Hi everyone!
Doesn’t this look so peaceful, the swans in the light at the ending of the
day. We’re right at the ending of the Libran solar month and it hasn’t exactly
been a float on the lake. But that’s what we’ve been learning to do.
Karmic burdens and ties
What a week has just gone by with the culmination of the New Moon in
Libra. How much karmic insight, release and rebalancing has been happening and
setting in motion a whole new impetus with respect to divine karmic justice.
The big dark wave of energy that was released last week sucked the life out of a
whole lot of us as it rose out of the voices of the collective speaking of the
abuse which is so rooted in our world that it’s been ignored. More on this
It’s all happening: An undercover job!
It may not yet be obvious in the physical wider world yet but we need to
know that energetically it is happening and that we are part of the change
process as our individual planetary and spiritual history is being brought into
the light, reviewed and brought to peace and love within each one of us. It’s
an individual process yet operates within the context of the whole relationship
context of our lives.
Now Mars, our fire and drive masculine energy is just about to move into
Libra and the Sun is poised to move on from the Libra balancing act and plunge
us into the deep waters of the Scorpio renewal process. What a difference a day
Last week:
Drowned in a collective shadow of
emotional release
Did you feel it? Whew!
Last week:
Mars in Virgo came into a face to face meeting with
Chiron in Pisces:
A collective whoosh of major healing energy for
the collective unconscious with ‘wounds’ of pain and suffering being released.
The two of them were at 25 degrees of Virgo/Pisces. Black Moon Lilith in
Sagittarius squared off to both of them and with the Uranus ‘door opener’
working with Lilith, spiritual prison doors were opened.
It was physical, emotional and spiritual:
Mars was in the final degrees of Virgo, experiencing a deep healing of the
masculine energies and our fire and drive and Virgo is ruled by
Mercury/communication and Chiron. We all have the masculine and feminine
energies within us. It's not just about men but about healing the old
'masculine' energies that have assumed power over others.
in Scorpio: Opening the doors of sexual oppression for release!
The celebrities were the ‘door openers’ which indirectly triggered the ‘me
too’ campaign initiated as an exercise to demonstrate how endemic is the sexual
politics of power and control in our world.
I wonder about the power of all the Leo energy this year, two New Moons, a
total solar eclipse and the planetary north node in Leo. Leo is associated with
‘celebrity’ energy being the shining lights of our world. I feel this Leo focus
has awakened a new found spiritual power which can speak of the shadow
The ‘me too’ social media campaign:
Awakening, releasing and
freeing! Straight from the horse’s mouth!
The 'me too' campaign on social media took off
when Mars, our masculine warrior energy was facing off to Chiron/spiritual
wounds in Pisces, sign of the collective unconscious. As the celebrity door
openenrs spoke up, they triggered a response in those who have been ‘wounded’
this or other lifetimes with the sexual harassment and abuse energies which have
been used by power brokers throughout time.
And it wasn’t just the women who spoke out although they were in the
majority. Men spoke of their disempowerment as well as some men coming forward
to awaken those who have sat by and watched the domination of others. A big
awakening! Watch this space for more as Jupiter powers through Scorpio for the
next year. Scorpio rules sexual power and intimacy.
Breaking down the prison walls of spiritual confinement:
Moon Lilith, our shadow feminine in cahoots with Uranus in Aries unlocking the
Assisting in this liberation of imprisoned
energies was Black Moon Lilith at 27 degrees Sagittarius in a squaring off to
Mars and Chiron and being ably assisted by the sudden awakening door opener of
Uranus in Aries. The spiritual warrior energy was being activated by the dark
goddess of Lilith, our shadow feminine energy as she broke through the karmic
burdens of old ideologies inspiring the eruption of truth.
Chiron: The ‘Talking cure’ to release painful ‘wounds’ from the
Chiron is about speaking of the 'wounds' held in
our psyche and at present it's about our collective psyche. No wonder so many
women felt they could speak up and speak out about their experiences and free
themselves. I noticed men speaking up too, on behalf of women but also about
abuse they have suffered in their lives from the ‘old masculine’ energies. When
we tell the 'sad' stories of our lives, we are getting in touch with the
emotions that have been locked into us. Sometimes people tell their stories
incessantly in their efforts to release those stories. It's called
We are the witnesses to the
stories of others. We don't have to listen to everyone on social media. But we
can give people the space to speak with each other in their efforts to free
themselves from stuck emotions. It is their right. It is not our right to block
those who have been or are oppressed from having a voice and being heard. It is
our call to allow people their process to free themselves from the painful
A planetary healing:
Everyone receives the benefit!
Let's trust that the opening of wounds last week
has brought a healing release to many women and men and they felt a reunion with
their hearts at the Libran New Moon. Interesting that this whole wave of dark
‘memories’ was released in the days leading to the New Moon in Libra, planet of
karmic justice, peace, equity and partnerships through the power of love.
Now we see our masculine
warrior moving into Libra where he really has to ‘come to heel’ without the
fighting and rage which have been symptomatic of past manifestations of his
energy on this planet. He’s learning to love.
23rd October: Mars moves into Libra at 5.29 am
A little diplomacy please!
Until 9th December
Art: Susan’s Art
Mars is being tamed: He has to learn to ‘play
nice’ and be fair and just!
Not necessarily a happy chappie in Libra as Mars is all fire, drive and
action, wants to take on the world with gusto and fight to the death if
necessary. So how does he manage being confined to the harmonious Libran
energy? Libra just wants him to settle down and make peace, harmony and living
the loving life.
The impetus and drive to find loving partnership:
Mars can translate this urge to merge that comes
with Libra, as the need to find love with another. Romance will be ok but we’ll
be looking for committed connections.
With both Venus and Mars in the sign of marriage and partnership, our
feminine and masculine selves will be looking for love and hopefully
Scorpio Sun will colour relationships for the next month:
Deep intimacy part of the mix!
Just remember that the Scorpio Sun coming in
will colour the relationship stuff with deep sexual intimacy which may or may
not translate into commitment.
Sudden attractions, sudden departures:
After all, the New Moon in Libra last week was opposite radical Uranus in
Aries setting in motion sudden and dramatic changes for the rest of the lunar
month. Anything could happen which can stir up committed partnerships as well as
the urge to find such partnerships. Intense attractions which may not follow
through in expectation may occur. Just enjoy all this sudden surge of loving
connection and be in the moment.
Mars could feel constrained, marking time:
So, what’s new? Sounds
like this year!
If you’re in a partnership situation you may
feel this acting out with others but when you’re on your own whether for a day,
week or on an ongoing basis, there’s no way to get away from yourself if you’re
feeling any frustration or irritation. Mars in Libra may feel somewhat
constrained in terms of the masculine ego which wants to run the show and tell
us how it is.
What’s firing you and how can you best utilise this energy which wants
action now!
Of course Libra is all about maintaining balance through seeking justice,
equity and of course her brief is bringing us to love and harmony through this
process of equity. Just remember Mercury’s in Scorpio so words can be potent and
intense if we speak up.
23rd October: Sun moves into Scorpio at 4.27 pm
Prepare to die and be reborn!
Until 22nd November
Scorpio time: Life, death, rebirth and
transformation! Letting go time!
It’s that time of year when we go deep into the cave of our own psyche,
willingly or not, to recover our lost aspects, to release the ‘dead’ energies
we’re still holding within. it can be a daunting time if we’re afraid to face
up to ‘buried’ stuff within us and/or within our lives.
Decaying elements of our lives cut out: No hiding
If we’ve ignored, dismissed or buried ‘issues’, memories or experiences in
the ‘too hard basket’ then we need to be prepared to face these buried
energies. Scorpio is relentless in uncovering what’s needed for us to grow and
move on. It is all about growth so it’s pruning time. Scorpio rules ‘surgery’
so holds the scalpel for cutting out any part of our lives that is festering.
We’re going deep to find our shining light within: Light of
Scorpio is about deep emotions which may be
buried within us...minds, bodies, hearts or spirits. The realm of the emotions
is the Scorpio key which unlocks our deep rooted blocked energies, releasing the
powerful healing rays of transformation.
With Jupiter in Scorpio now, this
month’s experience promises to be a little more upbeat than we may have been
used to in Scorpio time for other years.
Love and deep passion: Intimate encounters awaken the soul
Scorpio rules intimate sexual connections so as
indicated in the Mars in Libra section above, this could well occur. Libra’s
about commitment in relationships and Scorpio’s about sexual intimacy as well as
sexual healing.
There’s a strong impetus to connect at a deep soul level and this desire
could draw in kindred spirits with a soul connection.
Money as a focus:
Settling money agreements, receiving owed
moneys, gifts, inheritances, partnership finances
Scorpio rules money from sources other than earnings, including joint
finances, taxes, insurance inheritances and gifts.
Interesting that on 27th October when Jupiter
meets with the Sun in Scorpio, Venus is in a challenge/opportunity in square to
Pluto. Venus rules love and money and Pluto is about big money (investments,
stockmarkets etc.)
I include this because this week we could find this area of our life comes
to the fore. Lucky winnings? With Jupiter in play, could be. Mercury is in
Scorpio so commercial matters may be relevant here with respect to money.
27th October: Sun meets Jupiter at 3 degrees
Scorpio...rebooting the light! Big transformation on
Expansion, optimism and growth meets the light of the Sun in the
Scorpio ‘cave’! Follow the rainbow!
This is a very fortunate meeting which signifies
a fresh energy coming in with the light of the Sun, our most powerful cosmic
energy in a mutually beneficial meeting with the great optimist Jupiter. Both
these planetary energies are incredibly powerful and positive meeting in the
sign of transformation, Scorpio.
Whatever births from this meeting will impact on us all differently.
However, it will mean major positive changes on tap for us all. Of course we
have to be open to such opportunities and shifts happening within us and within
our lives. Something wonderful is ready to birth within us.
1st November: Saturn in square to Chiron at 24
degrees Sagittarius/Pisces
Effective from: 28th October to 5th November
This is the period of time when Saturn and
Chiron are in an exact square which means a major opportunity for releasing old
karmic wounds and treadmill/conditioning reality of the matrix. Now this will
likely resonate with the Mars/Chiron opposition that we went through last week.
It’s not the exact same degree, as Chiron has moved in retrograde back one
degree. However, there is likely to be a bit of an echo with old karmic
collective wounds releasing.
Saturn wasn’t a major player in the last week but was pulled in to the
picture with Black Moon Lilith, our shadow feminine which was at 27 degrees.
Saturn’s packing in as much clearance as possible before he moves on from
Sagittarius in December. This particular meeting is the last of 3 which have
happened over the last months. With Saturn involved, we know karma is involved
and in Sagittarius, higher consciousness is calling us on.
Golden Oldies
‘River Deep, Mountain High’ Ike and Tina Turner
Sun in Scorpio
‘Smile’ Nat King Cole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I85ApzR43jU
for when we’re feeling the Scorpio ‘blues’
Upcoming Dates:
4th November: Full Moon in Taurus
6th November: Mercury moves into Sagittarius
7th November: Venus moves into Scorpio
Hugs all around!
Here we are returning to our Scorpio ‘caves’ in the morning light. It’s
not all darkness and despair with Scorpio energy but it is about extracting our
inner treasures which are buried deep within us. The most important thing we
need to remember during this next solar month is that Jupiter, planet of
expansion and growth is bringing new found joy to our inner being as he takes us
deeper into the Scorpio process revealing the truth and wisdom within each of
us. That’s Jupiter’s brief. The Sun and Jupiter meet and set the new agenda on
27th October. More light within!
Mercury in Scorpio clearing the old mental energies:
Also, we have Mercury, ruler of our mental body, our messenger guiding us
through the dark abyss of our mindsets and limited thinking which have held us
back. We will be transforming our minds and consciousness this month one way or
another. The bat is a symbol of surrender and negotiating the earthly dimension
with the inner radar of knowingness. Being a cave dweller, he is just one of
the symbols associated with Scorpio. But look! We’re all flying together,
honouring our instinctive urge to be as one and united in these times of major
Not sure if I’ll be doing any more updates until the Full Moon in Taurus on
4th November so will try to get the update out for that on 1st November.
those who celebrate Halloween on 31st October ‘Happy Halloween’! Trust there’ll
be a mass exodus of unresolved energies from planet earth at that time!
Love and blessings to all of us bats flying ‘blind’ and using our
exceptional radar to guide us through the month of deep transformation. We’re
all together!
from the chair
...flying by radar
It’s all about love
Divine reunion
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