...for the children of the earth

Friday 6 April 2018

6th April 2018 Post Full Moon Debrief on the fallout!

Hi everyone!
Full Moon Fallout:  Reflections, projections and disowned aspects of the self!
This is a brief update as I know so many of us have been knocked off our feet, taken down, scrabbling around in the mire of grief, anger, despair, regret, guilt, shame, blame, pain etc. etc. with that last Full Moon in Libra.  The whole scenario has continued to play out all week with a series of challenging planetary aspects which rolled on like dark clouds of an impending storm.  A lot of this energy is the raising of consciousness of our masculine energies including suppressed anger which exploded with the planetary triggers. 
Accepting all of ourselves:  Where do I end and you begin?
Libra always brings up reflections, projections and the awareness of disowned aspects of ourselves which we need to bring back into the fold of acceptance of all we are, have been. 

And that last Full Moon planetary line up brought it all in with enough power to throw us into the emotional and/or physical pits!  Just need to remember that it is all spiritual energy which we’re bringing to resolution.
Acceptance:  How do I know if it’s me or them?
Now the whole ‘acceptance’ process can be tricky in discerning what has been rejected, neglected, ignored or even ‘punished’ by us. These aspects may present as people in our lives and in the light of the Full Moon, it’s people with whom we share a partnership of some kind.  These ‘people’ may be aspects of ourselves which have been split off from us in another time or place, childhood or in alternate, parallel/past life realities.
Reclamation, forgiveness and redemption:
The trick is knowing what pops up for us and reclaiming these disowned aspects with love, forgiveness, mercy and compassion.  It’s an inner process even if it’s playing out in the world. It’s all happening inside of us even if it’s playing out in a relationship scenario of our physical existence.  We just have to know what part of us needs ‘healing’ acceptance.
The Full Moon fallout has taken us through the whole of this past week with much karmic resolution arising within and without and with core spiritual wounds surfacing for release. It is all about love...and self-love and acceptance!

What’s been happening since the Full Moon in Libra:  
Jousting and weeping!

Warriors armed and ready for battle!  Starring Mars, Saturn and Mercury!
Since the Full Moon it may have felt like we’ve been at a jousting tournament as a series of  planetary connections rolled out on top of each other like a wave of challenge and conflict bringing up all manner of emotions like anger, fear, bitterness, blame, shame, guilt, fear and rejection. 
Reconnection, divine realignment of our masculine energies: 
Our ‘warriors’ being restored!  Saturn’s fortress letting go of the benchmarks!
These aspects may have played out in our relationships or within us as we were taken through a series of realignments of our minds, bodies and karmic resolution.  The main players at the jousting tournament this week have involved Mars, Saturn and Mercury. 
First to kick off: Mars meeting Saturn following the Full Moon!  Rebooting the masculine!
This meeting of our fiery masculine warrior energy with Saturn, Lord of Karma and ruler of the status quo, tradition and the patriarchy set the agenda for the week and the tone of the tournament.
Saturn in Capricorn involved karmic release and uplifting of the ‘old’ warrior ways! 

From fighting the world to loving the world to be a winner:
We’ve been working with re-empowering that masculine warrior in divine love all week!  Whether it’s the masculine energy within or without, we need it working with us feeling strong and empowered by love.

The masculine energy is the physical active principle within every one us, men and women alike and we need it working with our feminine energy in divine partnership. We're learning to take our power, own who we are and know it's safe to be strong and powerful when we're coming from love and acceptance.
Mercury square Mars:  
Challenging realignment of mind, body and all those wild emotions running rampant!  
Time for our warrior to ‘walk the line’!
Effective from 3rd to 5th April at 9 degrees 50 Aries/Capricorn
Art:  Quint Buchholz

Mars out of bounds is way out of his old body and Mercury in retrograde is out of his mind!  
Great combo..not!
Mars is still travelling out of bounds gathering new consciousness and clearing old ‘fighting’ energies so this one is about the thought patterns, mindsets, belief systems that came into the realignment process.  Those old memories and patterns of physical behaviour of the male warrior self came into challenge hot on the heels of Mars meeting with Saturn, the reboot offering karmic release and resolution of the old emperor, warlord, fighting energies.
Mercury square Saturn:  
Mercury in retrograde unable to resist Saturn’s ‘advances’! 
Saturn says ‘Change your mind now!’
Effective from 4th to 7th April at 9 degrees Aries/Capricorn
Mercury is retrograding in Aries trying to find his true self in the Aries labyrinth.  As he asks ‘Who am I?’ Saturn presents as the wizard of guidance and wisdom ready to lead Mercury out of his own mental machinations and confusion.  Mercury’s lost his head and there’s pieces of that ‘mindset’ in his head that need losing but there’s also new pieces to find and reclaim. 
Clarity restoring bit by bit:  
Following Saturn’s one step at a time principle of life!
Letting go of the old benchmarks that are keeping us confused and then we’ll be able to find ourselves.  Nothing will stop this clearance of limited thinking about who we are and what we truly think as the essence of our Aries ‘I am’ as we continue through the Mercury retrograde labyrinth.   
What’s coming in:
7th April:  Relief and rescue! 
Venus in Taurus in a positive flowing trine with Saturn in Capricorn at 9 degrees
Heart opening:  Accepting our divine authority at a heart level!
Okay.  Sometimes trines aren’t all experienced as love and roses as they actually open up the energies for us to access more easily.  There’s more of a surrendering process and less resistance, fighting and battling energy which we can get with squares and oppositions. 

However, with Saturn in the picture feels like some deep resolution of karmic threads, contracts through the Venus heart energy.  Because they’re both earth signs we may well experience this energy physically.
Venus is in Taurus plugging us into the deep recesses of mother love and feeling the physical security, love and joy which living on earth can offer us.  We need to seek this connection from our hearts and know that this doorway into our earthly authority is available right now.

7th April:  Sun in Aries in square/challenge to Black Moon Lilith at 15 degrees Capricorn
Effective from 5th to 7th April
Black Moon Lilith is dark goddess energy which calls forth any feminine ‘shadow’ energies which need the light of day and our acceptance. In the light of the Aries Sun we have the opportunity to reclaim and/or release those untapped energies stuck in the dark of our psyche.  If they can’t grow with us they need to leave for the light source.
8th April:  Mars returns from his out of bounds journey!
New knowledge, wisdom and an upgraded body!
At 11.53 degrees Capricorn
Mars has been ‘out of bounds’ since mid March this year.  Now he returns from his hero’s journey to the wild mountains of Capricorn with new wisdom and knowledge to share.  He’s been exploring new territory so it will be interesting to see how this manifests in our physical bodies and in our fire and drive. We might find we feel physically stronger and more in touch with our life force.  Just remember Mars is still in Capricorn so not exactly riding the horse as this picture indicates.
However, it may capture a little of the way we might feel when he comes back to earth.  We can put some things in place to move forward again with our plans at least, even though Mercury hasn’t quite come out of retrograde.
Mars is the ruler of the physical body and is our fire and drive.  For many of us it’s been somewhat lacking as we clear these major planetary energies.  Some of us have been hit hard and some of us have been cruising.  It all depends on the natal chart, your divine blueprint for this lifetime. If it’s on your ‘map’, your spiritual action plan, then you’re up to it even if you feel you’re not.
Golden Oldies:
‘If I loved You’ Mario Lanza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHRj_nKwcJ0 
‘If I loved You’ from movie ‘Carousel’ Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuHAh-2xGxw

Upcoming Dates:
15th April Mercury direct at 4 degrees 47 Aries
16th April 2018 11.57 am AEST New Moon 26 degrees 2 minutes Aries.
17th April Chiron into Aries
18th April:  Saturn turns retrograde
Hugs all around!
The next week looks a little easier than this past week but we need to remember that the Full Moon process carries us through to the New Moon in Aries.
Stay strong and hold our power:
We might be tested to take our personal power from strength and integrity when the Aries Sun squares off to Pluto exact on 11th at 21 degrees Aries/Capricorn.  However, squares can often be empowering if we’re coming from our divine selves and higher consciousness.  In fact it could be just what we need to get ourselves moving forward after being thrown to the ground in the past week. 

Clear the mind and the decks as we approach the New Moon!  
Messages coming in!
Mercury will start slowing over the next week as he approaches his change of direction on 15th April.  The slowdown period is when we have access to more ‘messages’ from our divine selves if we take some time out to be still and listen.
We’re heading towards the New Moon in Aries which looks somewhat challenging and may feel more like a Full Moon release.  It’s the 3 days prior to the New Moon when much will be released as we approach the New Moon but I suspect we might have a few after shocks following on from the New Moon.  Let’s trust it’s the sudden thrill of joy which shakes our boots!
Own the mastery and practice the magic!
We need to remember to be our own spin doctor as we negotiate this last week of Mercury retrograde in Aries to reaffirm our willingness to take our power and authority as spiritual warriors of the light. It’s okay to be strong and powerful!  It’s okay to be me! It’s good to feel the emotions and let go!  It’s good to trust, surrender and hand over the ‘hard stuff’ as we give up the fighting and struggle.
Love and blessings to all of us ‘knights’ of divine love and evolved consciousness as we put down the swords of conflict and hold the sword of divine truth!
Related imagefrom the chair...bit wobbly
but still on the lookout


Image result for meerkat/images/gifs
It’s all about love


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