...for the children of the earth

Sunday 29 April 2018

30th April 2018 Full Moon in Scorpio


Hi everyone!
What amazing times we’re in with incredible challenges and opportunities being presented for shifting of gears, perspectives and consciousness. This year has been relentless for us all asking us all the time to maintain hope, focus on and commitment to the ideal of manifesting divine life on this planet. 
We’re growing stronger all the time:  Crusaders of energetic change!
We’ve been given moments of great joy and blessings in our personal lives whilst we observe the world stage and our place in the great scheme of things. New babies seem to be everywhere and new babies give hope and joy, a testament to our faith in life on earth.  Just one of many indicators!
Keeping the focus, maintaining the commitment:  Strength and courage!
As we grow stronger in our focus on what’s good in our lives and enact our creative spirit in bringing in the joy of life to our hearts, we’re healing history, the history of this planet we all carry in our beings. 
Living the divine life every day:  Clarity and focus!
Whatever we’re dealing with in our everyday lives, the commitment to focussing on what we desire in the deepest part of our being is what’s important.  And we need clarity for that, so clearing the memory banks is essential to restore our vital essence of divine truth and love.
What’s been happening:
The Sun is in Taurus holding us for the past week as we worked through some dramatic reboots of consciousness.  If you felt rocked by situations coming to a head during this past week, we can thank the meeting of Mars, Pluto and Black Moon Lilith for giving us a foretaste of the ‘Scorpio Full Moon’ experience.
This created a major ‘letting go’ clearing a heap of energy out of the way as we headed towards the Full Moon. So if you’ve had a big explosive situation in your life or within your own psyche, know that you’re not alone.
Reboot of the masculine warrior! Mars met with Pluto and Black Moon Lilith!21 degrees Capricorn Exact 9.00 pm AEST  Effective 24th to 28th April

A magnificent breakthrough of volcanic proportions as our masculine warrior of fire meets with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld in the sign of Capricorn. We're atop the Capricorn mountain and/or deep within its volcanic centre.  With the shadow moon ‘Black Moon Lilith’ and the asteroid Aphrodite on the same degree, the divine feminine is very much present in this reboot.  It is about love.
A reboot of our masculine warrior consciousness!
Planets meeting is a reboot of consciousness and the reboot is focussed on our fire, drive and physical bodies. What a magnificent gift as we head towards the Scorpio Full Moon on 30th April. Talk about clearing out the old ways, the 'dead wood', the dross, the path of fighting, conflict and war within and without. What an opportunity!

A new chapter, a fresh start:  Laying down the weapons of war!
Welcome this fresh start which will ignite our spirit of adventure and our capacity to back ourselves as we break down the barriers of resistance within the old patriarchal structures. No, we don't have to take to the streets with banners and protests. It's an inside job setting us up for the most dramatic full moon of our astrological year.

Meanwhile, Mercury squaring off to Saturn added to the whole Mars reboot!
Mercury, our mind manager in Aries squaring off to Saturn in Capricorn rams home the message of the higher pathway of consciousness. Be open to messages about our divine authority within and our higher calling to the divine mind.
9 degrees Aries/Capricorn Effective 24th to 27th Exact 26th AEST

In retrospect:  Manifestation of these aspects on the world stage!
Korean leaders meet and agree to nuclear disarmament

Full Moon in Scorpio approaching!
Warning...toxic releases, spitting of dummies and projectile vomiting as the big release process triggered by the Mars/Pluto/Black Moon Lilith carries us towards the big Scorpio 'let go'! Be alert, stay out of the firing line, own your stuff and keep clear of the emotional release from the masses. This energy is infectious as the earth percolates in humanity's bubble of unresolved emotions.

This too shall pass as we look up, raise our vision, trust, accept and surrender. When anger, fear or sorrow arises we need to consciously choose love. It's all in the intent.

30th April 2018:
10.58 am AEST Full Moon 9 degrees 39 minutes Scorpio
’Death becomes us’

This is it! 
The biggest life after death experience for the ‘full moon calendar’ year.  Scorpio takes no prisoners.  Just demands we die to the toxic elements clogging up our lives and brings total release if we're willing and open to change and transformation.
Divine will and planetary evolution is in play!  Just do it!
And this one is a sure fire full moon as it squares off to the planetary nodes in Leo/Aquarius.  When the planetary nodes are in play the message is ‘You WILL align with the evolution of consciousness on the planet.  Squares are challenges in a way as they call us to break through impasses blocking our progress.
Sun in Taurus opposite Moon in Scorpio:
Taurus and Scorpio, like Leo and Aquarius,  are both fixed signs which means we can experience more resistance when working with these energies.  However, fixed signs, like squares and oppositions are the energies we need to challenge us, to bring to light impediments to our progress and to make incredible progress in our growth and expansion of consciousness and therefore in our lives on earth.
Backs to the wall:  A call to total surrender!  

Hand over all the toxic baggage!
Fixed signs, squares and oppositions bring us to the  feeling that our ‘backs are to the wall’, total surrender and there’s nothing to do but come charging out of our ‘muggle’ closet with all guns blazing with determination, willpower and focus.  

When we bite the bullet of the fixed signs we access a strength and courage hidden deep within us, resources that are not evident until a crisis, a turning point arrives.
We’re raising the ‘dead’ and releasing the trapped souls of other times and places:  Into the graveyard everyone!
Full Moons are turning points, challenges to us all to face the deep subconscious energies which emerge like gremlins at Full Moon time.  The Scorpio full Moon takes us to the graveyard, to plough up those discontented ghosts buried within us and within the earth. The memory banks are open and asking for acknowledgement and release.  Feel the emotions and let go!
Follow the GPS guide to love:  
Transmutation, forgiveness, accepting and surrender it all!
If we keep stuffing down our emotions then the problem continues so finding a safe way to release our pain, anger, grief and suffering is the key to negotiating the Full Moon release.  If we choose to take ourselves into an emotionally vulnerable situation then we need to take care of ourselves.  There’s no right or wrong way to do things but taking care of ourselves with loving acceptance is a good GPS guidance indicator.
Saturn, Lord of Karma a player at this full Moon:  
Karmic release on offer as we open ourselves and surrender all the old karmic burdens!
Art Tran Nguyen
Saturn is in a flowing harmonious trine to the Taurus Sun as well as a positive sextile connection to the Full Moon at this time which indicates major karmic healing is being offered to us all if we are open and ready to receive, open and ready to let the unresolved toxic energies leave our energetic being.
Pack it up, pack it in:  Choose now and keep choosing every day to close the door on the ‘package deal’, the karmic commitment mystery tour! 
We don’t have to carry the problems of our world on the shoulders.  We don’t have to carry the burdens of our partners, family, friends, loved ones.  Some of us committed to carry our karmic ‘burdens’ and along with that we got the package deal of carrying those unresolved pains for others.  It was part of our soul commitment this lifetime. 
It doesn’t mean we won’t be still working with karma and our commitment to the planet, ancestors...whatever.  But how we fulfil our karma is up to us.  And when we’re ready, because it’s all about readiness, we can fulfil such commitments through joy, creative projects and divine upliftment.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Scorpio 10
This Symbol shows getting together with people with shared visions and histories which can be very rewarding and renewing. A “Fellowship Supper” can help connect with old friends, or provide a place for meeting new ones. Often with this degree, issues around food come up, whether it’s providing food and drink or sharing it with others. It’s important to find time to socialize with like-minded people as true friendships can come from simple gatherings. Also, there can often be the sense that one’s known people before, on a karmic level, or, stretching back into a past life. True fellowship and fraternity can bring a sweet sense of nostalgia and uplift to each individual's life. Renewed bonds. Feeling like you've known each other before. Reunions and memories. Past life connections. Fated meetings. The Last Supper. Reaching out to others.

Taurus 10
This Symbol shows caring, sympathy and nursing others so they may find health and comfort. You probably have a lot of work of your own, but you may have to give your time to those needing help first. A great deal of inner healing can be achieved when helping, however, this can be difficult when you have to do too much. You may have to cross over to the ‘dark side’ in order to bring light to situations. Adopt a hands-on attitude when looking after others and ensuring they get their needs met. Compassionate understanding and caring. Breaking down borders between one self and others. Finding reserves of energy to keep going. Giving but also receiving. Healing.

Golden Oldies:
‘United we Stand’ Brotherhood of Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-yprOLmRkc Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon for us and earth
‘He aint heavy, he’s my Brother’ The Hollies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl5vi9ir49g for Saturn and the karmic journey
‘Sometimes we Cry’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRsVNEwWxsM for the Scorpio Full Moon ‘near death’ experience
(With lyrics
Lyrics:  ‘He aint heavy..’
The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows where
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
So on we go
His welfare is of my concern
No burden is he to bear
We'll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another
Upcoming Dates:
13th May:  Mercury enters Taurus
15th May: 2018 9.47 pm AEST GMT New Moon 24 degrees 36 minutes Taurus.
16th May: Uranus in Taurus
17th May: Mars into Aquarius

Hugs all around!
We’re holding together energetically even as we live across all parts of the world, separated by distance geographically yet united in the commitment to the power of divine love.  I’m talking magical love here as we are all so connected energetically when we are holding to the same vibration.  We don’t even have to talk to each other or meet each other as the invisible thread of unification holds us like the bonded threads of a great new tapestry we’re weaving together.
It’s a vision that strengthens us all, even as one of us may fall over, feel they’ve failed or fallen short of their own ideal, we hold them in the knowingness that we are loved as a soul energy that is beyond us and yet within us.
Love and blessings to us all as we embrace these wonderful opportunities which are beyond the vision of so many people who are floundering in the fear of the unknown.  We know the unknown, we accept that this is our pathway forward and we break all barriers with the dissolving power of love and forgiveness.
I remember this when I am alone and feeling lonely.  We are never alone.  We are travelling this road together and we’re getting stronger every day!
from the chair...strengthening my heart
It’s all about love
Divine Reunion

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