...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 27 September 2017

29th September 2017 Pluto direct, 30th September Mercury into Libra

Hi everyone!
Here we are flying in formation in the light of the Libran Sun.  Sometimes it can be challenging to hold our place, to maintain the balance but like the geese, sometimes we take the lead and sometimes we fall back to allow others to lead the way. 
It’s the knowing when to fly in the slipstream and when we’re up to being at the front of the flock leading the group.   To be in the forefront all the time can be draining and exhausting and doesn’t accommodate the total needs of the group energy.  We’re in this together and every one of us is important in holding our place as best we can.
Holding the balance:
Over the past weeks of the eclipse period it’s been very much the way many of us have been learning a whole new level of surrender and trust.  As well as the turmoil of the wider world manifesting with the weather events of fire, earth, air and water, we have the ongoing disruptive forces of social and economic change which are rattling our cages as beliefs and opinions are stirred up in conflict. 
Mastery of duality: 
The duality of this time has been escalating as we move into the solar month of balance and equilibrium, justice and equity and of course peace and love. It is our call how we handle these energies which are triggering us, challenging us to re-create new ways of living in harmony.
As of 26th September:  Make or break, boom or bust! 
Momentum is hectic!
Art: 'Geishas' Jose de la Barra
When you feel like rubbish but your 'cards' are looking fabulous! Bit of dissonance happening here with me.  Feeling out of sorts and I don't mean the licorice variety! I get the feeling there's plenty of this happening out there.

I know we've had Mercury/mind manager in square to Saturn, Lord of Karma which is the challenge to release old mental patterns of thinking from the physical and mental bodies.  Saturn rules joints, teeth, knees...surrender or bust!

Saturn has just moved off 21 degrees Sagittarius in the past few hours where he's been since late July. We will start to feel a little relief from feeling the constricting forces which have been holding us in the very slow speed lane. Saturn doesn't move fast anyway but he'll be through 22 degrees in 3 weeks!

An ongoing hectic week of energetic challenges and changes with the planetary aspects calling us to choose the higher road and the bigger vision to bring forth light to hold the light and just keep clearing.

A highlight will be the exact meeting of Uranus/the higher mind awakener in Aries and Jupiter in Libra, sign of marriage and partnerships. The radical individual flexing his muscles in partnerships of all kinds and in relation to marriage and relationships. Their exact opposition is on 28th September AEST.

After all, we are travelling in the sign of balance, harmony, love, beauty, peace, equity and justice! Whatever it takes!

27th September:  Saturn moves forward to 22 degrees Sagittarius...from marking time to forward march!  Not galloping...yet!
Saturn has been sitting on 21 degrees since late July and has kept us all in a holding energy, a little reminiscent of Mercury retrograde.  However, this holding/marking time energy has been more about keeping us on track, focussed and dedicated to constraining our energies so we can clear a whole stack of karmic energy including the examination and release of ideologies, belief systems, religious/spiritual/philosophical stances which have held us in the past.
Our horses are moving along with some baggage keeping us to a steady pace:
We are sure to notice the change in energy as Saturn moves on to a new degree. He’s in Sagittarius until December so we’re still working with a constricting force in relation to our feelings of liberation, movement and expansion, the hallmarks of Sagittarius.  But, the constrictions are going to start feeling easier as Saturn is on 22 degrees for only about 3 weeks as he picks up speed heading towards the December release from the inner struggle which has been one of the manifestations of Saturn in Sagittarius these past 2 years. 
I feel sure that Saturn in Sagittarius’ restrictive force has been a huge factor over these past 2 years which has been keeping us a little tied up and tired.  Let’s hope we’ll feel a small uplift and release of tension as he slowly gains speed. 
28th September: Uranus opposes/challenges in Jupiter at 27 degrees 22 Aries/Libra...push me/pull you energies!
Effective from 24th September to 2nd October
Radical assessments and realignments in marriage and partnerships:
Tug of war sport graphicsThese two big energies have been crossing paths on and off since the end of 2016 and this time is their last meeting.  Uranus in Aries has definitely been bringing forth our radical activists within in often dramatic fashion in seeking the expansion and liberation of justice and equity in partnerships of all kinds.  In these past months, many personal marriage agreements have been undergoing examination, coming to completion, realigning with more equitable principles within the partnership.
In terms of the individual and the partnership with the establishment, work, government, there’s been widespread challenges within our agreements as the individual seeks equity and entitlements which they feel are just and fair.  These conflicts may or may not come to a head at this time.  Whether or not they do, the resolution is underway and the Aries Full Moon on 6th promises some break out/breakthrough energies of completion and culmination.
This week we’re likely to see things coming to completion with conclusions which may flow on into October under the Libran Sun of justice.
29th September:   
Pluto stations direct at 16 degrees 51 Capricorn at 5.36 am AEST
Until 22nd April 2018
Art:  Giorgio Bisetti

Out of the labyrinth of change:  Discovering our new found power and understanding of self!
Pluto, Lord of Death, Rebirth and Transformation comes back to our conscious existence from his months of plumbing the depths. 

His discoveries and revelations through these past months will start coming to light and will likely bring us to a new understanding and acceptance of our own power to manage our world. 

Realising acceptance of success in our lives: 
Defining what success means for us personally!
Much of our new understanding will apply to recognition of our value, embracing our commitment to fulfilling our desire to be a success in our own eyes, knowing that when we commit to following our path of heart and our deep desire for fulfilment of our potential, our pathway forward is clear. 
Being successful in the wider world:  
A new state of being in the world of work and money!
Pluto’s in a long term transit of Capricorn, sign of tradition, the establishment, systems, governments and the sign where we find ambition and the drive for success and respect in the world of work.  Of course it can refer to areas other than paid employment but it is one of the key areas for Capricorn, to find and succeed and work which will showcase our gifts and talents, where we can attain the respect and reputation of a successful person in the material world.
30th September:  Mercury moves into Libra at 10.42 am AEST
Until 17th October

Moving from hectic to harmonious:
When Mercury moves out of Virgo we’re going to notice a real difference with all the mental activity/over-activity which has been keeping us all up and running.  Our minds have been getting a big healing makeover and realignment in Virgo and this has not necessarily been an easy exercise.  It felt a little like Mercury retrograde energy to me but I have a Gemini Sun and Virgo ascendant so double whammy there.
The mind finding balance and harmony:  It might be a bit ‘here and there’ at first!
This hectic mental energy will start settling down in the sign of balance and peace. Of course in Libra there can be a tendency to go from one choice to another and find trouble making a decision as part of Libra’s brief is weighing up choices and options and finding the most harmonious and beneficial outcome.
Pathway to love with the mind:
Libra is an air sign which means it’s preferred mode of operation is mind oriented.  It’s interesting when we think of this in relating it to Libra’s ruler which is Venus, the heart energy.  It’s Libra’s call to bring that heart energy into our thinking and our mental body.  When we think of beauty and harmony of love and peace, we train our minds to elevate to feeling love.
Golden Oldies:
‘World in Union’ Shirley Bassey, Black Mountain Male Chorus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbefqyNl0II for Pluto moving forward and Libra
Anthem of the Rugby World Cup.  With lyrics.
‘New World Coming’ Mama Cass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfQsngNoV7I Libra Sun, Mercury
with Mama Cass resplendent in 70’s fashion statement
‘New World Coming’ Mama Cass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlOFN2SYaEk video clip of scenery
New World Coming
There's a new world comin'. and it's just around the bend.
There's a new world comin', this one's comin' to an end.
There's a new voice callin', you can hear it if you try.
And its growin' stronger with each day that passes by.
There's a brand new mornin', rising clear and sweet and free.
There's a new day dawnin', that belongs to you and me.
Yes, a new world's comin', the one we've had visions of
Upcoming Dates:
6th October:  Full Moon in Aries
Hugs all around!
We’re all hanging in the air, cutting the ties with old baggage, karmic ties, contracts and whatever’s holding us back as we head towards the Full Moon in Aries on 6th October.  It promises to be a freeing experience and a divine reunion with our masculine/feminine energies in close conversation in Virgo.  The pink light of unconditional love is calling us to activate our heart energy and bring divine mercy, compassion and forgiveness into our magic bag of everyday living.  Not an easy call when our world is filled with benchmarks, comparisons and competition.
Love and blessings to us all as we reaffirm our choice for creating a world of goodness, beauty and love where everyone is honoured, valued and aligned with the common good of equity, justice for all.  We’re all flying together, one body, heart and mind!  Our spirits are aligned regardless of our 3D allegiances.  We are one humanity and love is our guiding force!
from the chair...armchair travelling

It’s all about love

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