...for the children of the earth

Thursday 15 March 2018

18th March 2018 New Moon in Pisces, 18th March Mars into Capricorn

Hi everyone!
We’ve come to a major turning point after 2 months of travelling the eclipse passage which kicked off at the end of January with the New Moon in Capricorn.  The Full Moon total lunar eclipse in Leo was 2 weeks after that new moon.  So many of us have been processing that Leo Full Moon eclipse energy as it continues to impact us for a month to 6 months, even 12 months after that Full Moon.  Eclipses work through us for weeks and months afterwards so if you’ve been experiencing a tough time go easy on yourselves. 

Of course the New Moon partial solar eclipse in Aquarius at the end of February/1st March carried forward all that had been set up by that powerful lunar eclipse and it seemed like another whole wave of change carried us forward with the relentless change process. 

Full Moon in Virgo:  Brought in powerful healing energies physically and spiritually!
We’ve just passed through the Full Moon in Virgo which brought in some powerful healing and cleansing energies for our spiritual/physical bodies and the wounds we’ve brought in to heal this lifetime.  All manner of aches and pains may surface in Virgo energies and may just as mysteriously disappear as we tend to our vibrational clearance of our spiritual beings.

In the last days of the Pisces Sun:  Birthing out of the eclipse passage with Pisces New Moon!
So we’re preparing to birth out of this eclipse passage with the New Moon in Pisces. Now we need to realise that Pisces is the last sign of the astrological year, the sign where we can sink or fly out of the emotional entrapment of past energies and into the light of spiritual transcendence.  It’s called flying above despair and trouble with a faith and hope born of belief in the creative life force within us.

New moon in Pisces connecting closely to Chiron:  Big healing rebirth!  Call it in!
This Pisces New Moon is intimately connected to Chiron, ruler of Virgo so we know that this one promises a rebirth for ‘the collective unconscious’, the domain of Pisces. It’s a powerful healing moon that promises a rebirth for us all. 
Chiron finishing off his Piscean stint until mid April:  Clearing unfinished business!
A month after this new moon Chiron will be moving out his 7 year passage in Pisces to take us into Aries, the sign of the masculine fire and drive warrior energy.  It’s a short stint until September when he backtracks into Pisces until February next year.  Then he continues on his way in Aries for the next 7 years. 
Chiron in Aries:  Firing up the cell memories!
This brings a significant change to the focus for us all with some of us experiencing this more directly than others, depending on our natal blueprint. However, we’ll all be healing the inner masculine energies of fire, drive and action re-empowering ourselves in a whole new way. It will bring a fiery focus rather than a watery focus.  Spiritual healing with fire! 

14th March:  Mars squares Chiron...the warrior is laid to rest!
28 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces
Effective from 13th to 16th March
You may be experiencing a big physical/emotional/clearance during this week as Mars connects with galactic energies connected with the Galactic Centre at 27 degrees Sagittarius.  Whenever we have planets connecting to galactic energies, outer planets, we know that we’re getting a ‘cosmic’ shift to higher consciousness.

Mars is our masculine warrior energy and in Sagittarius he’s the crusader.  We’re in the process of healing huge collective wounds related to war, fighting and the history of this planet. It’s time to release the anger, fear, guilt, blame, shame and suffering.  We are one!

17th March:  Mars goes out of bounds at 29 degrees 30 Sagittarius
Until 7th April returns at 11 degrees 53 Capricorn
Mars, our masculine warrior is off an a quest of new consciousness.  He’s travelling in a new landscape of Capricorn energy in search of a higher expression of himself in the earthly dimension.  He needs to leave the known world and be opened up to vistas of new imaginings, new possibilities for attaining the highest expression of himself as an earthly being. 

He is our warrior in search and reclamation of himself.  How many esoteric mountains will he discover in this exploratory stretch of time setting out just before the New Moon in Pisces births and just at the very end of this eclipse portal of change.  He’s gathering new information not just for our fire and drive but for the evolving consciousness of our physical bodies.  Mars is the ruler of our physical body. 

Mars is moving into Capricorn just a few hours after the New Moon so his journey will be like the quest for the ring in ‘Lord of the Rings’, a mystical exploration through the earthly realm of Capricorn which promises discovery, insight and resolution of karmic issues, stories which we’re carrying in our physical bodies.  

18th March 2018:
New Moon 26 degrees 53 minutes Pisces at 12.11 am AEDT
Art:  Rassouli ‘Eternal Quest’ 

A new dawn, a new day!  Out of the eclipse birth canal and into the light!
Yes it’s a New Moon and this image looks like a Full Moon yet it seems to encapsulate the past two months and the nature of the eclipse passage which has been nothing less than relentlessly disturbing for so many of us. 

We’ve been travelling in the eclipse ‘time tunnel’ of change where we’ve been tossed about in the cosmic washing machine!  We’ve been throwing off old energies, purifying the cells and esoteric memory banks.  And now we’re coming out of the process!

A collective sigh of relief with this one!  We’re all in this together birthing! Whew!
Our collective submarine is getting ready to come out of the ocean depths so we can get some fresh air.  The ‘wonderland’ of the alternate realities we’ve experienced in these past 2 months has not necessarily been a joy ride but has nevertheless been instrumental in bringing to light those ‘Achilles’ heel memories which have been tripping us up for too long. Now, they’re out in the light of our consciousness and their ‘wounds’ are in resolution.

The water energies at the New Moon:  Riding the waves of emotion to shore!
Art: Rick Eggert
New Moon  26 degrees Pisces
Sun           26 degrees Pisces
Chiron        28 degrees Pisces

Neptune     14 degrees Pisces
Jupiter        23 degrees Scorpio

Birthing spiritual transcendence:
As you can see from this line up of planets we are still very much working with the watery emotional energies of major transformation, physical clearing of the wounds of the collective unconscious and the elevating of emotional consciousness. 

It’s emotional, physical and profoundly spiritual!  Forgiveness, mercy and compassion!
Jupiter in Scorpio is in a strong flowing connection with the New Moon/Sun and Chiron so we know that this new moon ‘rebirth’ is one of profound and deep healing. 

Feel the emotions, feel the pain and be released!
With Chiron as a key player, we know our focus is on release of old ‘wounds’ from the physical body.  These are wounds held within the collective unconscious, within every one of us, ancient wounds which relate to the history of humanity on earth.  With Jupiter in Scorpio, we know that the wounds relating to sexuality and power, big money and the abuse of positions of power are up for a healing rebirth.  It’s another step in this long journey.

Intense healing of the masculine warrior energy:
No wonder we’re doing intensive release this week with the masculine warrior energy of Mars in Sagittarius in square/challenge to Chiron right up to the New Moon.  We’re all carrying the pain, heartache, suffering, guilt, anger, shame, blame and oppression from the history of fighting and war on this planet.  The oppressors and oppressed are all in the same ‘game’ and we need to free ourselves from both those energies through forgiveness, mercy and release of the pain in our bodies.

Here come the fire energies making a show at this New Moon!  Firing mind, body, heart, spirit!
Mercury  14 degrees Aries
Venus    13 degrees Aries
North Node of the Moon   14 degrees Leo
Uranus   26 degrees Aries
Mars      29 degrees Sagittarius

Mind and heart dancing in tandem in the fire of Aries!
Mercury  14 degrees Aries
Venus    13 degrees Aries

Mind and heart on the same page, the same wavelength taking us through the New Moon rebirth and leading the way towards the Equinox entry of the Sun into Aries.
They’re fired, aligned and birthing the new way forwards emotionally and mentally!

North Node of the Moon in Leo in trine/flowing with Mercury and Venus!  We’re all on the same planetary bus, one heart, one mind!
NN 14 degrees Leo
The NN our Soul Star and our planetary direction at this time is linking in with mind and heart energy of Mercury and Venus in Aries.  This is a blessed aspect opening every one of us up to the higher planetary focus at this time which is in Leo.

Our collective bus is dropping off all the old baggage which is weighing us down and we’re headed into the light of the Aries Sun!  Out of the yellow submarine and into the big yellow bus!  All aboard!

Mars in Sagittarius in trine/flowing with Uranus in Aries:  Firing up the Equinox bonfire!
Mars 29 degrees Sagittarius
Uranus 26 degrees Aries

Releasing in the physical body of our divine essence, ‘I am’ presence!
It’s fiery and physical with lightning strikes through the mind, body and spirit. Mars rules the head and Uranus the neuralgic system so be aware and focussed so impulsive drives don’t trip us up.  A physical upgrade! 

Mars in Sagittarius squaring off to the New Moon: 
A challenge and an opportunity to rebirth Mars, our masculine warrior crusader!
29 degrees Sagittarius
Mars is ruler of our physical body so the call here is to elevate our physical bodies within the truth of the Sagittarian energy.  Divine truth be in me now!
Whatever is not our divine truth this lifetime needs to be released so we can be here and now in our current presence.  Chances are much has been released in the approach of the New Moon when Mars squared/challenged Chiron on 14th March. 

Earth energies at the New Moon:
Pluto 20 degrees Capricorn: 
Within touching distance of Jupiter in Scorpio...a ‘friendly’ sextile that offers more healing resolution of buried karmic tensions
Saturn 7 degrees Capricorn: 
Saturn is keeping on track after his square off to Venus in the last few days which guaranteed a big karmic release of painful heart energies which have been blocking the full light of our divine authority as a being of love.

Sabian Symbols for the New Moon in Pisces:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon and Sun:  Pisces 27
This shows recognizing the riches in one’s life, the beauty and wonder of life, to have a sense of achievement and of a job well done. Along with a wonderful ability to be able to see and vision things, this Symbol often brings a satisfying sense of abundance; it’s a time of ‘Harvest’, the sky is clear and conditions are perfect. The “Harvest Moon” is a positive sign, with high energy as it's a time of fertility, abundance and “Illumination”. Reap the benefits of the work that's been done; it takes a while to bring in the harvest. Take some time out to celebrate and connect with family and loved ones. Situations ripe and full of fruition. Celebrating what you have. Expanded perspective. Making the most of what's been achieved. Companion planting. The beauty of the moon.

Sabian symbol for Chiron:  Pisces 29
This shows analyzing things, considering and drawing conclusions from available data and being perceptive of colors, light refraction or reflection, auras and light. You probably have the ability to break situations down into the simplest components in order to see the full picture. This can and often does lead to a greater understanding of the relationship between the whole and the many parts. Just be careful not to overanalyze, thereby losing the joy that's inherent in the simplicities of life. Taking a single vision and turning it into many individual streams can be rewarding, but it can also confuse and distract. Spectrum analysis. Color and crystal healing. Rainbows. Light refraction. Considering many facets of a situation. Optics. Sight. Telescopes. Microscopes. Auras. Copying ideas.

18th March:  Mars moves into Capricorn at 3.40 am AEDT
Stretch, reach and find the foothold!
Until 17th May

Mars has been travelling in Sagittarius:  We’ve been fired with enforced eclipse containment!

Mars has been travelling in Sagittarius keeping us going despite all the collective emotional energies which has been our landscape for some weeks. As mentioned above, Sagittarius is a cosmic and galactic centre point which guarantees energies will be evolved, cleared and uplifted somehow or other.  That’s what the ruler of our physical body has been doing these past few weeks. Frustrating maybe?

Mars in Capricorn:  Stimulated by the need to be active and to ground all the incoming fire energy!
So now our body, fire and drive find the challenges of earthy ambitious Capricorn can be just what our warrior self needs...a little bit of stretch spiritually whilst reaching for a higher foothold. It might not look too safe in this picture but the Capricorn goat is sure footed and possesses the mastery of climbing that guarantees safe passage to safety and/or fresh pastures.

More physical drive to throw off karmic overlays of past ghosts of the masculine memory banks!
Mars thrives on physical activity and in Capricorn he’ll appreciate any earthy, grounding activity that puts him in a good mood and a good position for the attainment of success in the material world.  Whatever that means to you is relevant at this time. Just making a start on putting something into action will help clear the eclipse lethargy.

Karmic resolution as we start taking some new steps forward:  Grounding the vision, step by step!
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, always brings up karmic resolution in this lifetime so these next few weeks will find us taking action where there has previously been some stumbling block.  Even with Mercury turning retrograde in a few days, we’ll still find the capacity to take those steps to put in place those building blocks for establishing ourselves in the material world.  In fact Mercury retrograde in Aries will assist us in containing our fire and drive in achievable ways which align with our divine selves.

We’re safe:  Capricorn is a safe house for us all! Capricorn is a cautious sign so there is no fear of us tripping ourselves up providing we trust ourselves, our focus, our vision and believe we are moving forwards. We may be holding a big vision but we need to be slow, steady and focussed for the best outcome.  

Golden Oldies:        
‘Feelin’ Good’ Nina Simone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff-0pHwyQ1g  New Moon in Pisces, rebirth

‘Whenever God Shines His Light’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuzVwiL1i5M for Piscean higher consciousness

‘Song of the Sea’ Lullaby from movie ‘Song of the Sea’ Nolween Leroy  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uen59x1NBRs coming home
‘Song of the Sea’ with animated clip from movie and lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5P2-9YY7qU
Both clips above have lyrics
‘Touch the Sky’ from the movie ‘Brave’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA9nZrhFo4U with lyrics for Mars in Capricorn

Upcoming Dates:
21st March:  Sun moves into Aries/Equinox
22nd March Mercury retrograde at 16 degrees 54 Aries

31st March:  Venus enters Taurus
31st March 2018 11.36 pm AEDT Full Moon 10 degree 45 minutes Libra.

15th April Mercury direct at 4 degrees 47 Aries
16th April 2018 11.57 am AEST New Moon 26 degrees 2 minutes Aries.
17th April Chiron into Aries (Until 26th September 2018)
18th April:  Saturn turns retrograde

Hugs all around!  Prepare for deliverance!
In the 3 days before the New Moon we’re in what’s known as ‘the dark of the moon’.  So, the final clearance presents as an opportunity to kick over the traces of the past month AND the whole 2 month eclipse passage. A whole lot of us may be feeling like beached whales but this final stretch can clear mammoth amounts of collective ‘clag’. 
When I’ve got my back to the wall, laid flat out, gasping for air and feeling like checking out of planet earth, I take heart from knowing I am part of a huge collective enterprise of relatively unseen forces, human beings across the planet who are maintaining faith in building a better world and a more evolved humanity.  We don’t have to know about this concept of new consciousness as we can observe so many of our counterparts doing what they can in their lives to bring greater love, joy and happiness to themselves, families, friends and colleagues.

Although we’re still in wash of Piscean energies at the New Moon, the taste of fire is wafting in and preparing us for our yearly rebirth at the Equinox, when the Sun enters Aries, the first sign of our astrological calendar. Let’s get ready to dance around the heat of the bonfire with hearts and hands joined in celebration of deliverance from an extreme planetary and cosmic ‘makeover’!  Just a reminder that Mercury is slowing down as we near the Equinox, preparing to turn retrograde on 23rd.  Tricky days for mix ups, communication/travel glitches usually a day either side of 23rd and on day itself.

Love and blessings
from the chair...ready

It’s all about love
Divine reunion


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