...for the children of the earth

Thursday 5 October 2017

6th October 2017 Full Moon in Aries

Hi everyone!
Well that was quite a week winding up the 9th month of September.  That last day or two of September seemed like the end times.  When does the last day of the month end?  Well the day doesn’t end until the last person and place is through so for those of us in Australia it can be a ‘long day journey into night’!  There’s usually a building of intensity as we come to the final day, the final degree of an aspect or a transit of a planet. 
See-saw rebalancing:
Travelling in the light of the Libran Sun, there’s been the ongoing call for love, balance and harmony through the light of the Virgo New Moon which has carried us into a lunar month of ongoing healing.  And of course, anything that is out of balance in us, in our lives, or on the planet is being forced to re-align to harmony, balance and peace.
Purification Central:  The Virgo ‘party’ hasn’t been all a ‘bowl of cherries’!
The planetary activity in Virgo along with other planetary aspects is carrying us forward, shifting so much of our history and the planet’s history which is holding us back from expressing our greatest potential in the world.  First, we need to find that potential as we shed the overlays of conditioning and inherited ancestral memories.  
Past week of September:  Intensity of light downloads clearing the cell memories!
There was a sense of urgency for the last week of September with geomagnetic storms stirring up the solar downloads and bringing to the surface a whole stack of darkness which needed clearing. 
Attaining the emptiness, the void:  Preparing the way for new directions!
For many, there was the experience of ‘emptiness’, of ‘nothingness’ as we we released resistance and surrendered into the ‘not knowing’.  This, of course,is what is needed for us to ascend into that higher consciousness which is carried on the knowingness of our divinity. If you’ve been feeling a sense of futility, hopelessness over this past week, then there’s every likelihood you’ve been in the void. 
Mercury, mind manager has moved on from Virgo to Libra:  Balancing the mental energies!
We cannot move forward and grow if we keep trying to work everything out mentally, trying to keep control of our lives from the old 3D standpoint.  There is no place for these machinations in our elevation to love, joy and living in creative fulfilment on this planet. Whilst Mercury was in Virgo, the mind energy was powerfully speaking to us and this could have been working for us or against us.  Once we let go of the mind control, we can come into the heart energy, Libra’s domain.
What happened to the culminating release of the ninth month of the year? Where is the Libran joy?  Peace, justice, equity!

Choosing love...maintaining hope, faith and light in the rising darkness of despair
Exhaustion and a sense of futility:  Are we dying yet?  Are we there yet?
The first few days of October felt a little like walking through mud or rather, like Sisyphus, feeling the futility of an impossible task as violence in the world escalated and played out in Spain/Catalonia and in USA.  It’s ongoing in other parts of our world.  The Myanmar/Bangladesh violence and mayhem is just one example of this. 

Death throes of the old order of oppression across the planet:
Last week Pluto, Lord of Death, Rebirth and transformation came to a standstill as he changed direction to move forward in the sign of Capricorn.  His intensification of power was palpable.  Systems, governments and the old order and traditions in our society are in an ongoing process of change, death/rebirth and growth. 

Digging for gold in 2018:  Saturn in Capricorn comes home!
We’re still in the working out of all this old order and it will be with us until 2024.  But remember, Pluto offers us the gold at the bottom of the mind and we could come to that point any time between now and 2024.  2018 promises some big changes on this front as Saturn moves into Capricorn in December for 2 years.  Saturn won’t be meeting up with Pluto until 2020.  That will be a huge reboot!
Truth, liesWhere are we? 
Saturn in final months of Sagittarius
Final exams for this one in ideology, truth, wisdom and divine law!
We still have Saturn in Sagittarius, bringing up truth, lies, fabrications and the revelations of manipulations by the media.  But who is telling the truth?  With Neptune in Pisces long term, the illusions of photography can be manipulated by anyone and we need to be careful not to fixate on ‘knowing the truth’ from hearsay and photographs.  The fact is we actually don’t know the hidden agendas of those who control and manipulate the media.  I’m not just talking mainstream media here.  The social media platform is rife with information from any number of sources.
What can we do: 
Just keep focussed on our personal truth! 
Stay focussed on higher consciousness and divine love!
Regardless of who’s killing who, who’s manipulating information, who’s putting out ‘false flags’ we could all agree more or less that there is death, destruction, killing from either natural or human forces happening across the planet. 
What’s our spiritual goal:  If you’ve lost it...come back to love!
We can be side-tracked by all the stories, the news and the conflicting discussions about what’s the truth.  I believe it is a waste of our energy speculating, trying to tune in when we need to work with the unseen energies for our spiritual goal of peace, love, harmony and divine equity and abundance on all levels.  We start with ourselves, our immediate inner circle and go from there. As we feel the pain and suffering across the planet which is tapping into our energy centres and memory banks, we have the knowledge and capacity to shift this energy in whatever way we can.  I believe the old adage that ‘we have everything we need’ to do whatever it takes.
6th October:  
Full Moon in Aries at 12 degrees 43 Aries at 5.40 am AEDT
Coming to completion, a culmination:  Fiery, emotional, explosive!
The Full Moon is always an emotional release point for the lunar month and the Aries Full Moon is when all those feelings of suppressed emotion can burst out of us in seemingly inappropriate ways or at the slightest trigger.  It’s a flashpoint!
The Libran Sun opposite the Aries full Moon:
‘I am and we are’!
The Sun opposite the Full Moon brings the focus of our fire and drive into the realm of partnerships. With Mercury, our mind manager and talking head up close and personal to the Sun in Libra, we can expect this Full Moon to be a bit of talk fest with potential for emotionally explosive releases. 
Reflections and projections:  The ‘good’ and the ‘bad’!
Always a reminder at this full moon that we are likely to access the true picture of ourselves as we are reflected in the world, whether it be significant others in our lives or in the people we meet at this time.
We all have dark and light within us living on planet Earth, so an acceptance of all that we are ‘warts and all’ is a first step towards divine love.  Compassion, forgiveness and acceptance of others follows!
What kind of party is this one:  Letting it all out!   
The choice is ours...violent explosion or magnificent fireworks!
We can put the potential for explosive release down to Pluto in Capricorn which is in square to the Sun and Moon. However we have some risk management in place here, a mitigating element with Pluto in harmonious connection/trine to Mars and Virgo.  

This could be powerfully explosive which is a fiery release of repressed emotions, tension which has been held within which now seeks expression in some form in the world.  We could experience this as anger surfacing from within, from the unconscious as the Full Moon opens us up to long held memories, ancestral or of this or other times and places.  

We could be releasing the emotions on behalf of others whether close connections or people on the planet.  The point is we need to release emotions safely and to turn the anger into divine passion.  The potential for sexually explosive experiences may well be an expression of these energies.
Planetary energies at this Full Moon:
Mars conjoins/meets Venus at 19 degrees Virgo:  
A reboot of our masculine/feminine energies!  Make it or break it!

How auspicious to have Mars, our masculine energy meeting with Venus, the feminine in the sign of healing right at this Full Moon which is all about activating our fire, passion and ‘I am’ divine energy and finding the balance within our partnerships with the Libran Sun opposite the Full Moon.
T square of Mars/Venus, Chiron and Saturn:  

Divine reunion, divine karmic healing resolution!
This can be a divine reunion but being in square to Chiron, our wounded healer in Pisces/25 degrees, with both energies forming a square/challenge to Saturn in Sagittarius, there may be some painful energies emerging in this potential Full Moon ‘Talkfest’. It doesn’t have to be explosive or even painful as it may manifest as something coming into balance and harmony in our relationships and in our inner masculine/feminine balance.
Uranus in Aries holding opposition to Jupiter in Libra:  
Divine karmic justice holding the balance at this fiery Full Moon!
With Jupiter in his final week of Libra, we’re in the intensity of the final reckoning of karmic justice with respect to his work of the past year.  He just went through his final opposition with the renegade radical energy of Uranus in Aries but they’re still within a degree of each other in opposition as we come into the Full Moon energy. 
Let’s not forget that this Full Moon is calling us to burn through the restrictions and release ourselves from any emotional imbalances held within our memory banks.  Aries will not settle for second best or for restrictions on individual liberty.  ‘Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains!’
A fiery trine still happening: 
Making sure we’re all on the same page karmically and in the evolutionary process!  
We have nothing to lose but our chains!
Uranus speaking harmoniously/trine with North Node of the Moon in Leo and Saturn in Sagittarius is helping us align with this divine breakout from all the chains of karmic contracts and commitments.  It’s not over yet but it’s another step in the right direction.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Aries:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Full Moon Aries 13
This Symbol shows that explosive elements need discharging. Pressure cooker energy needs to be released, but it often needs to be done slowly and carefully. By keeping a sense of control, one can handle wild situations, elements or people without things getting out of hand. Be an example to others of how calmness and quiet can take the charge out of things. Take whatever opportunities you can to defuse elements as an explosion often damages more than is expected. You may have to hide something away so things don’t get crazy, but with some careful thought, all should be well. Tantrums and frustrations. Rash emotional actions and decisions. Intelligence organizations. Valuable lessons of self restraint. Simmering tempers. Defusing situations.

Sun Libra 13
This Symbol shows issues to do with play, make believe, and fantasy. It is through simplicity and imagination that “Children” come together and enjoy play that is sometimes meaningless and yet very important to development. There is often a sense of being on the surface, not delving very deeply into life, however, there needs to be a lighthearted attitude and not always be deep and meaningful, for it will be in fleeting moments of fun that you will find pleasure, joy and companionship. There can be a feeling, however, of a lack of depth in relating - like things that are said are like cartoon captions with little substance behind them. Spending time being creative with children. Drama. Pollyanna attitudes. Toys and playing. Acting. Cartoons. Escapist attitudes. Fun for the sake of fun. Simple joys.



Lauren Gorgo’s latest message: ‘Planetary Graduation: human to divine law’

Golden Oldies:
‘Fire and Rain’ James Taylor and Carole King https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jitJp1-bmQ0
‘Light My Fire’ Jose Feliciano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QJyyznbqUg

Upcoming Dates:
11th October:  Jupiter moves into Scorpio 12.20 am AEDT
14th October:  Venus moves into Libra at 9.11 pm AEDT
Hugs all around!
Well I think we all need it as we keep getting bowled over by world events and experiencing the repercussions in our homes, lives and nations.  Our humanity is being sorely tested to remain calm, balanced and to carry on. We can and we will.
Love and blessings to us all as we continue on with faith and trust that we are creating a better world with the light of love, acceptance of ourselves and all of humanity and with our standing together across the planet...even if some of us are laid out by the recent days, weeks, months, years of commitment and dedication.
Violence is inbuilt to our history and to our synapses.  As we choose to turn violent reactions to passionate engagement with love and our divinity, we are changing the course of history every minute, every day.

from the chair...recovering
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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