...for the children of the earth

Sunday 17 September 2017

10th September: Mercury entered Virgo, 'Apocalypse' Full Moon debrief

Photos by Igor Trier, Anatoly Khlopotnyuk Komi Russia
Hi everyone!
Whew!  A couple of weeks of uppers and downers driving us through amazing personal and planetary release and into a process which called on absolute faith that all will be well...eventually!  i wrote most of this update about a week ago but have simply been in the spiritual ‘recovery ward’ till now.
Full Moon, Solar madness and planetary cleansing mayhem:
It was quite a week with the Full Moon in Pisces calling for the uplift and then the Sun blazing to life with major solar flares, huge ongoing magnetic storms and wild weather across the planet. The sun gave forth a major flare, the biggest we’ve had for 10 years.  This light energy can affect us physically and emotionally.
Solar activity impacts us in different ways at different times:
Different people have different responses at different times so there is no hard and fast rule that we will always be affected by such activity or that all people experience the same degree of intensity. 
Solar activity brings light to the earth:  
However, you may have felt exhausted, nauseous, ‘scattered’ in energy, wide awake unable to sleep even if exhausted.  The solar bombardment this week was extraordinary yet delivered some wonderful auroras that lift our eyes and hearts skywards.  At the least this was a saving grace in a disturbing and volatile time  for the planet.
Water, Air, Fire and Earth:  The huge planetary cleansing of the past two weeks!
At the same time of all the solar activity, we were seeing and/or experiencing the widespread flooding in Bangladesh in particular followed by huge wildfires in USA along with wild hurricanes and huge flooding.  I also noticed flash flooding in Italy and Croatia.  A huge earthquake with loss of lives in Mexico added to the release of old energies from within the earth taking even more lives. 
There may well have been more happening across the planet but I couldn’t engage with all the media while all this was going on.  Just working with the light to mitigate the severity of this extreme weather was my contribution. The past week hasn’t been quite so intense although solar activity has continued to activate the magnetic field of the earth.
Was there a spiritual uplift at the Pisces Full Moon:  
The clearance is part of the Full Moon energy as full moons bring release!  Oh boy...did we release!
All of this planetary and solar activity seemed to acknowledge any spiritual uplift of the Full Moon in Pisces whilst this huge cleansing of the earth and humanity was affected so many people across so many continents.
‘Judgement Day’?:  A huge release of old energies from the earth and humanity!  An exodus of old energies!
If you didn’t feel uplifted by the Full Moon in Pisces, just trust that the cleansing and purification which has been happening is preparing the groundwork for new clean foundations as all those unresolved energies held within the earth and humanity are being lifted up and out of everything.  This is the process of ascension on earth. 
Cosmos and earth energies working together: 
Some parts of the earth were in major cleansing mode and took the hit for the earth this time, areas of the earth that needed cleansing and it was time for those energies to be released. But, we all felt the release and everyone on the earth had a direct experience of the Full Moon and planetary energies.  The cosmic line up was holding us in the letting go and surrender to forces which seemed beyond our control. 
Holding the light:  Trusting our creative focus and combined consciousness united in divine love!
The call was to hold the light, to hold the higher consciousness and to work, like magicians, with the forces impacting on the earth.  We are creative beings, living in the quantum field of the earth and the whole cosmos. We have within us the capacity to calm the winds and water, fires and the earth herself when we maintain calm, peace and love. 
The Pisces Full Moon along with the Virgo healing Sun:
The release of anger, grief, fear, pain, suffering, oppression, slavery, lies and corruption was palpable and many of us were feeling it in our physical bodies.  The memories were surfacing. These are energies ruled by Pisces and held within the collective unconscious. The Caribbean area has been just one of the centres for slavery and corruption in the world.
Releasing the ‘trapped’ energies from the collective unconscious:
Let’s not forget that Pisces rules the energies of spiritual uplift and mastery along with confinement, slavery, victimhood, martyrdom and the old religious belief systems of dogma which have led us to believe that the path of suffering and misery is the path to salvation.  We’re all holding these energies this lifetime and some of us are coming to resolution with the release of those energies.  It all depends on your divine ‘brief’ this lifetime...what your soul has chosen you to do as karmic resolution. 
Scientific research on the impact of solar activity on humans
Solar Symptoms and Side Effects
Psychological effects of CMEs (coronal mass ejections) are typically short lived and include headache, palpitations, mood swings, and feeling generally unwell. Chaotic or confused thinking, and erratic behaviors also increase.

10th September:   Mercury entered Virgo at 12.51 pm AEST
Any mentally resistant forces are being cleared!
Art:  'Awakening' Tomasz Alen Kopera 
Confusion is being cleared:
Mercury is ruler of our mental body, our ‘mind manager’ and in you’ve felt that the ‘manager’ of your thinking processes has been off the planet or AWOL from clarity, then you can appreciate the healing power of the Virgo energies which are acting upon us at this time. 
Practising quieting the ‘monkey mind’:  Just be quiet!
We’re being given absolute clarity as those energies which are keeping us from enacting forward movement are being cleared away.  I’m talking about the ‘monkey mind’ which seems to pop up with some negative thought just when we think we’ve got it together.  We can’t afford the indulgence of the monkey mind as we prepare for new directions as we approach the end of 2017. 

Our next step forward:  New Moon in Virgo...setting goals and intentions!
Any doubts, fears, insecurities or confused thinking are being cleared from our minds so clarity can be restored and strengthened so that we are ready to start into a new way of thinking after the New Moon in Virgo on 20th September.
17th September: Rebooting mind/body connection!  Hotheads?
Mars and Mercury met at 7 degrees Virgo ‘today’, about 12 hours ago as I write this update.  Mars is our fire and drive, our masculine warrior energy, ruler of the physical body and the head.  With Mars and Mercury meeting you may have felt anger, irritation or frustration arising within as we were called to reboot our ‘masculine’ mental thinking energies into higher consciousness.  Purification requires letting go of old thought patterns and processes.
Picking up speed after New Moon on 20th September: Saturn has turned direct but still sitting on 21 degrees.  He’s been on that degree since late July won’t move off that degree till late September. 
27th September to 12th October he’s on 22 degrees. So he really adds some speed.  That’s when we’ll feel the shift.
Golden Oldies:
‘The Good times are Coming’ Mama Cass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLwxVe6gmxY
The good times are coming
They'll be comin' real soon
And I'm not just pitchin' pennies at the moon

I'm not about to come unhinged
When everything goes wrong
A fact is something to be faced
But not for very long

The good times are coming
They'll be comin' real soon
And I'm not just pitchin' pennies at the moon

The good times are coming
When they come, I'll be there
With my both feet firmly planted in the air

There's gonna be a place for us
A place where we belong
To stand outside just looking in
Has got to be all wrong
Upcoming Dates:
20th September:  Venus enters Virgo
20th September:  New Moon in Virgo at 27 degrees 27 Virgo at 3.29 pm AEST
23rd September:  Sun moves into Libra
Hugs all around!
We’re on the road to recovery from the recent tumult as well as major oppressive energies which have been keeping us confined, suppressed and repressed in our own consciousness and our connection to the earth and her ancestral memory and history.
We’re heading towards the New Moon in Virgo on 20th September AEST followed by the September Equinox marked by the Sun moving into Libra on 23rd September AEST.  The Equinox is a turning point in our calendar year as well as our astrological year. 
The New Moon marks the completion of the eclipse vortex and our rebirth and entry into new energy with the New Moon in Virgo, sign of divine calling, healing, practical grounding feminine earth energy. Virgo also rules everyday work and with its connection to ‘divine calling’, what has been known as ‘service’, we can recognise that this is a perfect time to get clarity around those hopes and dreams which can be brought into physical reality from the New Moon onwards. 

We don’t have to begin the physical beginnings right on the New Moon but be ready to set the ball in motion at that time to play out in the weeks following the New Moon.  Mercury moves out of shadow on 19th, the day before the New Moon!
If ever there was a time to start preparing for the launch of new directions at the New Moon, this is it! 
We need to be prepared to throw out the doubts, fears and anxieties along with those self judgements arising from the Virgo critical evaluations and propensity to perfectionism.  Putting a toe in the water works well with this energy which is cautious and careful and will help you pace yourself if you allow that to be so.
We’re now heading into the ‘dark of the moon’, the 3 days before the New Moon in Virgo and it’s releasing all the way through these final days of this eclipse cycle.  Letting go all the way!
Love and blessings. 
from the chair...trusting my parachute
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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