...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 6 June 2017

5th June 2017 Mars enters Cancer, 6th June Venus enters Taurus, 7th June Mercury enters Gemini

Hi everyone!
We’re travelling in the light of the Gemini New Moon being called to uplift our spirit into the higher dimensions.  Building on the New Moon intentions might have felt a tad difficult with all that’s been going on.  Has it felt like confusion? losing your way?
Breaking out of the old paradigms:  Social, political, economic, spiritual!

Well we’re clearing up quite a few false beliefs and attachments to old ways of thinking.  What if I was to tell you that the call is to stop doing what isn’t working.  More of the same old thinking and practices will not get us out of the clutches of old systemic ‘illness’.  We all know this yet we continue to pursue the old pathways which continue to lead us into a ‘boxed in’ feeling. We can’t keep following the old rule book and expect change for the better. 

Cutting ourselves out of the old noose of submission:
Image result for person held in noose/image/clip artOur thoughts tend to rationalise and take up the self-criticism and self-blame thinking we haven’t tried hard enough, that there’s some shortfall within us that cannot break through the impasse.  The economic noose of the old paradigm continues to constrict and demand more austerity, more sacrifice, more penance and more bowing down to the political and economic status quo.  It’s crunch time!
We’re all in this together: 
No-one can escape the old order whether rich/poor, young/old, happy/depressed, healthy/ill.  We are all carrying the burdens of the old order which continues to oppress us spiritually, mentally, emotionally and/or physically.
Breaking out of the chains of dependency:
Who’s going to break out of this chain of historical precedent?  And how?  First, we need to know what role we can play in this whole escape plan. Lightworkers are already engaged in the process and have been for many years.  There are plenty of people fully engaged in bringing in light to their lives and to the planet focussing on the best possible outcomes. 

What’s been happening:
A big growth spurt: It’s an inside job!
The past week since the New Moon in Gemini has been quite a ride for many of us, even as we feel our lives might be at a standstill.  The inner growth and expansion has been immense and if you’re carrying spiritual stretch marks you’ll be relieved to know that we’re growing accustomed to the demands and challenges to fly high.
Over the past week: 
Mars opposing Saturn on the bridge of reconciliation! 

Mars, ruler of our physical body as well as our masculine warrior fire and drive has been travelling in new cosmic consciousness transforming us at a physical level of existence.
As he came head to head with Saturn, Lord of karma over this past week we were brought to major shifts which have helped us release karmic burdens, ties, contracts and attachments held within us.  This confrontation if you experienced it has given us a big shift arising from the little ‘I’ up against the establishment, the status quo.  It may well have been in relation to our physical existence, a constricting force, a contraction which squeezed through into taking a whole new perspective.
The healing waters of Chiron in Pisces were flowing over and through any emotions which arose during this Mars/Saturn face to face confrontation.
Uranus met Venus:  From 2nd to 4th June
Heart opening, heart starting! 
Following on from Saturn and Mars facing off to each in the previous few days, we got a kickstart to our heart energies with Uranus meeting with Venus in Aries, sign of our ‘I am’ divine self bringing us a reboot of our heart energies.
Meetings/conjunctions of planets are rebirths of the energies and Uranus is the higher consciousness mentally assisting our heart energies to uplift into the higher emotional energies of our ‘I am’. A new heart consciousness!

What’s coming in:

Mars, Venus and Mercury all change signs:  Gear shifting for all!
This week, the three ‘personal planets’, Mars, Venus and Mercury all change signs shifting us energetically into new energies for our bodies/Mars, hearts/Venus and minds/Mercury.  These are the planets that govern our personal existence and how we feel, think and act.  We are operating in the wider context of the ‘social’ planets of Saturn and Jupiter as well as accessing the outer cosmically oriented planets.  But this week, we’re getting a resetting of our personal agendas and focus.
Venus and Mercury:  Heart and mind shift!
Both Venus and Mercury are returning to the signs they rule, bringing strength and vitality to our hearts and minds. When a planet is in its own sign it is empowered to act from a higher consciousness.  Of course, we need to be open to access such power and to reaffirm that we are feeling the strength as it surges through us.  We’re being given our confidence back at the heart and mind level.
Mars:  Healing the emotional body!
Meanwhile, Mars, ruler of our physical body fire and drive is on is cosmic journey yet moving into a sign which rules the home, family and place of belonging.  So, he too is bringing us home to ourselves in a different sense.
Sagittarius Full Moon and Jupiter moving direct:
All of this is setting us up for the Sagittarius Full Moon at the end of this week, 9th June AEST and for Jupiter’s shift out of retrograde. 
We’re heading into a whole new energy which has yet to play out in our lives.  It’s up to us to set the intentions and work with what’s being offered to us as gift in empowerment and expansion.
5th June:  Mars entered Cancer at 2.15 am AEST
Our Mars Astroboy comes home to the divine mother!
Until 20th July

Out of bounds and bringing us more cosmic reunion:  
Astroboy taking us home to Mother Moon!
Mars is still on his out of bounds journey gathering data and connecting with new consciousness.  He will emerge from this journey on 29th June at 16 degrees 21 Cancer.
Healing the physical body and masculine fire and drive with the inner mother:
His journey into the emotional waters of the Cancerian, moon ruled energy is bringing us to a new connection with our divine mother held within us...the evolved consciousness of the ‘mothering’, nurturing energy.  Anyone who undertakes ‘therapy’ is learning to contact this energy to ‘mother’ ourselves in whatever way we need.
Our masculine fire and drive healing the emotional wounds held in the physical body:
Mars is ruler of our physical body, masculine fire and drive to take action. What’s happening to Mars in his out of bounds journey is the gathering of new understanding from sources beyond previous access.  We’re learning how to heal all those ‘war wounds’ held in the physical body, wounds which have held us in behaviours which come from the old way of doing things.  We’re learning that fire and drive can be contained and focussed on passion and desire to be the best representation of our most evolved selves.
Hanging up the boxing gloves:
We’re giving up the fighting, warring, the tendency to reach for the boxing gloves. Instead, we’re accessing the divine masculine energy which is urging us to courageously step out of our comfort zone of old patterns of reaction.  Mars is gaining awareness which he is bringing to us all as he moves beyond the 3D plane of existence and history on this planet.
Feeling the old emotions, letting them go:
As we access and integrate new ways of dealing with angers, frustrations, competitive urges which seek to overpower others, we’re recognising an ongoing escalation of war and conflict on the conflict on the planet.  It is our choice how we respond.  Feel the feelings and allow them to empower us to seek new expressions of these old embedded emotions.  Self-discipline is just one of the key components of the spiritual warrior. 
6th June:  Venus enters Taurus at 5.26 pm AEST
Venus brings us home to Mother Earth!
Until 5th July
Venus rules Taurus as well as Libra:  We feel our hearts empowered and opened!
Venus, our heart energy, moves into Taurus today. As the sign of the bull we are grounding our heart energies into the divine love of Mother Earth. Venus has come to her home sign and she's a happy, joyful bull! Play and let the heart sing with its return to an earthly home.

Empowering the heart:  Venus is strengthened in her own sign!
We’re likely to feel an expansion of our heart energy through our earthly lives as we move through these next few weeks until 5th July as we are called to embrace the joys of living as an earth being. It’s interesting that as we raise our consciousness to cosmic energies we’re being more aligned and accepting of the joy of being a citizen of earth. Time to claim our lives on earth as good! 
It’s all heart opening to the joy of our lives:  Give thanks all the time...for all the earthly gifts!
We live in a material world and how we interact with that world is our choice, even if we feel we are between a rock and hard place in physical existence.  This is about discovering and claiming the best of our earthly lives and allowing our hearts to open to the simple pleasures which bring joy to us.
Taking time to experience the heart pleasures of life on earth:  The loving embrace!
Taurus is sign of sensuality, enjoying the essence of all the good things in earthly life whether it be eating foods that bring pleasure to the taste buds, the intimacy of loving partnerships or experiencing the heart opening beauty of nature and the charms of everyday living. 
Raising awareness of the joys of being a physical being: 
It’s a ‘taste’ sensation!  
It’s the sound of music and the rhythm of dance!
All of our senses are brought into play with this energy.  This is the driving force that brings LOVE into everything in our lives.  Sex without love is a very different energy to sensuality in intimate connection.  Eating to live is a very different experience to actually savouring the taste of food which ignites the heart.  Taste, touch, vision, hearing and smell are significant senses which are enhanced while Venus is in Taurus.
7th June:  Mercury enters Gemini at 8.15 am AEST
The sky’s the limit!
Until 21st June 7.57 pm AEST
Mind expanding freedom and increasing clarity:

Mercury takes to the skies travelling in his own sign for the next 2 weeks. Here’s the ruler of our mental body taking off into the air sign of Gemini, helping us to clear our heads, our airwaves and mental confusion that many of us have felt for quite a while.
The mind finds divine inspiration in the upper skies:  
Stay open and let it come in!
Mercury rules Gemini so he too, like Venus, has come home, to the place where he can be comfortable were he can let his mind fly into all manner of new ideas and possibilities.  Perfect time to explore options and new directions for our lives.
Communication, Travel, Commerce all taking off: Check the facts before action!
With this energy we’re likely to get excited and want to act on ideas really quickly. It’s a great energy for making communication links with others and establishing new networks.  Just remember that Mercury acts impulsively running with the ball without necessarily lining up with the goalposts.
A good idea to use Mercury’s energies for doing what he does best:
Gather all the data, research the facts for possible ventures and then organise that information into a comprehensive structure which illuminates and gives clarity to the whole situation.  Yes, we can take action provided we have fully informed ourselves and have sufficient clarity to proceed. No need to dampen the enthusiasm arising within us. We just need to harness our sharp minds and clear any illusions, misconceptions or thinking which could lead us astray.  
Golden Oldies:
‘Back Home Again’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L9dPAh6M7I for Mars in Cancer
‘Back Home Again’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJUnnnXg_oY with lyrics and clip of John singing
‘Love Me Tender’ Elvis Presley Nora Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82bKZxss_OE Venus
‘Dance  Me to the End of Love’ Leonard Cohen Movie ‘Scent of a Woman’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDgzqoBnxcw  Venus
‘I Can See Clearly Now’ Jimmy Cliff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSuB4t3q_dA  Mercury
Upcoming Dates:
9th June:  Full Moon in Sagittarius
10th June:  Jupiter stations direct
That’s it folks! Hugs all around!
Bit of a delay with this update as I was caught up with my birthday celebrations over the past week.  Now, I’m recovering my energies and feeling the result of my light work in an amazing healing now beginning to manifest in my physical body.  I’ve had good reason to celebrate over the past week.  Yes, I am sending out a full moon update for 9th June.
Without a doubt we are opening to some amazing energies as we move into the second half o this calendar year. Maintaining our healing practices and devotion with our focus on the path of prosperity and expansion for ourselves will flow out to all humanity.  Everything we do for ourselves from the place of higher consciousness is for the good of all.  And  with the North Node in Leo until the end of 2018, we need to keep bringing in the light...into our body and onto the earth.  Light is energy and empowering and cleansing for all.
Love and blessings to us all as we draw in the light and send it out to the earth, the cosmos.
This is my Sabian Symbol I was given for my birthday and the year to come from the Sabian Symbols oracle.  I’m sending it on to you because I don’t think it’s just about me and my year.  It’s for all of us leading the change on planet earth.  Happy birthday to us all everyone!

Libra 2:
This wonderful Symbol shows a time of new beginnings with an implementation of a brand new order. Often, this shows people being interested in attaining spiritual transformation and attainment. As you change and grow there’s a need to respect the value of what is waning, and to take the best qualities with you into your future. This often shows being within reach of your ultimate potential. Some aspects of society are left behind for a higher, more evolved state. Ascension to a higher order is pictured, but there is a need to remain rooted in the reality of practicality, lest one loses one's way. Transference of the best of the past into the present. Younger, more vital energies taking over. Theosophy. Blavatsky's theories. Finding kindred spirits. Ascension and the New Age.'

This is the symbol for the Super Galactic Centre! 

And I'm singing 
'Baby we can't go wrong living the loving way'!
from the chair...flying

It’s all about love
Divine reunion


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