...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 20 September 2017

20th September 2017 New Moon in Virgo

Hi everyone!
We’re in the dying rays of the Virgo Sun as we head towards the New Moon in Virgo followed by the Sun’s move to Libra marking the September Equinox.  The vines are growing in the creative flush of the Leo energies of the past months of intense Leo focus. 
It’s been an intense time of change:  We’re in the dark of knowing where we’re headed!
With two New Moons and a total Solar Eclipse in Leo catapulting us through the fires of transformative change and creative growth, many of us are only now preparing to emerge from the intensity of the eclipse vortex of change.
The coming month/s will start to show what has been developing and percolating inside us all as we’ve cleared and purified so much.  The truth will out!  That means us emerging into the light of a new dawn, new day with fresh perspectives.
This New Moon in Virgo brings a liberating force for the physical manifestation of healing mind, body, heart and spirit with Mars, Venus, Mercury all in Virgo, the sign of healing.
20th September:  Venus enters Virgo at 11.15 am AEST
Until 14th October
What’s been happening:  Venus has been in Leo through the eclipse focus for change!
Venus has been travelling through the fiery sign of Leo, opening our whole being to ‘the path of heart’ activating new desires, passions and awakening the child within.  It may have been challenging to feel the uplift of spirit through this time as we have been confronted by all those energies which have been holding us back from fully activating our divine fire energy. 
Mars/Mercury cleansing process has been mitigating the full experience of Venus in Leo joy!
With Mars/physical body/fire and drive and Mercury/mental body fully occupied with clearing memories and mindsets, it’s been difficult for many to feel the joy of the heart in its divine passion.  The purification  process of mind and body energy in Virgo the focus has been healing unresolved energies held within the physical and mental bodies.  
Venus in Virgo:   Now what!   The path of heart opens to our ‘divine calling’!
How ‘pure’ is your heart?  That’s what we’ll be finding out as Venus enters Virgo the sign of purification.  How our heart was activated during Venus’ time in Leo will now start to become evident as Virgo will clear out those impediments which are keeping us from full expression of what inspires us to give of ourselves in the world. From now on we’re going to find the vehicle to bring our heart energy into practical activation on the earthly plane.  Open heart to take us forward!
Mercury, Mars and Venus:  
Mind, body and heart all in healing realignment with divine ‘calling’!
The mental and physical clearance will continue when Venus enters Virgo as the three ‘personal’ planets join forces to take us through a gentle purging process, the hallmark of healing under Virgo.  Grounding our energies during this time will continue to be a focus as we activate new directions flowing on from the New Moon in Virgo.  We may be in process but the clarification of our energies is shifting us imperceptibly into new ways of thinking, feeling and living. 
Mercury and Mars: 
Mental and physical clearing ongoing to end of September, late October!
Mercury manager is in Virgo until 30th September so the mental clearance will continue until then. 
Mars, our physical body, fire and drive, will be in Virgo until 22nd October so the physical healing and tempering/realignment of our physical being and our masculine warrior energy will be under the Virgo guiding hand until that time. 
From 23rd September:  Partnership and marriage focus and healing resolution and balancing!
When the Sun enters Libra on 23rd September, the focus for heart healing will be through justice and equity playing out through one on one committed relationships.
20th September:  
New Moon in Virgo at 27 degrees 27 Virgo at 3.29 pm AEST
The big ‘post eclipse vortex’ tidy up:  Light swords at the ready!

Cleaning up, clearing out the 'dead wood' with a new lunar month carrying the supportive energies of spiritual 'domestic service'!  Resting, recovering and relaxing with our earthly lives as we exit from the eclipse energies and prepare for our 'discovery tour' of what's been happening 'undercover' these past weeks.

A New Moon, new lunar month:  
Planting the seeds, setting the intent!
A new moon brings a fresh start with new energies available to us and setting the agenda for the most conducive direction to take to maximise our growth and expansion. 
New focus for health, wellbeing, work and divine alignment with our work:
In Virgo, we’re being guided to plant the seeds of growth in the areas of work, ‘everyday’ work, divine ‘calling’ or service and in terms of healing, health and wellbeing.  If you’re feeling out of kilter with the nature of the work you are doing, this is a great time to consider and be open to possibilities which speak to you spiritually and at your heart centre.
What about a new pet?  New connections to our pets, domestic animals.
Virgo also rules pets so this is a great month to give our special animals some extra attention, care and healing. We may even decide to get a new pet during this next month.
Emergence from the eclipse vortex:  What happened?  Where am I?
This New Moon marks a closing of the eclipse portal that has been carrying us for quite a few weeks through all manner of shifts and turns.
A door opens at the New Moon:  
Post eclipse discovery tour!
As we emerge from the eclipse, our new doorway opens out to show us just how much has passed and changed during these past weeks.
Here and now:  
Getting our ducks in a row...mind, body, heart and spirit!
Right now we’re getting our ducks in a row as Venus joins Mercury and Mars in Virgo. What a line-up for the New Moon in Virgo!
As clarity returns new directions come into focus:  No need to rush!
Virgo is all about practical application, organisation and attending to the details with meticulous precision so when this energy is in full flight, it’s a perfect time to get our act together with refining goals, directions and putting in place some action plans.
The pieces of the jigsaw starting to fall into place:  
20th September,  Mercury leaves shadow retrograde at 11 degrees 38 Virgo
Let’s not forget that Mercury is still in Virgo until 30th September so we’re still clarifying and paring away the extraneous details which have bogged us down in the monkey mind chattering from old mindsets.  However, from the New Moon onwards we’re starting to get a clearer picture of what’s possible in terms of practical realisation.  This is not a dampener on the dreams.  Rather it is a supporting structure of mind, heart and body which will back us all the way. With Mercury leaving shadow retrograde as the New Moon comes in, expect revelations!
Planetary energies at the New Moon

A planetary T-square:  New Moon/Sun, Chiron and Saturn...big karmic healing release!
New Moon/Sun in Virgo 27 degrees
Chiron in Pisces 26 degrees opposing New Moon/Sun
Saturn in Sagittarius 21 degrees in square/challenge to New Moon/Sun and Chiron
Release of collective spiritual ‘wounds’:  Chiron in Pisces is bringing up and healing the wounds of the collective unconscious and assisting with the evolution of emotional energies through transcending the emotional overwhelm which arises as old spiritual ‘wounds’ are revealed and released.
The Virgo New Moon/Sun is all healing of the physical and of course with Mercury, Mars and Venus in Virgo, it’s also a powerful healing force on all levels of our being as Chiron is activated by the birth of the New Moon. It’s primarily physical, emotional and spiritual in focus but I’d expect an all encompassing healing process being set in motion at this New Moon.
Karmic release:
With Saturn in the picture, we always know the karmic aspects come into play and in Sagittarius, a call to higher consciousness, an ongoing process that’s been with us for nearly 2 years and taking us through these last months of 2017 before Saturn moves into Capricorn in December.
Accessing and harnessing the divine mind will assist in release processes:  Hocus, pocus, focus!
The ‘missing leg’ of the T-square formation is in Gemini so putting some focus into the Gemini energy will assist the release of the T square energies.  The Gemini energy calls for utilising the mental energies to focus the mind and in doing so, releases any build up of emotional overwhelm or emotional heaviness. 
The higher consciousness of Gemini can take us into what I call ‘the divine mind’ which can hold us in mental clarity assisting us to access the mastery and balance of handling big emotional releases. Just close the eyes and fill the head then the body with light.  Violet flame and/or blue light to begin followed by gold light, the alchemical energies which transform.
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Virgo:  From Lynda Hill
'The Right Use of Power, Possibilities and Potentials' Virgo New Moon

New Moon and Sun: Virgo 28
This Symbol shows a personality that “Seizes Power” and takes hold of situations. The fact that he’s “Bald” implies someone with experience, perhaps older, someone willing and able to take a stand and take charge. This pictures times to seize power and push forward with decisions that need to be grounded. It is by force of will that solutions will be found, but one must be careful to temper situations as displays of masculine will can get out of hand very quickly. This degree sometimes needs to be handled with caution as it can mean having people in one’s life that bully, push and demand. Dominating mental space to be in control. Male hormones run rampant. The story of Samson and his hair. Uniforms. Being cruel. Commanding and strong. The government.

23rd September:  Sun moves into Libra at 6.02 am AEST
Love, harmony, beauty and equity!
Until 23rd October 
Balance, harmony, love and peace:  Also justice, equity!
We tend to think of the Libran energy as all ‘sweetness and light’ when one of its major roles is to bring peace, love and harmony through justice and equity!
It can be a deceptive energy as we all crave the love and harmony that comes from feeling at one with ourselves, our committed ‘partnerships’ and with the world.
Libra: Justice...whatever it takes!
However, Libra will take on any energy which is out of balance, which is taking us or the world out of equilibrium and will address that re-balancing process with a fierce energy that seems out of the range of the Libran ‘love and harmony’ kitbag of magic.
The past year of Jupiter in Libra:
We just have to look at how Jupiter in Libra has been impacting us over this past year to see that as we chose to expand and grow (Jupiter) we brought up all manner of issues in relation to partnerships, love and peace.
Saturn has been working with Jupiter in raising consciousness:
We’ve had Saturn in Sagittarius stirring the consciousness and desire for more ‘divine’ consciousness and that has added to the conflicted energies of Jupiter in Libra as we’ve felt the push for more equitable relationships of all kinds.  It will be interesting to see how the dynamic changes when Jupiter moves into Scorpio on 10th October.  We might find out how much ground we’ve covered.
Love and ‘marriage’:  Seeking and building partnerships based on loving resonance!  
Finding kindred spirits!
The Libran Solar month puts our focus on love and ‘marriage’, committed partnerships whether in ‘marriage’ or in relationships which are close and committed such as with family members, business connections or close friendships.
Higher consciousness, more evolved relationships:  

The new relationship paradigm is emerging!
When we have loving committed connections with others we are constantly seeking balance and harmony, resonance of ‘like minds and like hearts’.  Equitable partnerships which support each other with respect and acceptance with the freedom to grow and expand as individuals, is the ideal sought by us as we grow into more evolved consciousness.  This next solar month I imagine we’ll be seeking relationships which may resonate with a higher consciousness.  As we shift, everything shifts.
It will be interesting to see how our relationships evolve in the coming weeks with Jupiter in his last 3 weeks of his year in Libra.  We’re winding up a cycle with respect to the Libran energies and how we emerge from this year of growth in Libra will be coming through in the weeks ahead as Mercury moves into Libra on 30th, Jupiter moves out of Libra on 10th October and Mars moves into Libra on 22nd October.  
The Sun moving into Libra marks the September Equinox:  A turning point for the year! 
The Equinox has traditionally been regarded as a strong esoteric energy connected to the ancestral traditions on earth as a marker of seasonal changes and the ‘magic’ of earth’s cycles.
The Equinoxes, like the solstices, are considered portals which usher in new energies supporting change and growth.  All we need to do is offer up our intentions and open to the energies of this day which offers a balance of night and day. 
The Equinox:  The Astronomy
On the equinox, night and day are nearly exactly the same length – 12 hours – all over the world. This is the reason it's called an "equinox," derived from Latin, meaning "equal night." However, even if this is widely accepted, it isn't entirely true. In reality, equinoxes don't have exactly 12 hours of daylight.
Golden Oldies:
Fields of Gold’ Eva Cassidy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1031Y6yM1c  for Venus and New Moon in Virgo
‘Love and Marriage’ Frank Sinatra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtS46Wfsxnw for the Sun in Libra
‘You Don’t Own Me’ Bette Midler, Diane Keaton, Goldie Hawn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_oFL_b719g evolving the relationship paradigm – Libra 
Upcoming Dates:
28th September, 2017 Uranus opposes/challenges Jupiter 27 degrees
29th September:   Pluto stations direct at 16 degrees 51 Capricorn
30th September:  Mercury moves into Libra at
Hugs all around!
Well, happy landing everyone as we emerge from the tumble dryer of the eclipse energies!  We might feel a little disoriented for a few days as we find ourselves.  It might be a little like a stranger in a strange land until we get the sense of how we’re feeling and of the changes that start coming through the filters.
As always, love and blessings to us all as we build and hold the light of love, embrace each other and the earth with loving kindness and maintain our faith and hope in our divine creative power.  As more people awaken and join us, the load will lessen.  It just seems at the moment that as we intensify our light, the dark energies are stepping up their resistance.
We’re moving into the last quarter of 2017 from this week and it’s going to be full of planetary changes to the social and economic climate and the bigger picture.  Trust in the spiritual safety net and surrender to love.
from the chair...dreaming the dream
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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