...for the children of the earth

Sunday 21 May 2017

21st May 2017 Sun moves into Gemini

Hi everyone!
In the last rays of the Taurus Sun which has been carrying us through the woodlands of Mother Earth offering her protective canopy of trees and guiding us to upliftment in our earthly lives. It hasn’t been what we could call ‘a walk in the park’! 
Abundance or lack of abundance?
The past solar month has been asking us to feel the never ending flow of material and earthly abundance that is always available for us.  For many of us, with all the planetary aspects bringing clearing and purification of old aspects of consciousness, it’s highlighted any feelings of lack and economic imbalance both in our lives and on the earth. 
Shifting austerity to prosperity:
The news across the world is bombarding us with austerity measures being implemented world wide in a desperate bid by the economic rationalists to implement a free market with a resultant ‘trickle down’ economy to those at the lower levels of the economic ladder.
Clearing the memories of ‘lack’:
We’ve been clearing huge fears, anxieties and insecurities from humanity and the earth itself releasing old memory banks from the ancestral DNA and cells as we keep coming back to envisioning a newer way of life which supports us all in the earth’s abundance. Some of us are working on the front line of this change process as we directly experience physical and/or financial changes in our own lives as well as emotions around isolation, separation from partnership and/or community.
As we clear the old the ‘old’ we envision the ‘new’:
We need to remember that this is old stuff that is being triggered to leave us for good.  It’s not just about money but about all layers of our existence from feeling alone and/or lonely, isolated and feeling the ‘struggle’ energies of past lives/other realities.  It’s our call to keep focussed on the new vision of community, love and economic prosperity for ourselves and for the planet.  Energy is powerful when consistently maintained and focussed on a desired vision. 
What are we learning with abundance issues?
This quote from Orin and Daben seems to put it all in a nutshell.  
From ‘Creating Money’ Orin & Daben:
‘When you are living at a survival level, barely able to pay your bills, do not feel that you are a failure. This is simply the way you have chosen to learn many important lessons and experience the essence of who you are. You may be growing rapidly from this experience. You may be learning that you deserve to have abundance by experiencing lack of what you want. Perhaps you are discovering how little it takes to live on realizing you are not as dependent on having things as you thought. Perhaps you are learning that you can be generous even when you have very little. You may be looking at what is important in your life, sorting through what is meaningful and essential to you and what is not. You might be learning how to let others give to you, or how to feel powerful without money. When you understand, embrace, and accept the lessons, you will no longer need this experience.’
19th May:  
Venus emerges from shadow retrograde at 13 degrees 08 Aries
Blazing with a readiness to experience her new confidence!

Venus blazing with passion!
Venus emerges from her labyrinthine journey of discovery and exploration, inner expansion of the heart energy into the light of day!  She’s ablaze with her newly discovered sense of self readying to experience the world in a whole new way.  She’s flexing her heart muscles of strength, courage and confidence that have been developing as she reclaimed self worth and love!
How’s your heart confidence:  Reaffirming our entitlement to the fullness of love and abundance!
Maybe she’s feeling a little tentative, apprehensive, timid as she steps out of the labyrinth whilst feeling a new strength within. It hasn’t been tested so is not quite sure how she’s going to respond or react when she opens her heart to feeling the full force of love for herself.  Aries is all about our true self, our ‘I am’ spirit which completely owns the beauty within. 
We’ve spent weeks travelling the labyrinth in reclamation of our beautiful heart energy feeling and releasing old pains, hurts and spiritual wounds which have suppressed our sense of worth, self-esteem and self value.  In Astrology, Venus rules love and money as the two energies are directly related.  Now as Venus moves out of shadow we’ll find out how much we’ve healed.
20th May:  Venus in opposition/challenge to Jupiter at 13 degrees 52 Aries/Libra
Venus comes face to face with her first challenge! Uh oh!
Effective from 18th to 21st May
Crossing the ‘bridge of sighs’:
The day after Venus came out of shadow retrograde she came face to face with her first ‘test’ of her newly developed higher consciousness. Jupiter in Libra is in exact opposition to her asking us to to resolve and come to peace in our hearts about any relationship issues.
Confrontation with ourselves over old pains and hurts from relationships: 
Any old memories in inequity in partnerships arise for us to bring karmic completion to our hearts.  If you have experienced such inequities, anything from abuse, ongoing suppression, oppression in a relationship is asking for a closing of the wound with love for ourselves and letting go of any karmic burdens taken on from others.  That’s when we take responsibility for relationships falling apart when it wasn’t just up to us. 
Similarly, if we’ve put blame onto others for failed relationships then this energy will call us into accepting our part in that relationship and its eventual collapse.  As we all know there’s two people in a relationship. 
This energy is also about partnerships in relation to money and justice with inequities being called into resolution as the Libran energies holding Jupiter are calling us into accepting our entitlement to divine justice in all issues of economic inequity.
19th May:  Saturn in Sagittarius in trine to Uranus in Aries at 26 degrees...karmic uplift and resolution!
Assisting with this deep resolution of old karmic issues is Saturn, Lord of Karma in a trine to Uranus, ruler of the higher mind offering fresh insight and understanding if we’re ready to open our hearts and minds to divine truth.  It’s a fiery release energy which supports what’s happening with the Venus/Jupiter balancing bringing divine justice and karmic resolution.
21st May:  Mercury leaves shadow retrograde at 4 degrees Taurus...expect to put on some speed!
Until 24th July when Mercury enters shadow
Mercury in Taurus until 7th June
Back on track, steamed up and moving into open country and clear skies:  Time moves on!
As we emerge from the final stage of Mercury’s mental makeover, we start to recognise exactly what progress we’ve made in the recalibrating of our mental operating systems. It’s been a particularly tough Mercury retrograde period with so much happening in our inner journeys in so many areas of our lives. We’re starting to pick up speed and seeing the track ahead.  Our timing is back on line!  We’re back in the driver’s seat!  Taurus says take time to enjoy the earth!
Growing realisation that clarity is restoring:  Trusting the intuition!
Be assured that as Mercury comes out of shadow we are going to experience a growing clarification in our minds. He’s still travelling in Taurus for a couple more weeks until 7th June when he moves into Gemini so our focus will be on bringing our ideas into physical reality.
Mercury rules communication, travel, education and commerce:  It’s networking time!
Make the most of this time as Mercury is ruler of Gemini and with him returning from shadow the same day the Sun moves into Gemini sends a very clear message about this important time for making connections within our own minds as well as connecting with like minded others.
This is both in the social and commercial sectors!
Taurus is our risk management safety net:
Taurus is all about physical and material security, values, self-worth, gifts and talents so all those areas become relevant for Mercury’s activity until 7th June.  Taurus is slow to action and will temper any speedy Gonzales inclinations coming in with Mercury back in the driver’s seat and the Sun in Gemini adding to his power.
Mars in Gemini travelling ‘out of bounds’:  
Discovering new consciousness for our masculine fire, drive and physical body!
Mars is travelling in new dimensions of consciousness gathering new information as he moves through the sign of Gemini.   I see this time of his exploration as a huge opportunity for physical healing and healing of the masculine fire and spirit in every one of us. He’s in Gemini until 5th June so the focus until then is bringing our mental energy into balance in our physical existence.  Mars is growing and expanding in the outer realities of knowledge. He’s travelling ‘out of bounds’ until the end of June so plenty of time, space and energy for healing and expansion.
Nodes of the Moon working with expansion and healing cosmically:  Back to ‘Atlantis’...star war healing!

The Nodes of the Moon just recently shifting into the Leo/Aquarius polarity giving us past knowledge of galactic consciousness from other lives and realities in other dimensions.  The Aquarius South Node is accessing and evolving past energies deriving from humanity as it exists within the cosmic realm. In these times of shift of the galactic nodes, we are coming into the times of connecting with our ‘galactic’ selves, those aspects of self in the other dimensions.
The past week:  
Nodes of the Moon squared off to the Sun in Taurus...resolving the Pleiades connection!
The Nodes of the Moon have played a significant role in these past days as the Sun in final degrees of Taurus squared off to the nodes in Leo/Aquarius.  This was challenging us to shift old energies through the ‘missing leg’ of this T square, through the death and transformation energies of Scorpio.  Of course the Pleiades span the late degrees of Taurus and early Gemini so some major clearing in relation to this energy. If you feel a strong connection to the Pleiades this would have added to the healing process going on with Venus/Jupiter ‘bridge of sighs’ rebalancing of the heart. 
21st May:  Sun enters Gemini at 6.30 am AEST
As we unite we fly into the light! 
Until 21st June
United within and united without:
Gemini is the sign of the twins, the lovers, duality of the mind and its call for unification. We’re all working with it all the time in this polarised earthly reality.
The growth of consciousness brings us the unifying principles that brings us together and in Gemini its about being in two minds, choosing whether to act or wait..the active and the passive principle, the masculine/feminine energies.

Gemini is the sign of union of our two inner energies, the masculine and the feminine.  As it brings us union within we access divine re-union, connection with our divine self, our higher, more evolved consciousness.
Networking time:  Gathering of the soul tribes!

Gemini is the social butterfly flitting from flower to flower, person to person gathering much needed knowledge and data for its ongoing nurturance and growth in understanding about the self.

The rainbow warriors of spirit are aligning as one:  Flying into formation!  Unity through diversity!
Gemini is the energy of ‘the rainbow connection’ unity through diversity. As we reclaim all the lost, ignored and disintegrated aspects of ourselves, we come to wholeness and are more easily able to connect to humanity in all its guises.
Making ‘the rainbow connection’:  
Gathering together in all the dimensions...bringing in our brothers and sisters hanging by a thread!

We still tend to think in terms of physical reality and seek to enact changes in our physical world to feel we’ve accomplished something.  However, Gemini’s a energy of the airwaves, a mental energy which connects through the mind.  How perfect as we go through the reconnection of our astral/physical bodies in healing that we can still connect telepathically and through other channels of communication.
Healing the connections through communication:
Gemini rules communication and that urge to talk and exchange views, opinions and insights is the key element of this month.  We’re likely to start making new contacts, old soul connections and karmic links with our ‘star’ families on earth as we bring together myriad ideas on enacting the North Node joy of life connection.  The divine child is calling us all for some fun and games and we are the ones to create those environments which heal through divine love, laughter and the common themes of the human journey.
Without doubt this month is about recognising that our alignment within is happening, to own it, to believe in it and celebrate it, to see ourselves as coming into a wholeness and opening to a new experience of the joy of life.  The New Moon in Gemini this week on 26th will really offer us the door to that uplift. 
Golden Oldies:
‘The Two of Us’ Jackie Trent and Tony Hatch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZdZFxU2no8  Gemini Sun
‘Dancing Queen’ Abba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFrGuyw1V8s Venus moving out of shadow retrograde
The Muppet Movie - Kermit the Frog – ‘Rainbow Connection’  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2DTLbTQj0I  Gemini Sun

Upcoming Dates:
26th May:  New Moon in Gemini at 5.44 am AEST
That’s it folks!  Hugs all around!
People are keen to know when we can get moving again.  Well this week is a starter with the Sun into Gemini, both Venus/heart energy and Mercury/mind energy out of shadow and the New Moon in Gemini on 26th May.
Ongoing societal shifts:
However, in terms of societal changes we still have the two big ‘social’ planets Jupiter and Saturn still going through retrograde creating all manner of shift in social perspectives, values and attitudes. 

9th June:  Jupiter turns direct
Jupiter turns direct in Libra on 9th June when we’ll start getting a clearer picture with respect to truth, wisdom, justice and equity and how it is playing out in the wider society. 

25th August:  Saturn turns direct in Sagittarius
Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, government, bureaucracies, systems and organisations, will turn direct in late August just a few days after the New Moon full solar eclipse in Leo.  Saturn will be about 7 degrees from that New Moon eclipse.  Expect big changes at that time.  North America will be in total eclipse so big changes expected there which will roll out across the earth for us all.
The societal changes are very relevant as we choose where to re-position ourselves in the world especially in relation to work, employment, finding our ‘niche’ and recognising the ‘niche’ markets emerging as the world undergoes such big changes.  Where are the needs and how can we assist with meeting the needs of the people in times of change.  ‘Selling change’ to people who want their comfort zone is not an option.  Look to those in the change process already and read the signs for shifting needs.
Love and blessings to us all as we seek resolution in our own lives and look to the rainbow of a new paradigm for ourselves and the earth itself.  We can only play our unique role with our unique contribution but our greatest gift to the world is our own self healing.  One person’s shift in consciousness can shift mountains of consciousness in humanity.  As we maintain our belief and build on it, our visions start to manifest in amazing and seemingly miraculous ways!
from the chair...in divine reunion, believing

It’s all about love

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