...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 25 April 2018

20th April 2018 Sun moves into Taurus, Pluto retrograde, Venus into Gemini

Hi everyone!
I’ve been unable to get this out to you in time for the arrival of the Sun in Taurus as I’ve been rather waylaid by my physical body, an ‘injury’, old spiritual ‘wound’ that’s needed my undivided attention. More on this below in the Pluto retrograde section.  I’m hopeful that my writing of this today signifies that I’m coming back to life spiritually and I trust physically as I proceed.
Goodbye to the Aries Sun:  What a month it’s been!
The picture to the left is a depiction of the last rays of the fiery Aries Sun which brought to culmination a somewhat tumultuous week for many of us.  The Uranus energy that birthed with the New Moon in Aries seemed to send lightning strike energies right through us throwing us off balance. If you have a sensitive nervous constitution you could relate to this.
The big turning point:  It’s happening...maintain the faith!
We’re at a very big change point in our lives and most of us don’t actually know what that is but we know we’re kind of floating in a vacuum of what seems like never-ending waiting.  However, we need to remind ourselves that so much is happening energetically which we can’t see manifesting physically.  We need to keep clearing away those energies which are keeping us from divine truth, new renewed vigour and life force and new possibilities.  Being in the void brings us those new doorways as we keep up the letting go of resistance and fighting.

What’s been happening:  
Closing the door on the castle impossible...the old order!
The New Moon in Aries was like a fireworks show which just kept rolling out all week with astrological aspects hitting us and triggering us for the whole week. For those of us heavily involved in the masculine makeover and patriarchal revamp, it’s been intense and growing more intense each day, culminating in the Sun meeting Uranus in Aries on midnight AEST on 19th April, the day before the Sun moved into Taurus.

Shaken up, rattled and ungrounded:  From 17th to 19th April  Sun/Uranus reboot!
It was like a series of reverberations going through our whole being assisted by the intensity of Saturn slowing to a standstill at his turn around point. Let’s remember that Saturn rules the patriarchy, status quo and karma! So many of us were sucked into intense karmic work for this lifetime.  The only way to get through this was just carry on.  No good comes from fighting or complaining but sharing with others on the same ‘brief’ is sometimes good for the soul!

Meanwhile from 17th to 22nd Mars connecting with the shadow moon goddess, Black Moon Lilith, exact on 20th April was adding to the release/reboot of the masculine warrior/dark goddess energy.

Chiron in Aries:  
Guidance into deep healing of the warrior wounds of war and war mongering and conflict!
You can see by all these connections it’s been a full blown Aries, masculine focussed time starting with that dynamic New Moon in Aries accompanied by Chiron, the healer moving into Aries, Saturn stationing retrograde in the sign of the patriarchy, along with Mars, ruler of our masculine warrior meeting Black Moon Lilith!

Chiron, our centaur of healing now in Aries is giving us excellent direction as we venture into the world of our masculine warrior energy, the energy of Mars, God of War!  It’s  time to heal the wounds of war, the wounds of the warriors of war, past, present and future. Time to accept, forgive, release the pain and find deep reunion with our Aries selves...our ‘I am’.
This has set the tone for the lunar month until the New Moon in Taurus in mid March.  We’re in the ‘death throes’ of deep archetypal energies which have been keeping us on that path of war and conflict.  Big, big doorways are opening when we’re ready.  Next stop is Full Moon in Scorpio on 30th April.  Now that will be the death knell.

20th April:  Sun into Taurus at 1.12 pm AEST
Heart time, grounding and earthing agitation!
Until 21st May
When the Sun entered Taurus on 20th, we were called to take time out from all the agitated energies, to slow down, earth the agitation and tune into our hearts. 

Mother Earth!
heart beatingTaurus is ruled by Venus and offers us the chance to plug into Mother Earth’s heartbeat.  It connects us to the World Tree both within us and within the planet. It offers divine love in our earthly bodies.

That being said, Taurus energy can put us in touch with our emotions through experiencing these in our physical vessel.
Taurus is a fixed sign and an earth sign so is the most dense of all the zodiac signs.  Tune into the earth for clearing during Taurus solar month.

‘War wounds’/memories arising in the physical body:
With Chiron now in Aries, we may well experience some of our ‘war wounds’ of other times, places and people within our physical body.  We need to be aware that these aches and pains may be physical but also spiritually based.  Doesn’t mean we don’t seek medical advice from a doctor but remember that when we work with the spiritual ‘wound’, we can do much to clear the pain.

Hearts open:  Feeling the love!  Sing, listen to the song of Taurus!
Also worth remembering that the heart energy is to the fore so we may be processing much ‘illness’ through our hearts.  We may need to consciously do this channelling of love into the heart and sending through our bodies.  We are opening to the divine abundance of Taurus and all the joys of living on planet earth. 

Just keep singing:  
We are singing in the healing powers of Mother Earth and divine abundance!  That’s Taurus!
Taurus rules the throat and neck and is very attuned to music, singing, chanting and releasing through the voice and the throat.  This may be especially beneficial as we travel through this solar month.  Listening to music which is heart opening, releases any blocked in emotions will work especially well with our warrior, fighting energies as it softens and comforts.  All is restored, come home!

23rd April:  
Pluto retrograde at 21 degrees 17 Capricorn at 1.26 pm AEST
Until 1st October at 12.03 pm AEST at 18 degrees 45 Capricorn

The transformational journey within!
For the past 5 days I've been brought to a standstill as my physical body said...stop! I've had to put aside my astrology updates whilst I contacted the deep wounds that were crying out for acknowledgement and release.

The body speaks to us:  Are we listening?  Acknowledging?
I've learned long ago that my body always tells me when I need to be still, turn in and speak with what's hurting, what's been buried as traumatic fragments in the cell memories. It's not just about me and this lifetime. We all carry the memories of the ancestors, other realities so we need to reclaim these fragments that have been split off and left in desolation, despair, guilt, shame, failure, doubt, fear, grief.

Until we accept all of ourselves, we sit outside divine love and fulfilment!Sure, there's happy memories but it's the traumatised aspects which hold us back from full acceptance of divine love, divine healing and coming to wholeness. If we truly desire creative fulfilment this lifetime, we need to retrieve the memories and bring them into the light of divine abundance on all levels of our life here and now.

Pluto is our guide:  Embrace the archetypal death energies as he takes us deep into his cave!
Pluto is the dark lord of the underworld and he's in Capricorn, ruler of the status quo, tradition, the patriarchy and success in the world. So if you want that feeling of accessing your divine potential this lifetime, he's our guide into the cave of our subconscious. He rules life, death and rebirth so there's huge potential when we connect to this darkness within.

Pluto meeting Mars:  
A reboot of our warrior selves!  The beginning of a resurrection, restoration to life!
He meets with Mars, our masculine warrior energy, exact in 2 days but happening now working with Chiron now in Aries bringing up the wounds of war. I've been embracing war movies and biographies on line which have been helping those 'memories' of other times re-experience the emotions and bring to the surface of my body the feelings of grief, loss and yes...failure. We all have 'lost the war' some time, somewhere, whether the victors or not. Anzac Day in Australia tomorrow brings this to the fore.

Taking in the stories of war from books, movies:  A way to heal!
I'd really like to avoid war stories of cruelty, genocide and terrible punishment but I cannot when my body needs to live through this to heal. And I choose to heal. We're all now in a position to enact a divine healing of conflict, fighting, judgement and war within as our 'memories' are given permission to emerge, to feel the pain and come back to the fold of divine love and reunion.  I always feel my ‘memories’ are watching these stories as I watch them.

War is still happening on this planet with the threat of extreme ideologies still challenging our own willingness to choose love.
That love starts within, Remember, 'think global, act local'!

Sabian Symbol for Capricorn’s ‘station’:  
This degree carries significance for the retrograde period and aligns with my message above

Capricorn 22
This Symbol shows being able to see where and when to “Accept” that things are not working and letting go of events or people or thoughts that no longer work for you. There’s times when we realize there is no longer any point in fighting and to ‘win’ in some situations may be impossible. At the time of surrender, it is the valor of the battle and the way you handled it that will be remembered. Sometimes, it is how gracefully you handle defeat that will be the measure. You will go onto other endeavors and win. You don’t always have to “Accept Defeat”: sometimes you have to accept your own victories. Truth of inner worth. Learning that every minor skirmish is not a defeat. Giving up and being willing to start again. Nobility of character. Letting go of the charge around anger.

25th April:  Venus into Gemini at 2.39 am AEST
How high can our hearts fly?
Until 19th May
Venus calls our split minds into divine harmony and union:
Venus, our heart energy, moves into the sign of ‘the twins’, the sign of ‘the lovers’ signifying the divine reunion of our masculine and feminine energies in the Mercury ruled air sign of Gemini. 
Flying solo and ‘together’:  United in dual focus for Are we flying solo, in union with our hearts and minds, in union with a divine partner or are we still dealing with the conflicted mental energies which keep us divided and in battle with ourselves? 
Set your intent, your GPI:  Divine reunion!
We’re about to find out so set your navigator to flying high into love and reuniting with ourselves first and foremost.  Get your new ‘vehicle’ of love to take you through these next few weeks.
Balance and harmony:  Divine partnership!  Twin engined power!
We’ll always be challenged by the search for balance and harmony, for being in the flow and allowing Earth’s rich abundance to fill our lives creatively and joyfully.  Gemini is the sign of that challenge to find balance between our active masculine oriented energy and our ‘passive’/allowing oriented energy.  We need electric and magnetic forces to work in harmony and that’s the brief for this Venus in Gemini time.
Bring love into our minds..
and watch our balloons fly, our hopes and dreams take flight!
Mercury rules Gemini and has a capacity for messages from higher consciousness if we but allow our heart energy to come into our crazy, mixed up minds.  They’ve been so bogged down with the old thought processes, mind sets and predictable solutions that we’ve left our imaginations behind.  Get that imagination into its balloon and let’s fly!
We do create our reality and it’s so much easier once we release the old memories of past times and lives.

Golden Oldies:
‘Weave Me the Sunshine’ Peter, Paul and Mary   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx-G-dUjb5g for Sun in Taurus
Perry Como - Weave Me The Sunshine(Lyrics)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWKqrBTb9po
‘If you want to sing out, sing out’ Cat Stevens, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWGxYlQudOA for Sun in Taurus
‘Up, up and Away in my Beautiful Balloon’ Fifth Dimension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-UQ0-8ktAM for Venus in Gemini
Upcoming Dates:
30th April 2018 10.58 am AEST Full Moon 9 degrees 39 minutes Scorpio.

Hugs all around!
Big doors closing as we embrace big endings in our lives.  Pluto is helping us to find our what goes so we need to follow his lead as well as Chiron in Aries who’s put a very new canvas in front of us.  Does it mean we’ll be in suffering and pain forever or is this just what we’ve been waiting for...the deep transformational changes of the spiritual wounds of war, conflict and our masculine warrior energies within? 
I feel the current energies are offering huge release if we are prepared to fully face up to what is causing any ‘pain’ in our spirit.  It’s not glossing over things pretending we’re ok at the expense of letting ourselves fully feel the pain. 
We’ve been in the Pisces ocean of the wounds of the collective unconscious for years and now we’re being activated and aligned in the energies of our divine Aries ‘I am’ presence so it’s all about coming into our own fiery presence without taking to war and conflict, anger or the overpowering of others.
On the way to a dynamic Full Moon in Scorpio which promises major endings with the promise of fresh new directions ahead once we embrace the full ‘let go’!
Love and blessings to us all as we dance in the light of our combined fire of universal spirit of oneness! 
from the chair...in recovery
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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