...for the children of the earth

Thursday 8 June 2017

9th June 2017 Full Moon in Sagittarius

Hi everyone!
We’re flying in the Gemini sunlight heading into the divine light offered by the planetary North Node of the Moon in Leo.  Sun and more sun!  Light and more light!  In the Gemini Sun there’s a mental speed which is seeking clarity.
Uplifted in the unification and resolution of conflict:
We’re flying in tandem with ourselves allowing ourselves to be carried by the airwaves, the currents of warm air which uplift our wings. In the Gemini Sun we’re being called to unification of our 3D duality, the inner conflict of mind and heart, the masculine active principle and the feminine passive principle.
Need to keep balanced in this new speeding energy:  Slow down when needed!
To come to full spiritual power we need both sides attuned and accepting of each other.  We know when we are in doubt, conflicted thinking or uncertainty that something is out of balance and we need to get still and centred.
Aligning mental speed with heart opening desire:
Things are speeding up spiritually and you may well be feeling the urge to get going with new directions.  Mars, Venus and Mercury are very much the players in this speeding up process as well as the Grand Fire Trine which is firing us to take action.
Acceleration of energies can push us to jump before we’re ready:  
Letting the energy build and allowing the cosmos to lead us on!
We're in an acceleration of energies at the moment and it us up to us to allow things to take their course and to pull back our energies when needed. Let go of an urgent need to act without the background knowledge needed to make a clear decision. 
Full Moon time is never a good time to make decisions...too much emotional energy which can cloud clarity.
Take time for the body to integrate new energies:  We’re regenerating our physical bodies!
Mars is ‘off the planet’ expanding our masculine fire and drive energy and healing our physical body with galactic information.  We need to pace ourselves physically as we allow the light energy to come into every cell of our being, into all the DNA and memory banks held within our ‘field’ of being.
Reminding ourselves not to be mentally carried away at a cost to the heart or the body:
Venus and Mercury are both highly empowered travelling in their home signs of Taurus and Gemini.  However, Venus wants to slow it down and bathe our heart energy in the beauty and joy of life at a steady pace whilst Mercury has our minds working in overdrive.
Hearts and minds may feel like they’re at odds with each other as each is being called to access a very different energy which could put us into conflict or even into a tight spot.  The call is to listen to the heart and allow the mind to fly and do what it does best...explore, investigate, expand and research ideas.
Mars bringing healing to body and spirit with the nurturing energies of Cancer:  
We are being brought home to ourselves!
Action Man Mars is travelling in Cancer, the sign of home, out of bounds and seemingly out of our ‘little mind’ control.  He’s fast tracking us through the higher dimensions and in the sign of Cancer calling us to nurture ourselves, comfort and reassure those childhood complexes and memories and allow ourselves to feel the security of our spiritual home here on earth.
That means we may feel the mental urge to go out and take on the world but need to take care of our physical constitution as it realigns with a higher cosmic authority. Easy does it!  We’re learning to allow the energies to bring us what we need when we need it and to trust ourselves and our place on earth.
9th June:  Full Moon in Sagittarius at 18 degrees 53 Sagittarius at 11.09 pm AEST
Let’s celebrate:  Let it go, let it out and let it be!
It’s big and bountiful and full of promise and optimism...the Sagittarian Full Moon offering us a huge release of old karmic connections through our inner party animal.  Time to sing and dance our troubles away!
Dropping the barriers of defence and resistance: Open up and feel life!
The Full Moon always offers us a completion, a culmination, something coming to a head for release and resolution.  Don’t fight this natural cosmic force that helps us to let out those emotions which have been buried in the subconscious, in the body.  Every month the Moon gives us this opportunity to release, clear and prepare the way for the next New Moon reboot.  In Sagittarius it’s all fireworks!  Whooo hoo!
The road to freedom calls us:  Sagittarius likes the open road!
We don’t have to go out on the streets and sing and dance ourselves away but we are being invited to contact the energies of positive ‘spin’ to choose to break out of the mindsets and old ideas which are confining us and holding us back.
This full moon all fiery emotion:  Feel safe to let go of pain and choose joy!

The moon is all about our inner life and our emotions and at full moon time, any emotions which have been suppressed, hidden, unacknowledged may well up and come to the surface.  This is why full moons can bring an explosion of emotions. Yes, it can be volatile energy. Just keep focussed on transforming the fire through joy and the celebration of life.  For Sagittarius, life is a big party and the bigger the better!

Walls, floors, ceilings and foundations of the old order are  collapsing: 
Saturn is in close proximity to the Full Moon pulling down the framework of our ideologies, philosophies and mindsets which have kept us confined in old paradigms which have gone past their ‘use-by’ date. Saturn is the builder and the ruler of structure as well as the status quo.  In his journey through Sagittarius he’s been ripping away at the ideological structures in our lives and societies. 
New foundations and structures are replacing the old:  
This full moon is ripping away and replacing all at once!
Saturn is interested in solid foundations and in Sagittarius they need to be based on divine truth and wisdom.  He’s the ultimate renovation expert as his focus is on stability and security.  So, whatever has shaky foundations or infrastructure must be removed and replaced with something which is solid and reflective of current growth.  However, we have to work to his blueprint.
At present it’s all happening within the spiritual and esoteric dimensions but when Saturn moves to Capricorn in December this year we’ll be finding that the physical manifestations of a new order will start to emerge over the next couple of years.  That’s where we come in!
Planetary energies at this Full Moon:
Art:  Robert Dane
Venus, Mercury and Mars in an intimate embrace and reunion:  
Heart, mind and body coming together!

The three personal planets Venus, Mercury and Mars have all just changed signs and are now sitting in the three signs of Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. They are sitting about 30 degrees from each other with Mercury, our communicator and mind energy midway between Venus and Mars.  Let’s talk!  It’s all good.

Venus and Mars speaking the same language:  
Alignment and flow between masculine/feminine energies!
Venus and Mars in a very positive connection, 60 degrees away from each other.  Here’s our feminine/masculine selves in a divine flowing connection.  This is our heart energy and our physical drive and desire on the same page, at the same table and speaking in harmony and balance.  How good is this!
The Grand Fire Trine continues to fire us all up:   
Uranus, awakening, Saturn, building and the North Node guiding!
Uranus in Aries at 27 degrees
Saturn in Sagittarius at 24 degrees
North Node of the Moon in Leo at 26 degrees
The fire of spirit is taking us forward:  There’s no going back!
The outer planet of Uranus and the social planet of Saturn are still connecting with each other and with the Planetary North Node of the Moon in Leo.  All of this flowing fire energy in these signs has our engines running hot even if we are feeling like the physical manifestation is not happening just yet.
Spirit is driving us and Saturn is laying the spiritual foundations for us all:
Remember that fire energy is spirit and therefore is the power that ignites and drives the passion and desire within us. We need the earth energies to ground these passions into the earthly realm. This is where Saturn comes in.  It’s his realm.  He’s helping us to lay new foundations for our lives in ‘spiritual’ terms.
More physical action after the Solstice:
At the Solstice, the Sun enters Cancer, Mercury our mind energy enters Cancer and Mars, our physical desire to take action returns from his out of bounds journey at 21 degrees Cancer.  Mark this date in the diary as a starting point for a whole new energy coming alive within us which can be the driving force for our new directions at the New Moon in Cancer on 24th June.
From Lynda Hill:  All Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon energies:
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Sagittarius:  From Lynda Hill  www.sabiansymbols.com
Full Moon:  Sagittarius 19
This Symbol shows being on the alert for intrusion and danger in your life and in the lives of those in your care, whether they are your own children or the children or youngsters of others. At times in your life, you may feel that conditions are changing and you and your family or friends don't feel safe. You may need to move to a new situation which will provide more nourishment, safety and security and less danger. This can refer to an inner withdrawal; not wanting to watch the news, listen to bad information or thoughts and can happen on any level: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Concerns with survival. The endeavor to achieve mental, physical or emotional well being or peace. Safety and security concerns. Problems with rent or mortgage. Retreats.

Picture:  Badger welcoming Ratty and Mole into his home ‘Wind in the Willows’

Sun:  Gemini 19
This Symbol speaks of knowledge and wisdom coming through from those who went before. In a progressive world we look so often for new ideas and new solutions and traditional wisdom is nowadays often ignored. Many old traditions may no longer be relevant to the present but 'Traditional Wisdom' is something we can often benefit from. You may be experiencing intuitive wisdom outside of your own experience and potential. This wisdom is inherent in us all and needs merely to be tapped to be understood. Learn from the best of the past. The truths held there are worthy and valuable to you in the now. Reading, studying and learning. Collective knowledge and wisdom from ancient sources. Enormous potential to be tapped. Akashic records. Astrology. Oracles. Old books. 
10th June:  Jupiter stations direct in Libra at 13 degrees 13 Libra at  12.03 am AEST
Onto the magic train:  Let’s get lucky!
Jupiter’s going direct and it will be a slow journey for a while until he picks up speed. He’s now on his way through Libra, finishing his journey in the sign of karmic justice and balance on 10th October. 
Be open to the revelations and discoveries as he moves on:
He’s been retrograde since 6th February helping us to re-align and re-balance in terms of partnership, harmony, peace and equity.  It’s been a social as well as personal review of our lives and where we belong in the wider society.  We have yet to discover the new pathways as Jupiter moves forward bringing to light our discoveries of the last 5 months.  
As he moves forward covering territory we’ve been re-examining in these past months, he’ll gradually pick up the pace and we’ll find we’re starting to enjoy the discovery of new ground.
He leaves shadow retrograde on 7th September at 23 degrees 08 Libra.  That last stretch from 7th September to 10th October we’ll really find our feet in relation to harmony, peace, love and release with respect to love and partnerships.

Allowing the balance and divine justice to come in:  It’s a unifying energy that’s bringing equity and justice in relationships!
Jupiter’s a big, optimistic and expansive energy and now he’s moving forward he’s carrying us on that lucky rainbow energy helping us stretch and feel the fire in our engine.  He’s steaming and ready to take on new adventures. 
His move into Scorpio in October promises major changes for the next year. 

Kryon 2017 June - THE BEST HELP
A half hour video clip just to keep us on track.
Golden Oldies:
‘Dancing in the Moonlight’ King Harvest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M17fBVcq634 with lyrics, for the Full Moon
‘If you want to sing out. sing out’ Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzy1O3NOE4s  Sagittarius Moon/Gemini Sun
‘59th Street Bridge Song’  Simon and Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqU9PqIhuIY for pacing ourselves
‘Big ol’ Train’ Kimmie Rhodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uggd9UTaPSs   for Jupiter direct in Libra
Upcoming Dates:
16th June:  Neptune turns retrograde
21st June:  Sun enters Cancer
21st June:  Mercury enters Cancer
24th June:  New Moon in Cancer
That’s it folks!  Hugs all around!
We’ve got cars, buses, trains and now horses all carrying us forward!  We have to finish with the horse image as Sagittarius is symbolised  by the centaur, half man, half horse. The horse energy captures that wild primal energy of movement in our natural world.
We’re all running as one into the light of the Sun. We have different pathways and are very much individuals but united by a common goal and vision.  Nothing will stop us now.  We’re at another tipping point!
So, my friends, take heart and take your time with these insistent energies that are pushing us forward.  There’s a sense of excitement along with a little bit of trembling anticipation.  It’s a bit like preparing for that special ‘date’ when you’re on the edge of love.
Love and blessings to us all and may our horses fly to the Sun in divine reunion. 
from the chair...flying with Pegasus

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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