...for the children of the earth

Friday 16 June 2017

16th June 2017 Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces

Hi everyone!
Wow!  What a big full moon experience! What a relief!

I don’t know how everyone experienced this but it definitely felt like the forces resistant to the freedom horses within us were brought into the open, released and blown away.  Of course, we need to remain vigilant that we don’t fall back into old ways as we take to the open road. Those few days after the Full Moon offered major emotional release of memories for us and for humanity.

The U turn negotiated:  Now let the equity and balance take us on!
A watershed moment, the line in the sand we’ve just crossed over, a big turning point, a U turn and now on a downhill run towards the eclipses in August. Whatever imagery works for you remember to hold it close and value that image, whether it be a line in the sand, a U turn or reaching the top of the hill.

Surrendering as the tide is turning:  Relax, maintain the faith!
The Sagittarian Full Moon energies brought us to a point of surrender as the energies of the week before built up to a breaking point.  Whatever chains we’ve been wearing are breaking because nothing will hold us back now. The challenges may seem bigger as we go on but we have the knowledge to move through them more quickly.  That’s if we’ve been practising our mastery!

3D world of changes continue to reflect 5D changes:  Just watch and wait!
Without doubt the UK election was a manifestation of these inner spiritual changes that have been working away within all of us with the election resulting in a hung parliament.  Are we surprised as the polling day took place as Jupiter came to a standstill in Libra, the sign of balance, equity and justice.  With Jupiter playing a major role as ruler of Sagittarius, the sign of the Full Moon at the same time, the emotions were full blown in relation to truth, justice and higher consciousness.  We now sit back and observe the ongoing changes as we are doing with the USA and other nations in the throes of political change.

What’s been happening:
The past week 
14th June:   
Mercury opposed the Great Attractor at 14 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius
Off air, off the planet!

Mental lift off:  Old mindsets shifting, bringing in confusion and addled thinking!
Our mind manager Mercury was off air during the past week as he opposed the Great Attractor at 14 Sagittarius the enormous 'anomaly' out in the cosmos which draws the planetary and cosmic energies into it as they lose orbit. Mercury's in his own sign of Gemini which is all air and mentally focussed.

Spiritual uplift and upgrade of our mental bodies:  Higher consciousness washing through our minds!
Helping along with this whole process was Neptune in Pisces sitting exactly in a square to Mercury and the Great Attractor. Neptune's been at a standstill for some time as he prepares to turn retrograde on Friday 16th June AEST.  

You may well have experienced ‘head’ stuff connected with vision, headaches as our vision was being shifted as we cleared the ‘dross’ blocking our esoteric vision and intuitive connections. 

Bottom line:
Clearing the way for Neptune and Mercury shifting us in the coming weeks!
Letting the superfluous 'muggle mind' go and allowing the inspirational forces of the cosmos to bring the Piscean visions into our minds is the way to go. Higher consciousness is available and our access to it is opening wide for today and in the coming weeks as Mercury prepares to go out of bounds on 17th June. Whoo! Off the planet!  Floating is best!  This is our modus operandi for the next few weeks at least. 

15th June: Sun opposed Saturn...the house of cards collapses!
24 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius
Exact 8.18 pm AEST
Effective 14th to 16th June
The last of 3 ‘hits’ from these two big energies which have been impacting us on and off since late last year. This last one has brought things to a head, a completion in a way which may involve resolution of conflicting forces within our personal lives and within society.

A call to look to the light of the Sun and draw it into our mental body and thinking as this energy had the potential to throw up a head-on collision with the system's status quo.  You may have felt this in your personal life or watched this play out in the societal energies of change.  It may not be a physical manifestation in our earthly existence as with Gemini and Sagittarius it's an 'air'/mental energy opposing a 'fire'/spirit energy.

We've been called to bridge the gap of the Gemini mind and Sagittarian spirit and bring them together as the 'house of cards' crumbles!  Truth will out and this energy is about bringing our personal truth to light, maybe facing those restrictions which have held us back from the expansion of our authority in the world. 

Collapsing of old structures in the fire of purification:
And I did think of this with the fire in London which happened in the energy of Sun/Saturn opposition!  We often find physical manifestations of the esoteric energies as they come to a turning point of some kind. 
Image: The Tower Card, Voyager Tarot
What’s coming in:

16th June:  
Neptune turns retrograde at 14 degrees 16 Pisces at 9.10 pm AEST
Into the labyrinth of emotional and spiritual renewal!
Until 23rd November
Art:  ‘Walking the Labyrinth’ Rassouli

Raising the emotional consciousness:  Into the comfort of the labyrinth!
What a wonderful salve for these past months of 2017 as Neptune takes us on his inner journey through his own sign of Pisces.  Be prepared for major revelations, enlightenment of the spiritual, esoteric and artistic senses as we enter the Pisces labyrinth with our guide.  Who better than Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. We’re floating all the way into the higher dimensions.

Opening the doorways of inspiration:  Higher consciousness speaks!
There’ll be plenty of action happening in our physical world but the waters of the unconscious and the potential to access higher consciousness will be opened to us as Neptune takes us on his inner exploration this year.

Keep bringing in the light:  
Crown chakra and 3rd eye!
This is eye opening energy as our inner eye takes in new sights, sounds, emotions.  This is the knowledge sitting inside which is awaiting this time of readiness.  As we move forward with the intention to clear the limiting beliefs and mindsets along with the memory banks within the body, the higher vision of life becomes available to us.

Opening channels to artistic expression:
Neptune in Pisces is the language of artistry, speaking through the media of vision, sound, movement and touch.  Art, music, poetry, lyric literature and dance are all expressions of the Pisces energy. This is a flowing energy that speaks to the heart and elicits responses to works of art through the heart.

Visions and dreams, sounds and sensations:  the language of Pisces!  
Accessing dreams and hopes...the bigger picture!
What is real in our eyes and what are we envisioning to make real?  This is the call of this time, releasing those illusions which are not aligned with the truth of who we are and our vision for our lives, for our future direction.

Dreams while sleeping:  The good, the bad and the ‘beautiful’!
During these next months we are likely to have more intense dreams which offer messages and insights from our unconscious as well as the opportunity to clear old painful memories which now come to the surface for acknowledgement. 
Just know when we have a challenging dream which takes us into emotional pain or despair  that we are re-experiencing something that was too painful to fully experience before.
We’re clearing those old experiences and emotions which have been blocking us from our ascension to joy and fulfilment.

17th June:  
Mercury moves ‘out of bounds’ at 20 degrees 12 Gemini
Evolving minds!
Until 1st July at 22 degrees 22 Cancer
More uplift:  Mercury empowered in Gemini takes off to uncharted regions!
How brilliant that Mercury, our mind manager takes off into uncharted territory in his own sign of Gemini.  All happening at the same time as Neptune moves us into the inner spiritual journey to access the higher consciousness.

New ideas flushing away the old mindsets!
How amazing that just as our emotional beings are finding the new energies of higher consciousness within we have our mental bodies being uplifted to new ways of thinking and connecting the dots. 

Migrating birds, our evolving minds:  Into new consciousness!
This is a 2 week window of opportunity when our minds will be clearing old stale energies and offering new information, communicating from the cosmos so we can elevate our thinking. 
Keep an open mind!

Problem solving takes on a whole new dimension:  
Seemingly miraculous solutions and insights become available...if we allow them in!
New solutions to old issues, problems are likely to come forward to shift any fixed thinking which has had us locked into an impasse.  With Neptune in Pisces going into retrograde just before Mercury’s move into the cosmos we are being bombarded with bigger visions mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

18th June:  
Mercury in Gemini in opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius at  24 degrees
More mental shifting!

This is a heads up to alert you to the potential for more mind shifts of the old status quo which we are carrying in our energy fields.
Mercury is moving along at a good pace so this aspect may only impact from around 17th to 19th June but is a strong carry over from the Sun/Saturn opposition of the past week. 

I’m in two minds:  
Accessing our own ‘truth’ and releasing the ‘establishment’ mindsets!  Could be a ‘head to head’!
Mercury rules communication and opposing Saturn it is about our inner communication as well possibly outer communication with Saturn energy, our status quo.  This is shifting our thinking and mental energy around the ideological frameworks on which we have built our lives.  

We’re kicking the limiting chocks of our thinking away which have been keeping our ‘vehicles’ stationary and grounded in old outdated conditioning and restriction.

Beyond 18th June:  
More clearing and greater clarity as we approach the June solstice on 21st June when the Sun enters Cancer.  Mercury enters Cancer on 20th joining the Sun and signifying a reboot to our mental operating system in the sign of ‘home’, belonging and the nurturing of the divine mother.

Golden Oldies:
‘We are awakening’ Deva Premal and Miten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXtQ_ck5ZtE 
‘Let me Paint you a Song’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmkLWpG203s
‘Castles in the Air’ Don Maclean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTqi7iEZEWA
‘The Air That I Breathe’ The Hollies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOhn7w2GmU0  for Mercury out of bounds

Upcoming Dates:
21st June:  Sun enters Cancer, June Solstice
21st June:  Mercury enters Cancer
24th June:  New Moon in Cancer

That’s it folks!  Hugs all around! 
We’re flying into ‘big picture’ country!

Birds of a feather flock together and that’s exactly what’s happening as we increasingly extend ourselves into the light of higher consciousness. It’s not about being in the same house, street, town, city, country or geographical region.  This is about connecting our consciousness across all barriers just like the world wide web.

We are beyond borders, boundaries and limitations imposed by systems, governments, regimes or ideologies when we bond on the esoteric level of being. We are outside 3D reality and riding the waves of a whole new energy beyond the reach of anyone who does not align energetically with the divine principles which infuse the higher disciplines.  We are out of sight and out of mind of the collective energies of the mundane world. 

Love and blessings to us all as we take to the skies, to the cosmos in a journey to the divine light of new perspectives, new understandings and new ways of living.  The images and messages are ready to flow when we have open hearts and minds.  Our spirit is urging us on in gentle encouragement.

from the chair...embracing peace

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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