...for the children of the earth

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

21st March 2018 Sun moves into Aries/Equinox , 23rd March Mercury retrograde in Aries

Hi everyone!
We’ve come through the New Moon rebirth canal and we’re still in the lunar month of Pisces which may feel like we’re still in the over the top emotional energies of letting go, despite being in the light of the New Moon. As we were thrown onto the shore with the release from the eclipse it may have felt like we were beached whales gasping for life force!
Continued release of the collective emotional energies:  Until New Moon in Aries!
This too shall pass as we continue working with release of the collective memories of Pisces and get a hand from the fire energies of Aries. The New Moon energies are with us for the next lunar month so the ongoing release of the old memories and evolution of emotional consciousness.  The incoming solar month of Aries will be a huge boost for us all!
End of the Pisces Solar Month:  Equinox Welcome to the Sun in Aries!
As the Pisces Sun sets across the ocean, we are rising out of the ocean of the collective unconscious, 'the ocean of emotion' rising up to greet the Sun as he prepares to enter Aries on 21st March at 3.15 am AEDT. 

The last day of the Pisces solar month is a huge release day as the Sun is sitting on the last master degree of Pisces. The past 24 hours might have laid you out as the Sun was meeting Chiron at the very end of Pisces...a bit like the sting in the tail.
No wonder our inner dolphin is leaping up to the sky!Today might feel like a 'make or break' energy, feeling like we've got our backs to the wall, fed up with the irrational anxieties, fears, doubts or insecurities. This is time to feel and acknowledge these irrational emotions, reassure ourselves that we're safe and strong as we call in our power and strength spiritually. 

A lot of collective emotion is releasing from the trapped energies within us physically and within humanity, the earth. If it's irrational it's from another reality, time. place...'past lives', alternate realities. We're re-living some old experiences and sending them on to the light!
We got this. Feel it, let it go, love it, reassure it and fill up with love for ourselves, our lives and our commitment to life on earth. It's okay Winnie! We're okay!  

Mercury and Venus travelling slowly thanks to Mercury’s slowdown!
There’s already a strong emphasis on the Aries energies as Mercury and Venus are well ensconced in this sign of fiery rebirth. Uranus has been here for years and is well along his pathway to awakening us all to the higher consciousness of our ‘I am’ ...aka ‘what the hell am I doing here?’ energy. Now the personal planets of our mind and heart are pushing us through the discovery process as we approach a significant solar turning point for the year, the Equinox.
With the culmination of the 2 month eclipse cycle we need to remain very open and aware to the insights, messages and clarity now coming in about our soul purpose this lifetime.  We will start feeling more clarity and recognising our Aries ‘essence’. This is what is known as our ‘divine I am’, our higher consciousness of our place on earth and our ‘brief’ this lifetime.  This knowledge is now being opened up to us as we surrender to letting go of the resistances within us, those forces arising from deep within our cell memories. 
Mercury, our mind manager has been in his shadow retrograde since 9th March so we know we’ll be covering some of this territory again after he comes out of his retrograde trek in Aries.  Oh no!  I hear you say.
21st March:  Sun moves into Aries/Equinox at 3.15 am AEDT
And the sun always rises!
Until 20th April 
Here comes the Aries Sun!  Welcome to the birth of our new astrological year!
The Aries Sun always gives us boost of life force energy after our month of soaking, cleansing, drowning in the Pisces energy of emotional release and spiritual upliftment.  

It may not feel uplifting when we’re going through this cleansing process, this releasing and freeing of stuck energies on the earthly realm but the proof of our release will start manifesting with the arrival of the Aries Sun. 

Aries, ‘I am’ essence of our divine self:  
Are you ready to accept this pure essence?
How much do we need to experience, ‘re-experience’ to get down to this purity of life force? Our willingness to experience emotional pain or suffering during this past month or two has been releasing so much unresolved energy within our being.  Clearly, if we’ve felt this angst in any way, then it has some connection to our blueprint, our ‘brief’ this lifetime. The more we accept the ‘brief’ and get on with it, the sooner we’ll be in clearer energy. 

The next stretch of Sun in Aries:  Stretch and call in divine life force...pure spirit!
So now we’re ready to find more of ourselves in our pure spiritual form which means more life force, more clarity. more focus, more willpower and determination all driven by our willingness to open our hearts to ourselves. 

Stay alert, focussed, aware:  Call in the courage of the light of truth!
We will need to stay alert, focussed and aware of any resistant energies within who want to fight us, fight within us or fight the world.  We can do this if we keep coming back to the heart and love.  Venus still in Aries until the end of the month will be helping us all the way.  She’s on fire!  With LOVE!

What’s in store when we maintain our inner spiritual warrior:  
Passion, joy, excitement and adventure! 
There’s no reason why we cannot get moving in the next month even as Mercury turns retrograde in Aries for 3 weeks. We will be fired and gaining clarity every step of the way as we reclaim past passions and joys, our fire of investigation in this discovery process. 

We’ve got a major planetary shift mid April with Chiron moving into Aries which offers the beginning of a major healing and recovery process for our masculine fire and power!

Welcome the spiritual warrior:  The Sword of Truth aligns us with divine will and strength!
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, our masculine warrior self, the self we are transforming and evolving within us, the self that has laid down the sword of battle and is willing to carry the light of pure truth! 

With Mercury just turning retrograde in Aries in 2 days time, we will be tested with the mental power of the light sword.  We will be challenged to rework, regroup, review, renew, reaffirm our fiery warrior in the refining of our warrior selves.

This is our affirmation for the next solar month:  
I am divine truth, divine love, divine integrity!  I align with divine will!
When we call in divine truth and integrity we align with divine will which is out greatest protection.  We are loving our masculine warrior selves back to life!  We will never give up as we reaffirm our alignment with all of who we are this lifetime and our willingness to resolve the resistance and fighting with the light of love and truth.  We’re loving ourselves, our masculine energies back into life.  We can trust ourselves to act with integrity.  We are willing to forgive all that needs forgiving in the violet flame of freedom whether within or without. 

The Equinox Doorway:   
In one door and out the other!                                                       
The Equinox is a solar turning point to the year, a traditionally acknowledged time when the balance of time is equal, when day and night are of equal length. It is a time honoured celebration of the change in the light which marks a change in the seasons from Summer to Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and from Winter to Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. 

The doors are open:  We’re coming and going!
Esoterically, the Equinox is regarded as a time when the veil between the worlds is removed, when we can move between the past, present, future, where we return to other realities to release trapped entities from other time zones. 
Reclamation, reunion, resolution time:  I love all of me!
We don’t have to be conscious of this.  It’s happening all the time.  However, at these solar doorways, the potential to connect with what is lost to us, to reclaim and/or release these energies is a potent energy for resolution in our lives here and now.

At the Equinox:  Planetary assistance and guidance!
Some strong planetary energies at the Equinox are assisting us with the ‘open door’ policy of the Equinox energies.

Fresh from their reboot of consciousness in the past 2 days: 
Sun and Chiron walking through the Equinox gateway!  Healed wounds!
The Sun is still in very close proximity to Chiron in Pisces as the Equinox door opens so we know that much collective pain and spiritual wounding can be released as we move into the Aries Sun light. Chiron will be joining the Aries Sun in mid April, just a few weeks away.  Prepare to power up!

Mind and Heart energies united in the Aries Sun:  Still travelling in tandem!
Mercury and Venus have just had a reboot of their connection and are still in very close proximity at the Equinox even as Venus starts pulling away from Mercury as she heads to new territory in Taurus at the end of the month.  

Mercury is hardly moving so our minds are slowing too as Mercury prepares to retrograde in two days.  We’re being called to let go of a whole stack of tangled thinking and old thoughtforms and let our hearts lead!

Saturn in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus:  
Opening the karmic doorways accessing the memory banks! 
8 degrees 
The release of the good old treadmill mentality as we open the doors of the Taurus memory banks and free up the cell memories in the release through the Equinox doorways.

This could feel like a physical release of old restrictions in the body, restrictions that come from other times and places...memories!  Once again, allow the heart to lead with this one.  Venus rules Taurus and she’s powering along in Aries, sign of the divine I am energy.  I am truth and love!

The following site gives dates, times and places around the world for the Equinox:

23rd March: 
Mercury retrograde at 16 degrees 54 Aries  at 11.19 am AEDT
Until 15th April when Mercury stations direct at 4 degrees 47 Aries
Art:  ‘Fiery Dance 2001’ Vladamir Kush
And so we enter the fiery labyrinth of Mercury retrograde in Aries:  A challenge to our ‘action man’! 
This could be somewhat challenging as Mercury, one of our movers and shakers is taken into the fiery realms of Aries who wants nothing more than action!  Mercury would much rather be taking off like rocketman as he travels in Aries instead of dancing around in the flames.  However, the main thing is we keep him actively engaged in the retrograde process.  Give him something to ‘do’ to sort out and all will be fine!

Breathing fire! Being in our dragon power will help us clear the systems and bring clarity!

Mercury is ruler of our mental body, our mind manager and as ruler of our respiratory and nervous systems has been really getting a workover since he moved into Aries.  Well if we’re being strongly impacted this next stretch we need to keep puffing and blowing out all those inner fighting agents arising from the primal pool of consciousness.  Getting on to it before it takes hold is the key.

Maintaining a clear mind and head clearing processes:  
Sword of truth ready!
Aries rules our physical body and our head so we could be forgiven that our mind muddle is all coming from our head!  We know that the mind is within every cell and aspect of our being.
Art:  Sofia Bonat 

It’s a refining process:  Our vehicle is getting a makeover!
Tweaking and polishing some old chestnuts that need to drop off!  As we review, regroup, reconsider, reclaim or discard with the sharp sword of the divine truth of analysis, we will find ourselves in a whole new space.  We don’t have to wait until the end of the retrograde before we get the answers and clarity we need. Trust the heart as she’s leading the way in Aries to the end of the month.                                                   

Shadow Work:  Finding and reclaiming all we are!
Mercury has been travelling in shadow for a week or two so these past couple of weeks will be revisited in some way although will take a new form when he comes around again to this place.

Mercury comes out of retrograde on 15th April and will leave the shadow on 4th May.  So we’ve got a bit of a stretch of re-working and tweaking of our warrior’s journey and reclamation of ourselves in the world.

Golden Oldies:
‘Circle of Life’ from ‘Lion King’ Elton John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga-ijQP0KxY for the Equinox, Sun into Aries/New Year

‘Here Comes the Sun’ Nina Simone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJiC6cA3dUA  Sun in Aries

‘Sunrise’ Norah Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd02pGJx0s0 Sun in Aries

‘Only Time’ Enya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wfYIMyS_dI for Mercury turning retrograde

Upcoming Dates:
31st March:  Venus enters Taurus
31st March 2018 11.36 pm AEDT Full Moon 10 degree 45 minutes Libra.

15th April Mercury direct at 4 degrees 47 Aries
16th April 2018 11.57 am AEST New Moon 26 degrees 2 minutes Aries.
17th April Chiron into Aries (Until 26th September 2018)
18th April:  Saturn turns retrograde

Hugs all around!

Hands across the world, around the fire and welcome to this auspicious solar celebration of the Equinox.
We’re on our way to the next full moon in Libra which puts the focus on all one-on-one partnerships of all kinds.  It promises a somewhat divine blessing as Venus, ruler of both Libra and Taurus will be entering Taurus on the same day as the Full Moon.  There’s the promise of karmic resolution with matters of the heart and the potential for resolution for partnership matters. 

Meanwhile, let’s feel the warmth and vigour of Aries fiery Sun and his companions of heart and mind travelling in Aries.  More vim and vigour after the saturation of the watery emotional cleansing of these past months.
Let’s make the most of this equinox doorway and resolve to live in our divine I am essence!  

Love and blessings to us all as we move away from the eclipse doorway dropping off extraneous baggage in the aftermath of the eclipse release process.  We’ve got a couple of aspects this week to test our resolve to come from the heart when Venus our heart ruler squares off to Pluto in Capricorn.  This may be a call to reinforce the pure Aries heart energy. 
from the chair...pedalling with Venus
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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