...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 16 May 2017

16th May 2017 Mercury enters Taurus

Hi everyone!
We’re travelling under the Taurus Sun allowing Mother Earth to carry us forward in her loving embrace.  For many of us we’re in recovery mode after the intense letting go energies of the Full Moon in Scorpio which is also carrying us through the next couple of weeks before the New Moon in Gemini.
From 11th to 14th:  Scorpio Full Moon waves of release, endings!
Many of us have been in the throes of release of some incredibly dark buried memories since the 11th.  In particular, the 12/13th, there was a huge oppressive energy rising up from within humanity and the earth which was extremely difficult to shift. I know I wasn’t alone in experiencing this dark primal energy rising up seeking resolution.
Bats in the light of a new day:  We’re emerging into the  light gradually!

We could name these energies as grief, disappointment, pain, suffering, oppression, anger, fear etc.  It doesn’t really matter the name as it all comes under the heading of ‘not light’ as we experienced a huge cleansing of the darkness of the past.
Let’s not forget that Scorpio is the big transformer ruled by Pluto, Lord of the underworld.  It took me a good 24 to 36 hours to clear with meditation, light work and napping.
It’s been clearing through the heart, the Venus energy of Taurus so we’re clearing dark forces rising out of the earth’s memory banks. However, the Mercury mind energy has been releasing old thought patterns too as so much of this primal stuff arises from old belief systems. See comments below on Jupiter, Sirius, Mars and Neptune.
Taurus is an earth sign, ruled by Venus and its energies put us in touch with our values, our inner resources and self worth.  In Astrology. Taurus rules 2nd house, the house of the physical body as Taurus is the most fixed sign and an earth sign to boot.  It carries more earth density than any other sign.
So we’re healing our bodies as well as the earth.  We’re regenerating all the time but in Taurus month we’re realigning with the inner worth and value which brings alignment to our physical body. Anything which is ‘out of whack’ with our heart truth as an earth being is shifting and the regeneration of cell memories is happening.  When it ‘hurts’ we know healing and alignment is happening. 
What’s been happening:
Jupiter in Libra 14 degrees in the retrograde labyrinth in square/challenge to fixed Star Sirius at 14 degrees Cancer
From 6th to 18th May

Jupiter, one of the big planets that shifts the social fabric of belief systems, religion, philosophy and spirituality is working his magic in Libra, the sign of justice, peace and love. It's bringing karmic justice spiritually and within each of us even though we may not see it happening yet in the physical world.

Sirius is a higher consciousness spiritually traditionally regarded as the esoteric home of the ascended masters and connected to dolphins and whales. It's a galactic energy that's helping us. The nodal shift is adding to this galactic release.  Releasing cosmic and galactic conflicts from the past?  All possible.

Mars was on 14 degree Gemini for 12th/13th May: 
However, Mars impact would be about a week either side of these dates.
We're shifting out a whole lot of energies we're carrying within especially as Mars, our masculine warrior self is on 14 degrees Gemini. That old fighting energy is being brought to peace little by little. How many of us dying on old battlegrounds in other realities feeling like failures at war and the grief and disappointment of lost lives.

Think and visualise blue...electric blue is good! Into the head and third eyes works well at this time.  Read above introduction which relates to this energy.
Jupiter stations/turns direct on 9th June at 13 degree Libra

12th May:   Mars squared/challenged Neptune...head clearing, eye opening!
Effective from 10th to 13 May
This energy took us through the Full Moon energies. For many of us it brought things to a head with our mental energies, the head, respiratory systems as we were challenged to drop the old mental conflicts.

Mars is in Gemini, sign of the dual carriageway mind which can find us moving from one lane to another trying to find a way through the mental traffic congestion. The Full Moon brought us to a decision to choose cruise control as Gemini's ruler Mercury, our mind manager teamed up with Saturn today to clear the blockages. Time is on our side!

Many of us have been experiencing head clearing, sinus blockages, breathing, sneezing etc. clearing our vision and clearing energies in our third eye. Mars rules the head and in Gemini, we’re working with the respiratory and nervous systems.

Light and more light into the head and bring it up through the vertebral column into the brain and nervous systems. Breath work, toning and singing clears so much dross.  Mars is in Gemini until 5th June so the head stuff is ongoing. 
14th May:  
Mars goes out of bounds at 15 degrees 49 Gemini to 16 degrees 21 Cancer
Until 29th June
Mars, ruler of our physical body, our fire and drive is off out exploring new dimensions of consciousness for the next 6 weeks. 
What does this mean:  Spiritually when a planet travels ‘out of bounds’ it is travelling over totally new territory discovering and exploring new consciousness.

For us, Mars out of bounds will be bringing new understanding and insights in the Gemini/Cancer areas of understanding until the end of June.
14th May to 5th June:  
Mars in Gemini...the dual carriageway calls us to take to the open road of the cosmos!
Our mental operating system and mind consciousness will be accessing new information.  In Gemini, we have a tendency to change our minds regularly whenever new information comes to light.  It’s an adaptable mentally focussed energy which brings versatility and flexibility to our mindsets. Mars wants action and Gemini is happy to oblige with all the mental gymnastics ideas and words to feed the action.  We may well feel we want to take on the world.
Mars in Gemini out of bounds:  Moving right along!
After the 21st May when the Sun moves to Gemini we’ll find this is very much the case as Mercury, our mind manager and ruler of Gemini will be travelling a new road too having moved out of shadow retrograde.  It’s interesting that Mercury will be moving into Gemini on 6th June the day after Mars moves OUT of Gemini into Cancer.  Mercury and Mars as the mover/shakers in the solar system are working together like members of a relay team one passing the baton to another continuing to activate our forward movement.
The moving and shaking energy will continue to activate our minds and mental operating systems with this kickstart from Mars cosmic travel through the Gemini spectrum.  Expect new ideas, creative solutions to old problems as the Gemini energy carries us into new territories.  Be open to original thought and out of the box thinking.
Balance the needs of the mind and the body:  We’re entering new territory!  Stay tuned to you!

We need to be aware that on 16th May Mercury, our mind manager, will be moving into Taurus so the whole operating system of our mental bodies will be asking us to take our time whilst our Mars, action man wants to get moving with the new ideas.  We may need to wait until the full picture comes to light as Mercury in Taurus wants all the information before we take action.  We need to balance the message of the mind as well as the physical body.
The Sabian Symbol for Mars going ‘out of bounds’ certainly captures the energies which are the driving force of this next period of Mars in Gemini until 5th June.
The Sabian Symbol for Mars entry into ‘out of bounds’ energies:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Gemini 16
This Symbol shows the need to be able to voice one’s needs, frustrations, emotions or demands without fear of being reprimanded. You may feel misunderstood and disadvantaged simply because of who you are or the position you hold. Even when you stand up for what you feel, you may strike resistance, partly due to others' ignorance. You must press your case or the status quo will remain. If the cause is just and your communications are clear, you will be heard by those who understand or resonate with what you are saying and your influence will spread. Stating one's case. Revealing social passions. Being a mouthpiece for personal or social causes. Wanting people to listen and care. Taking it to the streets. Having a platform. 
5th June to 29th June:  Mars in Cancer
More on this in future update.
29th June:  Mars return from ‘out of bounds’ at 16 degrees 21 Cancer
When Mars returns from his out of bounds journey we’ll discover the true depth of the consciousness shifts occurring in our physical being and in the focus for our fire, drive and passion.  The Sabian Symbol for this exit degree seems particularly apt.  We have a seed of a new idea to take us forward. it will occur just a few days after the New Moon in Cancer on 24th June.  Perfect timing!
The Sabian Symbol for the exit point for Mars out of bounds journey:
Cancer 17
This Symbol shows situations pregnant with meaning and significance. Something starts with a seed and grows until it becomes something reliable and strong. Sometimes, you may feel that you are not growing or developing properly, maybe dissatisfied at perceived failings. Things take time to develop and, rather than being rushed, need to be nurtured to develop. It is important to start small and grow, fertilizing and watering in order for things to grow and flourish. Remember that small and steady beginnings can lead to a beautiful flowering. This can indicate pregnancy or the inception of a new idea. Warning against grabbing for the fast dollar. Pregnancy, childbirth and growing up. Embryonic cells. The giving and receiving of lessons. The Kabala. The Tree of Life. 

Mars moves to Leo on 20th July
What’s coming in: 
16th May:  Mercury enters Taurus direct at 2.06 pm AEST...Whew!  Just breathe!
With all the action from Venus and Mercury still coming through the last few days of shadow retrograde, we’re likely to breathe a sigh of relief when Mercury enters the earthy, grounding energy of Taurus.  Whew! We’re safe and our feet are coming down to earth!  Or at least attempting to do so!
Our mind manager is bringing our ideas down to earth!
But wait!  Taurus might be grounded but Mercury likes to fly!
The elephant is such a wonderful symbol for the Taurus energy with an amazing connection to Mother Earth.  The ‘mother’ energy is the head honcho for the herd as she takes them to food and water leading them as her instincts guide her every step of the way.  They sense energies through their feet.  They are slow and steady and have huge focus and endurance.
Just like Taurus, their determination and will power gets them where they need to go.  Taurus just does not give up!
Mercury, our mind manager, is more comfortable taking to the air, taking flights of fancy, lifting off from earthly concerns.  It’s more comfortable in the machinations of the mind than walking on the earth in a step by step steady grounded way.
This energy will work very well with our flighty Mercury energy as Taurus will call it into the grounded earth realm with all those schemes and dreams.
But we’ve got it both ways here.  Mercury can collect all those ideas which Mars is gathering from the cosmos and Mercury can bring them back to earth.  What a great partnership. 
Slowing mentally and hearing the inner guidance from Mercury the messenger!
We’re being called to slow down mentally, enjoy the beauty of the earth and all her sensuality, the earthly joy both in our physical world as in our flights of imagination. With Mars flying through new territory in Gemini which seeks mental activity and change, we’re going to be grateful Mercury’s travelling in a  golf buggy through the avenue of Wisteria!  Whew! 
In the next week Venus and Mercury being released from the retrograde shadow:
In these final days of the Taurus Sun up to 21st May, we’re experiencing the release of our Venus, heart energy and Mercury, mind energy from their shadow retrograde time.  In many ways the pieces are going to fall into place and start making sense even with Mars, manager of fire, drive and our physical body off travelling in new dimensions. 
18th May:  Venus moves out of retrograde shadow at 13 degrees 08 Aries
Brave hearts grow and move on! Fresh opportunities!
Trusting that we’ll have some clearer energy in our heart after her journey through the sign of ‘I am’ helping us to discover who we are at the deeper level of our being and helping us throw off the projections and conditioning from others and our history.
Trusting that we have reclaimed some courage, bravery and confidence of the warrior energy to take us forward more fully aligned and accepting of ourselves along with a faith in who we are and what we truly desire.  If we’ve found these energies in the past weeks, we’ll have done well.

21st May:  Mercury moves out of retrograde shadow at 0 degrees Taurus
Clarity and vision gradually restoring!
Mercury moves out of shadow the same day the Sun moves into Gemini which is interesting as Mercury is Gemini’s ruler.  This would indicate there is clarity restoring to our mind energy and a feeling that we can be more connected to our heart energy as Taurus is ruled by Venus.  That dance of joining and uniting heart and mind is ongoing.  We’ve been such a mentally polarised world that it’s taken all our energies to come back to the heart. But it’s happening.

I will be sending out a short update for the Sun into Gemini on 21st along with more on Mercury coming out of shadow but wanted to get this Post Full Moon recovery message out first.
Golden Oldies:
‘Movin’ Right Along’ The Muppet Movie’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMR5JVo21wQ 
Mars moving out of bounds in Gemini/Mercury to Taurus
‘When I See an Elephant Fly’ from Dumbo  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v2exWrsGOc Mercury in Taurus
Upcoming Dates:
21st May:  Sun enters Gemini at 6.30 am AEST
21st May:  Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde
26th May:  New Moon in Gemini at 5.44 am AEST
That’s it folks!
Hugs all around!

The mothering energy of Mother Earth is carrying us all the way just as the matriarch of the herd of elephants leads them to pastures and water for their sustenance.

Love and blessings
from the chair...mentally flying, resting on the earth
It’s all about love

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