...for the children of the earth

Sunday 2 April 2017

3rd April 2017 Venus enters Pisces 6th April 2017 Saturn turns retrograde

Art:  Ayse Temizel

Hi everyone!
Well we’re finally into 2017 on all levels now that we’ve stepped through the astrological doorway of the New Moon in Aries.  Seems like we’ve been travelling forever stepping through new doorways, gateways and crossing bridges into new consciousness. 
Of course that’s the nature of life with all its cycles of growth and expansion followed by death and rebirth.   We’re always being invited to go through new doorways which offer growth and fulfilment.  It is only our own fear of change and disruption to the status quo which holds us back.
We’re working with the bridges to new consciousness as the ‘oppositions’ between planets present themselves.  It’s the slower moving planets which really bring up the shifts on the wider perspective and long term as the faster moving planets meet them.  They are the intersections which bring up new energies, challenges and opportunities.  Growth and change is guaranteed!
April:  A retrospective exhibition of our inner gifts and talents!
This picture captures the essence of April showing reflections of sunlight and clouds on the water as we take to our cycles and return to the essence of ourselves which may take us back to the past.  The retrograde planets this month are calling us to slow down, take time out and tune in to our inner light...our own personal Sun, the truth of our ‘I am’...empowering!

Slow and steady is the way we go:  Accessing clarity while the fire burns!
This picture may not look like a fiery Aries Sun as we are under the influence of a number of energies which are keeping our wild fire in check, in a holding pattern. Venus retrograde, Mercury about to go retrograde on 10th and already in shadow, Saturn taking us on the inner retrograde journey from 6th to reclaim our authority and Pluto turning retrograde on 20th April.  Jupiter continues his retrograde in Libra.  The inner exploration is on!  The labyrinths call! Let’s not forget Mars, one of our movers/shakers along with Mercury, is trekking through the fields of flowers learning to walk the talk of divine abundance in the sign of Taurus, Mother Earth.
Venus retrograde taking us into the centre of our heart fire:
Of course Venus has been in Aries but in retrograde motion and moving to watery, emotional Pisces this week for the next couple of weeks so we have been experiencing a softening of our heart energy with the inner journey to recover our joy of life and the fullness of love for ourselves on all levels of our being.
We are building the inner firelight of our heart energy as Venus asks us to find ‘the lover’ inside.  We’re clearing impurities, painful memories and negative recollections which have kept our spirit dampened down with doubts and insecurities from other times, places, people and experiences. These are the places where we gave away our heart energy and lost our fire power.  We’re now stoking the fire within to return to life in a new form.
3rd April:  
Venus enters Pisces in retrograde motion at 10.25 am AEST
Oh sweet love!
Until 15th April when it turns direct at 26 degrees Pisces
20th April:  Venus enters Aries direct
Into the ocean of unconditional love: 
Venus is awash in a sea of pink unconditional love!  She’s not moving far from this delicious feeling at the centre of her being as she luxuriates in the ocean of divine love. That’s the potential of Venus moving back into Pisces for just a few weeks as she helps us recover bits of heart energy, fragments which have split off in our immersion in the collective unconscious.
Into the swimsuit of courageous love:  Strip off and dive in!
Why courage you may ask?  Well we’re being called to strip away all those walls, barriers and defences which keep us from a full loving experience...of ourselves and of others.  How much do you want a full experience of love? Our willingness to drop the layers of protection will open the doors of a divine love which says 'the sky's the limit!'.
All in the same boat, same ocean:
You may think that there are people you just can’t bring yourself to love but you can choose to accept that we’re all in the same boat, the same ocean whether we like it or not.  Our choice comes from a place of desiring the fullness of a loving life without the thorns and barriers which block us.
Time to drop the emotional baggage:  Just keep choosing love!
We have about 3 weeks to let go of all the emotional burdens we’ve picked up in the ocean which are not supporting our essential selves.  As we purify emotionally of all the excess we’ve taken on from family, society and the collective emotional bank of ‘soap opera’ and old dramas we find our heart!
Our heart has been overwhelmed by the intake from not just our world today but the history of emotional responses deriving from times without the  consciousness of a higher, more elevated love.  Be not afraid and drop the veils and walls of resistance to the full experience of love!

20th April:  Venus re-enters Aries direct! 
Discoveries of a new lightness in our hearts as we turn to move on with our lives renewed and uplifted!
When Venus comes back into Aries she’ll be moving direct again as she changes direction in just a few weeks.  That’s when we’re going to discover just how much we’ve overloaded that’s just been a whole lot of baggage that we’ve been carrying without even realising that it was this baggage that’s been weighing us down and exhausting us.  
6th April:  
Saturn turns retrograde at  27 degrees 48 Sagittarius at 3.06 pm AEST
Until 26th August turns direct at 21 degrees Sagittarius
Into the galactic labyrinth to find ourselves:  Respect!
Saturn is sitting on the degree of the Galactic Centre, the black hole at the centre of our Milky Way offering us a galactic perspective of ourselves and our journey to truth, wisdom and higher consciousness.
Allowing the Galactic Centre to ‘suck up’ the old karmic baggage:
The Galactic Centre is distinguished by a super massive black hole which has such a strong gravity it draws into it space objects from its near vicinity.  It is not a vacuum scientifically speaking. 
However, astrologically we can see it as a strong energy which cannot be resisted by near objects which have lost their strength and capacity to hold orbit.  So let’s allow ourselves to feel the cosmic pull of the Galactic Centre as Saturn, Lord of Karma stations to turn retrograde until 26th August.
Time to release the karmic baggage!  It’s as easy as Daisy vacuuming!
Warming ourselves by the light of our inner authority:  Claiming respect!  Coming in out of the cold!
This photo might depict a snow labyrinth but Saturn’s not out in the cold when we reclaim his energy as the power and authority within each of us.  It’s time to acknowledge our pathway through life and to honour our journey as spiritual beings of light energy on an earthly journey.
From the Galactic Centre:  
Can we get out of this super black hole with new knowledge?  Yes!
Saturn enters his labyrinthine journey through Sagittarius helping us retrace our steps where we got ‘cold feet’, lost our inner authority and sacrificed ourselves on the altars of the authorities in our 3D world.  Being in Sagittarius our focus is the higher consciousness and reviewing where we compromised our divine truth for the sake of maintaining our position in society.  Let’s not forget Saturn is tradition, the status quo and calls us to maintain that while clearing karmic contracts and commissions.

Warming the cold shoulders:  
Reviewing, releasing, reclaiming the fragments where we lost our esteem!
Benchmarks of our world are ever present and insistent that we comply with both government laws and the ‘hidden’ laws of society.  Success is based on money, status, social position, lifestyle, geographical location, education, compliance with the dominant ideology in every aspect of life. 
Reclaiming our personal benchmarks for success:  Warming the cold shoulders!
For those of us who have challenged and continue to challenge the status quo we experience the censure, rejection and disrespect from the dominant forces in society.  We have been given the cold shoulder by individuals, groups and organisations who have stuck rigidly to the older order at the expense of growth.  Saturn likes tradition but respects growth, aspiration and taking the steps towards success!
Claiming higher consciousness and our swag bag of strategies, personal qualities and new insights for plotting our way forward:
Art:  Andrius Kovelinas
Human law and divine law:
When is it appropriate for us to break human laws for the sake of justice and divine law?  This is one of the current debates in our world as the powers that be in many different countries seem to be taking greater liberties from the people in the name of ‘protection’.  Are we familiar with this in stories from history?  Yes, we are.  If it hadn’t been for many lawbreakers in the past we wouldn’t have some of our freedoms today.  How do we elevate the consciousness within and without when our lawmakers are stuck in a third dimensional mindset? 
Letting go of the burden of ‘hard work and struggle’: 
Claiming our magic bag of ‘tricks’ our bag of new pathways guided by our ‘I am’!
As we release the old baggage in this 5 month journey of truth and acknowledgement, we purge ourselves of the outdated consciousness and gain the insights, the glimpses of a different way of living which has been our deepest desire.  We’re finding creative solutions as we tread the icy path of the old order. We’ve been out in the cold too long! 
Trusting our spirit and instincts within of our higher consciousness we are learning to negotiate a new way of living and feeling the success of taking that new pathway.
Short Explanation:  Is a black hole a giant cosmic vacuum cleaner?
Sabian Symbol degree for Saturn as he stations retrograde:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Sagittarius 28
This Symbol speaks of building bridges between places, people and events in order to bring them together and to add cohesion to society. The “Bridge” implies strength, dependability and passage to other places. The bridge was built many years ago and it presents the ability to be able to reach back into time, to reflect on what was important then and what’s important now. Often these values are one and the same. Traditional ways of approaching things can lead to the best solutions. There is a linking of people, places and things with clarity. Note: the Galactic Center is moving onto this degree. We need to act as bridges in order to truly create! Enduring elements from past traditions providing a link with the modern. Reverence for things of worth that stand as reminders of yesterday. Permanence. Getting in touch. 

Golden Oldies:
‘Stayin’ Alive’ Bee Gees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_izvAbhExY with lyrics. For going to the centre of the Aries, burning off dross and surviving
‘Oh my love, sweet Love’ The Determinations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUHsDvZGqjs for Venus into Pisces
‘You don’t Know Me’ Ray Charles & Diana Krall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4d9t6zIPoM Saturn retrograde to find ourselves
‘Respect’ Aretha Franklin with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FOUqQt3Kg0 Reclaiming respect for ourselves...Saturn stuff!
Upcoming Dates:
10th April:  Mercury turns retrograde at 4 degrees 51 Taurus at        
11th April:  Full Moon in Libra at 4.08 pm AEST
15th April:  Venus stations direct in Pisces
That’s it folks!
Hugs all around!
Love and blessings to us all as we enter this month of April with retrograde planets calling for review and reconsideration of so many aspects of our life.

Our heart energy is a central energy in this whole month as it carries within it all we need to fire us on once it’s cleared up past hurts and pains.  It’s in our hands and merely asks that we listen to ourselves and to follow our joy! 

from the chair...on the ship of love

It’s all about love

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