed in our ‘passion’ becomes the power that dissolves all fears of failure.

Until 28th April:  
First the ocean of Pisces raising the bar for our ideals and passion! Align these and we’ll be ready for Venus in Aries...whoosh!

This first leg of our new heart journey is by boat as we continue to travel in the Pisces ocean of emotion and the more elevated states of divine love.  We have the time to really get in touch with this more exalted state of love before Venus moves into Aries on 28th April. 
From 28th April:  Venus in Aries...still recovering in the shadow but feeling the confidence restoring!
From 28th April we’ll be fired with the ‘I am’ passion of our desires.  Aries says ‘I desire’ and goes after it.  No slowboat to China here and very much focussed on individual desire and physical connection rather than the Piscean idealistic love of the collective.  We’ll be taking to the V8 engine on the racetrack!  That’s why we need to get clear and focussed over the next couple of weeks before we get swept off our feet!
Sabian Symbol for the degree of Venus’ station:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Pisces 27
This shows recognizing the riches in one’s life, the beauty and wonder of life, to have a sense of achievement and of a job well done. Along with a wonderful ability to be able to see and vision things, this Symbol often brings a satisfying sense of abundance; it’s a time of ‘Harvest’, the sky is clear and conditions are perfect. The “Harvest Moon” is a positive sign, with high energy as it's a time of fertility, abundance and “Illumination”. Reap the benefits of the work that's been done; it takes a while to bring in the harvest. Take some time out to celebrate and connect with family and loved ones. Situations ripe and full of fruition. Celebrating what you have. Expanded perspective. Making the most of what's been achieved. Companion planting. The beauty of the moon. 

A few quotes from ‘the sleeping prophet’ Edgar Cayce regarding the importance of having a spiritual ideal:
Ideas and Ideals
‘All of us, at different periods in our lives, struggle with what we should be doing, where we should be going, or how we might possibly fill that special niche which God has in mind for us. We often find ourselves searching for something, although we often remain unsure as to what it is. Perhaps one of the most frequently mentioned principles in the Edgar Cayce readings is the concept of "ideals," and it's that very same principle that can provide us with an approach to answering this inner call.The readings recommend writing down our physical, mental, and spiritual ideals.’
‘What may be surprising from the readings' perspective, however, is that everyone works with ideals, even if it's unconscious. For example, in reading 1011-1, the person was told, "Each individual entity, whether aware of same or not, sets before self an ideal in the material world, in the mental world, in the spiritual world." Another individual was told that the reason he had so many problems and so much confusion in his own life was because he had never really established a conscious ideal (323-1). He often felt that he was in a state of confusion simply because the ideal he had established (to be sure, unconsciously) was that of a "wanderer." He was encouraged to make a conscious choice and to begin to work with it, because what individuals dwell upon they become.’
‘Many individuals have found that the key to making a spiritual ideal practical in their material lives is to work with a frequently mentioned concept in the Cayce readings: Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.’
Golden Oldies:
‘A Ship Called Love’  Eric Bibb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6oYFFn84us  Yes, I’ve posted this before but it’s so apt!
‘Do you Know where You’re Going To’  Diana Ross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsA-Xc6gWDE 
‘Heading in the Right Direction’ Renee Geyer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZQc77ndGPk
‘The Love Boat’ TV show theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_wFEB4Oxlo
Some beautiful and uplifting sentiments expressed in this clip regardless of your view of the nature of reality, God or religion:
"Jai Jai Janani Jai Ho Teri"
sung by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, along with pictures of Her, and some of my favorite sayings of Hers. Om Namah Shivaya!
Upcoming Dates:
20th April:  Sun enters Taurus
20th April:  Pluto turns retrograde
21st April:  Mercury enters Aries in retrograde motion
21st April:  Mars enters Gemini
That’s it folks!
Plenty of action next week with the Sun, Mercury and Mars all changing signs.  When planets change signs there’s a definite gear shift into a new energy which calls us to tune into the new energies.  As the planets reach their final day or two in a sign on the last degree of that sign there tends to be an intensification of the energy as the planet pushes us to wind up the cycle and do all that we can in the time left. 
Hugs all around!
Let’s not forget to give ourselves a great big hug and congratulations for our willingness to explore our hearts and release the limitations and blockages which have been keeping us from love in all its fullness.
Love and blessings to us all as we make the commitment to ourselves to open our hearts to more expansive love and loving experiences. 
from the chair...feeling the love
It’s all about love


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