...for the children of the earth

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

11th October 2017, Jupiter into Scorpio, 14th October, Venus into Libra, 17th October Mercury enters Scorpio

Hi everyone!
We’re emerging from the larger than life energies of the Aries Full Moon where so much of our masculine fire and drive wanted to get out and DO something to release the flames of passion within. 
Experiencing the fiery passion within:  From anger to joy!
Ironically, with the moon and especially the Full Moon, the feminine receptive energy is calling us to feel our emotions and allow ourselves the time and space to experience the ignition of our ‘I am’ spirit, the essence of ourselves.  Trusting that you all managed to move through this explosive energy with some insight and understanding of how the planetary energies impact on us and on all humanity and the earth herself.
We’re all working to raise our emotional consciousness:  Evolving!
Humanity is still acting out the anger towards others as violence, cruelty, war and vengeance.  We are still working with the less evolved consciousness where people just don’t know how to handle such emotions.  We know how tough it is as so many of us who actually know the feeling of anger are still working with our own awareness of how to harness this energy for positive good.
We are all unique and so is our planetary map for this lifetime:
We need to remember that the general influences such as my updates may affect you in different ways depending on your natal chart, the map of your planetary placements at birth.  We are all different and whilst there’s a widespread influence, it really comes back to you as an individual and your particular spiritual brief and karmic agreement this lifetime. If you have a copy of your natal chart then you need to consider where the planets are in relation to your birth/natal chart and as well with where you find your progressed planets. 
www.astro.com offers free charts if you put in your birth information.  They also offer free daily transits in brief and a whole lot of information to help you understand your natal chart and the transits.
Goodbye to Jupiter in Libra:
Closing the door on Jupiter in Libra:  Resolution of karmic justice!
As Jupiter enters Scorpio, we close the door on Jupiter’s journey through Libra in the past year. The focus has been on peace, equity, love, harmony and justice in relation to partnerships of all kinds.  It doesn’t mean we’ve completed all karmic agreements or that all inequities have been put to right.  But it does mean that much inequity and justice within the world has been brought into consciousness over the course of the past year with Jupiter’s searchlight for truth and divine law and ethics.
Negotiations with either severing or renewing the commitments:  
A new order of partnerships!
It's not over yet of course but this is just another doorway of change It's personal with relationships and partnerships of all kinds including work situations with employers/employees as well as close partnerships with marriage partners, friends and family. Have you been in negotiations with any of these situations over the past year? Maybe you're in the final stages of closing doors on past 'partnerships' that have been hanging out in the psyche and weighing down the memory banks. It's about karmic closure, re-balancing and clearing karmic agreements, contracts or commitments.

Mass awakening to inequity and injustices across the planet:  More truth will be coming to light!
A huge amount of information has been surfacing this past year in relation to corruption, unethical practices and inequities across the planet.  It’s been happening at the personal level too as people come to realisations about their partnerships, personal, marriage, intimate, family, work and partnerships with employers and/or employees.  What has been out of balance and harmony has been coming to light and often proceeding to legal proceedings, investigations and resolution of malpractices by those in powerful positions.

Clearance of partnership issues:  
Jupiter in Scorpio will dredge up any undiscovered information which will bring completion!
Many people are resolving partnership issues which may have been going on for years. This doesn’t mean the partnerships are ending for good but it may well be so.  This means that we are coming into a new state of being in relation to these partnership issues.  I do not discount memories of partnership which may still remain unresolved in our memory banks. There's always a sense of urgency and intensity as a planet comes to completion of a transit in a sign and sits on that final degree. Close whatever doors need to be closed and if it all's in process allow it all to complete in its own time.
What’s coming in:
Gear shifts:  Jupiter, Venus and Mercury all change signs!
Three planetary movements this week.  A major move of Jupiter out of Libra into Scorpio for the next year bringing more transformation and change in society.  The two ‘personal’ planets, Venus/heart energy and Mercury/mind energy are both changing signs so we have a gear change happening at a heart and mind level.  Combined with Jupiter’s shift we’re clearing the decks for new understandings and changes of heart and mind taking us towards the end of 2017.
11th October:  Jupiter moves into Scorpio 12.20 am AEDT
Deep as the ocean!
Until November 2018
Big picture:  As high as the sky, as deep as the ocean!
Jupiter is big, expansive and carries the energy of hope and optimism.  Scorpio is as deep as the ocean.  As Jupiter enters the deep waters of the Scorpio energy we know that major transformation is ahead both personally and globally.  We’ll be expanding our vision and the depth of our understanding in a whole new way.
Time for the release from the karmic reckoning of the past year:
Jupiter in Scorpio is really going to bring to light the karmic work of this past year of Jupiter in Libra.  Whatever has been happening in our lives either personally or globally in terms of the rebalancing act of harmony, love and karmic justice is likely to manifest with the closing of doors and major endings. 
Scorpio’s X ray vision:
We'll be feeling the full depth of just how much ground we've covered during the past year of Jupiter in Libra. Expect lots of flotsam and jetsam to float to the surface in the next year as Scorpio's X-ray vision brings endings and completions across the globe.

Stripped down to the essence:  Rebirth on tap!
Scorpio rules life, death, rebirth, transformation as well as intimate sexuality and money, the big money ruled by the powers that be. These areas are in Scorpio’s spotlight!

Pluto is Scorpio’s ruler and Pluto is the Lord of life, death and rebirth so we know the cycle of change will be happening at a deep level as Scorpio will be dredging the bottom of the ocean for clearing impediments to our attainment of deep fulfilment. 
Digging deep to find the inner gold mine:  
A year of powerful change as we prepare to discover our inner resources of pure gold!
On that note, Pluto rules big money, powerful people of wealth.  A Plutocracy is a government ruled by wealthy people.  Scorpio rules underground and/or hidden wealth such as we know of in the mining industry.  This energy of beneficial, lucky Jupiter is moving into the sign of hidden treasure and alchemical change process through the golden light of magical healing.
Cutting free of impediments:  Scorpio scalpel ready for spiritual surgery!
Whatever is blocking our transformation will be removed as the Scorpio scalpel of spiritual surgery has its way with cutting out the dead ‘tissue’.  Scorpio rules surgery and there is within Scorpio the powerful healing energy of the spiritual surgeon.
Big healing energies become available as Jupiter comes into Scorpio offering major breakthroughs in health, healing and in medical breakthroughs.  Jupiter expands everything so something small will become huge.
Widespread social change across the planet:  More truth coming to light in the final months of 2017!
Jupiter along with Saturn is what’s known as a ‘social’ planet as the two of them impact so strongly on the whole populace.  Jupiter is the world and being in Scorpio we can expect widespread transformation across the planet.  With Saturn finishing up in his last months of Sagittarius, the ideologies, philosophies, dogma and belief systems which drive big money will be under the Scorpio microscope. Of course, truth will continue to come to light with Scorpio in control of this energy but it’s a new story after Saturn goes into Capricorn in December this year. 
From December 2017 to November 2018:  
Massive social and economic change!  Transformation, death and rebirth! 
When Saturn moves into Capricorn in December we’re going to see some major economic and social change on the global level.  Big money, big business, government, multinational organisations and financial markets may be impacted. We’re likely to see breakdowns in world health as well as major breakthroughs in the medical field.  I won’t say pandemics because we associate Pisces with this energy.  However, let’s not forget that Jupiter once ruled Pisces.

Jupiter in Scorpio Special Horoscope Overview for ALL signs by Nadiya Shah - Oct 2017 - Nov 2018

14th October:  Venus moves into Libra at 9.11 pm AEDT
Love is in the air!
Until 7th November
Home at last:  3 weeks to bring our hearts back into balance!
Venus comes home to the place of harmony, peace, balance, justice and love. Well that’s we hope for as now we have Jupiter in Scorpio making waves as he dives deep into the murky depths followed by Mercury in just a few days from now taking our mental bodies out to sea to clear our heads!
Choose equilibrium, balance and harmony:  
Keep returning to the beauty in the world...divine love!
This will be a welcome respite even though Libra can be a bit cranky if the energies are not in tune.  This, of course, is our sign to get ourselves back to the state of equilibrium which is paramount for a state of divine manifestation.  We need to feel the harmony, feel the love. feel that everything is right and rosy in our world no matter what is going on around us.  Of course that never changes but at the moment it will be extra important with Jupiter’s move into Scorpio stirring us all up. 
Venus in Libra helping us to negotiate Jupiter, Mercury in Scorpio:
We need to get in touch with this energy so it can carry us through the Scorpio energies which act like a ‘dose of salts’ clearing out our lives. The Sun moves into Scorpio on 23rd October and away we go again on the rolling waves of change. 
Reflections, mirrors, projections:  Owning and accepting ourselves...and others at the heart level!

Of course Venus in Libra can bring up the reflections, the mirrors, the projections which arise in our one on one partnerships.  That of course is part of our process to individuation, learning about ourselves through relationship.  Just remember that Mercury in Scorpio can throw up some harsh words and to temper the tendency to put ‘our stuff’ onto our close ones. 
Heart power holding the mental energy steady:  
Burning off the mental dross through the heart!
Venus/heart energy,  will be holding Mercury/mind manager steady as he takes to the deep waters of Scorpio possibly feeling a little wobbly with motion sickness in Scorpio’s transformational energies of change.  if we hold steady in our hearts, this next stretch of energy adjustment will be negotiated with some ease and grace. We need to keep coming back to the heart to find our centre and to feel our heart light is guiding us through these next few weeks of the Scorpio change process. By the time Venus gets into Scorpio, Mercury will have moved onto Sagittarius so there’s a nice counterbalancing of heart/mind energy. 
17th October:  Mercury moves into Scorpio at 6.58 pm AEDT
Rolling in the deep!
Until 6th November
Riding the ocean waves in our own personal tugboat:  No shortcuts here!
Mercury, our mind manager, ruler of communication, commerce and our mental body is finding himself in the deep waters of Scorpio.  Mercury is a quick thinker and fast acting energy who would like to be skimming across the ocean in a jet ski.  No way can this happen while he is in Scorpio who will take our mind energies deep into the cave of the psyche.
Deep emotional healing for our minds:  Keep that light on mentally!
Scorpio is bringing deep and powerful emotional healing to our mental processes.  If we can but allow our little tugboat to carry us through any turbulence that may arise as Scorpio asks us to let go, let go, let go and trust the divine powers of transformation that are in play at this time.
From the balancing act of Libra into eagle eyed focussed Scorpio!
All that to-ing and fro-ing Mercury in Libra energy is now being brought into a whole new place as we ride our little tug boat, guided by the lighthouse of divine protection. We probably need to keep our light turned on inside our minds reminding us of the power of clearing the mental clutter and gaining a new clarity, insight and mental power!

A heads up for a little challenge on the road ahead!
From 17th to 20th October:  
Mars in Virgo opposing/challenging Chiron in Pisces and squaring off to Saturn in Sagittarius
A major healing release of old spiritual wounds, karmic burdens, contracts and energies from the physical bodies.
Golden Oldies
‘How Deep is the Ocean’ Frank Sinatra (video clip) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUblV_s58JM  Jupiter in Scorpio
‘How Deep is the Ocean’ Ella Fitzgerald https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fY2EOIjeBE
‘Till the end of Time’  Earl Grant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DegVjPeZ1w Venus in Libra dream of commitment
‘The Morning After’ Maureen McGovern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KClpLzFftU
Video clip from the movie ‘The Poseidon Adventure     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcLazPauA1c Mercury in Scorpio 
Upcoming Dates:
20th October:  New Moon In Libra at 26 degrees 35 Libra at 6.12 am AEDT
23rd October:  Mars moves into Libra
23rd October:  Sun into Scorpio
Art:  Barbara Issa Wagnerova
Hugs all around!
We’re all in the same boat rising above the turbulence in our minds, our heart energies holding us in an umbrella of protection above the turmoil and whirlpools that will appear with the Scorpio energies coming in.  As long as we hold to our beautiful hearts and maintain the purification of our being, we will ‘make it through the night’.
Wonderful breakthroughs are happening to people with long standing issues with family, friends, work, home and life in general coming to a closure of difficulty and a new energy of hope, optimism and fresh starts happening.
As we maintain and create the image of love and peace at least in our worlds, we are building a new earth even as the old order is crumbling around us.  There’s plenty more destruction to happen and we need to trust that what leaves the earth, needs to leave so we can go on.  That’s Scorpio, divine death and regeneration...the phoenix rising from the ashes!
Love and blessings to us all, the earth and the cosmos in our heartfelt commitment and dedication to the power of love!
from the chair...on board
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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